Imagens das páginas

and one is attached as interpreter to the British commission for trade. The missionaries devoted to the Chinese, residing at Singapore, Malacca, Siam, Java, and Borneo, have had large accessions to their number within a few years: so that from Penang on the west to Canton on the east, there are between fifty and sixty men and women devoted to the Christianization of the Chinese.

During the latter part of the year, we have experienced no serious interruptions in our missionary engagements. Dr. Parker has not been able to re-open the hospital at Canton, although he practises privately even among many of reputation. The hospital at Macao, a most commo dious, and eligibly situated building, which has been purchased by the Medical Missionary Society, will probably remain closed until present agitations subside. Dr. Lockhart who arrived here about a twelvemonth since, was driven away with the other English residents, and has taken up his temporary abode in Batavia. Mr. Gutzlaff and family were obliged to flee at the same time. He has returned to Macao, but his family has gone to Manila.

The Morrison Education Society have hired a spacious house, with retired grounds attached, for Mr. and Mrs. Brown, who have half a dozen hopeful Chinese youth residing with them, and receiving daily instruction. They have been received on condition of remaining several years with Mr. Brown. English literature is the object of their parents, the Christian religion through this medium is the chief object of the Society. Mr. Bridgman still continues at Macao, where he is at present exposed to less interruption than at Canton. His attention is chiefly given to the preparation of an elementary work designed for the equal benefit of those who wish to learn either language. Mr. Williams devotes a part of his time to the study of the Japanese, under the tuition of those shipwrecked natives whom Mr. King carried back to their country; but who were not permitted to disembark. Mr. and Mrs. Shuck and Mr. Roberts of the Baptist denomination are diligently engaged in the usual work of missions.

We regret to add that Mr. and Mrs. Squire of the Church Missionary Society expect to sail for England in a few days, on acconut of the delicate state of Mrs. Squire's health. For the same reason, Mr. Abeel is ordered by the physicians to escape the approaching rain and cold of China, and to visit Singapore or Manila. As his dialect is the one which the emigrants and foreign traders generally employ, he will find a sphere of usefulness in any of the neighboring countries. The son of Leäng Afá, who was educated by Mr. Bridgman, is still in the service of the commissioner Lin. He is at present employed in translating into Chinese the Cyclopædia of Geography by Murray. This we consider an auspicious circumstance. We have much reason for hoping that the study of the English by Chinese youth will be regarded in future with much more complacency by the authorities than hitherto. If our expectations be realized, it furnishes another call for intercession, that "the waters of life" may flow freely into the empire through these new channels of communication.

We cannot close without once more adverting to a subject to which we have made only a passing allusion. We refer to the traffic in opiumone of the most appalling obstacles to our missionary exertions. After all the imperial edicts which have been issued, and the victims which have been sacrificed to public justice, and the costly, though no doubt injudicious efforts made by a high officer commissioned for this very purpose, this nefarious and ruinous trade is still going on in a manner, and to a degree which can scarcely be credited. Vessels built for the purpose, armed and manned as ships of war, are continually forcing this

drug upon the empire, and more effectually to gain their ends, are supplying with arms and ammunition the Chinese craft engaged to assist them. If this traffic continues, what is to prevent the whole coast of China from becoming a scene of ruthless piracy?

It is gravely asserted by those who have resided in China, that opium as used here is a harmless luxury, and of course the supply of it a very honorable employment. As well might they declare, that there is no idolatry in China, or that what little may be practised amounts to a very innocent and useful recreation. The effects of opium encounter us "in the house and by the wayside," in our domestic arrangements, and in our missionary pursuits. Although we have made the most explicit regulations to debar from our service those who are addicted to this indulgence, and although those who have entered our families have bound themselves by these rules, yet notwithstanding their promises and the fear of expulsion we have detected some of them yielding to the habit, even in our houses. Some of us have experienced serious embarrassments from having the best teachers we can procure, stupified and disabled by its influence.

The sallow complexion and meagre appearance of hundreds and thousands in the streets betray its deadly inroads in their constitutions. The sufferings of families from whose scanty support this expensive luxury is deducted, or from whose head its victim is torn away by death, can scarcely be imagined. Of all with whom we converse, those who are the least susceptible to serious impressions are opium-smokers. And yet nominal Christians, men of high worldly respectability, grow, prepare, and smuggle this deadly poison; nay justify, and even commend themselves for their benevolent services.

These, as far as we are aware, are the principal incidents connected with the present state of this mission. We would not conceal from those who can sympathize with us, that we are at times oppressed with a sense of unprofitableness in our difficult sphere of labor. Hemmed in by crowds of ignorant and dying heathen, we are humbled to find that we make no visible impression upon the mass. We again entreat you to remember us under our trying circumstances. Pray that obstacles may be removed and facilities multiplied. Pray that we may be "wise as serpents, harmless as doves," bold as lions-that our efforts may be rightly directed, and that we may be permitted to see that "our labor is not in vain in the Lord." We are not discouraged, neither do we expect to be, as long as we can exercise faith in the word of promise, but how can we be satisfied, so long as we sympathise with Him who has thus far scarcely seen any fruits of the travail of his soul, in this empire.

May the whole world soon be subjected to his dominion, and that we all may meet with many "sheaves in our bosoms," when the harvest of the earth is reaped is the earnest prayer of your brethren in this part of our Lord's vineyard.


The Journal of the Asiatic Society is exceedingly interesting and instructive. Dr. McClelland's second number of the Journal of Natural History is a magnificent number. The talented Editor is a host in himself.-The India Review is as usual full of all kinds and degrees of matter. The worthy Editor appears equally beyond the reach of praise or blame, and hence he disports from

"Grave to gay-from lively to severe"

and from the veriest nonsense to deep philosophy. It is a useful miscellany; but we put it to the Editor whether it might not be more so were it less chequered and adorned.


From recent communications received from our friends in England we learn that a new poem entitled "Justice" has issued from the press. It is the production of a very young man, and is considered a very masterly production-one of the most successful poetical efforts of modern times. The subject is the search of happiness in the world, together with its disappointment. The plan is somewhat similar to Goethe's Faust. The style is bold and somewhat redundant-an error which maturity will correct. The imagery is bold and in many parts originally put, which is saying much in this late age of the world's history. The whole subject is calculated to lead men wandering and erring to the only source of peace and rest and hope-the cross of Christ. The poem offers great promise from the future labors of its esteemed and talented author.


The Church of Scotland's Mission in this Presidency has received an accession to its agency by the arrival, on the 9th of April last, of Mr. James Aitken, appointed to labour at Puná. Mr. A. prosecuted his studies, in the first instance, for the profession of the law, in connexion with which his prospects were most encouraging; but for some time past his desires have been directed to the propagation of the Gospel in this great country, to which in the good providence of God he has been safely brought. We trust that no long time will pass away before he be ordained to the office of the ministry, for which, in the opinion of all who know him, he is highly qualified by his piety, talents, attainments, and experience in communicating religious knowledge.

On the 11th of June, the Reverend Messrs. Múller, Mengert, Fritz, Weigle, and Amann arrived in Bombay, as a reinforcement to the German Evangelical Mission in Canara. They have all been educated in the Basle Missionary Society, and we doubt not, through the grace of God, will support its celebrity. We most cordially welcome them to the shores of


The Rev. Dr. Wilson, and the Rev. J. Murray Mitchell, have just returned from a missionary journey, extending through the Northern Konkan, the province of Gujarát, and part of Marwar, and Khandesh. They have been enabled to survey a large portion of the Missionary field in the North-West of India, to preach the glad tidings of salvation to great multitudes of the natives; to circulate several thousand portions and copies of the divine word, and other religious publications; to confer with many of the friends of the propagation of Christianity at different stations; and to make various arrangements for the furtherance of the cause of the Saviour, the effects of which may appear many days hence. To some of their proceedings and discoveries, we may after wads direct the attention of our readers.

Since March last, an interesting periodical, entitled the Protestant Weekly Visitor, has been issued from the press at Madras. It is conducted on liberal principles; and many of its articles are distinguished for their good sense and ability.

The two first numbers of our Native's Friend, have just made their appearance. The subscription is two rupees per annum, payable in advance; and application for copies should be made to the publisher of the Oriental Christian Spectator. This periodical tract, we may remind our readers, is intended for circulation among native youth who understand the English language. Gentlemen purchasing copies for gratuitous distribution, may have them forwarded to them by banghy, when necessary.

We have seen two numbers of the Dig-Darshan, a Maráthí magazine published by some of our native friends, whom we wish to see enjoy the greatest success in their editorial labours. We may afterwards more particularly notice it.-Oriental Christian Spectator.


Political Department, Notification. His Highness Sied bin Sultan, the Imaum of Muscat, having on the 17th December, 1839, consented to the three following Articles being added to the Treaty concluded with His Highness by Captain Moresby, under date the 30th August, 1822, prohibiting any traffic in slaves, being carried on by sea within certain limits in his Highness's territories, the same are now published for general information.

"I agree that the following Articles be added to the above Treaty, concluded by Captain Moresby on the aforesaid date.

1st. "That the Government Cruizers whenever they may meet any Vessel belonging to my subjects, beyond a direct line drawn from Cape Delgado, passing two degrees seaward of the Island of Socotra, and ending at Pussein*, and shall suspect that such vessel is engaged in the Slave Trade, the said Cruizers are permitted to detain and search it.”

2nd. "Should it on examination be found, that any vessel belonging to my subjects is carrying slaves, whether men, women, or children for sale, beyond the aforesaid line, then the Government Cruizers shall seize and confiscate such vessel and her cargo. But if the said vessel shall pass beyond the aforesaid line, owing to stress of weather, or other case of necessity, not under control, then she shall not be seized."

3rd. "As the selling of Males and Females-whether grown up or young, who are Hoor, or free, is contrary to the Mahomedan religion and whereas the Soomalees are included in the Hoor, or free, I do hereby agree, that the sale of Males and Females whether young or old, of the Soomalee Tribe, shall be considered as piracy, and that 4 months from this date, all those of my people convicted of being concerned in such an act shall be punished as pirates.-Dated 10th Showal, 1255. A. D. 1839. Seal of Seid bin Sultan. L. S.

True Translation, (Signed) S. HENNEL, Resident, Persian Gulf.
By order of the Hon'ble the Governor in Council,
L. R. REID, Chief Secy. to Govt.

Bombay Castle, 18th May, 1840.



Of this trying dispensation we have received intimation in the following touching letter:

My dear friend," In the midst of life we are in death." May it be our happy privilege to be waiting for the coming of the Lord. This introduction to my letter may lead you to suppose, that I have heavy tidings to communicate. Yes it is the case. My beloved brother and companion in Missionary labour for the last eighteen years is no more. He has left us. His work on earth is done, his wife is a widow, and his dear children fatherless. He died on the 10th instant, of a bilious fever of a few days continuance. His body now sleep in Jesus, in hope

On the Mekroom coast.

of a joyful resurrection, in the Mission burying ground at the South end of the Chapel, which he lately superintended, from its commencement to its completion. We bless God that he was spared to complete this work; for humanly speaking I do not see how the work could have been carried on without him. He now rests from his labours and anxieties. God ac. cepts his work, and the Lord, I trust, will hear his prayers long after he is gone, that prosperity may attend his cause in this place. For some time past, his mind had appeared particularly spiritual, and death and eternity seemed to pervade his prayers; and I for some months past feared that a breach was about to be made in our happy circle. What I feared, has come to pass; but we bow with submission to the divine will, well with his bereaved partner, and well also with his fatherless children; and it will no doubt be well with us in this Mission, if we rightly improve the dispensation, though we are now deprived of his labours and wise counsels. The great head of the church ever lives, let us confide in Him, and rely on his faithful and precious promises.

That my dear brother's illness would have terminated fatally was not apprehended till within twelve hours of his death, when he suddenly became worse attended with great weakness and delirium, and in this state he continued till his happy spirit was released from its clay tenement. This state of unconsciousness prevented him expressing to us his views and feelings in reference to that happy state on which he was entering. But as it regarded himself this was a matter of little importance, he had long been familiar with death, and was looking and waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus unto everlasting life. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, they rest from their labours." May" we be followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises."

Mrs. Fyvie feels the stroke most keenly; but bears it with great Christian resignation. May she ever be supported by the presence and grace of our compassionate high-priest and intercessor, the Lord Jesus Christ. Begging an interest in your prayers and in those of the friends of Christ generally, that this dispensation may be sanctified to us all, I remain, my dear friend, yours most affectionately, Surat, 17th June, 1840. W. FYVIE. Our departed friend has long been known and respected in this presidency as an able, and most faithful, pious, laborious, and judicious missionary; and many will most sincerely mourn his removal. The loss which the Surat Mission has sustained by his death is great indeed ; and we deeply sympathize with those who have been bereaved of an invaluable friend, companion, and counsellor. May the Lord heal their sorrows, and graciously renew that support to his cause which, for his own all-wise but inscrutable purposes, he has removed for a season by the stroke of his afflicting hand. The departed, though dead, will yet, by his translations, and compositions and the light of his example, speak to the natives of Gujarat. May they listen, understand, and obey; and may many of them at last follow him into those happy regions into which he has been conveyed by Him that loved him!

A sketch of Mr. Fyvie's life and missionary career, we are persuaded, would prove gratifying and edifying to many both in India and Britain. May we venture to request his respected brother to furnish us with such a document?—Ibid.

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