Imagens das páginas

MARCH 2, 1831.]

Choctaw Treaty.-Fortifications.--Trade to Danish Islands.

[H. or R.

The amendment was again opposed by Mr. CRAWFORD. gives $200,000 instead of $100,000 towards arming the Mr. LETCHER explained in reply-briefly urging forts, was advocated by Mr. DRAYTON.


that, unless the road was to be abandoned, the amendment Mr. YANCEY opposed the amendment, as did Mr. must prevail. The same ground was taken by Mr. Mc- REED, on the ground that the contracts were unfavora CREERY, to whom Mr. DENNY replied; when the ble, and the ordnance might be furnished thirty per cent. amendment was rejected-yeas 53, nays 94. cheaper; and Mr. TUCKER, on constitutional grounds. Mr. WILLIAMS inquired if the contracts were advertised for. Mr. REED stated there was a monopoly. DRAYTON dissented from this statement; when, the question being taken, the amendment was rejected. The committee then rose, and reported the bills. On concurring with the committee on the disputed amendThe bill was then ordered to a third reading-yeas 78, ments to the Indian appropriation bill, Mr. ELLSnays 67; and was subsequently passed by yeas and nays--WORTH demanded the yeas and nays, which, being oryeas 89, nays 66. dered, stood-yeas 92, nays 72.

Mr. PETTIS'S amendment, proposing $10,000 for extending the road west of Vandalia, shared the same fate; as did another offered by Mr. DUNCAN, proposing $5,000 for a different route in the same quarter, by the intervention of the previous question, on motion of Mr.


On motion of Mr. VERPLANCK, the House agreed to the request of the Senate for a conference on the general appropriation bill; and Messrs. VERPLANCK, WHITE, of New York, SPENCER, of New York, WAYNE, and DRAYTON, were appointed a committee on the part of the House. CHOCTAW TREATY.

The military appropriation bill was next considered in Committee of the Whole, Mr. CONDICT in the chair. The amendment which went to appropriate $80,000 for the expenses of the Choctaw treaty, out of the treasury, and not out of the sum of $500,000 appropriated by the Indian bill of last year, being read,

Mr. BELL explained, and strenuously advocated the amendment, answering several queries of Mr. VINTON, in relation to the expenditure of part of the appropriation of last year.

So the House concurred, and the clause was stricken out. Mr. VERPLANCK, from the committee of conference, reported a unanimous agreement of that committee in the following compromise: to strike out all the specifications of items of expense of the negotiation with the Ottoman Porte, and inserting the following in lieu thereof: "For the contingent expenses of foreign intercourse, in addition to the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars hereinafter appropriated, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars." This report was agreed to. And the House then adjourned to half past six o'clock this evening.



Mr. CAMBRELENG, from the Committee on Commerce, to which was referred the message from the Pre Mr. ELLSWORTH opposed the amendment, insisting sident of the United States, transmitting the correspondthat the $500,000 of last year was intended to cover the ence between the Danish minister and the Secretary of expenses included in this sum. State, concerning the commerce between the United Mr. STORRS took similar ground, and quoted the In-States and the island of St. Croix, made the following redian bill in support of his position, comparing the treat-port; which was read, and laid on the table: ment of the House by the Executive to the child's play of "The Committee on Commerce, to which was referred "shut your eyes and open your mouth." the correspondence between the Danish minister and the

Mr. POLK replied, contending that the House had Secretary of State, concerning the commerce of the Unitabundant light, and insisting that the objects of this ap-ed States with the island of St. Croix, make the following propriation ne ver were contemplated when the $500,000 report: were granted by the bill of last year. "The Danish minister represents that the produce and Mr. HUNTINGTON further quoted the law, and ar-manufactures of the United States have been uniformly gued to show that the objects now proposed might be paid for out of the sum in that law; and whether or not, the House might now so direct.

Mr. BURGES earnestly argued on the same side. Mr. WICKLIFFE advised that no reply be made, as the speeches would avail nothing, save for political effect.

admitted into the island of St. Croix, without duty, or at very moderate rates, and that the vessels of other countries have been excluded. The navigation of the United States has been permitted by Denmark to enjoy the almost entire monopoly of her colonial commerce. While that Government has extended to us these advantages, the Danish minister complains that we have augmented our duties upon the produce of the island of St. Croix, so much as to render it impossible for the planter to pay for his supplies; and that unless some change should be made, the commerce of that island must, of necessity, be driven into some other channel.

"The committee have also before them a memorial of

Mr. BELL replied, insisting on the distinct character of the objects now asked for; arguing, with great warmth, to show that the President would have violated the act of last session if he had applied the money then given him to the objects of education, farming utensils, rifles, council houses, &c. comprised in the present appropriation, and then the gentleman would have taken opposite ground, and cried out autocracy, &c., and repelling the ideas suggested by Mr. BURGES, that the fund in the hands of the President was to be reserved as a treasure for bribery. Mr. STORRS replied, and explained. Mr. WHITTLESEY remonstrated against the consump-ments, which were declined by the President, as they were tion of time in this debate.

Mr. WILDE demanded the question, and threatened a full discussion should the debate be further pursued. The question was taken accordingly, and decided in the affirmative--yeas 93; so the House concurred, and the clause was stricken out which takes the $80,000 out of the $500,000 of last year.


The next bill considered in Committee of the Whole was that for fortifications. The Senate's amendment, which

American citizens, interested directly and indirectly in
the plantations of St. Croix, sustaining the representation
of the Danish minister. To revive this branch of com-
merce, the minister proposed certain commercial arrange-
founded upon concessions of an exclusive character.
the request of the minister, the correspondence was refer-
red to Congress.


"The following proposals were offered by Denmark: 1. "That, in the intercourse of the island of St. Croix with foreign countries beyond the West Indian seas, no foreign ships but those of the United States shall be admitted to an entry at the custom-houses of the island, nor suffered to export produce thence; (the whole trade of the island will thus be reserved to the Danish and American flags.)

2. "That Indian corn and Indian corn meal, imported

H. OF R.]

Importers of Salt.--Suspension of Rule.

into the island of St. Croix from the United States, shall be subject to no duty whatever; (this article amounts to nearly twenty thousand puncheons annually;) and

3. That all other articles, without any limitation whatever, shall be allowed to be imported into the island of St. Croix from the United States, subject to such duties only as by this arrangement shall be agreed upon, and which shall not exceed five per cent. ad valorem on certain articles, considered necessaries, or of general use and consumption, as flour, salted provisions of any kind, butter, cheese, tallow, candles, fish oil, oil of turpentine, live stock, and horses, staves, hoops, headings, shingles, boards and deals of all descriptions, and all sorts of manufactured goods of the coarser kind, whether made from wood, metals, wool, or cotton, and not exceeding ten per cent. ad valorem on all other articles coming more properly under the denomination of luxuries, as furnitures, carriages, gigs, &c.

"The concessions were, however, proposed only upon condition that the United States would also concede exclusive advantages to the commerce and navigation of St. Croix, including a provision that the produce of that island should be admitted into this country at lower rates of duty than might be levied upon similar productions of other countries.

[MARCH 2, 1831

Ordered, That the said bill do lie on the table. The House proceeded to the consideration of the bill from the Senate, entitled "An act supplementary to an act granting the right of pre-emption to settlers on the public lands, approved the 29th day of May, 1830;" and, after debate on an amendment reported thereto by the Committee on the Public Lands, it was, On motion of Mr. HUNT,

Ordered, That the said bill do lie on the table. Subsequently Mr. HUNT moved to reconsider this or der; which motion to reconsider was also laid on the table. The House proceeded to the consideration of the bill from the Senate, entitled "An act supplementary to the several laws for the sale of the public lands;" and, after debate on the said bill, it was,

On motion of Mr. WILLIAMS,
Ordered, That the said bill do lie on the table.
Several other bills were laid on the table, and many
others passed and disposed of in different ways.

Mr. RICHARDSON, from the Joint Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported the following resolution: Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives, That the 17th joint rule of the two Houses, which de"The friendly policy of Denmark, and the recent clares that "no bill or resolution that shall have passed manifestation of her justice towards this country, should the House of Representatives and the Senate shall be prerecommend any proposition of hers to our most favorable sented to the President of the United States for his apconsideration. But with every disposition to receive these probation on the last day of the session," be suspended. proposals in a spirit of mutual liberality, the committee The SPEAKER (Mr. McDUFFIE at this time officiating) discover too many and substantial objections to any ar- decided that under the rules of the House it was not in rangement of the character proposed. It has always been order for the Committee on Enrolled Bills to make report our wise policy to offer equal commercial advantages to at this period of the day of any matter, except the exami all nations, and to entangle ourselves with no embarrass-nation and presentation of enrolled bills. ing arrangements with any country; granting privileges Mr. SUTHERLAND appealed from this decision, on denied to other countries, and establishing discriminating the ground that, by the 105th rule of the House, it is deduties in favor of the productions of particular nations, clared that it shall be in order for the Committee on which are not offered to all. The committee deem it im- Enrolled Bills to report at any time.” politic to enter into any exclusive arrangements, even were they not restrained from recommending any such measure, by our obligations to other nations. Our duties on the productions of St. Croix are undoubtedly too high to admit of a mutually profitable exchange in our commerce with that island. We may, however, indulge the hope that some modification of our imposts may follow the redemption of our public debt, which will be more favorable to the productions of an island which, from its vicinity to our continent, may be almost considered a commercial appendage of the United States. But whatever measure we inay adopt, should be of a general character, operating with a just equality on our commerce with all nations. The committee, therefore, ask to be discharged from the further consideration of the correspondence."


And the question was put, without debate, on the ap peal, when the SPEAKER's decision was affirmed.

The amendment of the Senate to the bill to regulate the foreign and coasting trade on the Northern and Northwestern frontiers of the United States, was read, and adopted.

[The amendment of the Senate extends the provisions of the bill to the trade on the Northeastern frontier of the United States.]

The bill for the relief of the heirs and representatives of Thomas Worthington came up; and upon this bill a long and animated debate arose. It was principally opposed by Mr. ELLSWORTH, of Connecticut, and advocated by Mr. FOSTER, of Georgia.

It was finally ordered to be read a third time, by yeas and nays-yeas 55, nays 52.

The bill was then, accordingly, read the third time, and The House proceeded to the consideration of the bill the question was stated from the Chair, that it do pass. from the Senate, entitled "An act supplementary to the Upon this question the debate was again renewed with act to reduce the duty on salt," when a motion was made great earnestness, between Mr. ELLSWORTH and Mr. by Mr. McDUFFIE to strike out the second and third | FOSTER. Mr. CREIGHTON also earnestly advocated

sections of the said bill; which motion he subsequently the bill. withdrew.

It was opposed also by Mr. WICKLIFFE and Mr. CHILTON, the latter of whom moved that the bill be A motion was then made by Mr. MILLER to amend laid on the table; which motion was lost-yeas 52, nays 57. the said bill, by inserting, in the second section thereof, these words: And which still remains unsold by the im- which it was suggested that a quorum was not present. The debate was again resumed; during the course of porter or importers thereof;" so as that salt which has And then, on motion of Mr. CAMBRELENG, a call of been put into custom-house stores, under the bond of the the House was ordered; and the roll having been called, importer, and remained under the control of officers of one hundred and thirteen members answered to their the customs on the 31st December, 1830, and which still names, which being more than a quorum, further proremains unsold by the importer or importers thereof, ceedings in the call were dispensed with. shall be subject to no higher duty than if the same were imported after the 31st December, 1830.

And, after debate on this amendment, it was,
On motion of Mr. WHITTLESEY,

And some gentleman having announced that the Senate had adjourned,

The House then also adjourned at half past three o'clock in the night, between the 2d and 3d of March.

MARCH 3, 1831.]

Thanks to the Speaker.-Raising of Silk.-Slave Trade.-Treaty with Austria.


After sundry reports,

[H. OF R.

SUPPRESSION OF THE SLAVE TRADE. Mr. MERCER moved to suspend the rule, to enable him to submit the following resolution:

Mr. DWIGHT moved the following resolution, viz. Resolved, That the 17th joint rule be suspended, with Resolved, That the President of the United States be the concurrence of the Senate, so far as to allow the bills requested to renew and to prosecute from time to time of this House, which were passed or acted upon yester- such negotiations with the several maritime Powers of day, as also the bill making appropriations for building Europe and America, as he may deem expedient, for the lighthouses, lightboats, beacons, monuments, and plac-effectual abolition of the African slave trade, and its ultiing buoys, the bill for the relief of Percis Lovely, and the mate denunciation, as piracy, under the law of nations, by bill from the Senate for the relief of the heirs and repre- the consent of the civilized world.

sentatives of Thomas Worthington, deceased, to be finally acted upon, and presented to the President of the United States.

This resolution was read, when a message was received from the Senate, notifying the House of the passage by the Senate of a resolution of similar import, and asking

[blocks in formation]

And then the amendments of the Senate to the bill entitled "An act making appropriations for building lighthouses, lightboats, beacons, monuments, and for placing buoys;" and

mainder of the session.

And on the question shall the rule be suspended,
It passed in the affirmative-yeas 108, nays 36.
The said resolution was then received; and, after debate

The previous question was moved by Mr. POLK; and being demanded by a majority of the members present, The said previous question was put, viz. Shall the main question be now put?

And passed in the affirmative.

The main question was then put, viz. Will the House agree to the said resolution?

And passed in the affirmative, as follows: YEAS.--Messrs. Anderson, Angel, Arnold, Bailey, The amendments of the Senate to the bill entitled Barber, Barringer, Bates, Beekman, Bockee, Borst, "An act for the relief of Percis Lovely," were read, and, Brodhead, Burges, Butman, Cahoon, Campbell, Childs, being considered in Committee of the Whole House on Condict, Cooper, Coulter, Cowles, Craig, Crane, Crawthe state of the Union, were concurred in by the, Creighton, Crocheron, Crowninshield, Davenport, A motion was made by Mr. POLK, that the rule of the John Davis, Denny, De Witt, Dickinson, Draper, DrayHouse which allots one hour for the making reports and ton, Dwight, Eager, Earll, Ellsworth, George Evans, the presentation of resolutions, be suspended for the re- Edward Everett, Horace Everett, Findlay, Finch, Fry, Gilmore, Grennell, Halsey, Hammons, Harvey, Hawkins, And the question being put, two-thirds of the mem- Hemphill, Hodges, Holland, Hoffman, Howard, Hubbard, bers present did not vote in the affirmative, and the ques-Hunt, Huntington, Ihrie, Thomas Irwin, Jarvis, Johns, R. tion was therefore decided in the negative. M. Johnson, Kendall, Kincaid, Perkins King, Adam King, Leavitt, Lecompte, Leiper, Letcher, Lyon, Magee, Martindale, McCreery, McDuffie, Mercer, Miller, Mitchell, Rose, Scott, W. B. Shepard, A. H. Shepperd, Shields, Muhlenberg, Pearce, Pettis, Ramsey, Reed, Richardson, Semmes, Sill, Smith, Ambrose Spencer, Richard Spencer, Stanbery, Sterigere, William L. Storrs, Strong, Sutherland, Swift, Taliaferro, Taylor, Test, John Thomson, Tracy, Tucker, Vance, Varnum, Verplanck, Vinton, Washington, Weeks, Whittlesey, C. P. White, Edward D. White, Williams, Wilson, Young.-118.


Mr. CARSON rose (Mr. McDUFFIE temporarily occupying the chair) and said, the House of Representatives of the twenty-first Congress had met for the last time: and when we separate to-day, said he, many of us will have parted to meet no more forever. My heart admonishes me that this is a fit occasion for us to offer up all our animosities upon the altar of peace, kindness, and good will. In rising, sir, to perform a last act of legislative duty upon this occasion, I do it the more willingly, and with the more pleasure, because, while it is an act of justice, it is an act of friendship.

I ask leave to introduce the following resolution, which I hope will be unanimously received and adopted:

Resolved, That the thanks of this House be presented to the honorable ANDREW STEVENSON, Speaker, for the dignity, impartiality, promptitude, and ability, with which he has discharged the duties of the chair during the pre

sent session.

RAISING Of silk.

Mr. SPENCER, from the Committee on Agriculture, to which was referred a letter to the Speaker from Count Fontaniellere, of Paris, accompanied with a translation of a treatise by Count Dandalo, on the art of cultivating the mulberry, by Count Vevu, and also observations by Count Fontaniellere on two different varieties of mulberries, by leave of the House reported the following resolution:

NAYS.--Messrs. Alexander, Barbour, Barnwell, Jamės Blair, Bouldin, Carson, Daniel, W. R. Davis, Desha, Dudley, Foster, Gaither, Hall, Haynes, Hinds, C. Johnson, Lamar, Lea, Loyall, Nuckolls, Overton, Patton, Polk, Potter, Rencher, Roane, Speight, Wiley Thompson, Trezvant, Wickliffe, Wilde, Yancey.--32. So the resolve was agreed to.

The House then again resumed the consideration of the bill from the Senate, entitled "An act for the relief of the heirs and executors of Thomas Worthington, deceased;" and after a warm and animated discussion, in which Mr. FOSTER, of Georgia, and Mr. ELLSWORTH, of Connecticut, bore the principal part for and against the bill, The question was put, Shall the bill pass? and was decided in the negative.

A motion was made by Mr. SPENCER, of New York, that the rule be suspended, to enable him to submit a resolution authorizing a renewal of the subscription to Gales and Seaton's Register of Debates.

Resolved, That the Speaker be requested to answer, in TREATY WITH AUSTRIA. behalf of the House, the aforesaid letter, and to express the acknowledgments of the House for this manifestation of the United States, by Mr. Donelson, his private SecreA message, in writing, was received from the President of the interest taken by distinguished foreigners in the tary, viz. welfare and prosperity of the United States, and that the said books be placed in the public library.

The said resolution was read.

And on the question, Will the House agree thereto?
It passed in the affirmative.


To the House of Representatives of the United States:

I communicate to Congress a treaty of commerce and navigation between the United States and the Emperor of Austria, concluded in this city on the 28th March, 1830,

H. OF R.]


[MARCH 3, 1831.

the ratifications of which were exchanged on the 10th of nation in the intelligence, virtue, and patriotism of its February last.


WASHINGTON, March 2, 1831.

The message was laid on the table.

The SPEAKER laid before the House sundry communications from the Executive Departments.

And then, being half past three o'clock P. M,
The House took a recess until six o'clock P. M.

Representatives, must ever render the approbation or censure of this House a matter of no ordinary importance to those who fill high places of public trust and confidence. This station, justly esteemed among the first in distinction and honor, has always been regarded not only as one of elevated character, but of severe responsibility and labor, and of extreme delicacy. In discharging its arduous and multifarious duties, no man can hope to free himself from error, or to give unqualified or universal satisfaction. In times, even, of profound tranquillity and repose, to please every one cannot, and ought not to be expected. Amid the storms of political and party excitements, it would be idle and vain to expect it. My path here for the last four years has not been strewed with roses. I have had, as you well know, my full share of responsibility, embarrassment, and toil. I can say, however, with truth, that I have endeavored to meet your expectations by a zealous devotion of my time, and even my health, to your service, and by a faithful and independent discharge of my public duty. This, gentlemen, was all that I promised when I received this high appointment at your hands; and in laying it down I feel a proud consciousness that I have redeemed my pledge; and if the trust has not been ably, it has, at least, been honestly discharged. During the entire period of my service, and under all the agitations of the times, it has

The House resumed its session. On motion of Mr. DWIGHT, Resolved, That a committee be appointed on the part of this House, to be joined by such committee as may be appointed by the Senate, to wait on the President of the United States, and to notify him that, unless he may have further communications to make, the two Houses of Congress, having completed the business before them, are ready to close the present session by an adjournment. Mr. DWIGHT and Mr. ROANE were appointed of the said committee on the part of this House. Soon after, Mr. DWIGHT, from the said joint committee, reported that the committee had, according to order, waited on the President, and made the communication to him; and that the President answered that he had no further com-been my peculiar good fortune and pleasure to receive, munications to make to either House of Congress. It was then

Ordered, That a message be sent to the Senate to notify that body that this House, having completed the business before it, is now ready to close the present session by an adjournment, and that the Clerk do go with said message. The Clerk having delivered said message, and being returned, a message was received from the Senate by Mr. Lowrie, their Secretary, notifying the House that the Senate, having completed the legislative business before it, is now ready to close the present session of Congress by an adjournment.


The SPEAKER rose from his chair, and addressed the

House as follows:

GENTLEMEN: I receive with sentiments of profound respect and grateful feeling the renewed expression of your approbation and confidence in my administration of the arduous duties of this high office. The character and power of this House; the rank which it holds in the eyes of the world; the deep and abiding confidence of the

in an almost unexampled manner, the kindness and support of the members of this House; and in proof of it I may be permitted to remark, I hope without vanity, that in all the numerous and important decisions which I have been called upon to pronounce from this chair, but one has ever been reversed by the judgment of the House, and that under circumstances which can cause me no regret. Can I, then, feel otherwise than gratified and flattered, cheered and consoled, by this renewed and distinguished evidence of your confidence and favor? I receive it, gentlemen, in the spirit in which it has been offered; I cherish it in my heart. It is the highest and the only reward that I either sought or expected; and I shall cherish it through life with feelings of the deepest respect, and the most affectionate gratitude. God grant that you may long live to serve and benefit your country, and enjoy its undiminished confidence; and, in bidding you an affection. ate, and, perhaps, last farewell, accept, I pray you, my cordial and best wishes for your individual health, prosperity, and happiness.

He then declared the House to be adjourned sine die.






MAINE.-John Holmes, Peleg Sprague.
NEW HAMPSHIRE.-Samuel Bell, Levi Woodbury.
MASSACHUSETTS.-Nathaniel Silsbee, Dan'l Webster.
CONNECTICUT.-Samuel A. Foot, Calvin Willey.
RHODE ISLAND.-Nehemiah R. Knight, Asher Robbins.
VERMONT.—Dudley Chase, Horatio Seymour.
NEW YORK.-Nathan Sanford, Charles E. Dudley.
NEW JERSEY-Theodore Frelinghuysen, Mahlon Dick-


PENNSYLVANIA.-William Marks, Isaac D. Barnard.
DELAWARE.-John M, Clayton, Arnold Naudain.
MARYLAND).—Samuel Smith, Ezekiel Chambers.
VIRGINIA.-L. W. Tazewell, John Tyler.
NORTH CAROLINA.-James Iredell, Bedford Brown.
SOUTH CAROLINA-William Smith, Robert Y. Hayne.
GEORGIA.-George M. Troup, John Forsyth.
KENTUCKY.-John Rowan, George M. Bibb.
TENNESSEE.-Hugh L. White, Felix Grundy.
OHIO.-Benjamin Ruggles, Jacob Burnet.
LOUISIANA.-Josiah S. Johnston, Edward Livingston.
INDIANA.-William Hendricks, James Noble.
MISSISSIPPI.-Powhatan Ellis, George Poindexter.
ILLINOIS.-Elias K. Kane, David J. Baker.
ALABAMA.-John M'Kinley, William R. King.
MISSOURI.-David Barton, Thomas H. Benton.

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. MAINE.-John Anderson, Samuel Butman, George Evans, Rufus M'Intire, Cornelius Holland, Joseph F. Wingate, Leonard Jarvis.

NEW HAMPSHIRE-John Brodhead, Thomas Chandler, Joseph Hammons, Jonathan Harvey, Henry Hubbard, John W. Weeks.

MASSACHUSETTS —John Bailey, Isaac C. Bates, B. W. Crowninshield, John Davis, Henry W. Dwight, Edward Everett, Benjamin Gorham, George Grennell, jr. James L. Hodges, Joseph G. Kendall, John Reed, Joseph Richardson, John Varnum.

PENNSYLVANIA.-James Buchanan, Richard Coulter, Thomas H. Crawford, Harmar Denny, Joshua Evans, Chauncey Forward, Joseph Fry, Jr. James Ford, Innis Thomas Irwin, Adam King, George G. Leiper, H. A. Green, John Gilmore, Joseph Hemphill, Peter Ihrie, jr. M'Creery, William Ramsay, John Scott, Philander SteMuhlenburg, Alem Marr, Daniel H. Miller, William phens, John B. Sterigere, Joel B. Sutherland, Samuel A. Smith, Thomas H. Sill.

DELAWARE.-Kensey Johns, Jr.

C. Howard, George E. Mitchell, Michael C. Sprigg, BenMARYLAND.-Elias Brown, Clement Dorsey, Benj. edict I. Semmes, Richard Spencer, George C. Washington, Ephraim K. Wilson.

S. Archer, William Armstrong, John S. Barber, John M.
VIRGINIA.-Mark Alexander, Robert Allen, William
Patton, J. T. Boulding, Richard Coke, Jr. Nathaniel H.
Claiborne, Robert B. Craig, Philip Doddridge, Thomas
Davenport, William F. Gordon, Lewis Maxwell, Charles
F. Mercer, William M'Coy, Geo. Loyall, John Roane,
James Trezvant.
Joseph Draper, Andrew Stevenson, John Taliaferro,

NORTH CAROLINA.-Willis Alston, Daniel L. Barringer, Samuel P. Carson, H. W. Conner, Edmund Deberry, Edward B. Dudley, Thomas H. Hall, Robert Potter, Wm. B. Shepard, Augustine H. Shepperd, Jesse Speight, Lewis Williams, Abraham Rencher."

SOUTH CAROLINA.-Robert W. Barnwell, James Blair, John Campbell, Warren R. Davis, Wm. Drayton, Starling Tucker. Wm. D. Martin, George M'Duffie, Wm. T. Nuckolls,

GEORGIA.-Thomas F. Foster, Charles E. Haynes, Richard H. Wilde, James M. Wayne. Wilson Lumpkin, Henry G. Lamar, Wiley Thompson,

KENTUCKY.-James Clark, N. D. Coleman, Thomas John Kincaid, Joseph Lecompte, Chittenden Lyon, RoChilton, Henry Daniel, Nathaniel Gaither, R. M. Johnson, bert P. Letcher, Charles A. Wickliffe, Joel Yancey.

ett, Robert Desha, Jacob C. Isacks, Cave Johnson, Pryor TENNESSEE.-John Blair, John Bell, David CrockLea, James K. Polk, James Standefer.

RHODE ISLAND—Tristam Burges, Dutee J. Pearce. ORIO.-Mordecai Bartley, Joseph H. Crane, William CONNECTICUT.-Noyes Barber, William W. Ells- Creighton, James Findlay, Wm. W. Irvin, William Kenworth, J. W. Huntington, Ralph J. Ingersoll, W. L. non, Humphrey H. Leavitt, Wm. Russel, Wm. StanberStorrs, Ebenezer Young. VERMONT.-William Caloon, Horace Everett, Jona-y, James Shields, John Thompson, Joseph Vance, Samuel F. Vinton, Elisha Whittlesey.

than Hunt, Rollin C. Mallary, Benjamin Swift.

NEW YORK.-William G. Angel, Benedict Arnold, Thomas Beekman, Abraham Bockee, Peter I. Borst, C. C. Cambreleng, Jacob Crocheron, Timothy Childs, Henry B. Cowles, S. W. Eager, Charles G. Dewitt, John D. Dickinson, Jonas Earll, jr. Isaac Finch, Michael Hoffman, Joseph Hawkins, Jehiel H. Halsey, Perkins King, James Lent, John Magee, Henry C. Martindale, Robert Monell, Thomas Maxwell, E. F. Norton, Gershom Powers, Robert S. Rose, Jonah Sanford, Henry R. Storrs, James Strong, Ambrose Spencer, John W. Taylor, Phineas L. Tracy, Gulian C. Verplanck, Campbell P. White.

NEW JERSEY.-Lewis Condict, Richard M. Cooper, Thomas H. Hughes, Isaac Pierson, James F. Randolph, Samuel Swann.

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Edward D. White.
LOUISIANA.-Henry H. Gurley, W. H. Overton,

INDIANA. Ratliff Boon, Jonathan Jennings, John


ALABAMA.-R. E. B. Baylor, C. C. Clay, Dixon H.


MISSISSIPPI.-Thomas Hinds.

ILLINOIS.-Joseph Duncan.
MISSOURI-Spencer Pettis.



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