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Constitution, is above reason, and never stoops to common sense, that it is the prerogative of Mussulman 1oyalty to play the fool, and that our Sultans and Muftis are more holy the nearer they approach to idiotcy. The Mussulmen leave what is called reason to Europe, and the European philosophers, and what use they make of it, and have made, may be seen from the present state of European communities.

They commence their performances at this play-house, for thus they term it, with a song in praise of their King. This is a just tribute to his virtues; but is it not something of the air of flattery to sing this to his face? Yet this people, according to their own accounts, have more liberty than all the world; it may be so, but I have not as yet seen it. The lowest individual, who is possessor of a house, pays almost as much yearly tribute as the Hadjis give to the tomb of Mahomet; and there is a very general complaint all over the country, that the taxes or tributes to government, come very near to the actual revenues of individuals. Perhaps liberty is a thing which should be purchased; it is a luxury, perhaps, more suited to our taste than to our nature. Long live the Constitution of Persia, where every man wears his head as the grace and favour of his Sovereign, and all liberty is swallowed up so as to compose the greater majesty of the throne.

to pluck none. They are outlaws of nature and religion.

Drowning is likewise a common death amongst the English. In some of the barbarous provinces of India, the Bramins drown their sick and aged, and thus anticipate the course of nature. In England, as far as I can make ouf the matter, they are not drowned by their neighbours, but drown themselves. When an Englishman is drunk, is jealous, is foolish, or is mad, he borrows a rope, or runs to a river.

The laws deeming these things necessary to the character of the people, pass them by, and it is one amongst the best of the English liberties and Euglish privileges, that every Englishman may hang or drown at his pleasure.

I am now afraid of asking for an absent English friend, lest I should be informed that he has hanged himself, or been found drowned. No wonder, however, you will say, that this should so frequently occur. Momen's must ari e, in which the nature and conscience of these Englishmen must take the alarm, and finding they are not Musulmén, and therefore have no chance of the pleasures of a future life, they become the victims of a blind and furious despair, and precipitate their own fate. This is the only reasonable account

can give for their frequent suicides; for in England the rich and great, those who have every thing at their command, are most given to this practice. There may indeed be one other cause, and this may be, that the theatres, of which I have been speaking, give nightly examples of this habit. In some of their plays, I have seen no less than five dead men on the floor at once, and I understand that it is very usual in their tragedies for a whole

The mode of execution in England is such as is suited to their character and rack amongst nations, aud is almost the only thing I can praise amongst them. Dogs as they are, they hang each other. Where one dog is worse than the rest, the Jaw seizes on him, and hangs him up by the throat. This is as it should be. The Eng ish know themselves, and do not aspire to die as Mussulmen. Suicide is like-family to kill themselves or be killed. wise very common amongst them; they I have told you, I believe, that the Engthen hang themselves. You can scarcelylish women are handsome; they are so, ride through a wood in England without seeing one or more of their carcases: such it is not to enjoy the light of true religion. Were these people Mahometaus they would know that those who kill themselves in this world, become black eunuchs to the true Mussulmen in the next; they live amongst our celestial virgins, to whom they are only the vilest slaves; they see every joy around them, and are permitted

only that they do not use betel roottheir teeth, therefore, are white instead of black, and they do not spit so as to cleanse their insides. The consequence is, that they are the less agreeable to me, in proportion as they want these Persian accomplishments. Farewel.

From London, the city of Infidels, in the Month denominated March"

[To be continued.]


[Continued from Page 129.]

SIR HARRY MIRABEL was exactly the character described before; to the usual character of the rake he added a peculiar atrocity which rather belonged to the ruffian. Seduction was not always his sole means, he had not scrupled occasionally at something like force." It is not for a little," he would say to himself, "that a woman educated in the habits of modesty, would consent to undergo the interrogatories of a court; and it is no bad policy in warfare to give the enemy an excuse for surrender."

Sir Harry no sooner saw Agnes than he fixed upon her for his victim. He resolved to spare no attentions to procure her favour, for in the present case he condescended to think this necessary.

In the mean time Agnes was somewhat surprised with the conduct of Sir George. He had lately appeared as negligent as he had hitherto been eager to promote the union between Agnes and his son. From some circumstances in his character which had fallen under her observation, Agnes could not but impute this to design. In the circumstance of any refusal to this union on the part of Agnes, the will of Lady Priscilla gave the whole of three hundred thousand pounds to be divided in the family of Sir George.

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cabinet of a French nobleman is to be sold," said he; "and some of the contents are very curious, and will go cheap."

Miss Beachcroft eagerly accepted the offer, and as Lady Beachcroft joined her, it was necessary for Agnes to comply. "But I am so poor," said Lady Beachcroft, "that I shall expect to be treated, Sir Harry; and shall insist upon having Sir whatever I may take a fancy for." Harry bowed; the coaches were ordered,' and they departed.

Agnes had suffered Sir Harry to assist her into the coach, and was waiting to be joined by Lady Beachcroft, when coming to the coach door that Lady said:-" SirHarry, I shall for once trust you with this young lady, as Sir George is going with me in the other coach." Before Agnes, astonished and almost offended, could answer, Sir Harry was in the coach seated by her side, and in his usual style of compliment, congratulating himself on his good fortune.

The coaches at length drove forward. "Beautiful Agnes," said Sir Harry," how truly lovely you are." Offended by this abruptness, Agnes was about to answer,' but Sir Harry prevented her by continuing in the same strain." I know you will be offended," said he, "but I cannot sacrifice my happiness to this fear. I will allow that there may be something in my character against me, but I must flatter myself that I am not wholly without excuse, nor beyond a cure. I see my errors, I acknowledge them, I have suffered for them, and if the gates of reform are open

A suspicion of this design, with a desire to avenge herself on its treachery, added to the silence of Mr. Beachcroft on the subject of his love, preserved Agnes silent upon her secret purpose. Sir George thus appeared fully to understand that Agnes and his son were equally prepared to complete their union, but for his own inter-I am willing to enter them." ested purposes he resolved at least to delay, if not wholly and treacherously to prevent


Sir Harry called on the morning following their visit to the theatre. Agnes was farther confirmed by his conversation that he possessed an understanding suited to far better things than to shine as a coxcomb in the world of fashion. He invited them to attend an auction at Christie's. "The No. IV. Vol. I.-N. S.


Agnes, as the best reply, appeared wholly inattentive, and occasionally asked questions with regard to the names of the strects through which they passed. Harry answering her questions, and resuming his subject, thus continued:—“ I was uncontrouled master of myself and my estate at the age of twenty-three; you will allow that it would have required a judg ment more than usually steady to have Z

made a tolerable choice as to my future course of life at an age like that. Pleasure opened all her stores before me,-is it a subject of surprise that I gave her the preference, and wanted the virtue to imitate the better judgment of a Hercules? What is your opinion?"

"I have really no opinion upon the subject, Sir," said Agnes, coldly.

"I confess, indeed," continued Sir Harry, "that my subject is somewhat abrupt."

"And very impertinent, Sir," said Agnes; 'I must request that you will say

no more."

"Loveliest of women, why this contempt?"

"Sir, if you proceed in this manner, I must order the coachman to stop, for I will not suffer under your impertinence," said Agnes. "I know not under what cause you can justify this impertinence."

"You have an admirable spirit," said Sir Harry, with the determined assurance of the undaunted man of the town; "but it is of such advantage to your beauty," continued he, "that you owe me some thanks for calling it into exertion.”

If it should appear a subject of surprise that Sir Harry should thus address a young lady of equal fashion and independence with himself, let it be remembered that he was one of those libertines which within these last ten years have become too frequent characters. The essential ingredient of this species is an hearty contempt of the understandings of women, a gallantry alternately fawning under a secret sneer and open rudeness. Agnes listened to him with equal surprise and indignation; she was offended that Lady Beachcroft had put her under the protection of so professed a libertine.

Lady Beachcroft bid for many of the articles at the sale, and called to Mirabel to pay their prices. Sir Harry purchased a diamond cross for three hundred guineas, at which Miss Beachcroft threw a glance of desire; but Sir Harry, without offering it to any one, conveyed it into his pocket. Agnes refused to bid for any thing though desired to do so by Lady Beachcroft.

"Bid for what you like, girls," said Lady Beachcroft; "I have no money, but I see twenty fellows who shall pay for

you." This might be fashionable, but Agnes thought it had but little delicacy, and therefore bid for nothing.

In the meantime Sir Harry had taken the arm of Sir George, and was talking earnestly to him at one of the windows. Agues could not avoid listening, when she heard her own name, in some curiosity.— "She is under me as her guardian,” said Sir George." And you have no objection," returned Sir Harry." Absolutely none, my good friend; win her and wear her; call upon me in the morning, and you shall know more."

Agnes was fixed with surprise at this conversation; she in vain endeavoured to comprehend its meaning. Whilst she was reflecting upon this subject, Mr. Beachcroft joined their party. He addressed Agnes with unusual earnestness, and appeared eager to speak to her; seeing at length an opportunity:-" Will you par don me," said he, "if I address you as an adviser; if you value what the town can say, give it no opportunity of fixing upon you as the object of its scandal."

"What do you mean?" said Agnes, much alarmed.

“I mean that there is society of such notorious, such reputed profligacy, that it is almost the loss of reputation to be seen with them."

"For Heaven's sake explain yourself more particularly," said Agnes.

"I mean, then," said he, "that profligate Sir Harry Mirabel. By what accident did you appear with him alone in a hackney-coach driving through the Park and round the ring?"

"He only accompanied me to Christie's from Sir George's house," said Agnes.

"Then why did he drive around the ring? why not drive directly there?" said Beachcroft.

"Indeed I know not," said Agnes; "but your sister, mother, and Sir George were in their own coach immediately behind us."

"You are mistaken, Agnes, you were alone when I saw you in the Park."

Agnes, lost in astonishment, knew not what to reply. The circumstance, indeed, was as related by Mr. Beachcroft. Avail. ing himself of Agnes's ignorance of the town, to lengthen his opportunity, Sir

Harry had ordered the coachman to drive || round the ring, in which diversion from the road to the auction Lady Beachcroft did not think it necessary to accompany him.

After the dinner was removed, and the servants had disappeared, Sir Harry, producing his purchase, presented it to Agnes, who refused it with a displeasure scarcely concealed. Sir George, in an Upon their return to their coaches after authoritative tone, desired her to take it. the conclusion of the auction, Mr. Beach- Agnes arose from her seat, and, with a croft took the hand of Agnes, and conduct-spirit unusual to her, retired from the ed her to his mother's carriage. Sir Harry bowed, and retired with an air of pique. When Lady Beachcroft had taken her seat, she turned to her son:-" George," said she, “I cannot ask you to dinner today, because we dine at Mr. Lovel's." Mr. Beachcroft bowed and retired.

Agnes looked surprised, as she had heard nothing of this dinner party.-"I am compelled to make this excuse," said Lady Beachcroft, "for George is so grave that he seldom suits my parties. Besides, Mirabel dines with us to-day, and George and he do not so well agree. And, do you know, Agnes," continued she, “that you have absolutely captivated the heart of Mirabel?"

"He is the last man in the world, madam," replied Agnes, "of whom I should wish to know more than I do at present."

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Nay, I must not allow you to despise your conquest," said Lady Beachcroft; "for let me tell you that Mirabel is one of a thousand; he is a Baronet of a clear estate of seven thousand per annum; and to do the fellow justice has no other fault than that of being a terrible rake; he is very good natured, as generous as a prince, and without a rival in the beau monde. I can assure you the happy she will be envied who shall catch him at last by the matrimonial hook. It is said too that he is at length resolved to marry and reform. It would be worth the trouble to endeavour to tame him, and bring down his proud spirit to the restraints of domestic life."

Mirabel appeared at the dinner hour, and was the only stranger present. Sir George, taking Agnes by the hand, introduced her more formally to him, and on the other hand addressing himself to her. "Sir Harry Mirabel," said he, “a particular friend of mine, and whom I must beg you to receive according to his merits." Agnes, surprised at this curious introduction, curtsied in some confusion.


She was soon after followed by Miss Beachcroft, who censured her with her usual volubility for refusing so valuable a present. "What signifies what you thought of the man, when his present was so beautiful? I would as soon take a present from a man I hate as from a man I love. Why, who do you think give me this wreath of pearls"

"I know not," replied Agnes.


Why, a man old enough to be my "You great grandfather," replied she. must know the old blockhead fell in love with me; and as I heard he was as wealthy, as a nabob, I encouraged him till he made me this present, and then, within a few days, wondered at his assurance, and dismissed him. Lord bless me, child, I care not how many lovers I have, for I know they can none of them become my husband without my own consent. However, you have lost nothing by it, for I have taken it for you."

"I am sure you are perfectly welcome to it," said Agnes.

"You mistake me there," replied she; "I have taken it for you and not for myself. I have taken it under the express condition of keeping it until I can prevail upon you to accept it.”

"Then, indeed, you may keep it long enough," said Agnes.

"Well, I don't believe that," said Miss Beachcroft; "for Sir Harry is not very abominable, though, to be sure, the wretch is very conceited; but be that as it will, the coach is at the door, and mamma is waiting for us to accompany her to the Opera."

Lady Beachcroft soon entered the room, and they all departed together for the Opera. Agnes saw with pleasure that Sir Harry did not attend them.

The Opera was a most execrable composition; the Italian such as is spoken in the lowest bagnios in Italy; a most absurd

mixture of heathen mythology and modern ¦¦ gate which opens into the avenue of ches

gallantry. Availing himself of the ignorance of his audience, to improve the music, the Italian author had added one or more syllables to the end of many of his words. Agnes, who understood and admired this language, could scarcely give credit to her ears. She thought it equally singular that so many hundreds should assemble to hear a drama of the language of which they understood not one syllable. But even the short time that she had been in town she had seen so many other subjects of surprise, that she suppressed her astonishment, and that her time might not be lost, endeavoured to collect her thoughts, and form some resolution upon her situation with Bellasis and Beachcroft She retired home, however, wearied and disgusted. Upon rising at a very late hour the following morning, having breakfasted in her apartment, she found on the table in the parlour a note addressed to her. The contents she found to be as follows:"MY DEAREST AGNES-If you will admit the consolation of a friend, one who feels and laments the loss of the much respected Lady Priscilla, you will not refuse at the hour of one o'clock this moining to see, Your's, &c.

"E. BELLASIS." The hour was indeed at hand, for scarcely had she concluded the letter before Bellasis was ushered into the room.

It is not to be expected that this history should descend to the minute detail of what passed in this interview. Suffice it to say, that neither lover thought the time of the interview long, though they had already remained nearly two hours together, before any one entered to interrupt them.

Bellasis informed Agnes of the manner in which he had heard the death of Lady Priscilla." I reached Penzance," said he, "somewhat late in the evening, and as both my servant and myself were well mounted, I resolved to continue forwards without stopping; I should otherwise doubt less have heard of this lamented event, as I have since found that Penzance is full of nothing else. I proceeded forwards, therefore, already anticipating the cheerful fire, and general carol of joy, which usually awaited the visitor at the hospitable house of Lady Priscilla. Iat length reached the


nut-trees, by which is the approach to the house. I saw no one; I continued forwards to the door, still no one came to receive me. At length, by dint of knocking, an old woman came to the door: I leave you to imagine what remains.

"Alas," replied Agues," she was the best of women, and beloved according to her merits. To me she was more than a mother; she found me deserted-an orphan unknown and unclaimed; she took me to her bosom, and cherished me as her own."

"You know not then your parents," said Bellasis, much moved.

"No," said Agnes, "I know not on earth a more desolate wretch than myself; I have lost now the only heart in which I possessed an interest; I am a stranger in a world which is not characterized by charity."

"Say not so, my Agnes," said Bellasis, taking the hand of the lovely girl, who could not repress her tears: "There is yet one heart to whom you are dearer than life itself; there is one who would sacrifice his life to your slightest interest. Sweet Agnes, do not injustice to my love."

The hand of Agnes was within that of Bellasis as he made this appeal, she replied by a gentle pressure, which enraptured her lover.

"Do I not merit your confidence, Agnes?" said he; "if I do, refuse me not what I do not ask to gratify an idle curiosity; inform me of your situation previous to your entrance into the family of Lady Priscilla."

"Alas," replied Agnes, "my history is long and melancholy; but as you demand it as a proof of my confidence—”

The conversation was here interrupted by the entrance of Miss Beachcroft.

"My dear good people, how melancholy you look," exclaimed the flippant girl; "Bellasis, I am rejoiced to see you, have you heard of my poor dear aunt? Well, who would have thought it? Do you remember how well she looked the day we all went together to Lady Arminias? But I forgot, you were not of the party. Well, we must all die, and no one knows when or where. But mamma sent me down to desire that you would stay dinner; she knows you are

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