Imagens das páginas

FOR JUNE, 1810.

A New Series.









1. An Elegant PORTRAIT of the CHEVALIER D'EON, in his Female attire.

2. TWO WHOLE-LENGTH FIGURES in the FASMONS of the SEASON, COLOURED. 3. An ORIGINAL SONG, set to Music for the Harp and Piano-forte; composed exclusively for this Work, by Mr. Hook.

4. Two elegant and new PATTERNS for NEEDLE,WORK.

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A group of Portraits of the Baring family,


by T. Lawrence... Portrait of Sir P. Francis, by J. Londsdale, 299|| Lusus Nature ...

Portrait of the Marquis of Downshire, by

the same Artist.... Portrait of A. Yates, Esq. by the same Artist

Curious repeating clock

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ib. Supplementary Advertisements for the



Melancholy accident

Caution ......

Generous highwayman..

Curious circumstance

Curious circumstance at Bull Green..



TO be Published on the First Day of August, will be Embellished with a Correct and Beautiful Portrait of the EMPRESS OF THE FRENCH, from an Original and faithful resemblance of her Majesty, in the possession of Mademoiselle Bourlier, IS NOW FINISHED, in a most exquisite style of Engraving by Mad. Bourlier.

The Monthly Miscellany, Incidents near London, and Provincial Occurrences, have been curtailed in this Number, to give room for a copious abridgement of the RIVAL PRINCES, by Mrs. Clarke..

The utmost exertions are now making to render the New Series of LA BELLE ASSEMBLEE, a Work desercing of the Patronage of every lover of elegant Literature, and of the admirers of chaste, appropriate, and beautiful Embellishments.

ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS, on all interesting subjects, are non admitted into the New Series of LA BELLE ASSEMBLEE, if written in a chaste and elegant style. Authentic accounts of Births, Marriages, Deaths, and Provincial Intelligence, possessing any peculiar character, will hereafter tweet with the most respectful attention, and a reason will be assigned in the next successive Numbers for whatever articles may be omitted; but it is requested that all Letters be sent free of Postage.

SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER.-This day is published (with the present Number) our usual Half-yearly SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER, containing and completing MILTON'S PARADISE LOST, NUÀ TITLE-PAGE and IN.DEX, as ušual; together with a Beautiful PORTRAIT of MILTON.

London: Printed by and for J, BELL, Proprietor of theWEEKLY MESSENGER, Southampton-street

Btrand, July 1, 1810.

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Engraved for La Belle Assemblee New Series N6 Published July 2.1810 by IBell Southampton St.Strand.


JUNE, 1810.

A New Series.

The Sirth Number.


THE following life of the Chevalier D'Eon has been compiled with much care from a document which we believe to have been by his own hand. The facts will speak for themselves:

Charles, Genevieve, Louisa, Augusta, Andrea, Timothea, D'Eon du Beaumont, Doctor of Civil and Canon Law, Advocate of the Parliament of Paris, Censor General for Belles Lettres and History in that metropolis, Captain of Dragoons, and Aid-du-Camp successively to the Count and Field Marshal Broglio, Knight of the Royal and Military Order of St. Louis, Secretary of Embassy to the Marquis de F'Hospital, Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of Russia, Secretary of Embassy to the Duc de Nivernois, Ambassador from the Court of France to that of England, and afterwards Minister Plenipotentiary himself at the same Court, was born August the 5th, 1728, at Tonnerre in Burgundy. His family is mentioned as a very ancient and illustrious one, in the Genealogical Dictionary of De Bois de la Chesnaye. His grandfather and father were successively Under-Intendants of the Generality of Paris, and his mother was Francois du Charenton, daughter of M. du Charenton, Ecuyer, who was Commissaire Ordonnateur de Guerre to the French Armies in Spain and Italy. At six years of age he was sent to his aunt at Paris, where he begap to receive his education. At fourteen


years of age he was sent to the College Mazarin in that city, as a day-scholar, where he was no less distinguished for his proficiency in literature than for the regularity of his conduct. When he had completed his education at that seminary, he learned to ride the great horse and to fence; which latter exercise was always one of his favourite pursuits, He then became Doctor of Civil and of Canon Law; and was called to the bar of the Parliament of Paris, His love of literature did not still forsake him, and he found time to publish many small miscellaneous pieces; as, the" Life of Langlet du Fresnoy," in the "Année Literaire" of Freron; the "Funeral Eulogium of Marie d'Este, Duchess of Pens thievre;" and another on the Count d'Ons en Bray, President of the Academy of Sciences at Paris, both in Latin, and in the same periodical work. The late excellent Prince of Conti introduced him in 1755 to Louis XV. as a person very capable to conduct a business he had much at heart (a reconciliation between his Court and that of Russia). D'Eon having succeeded in this very arduous undertaking (in which he was engaged without any public charac ter), was again sent to that Court, in 1757, in conjunction with the Chevalier Doug las, as a man, and in an open and arowed diplomatique situation. Their negocia tions were so powerful, that they prevailed upon the Empress Elizabeth to join the

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