Notes and Lectures Upon Shakespeare and Some of the Old Poets and Dramatists: With Other Literary Remains of S.T. Coleridge, Volume 1William Pickering, 1849 |
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Notes and Lectures Upon Shakespeare and Some of the Old Poets and ..., Volume 1 Samuel Taylor Coleridge Visualização integral - 1849 |
Notes and Lectures Upon Shakespeare and Some of the Old Poets and ..., Volume 1 Samuel Taylor Coleridge Visualização integral - 1849 |
Notes and Lectures Upon Shakespeare and Some of the Old Poets and ..., Volume 1 Samuel Taylor Coleridge Visualização integral - 1849 |
Palavras e frases frequentes
admirable appear audience Beaumont and Fletcher beauty Cæsar character Coleridge comedy Cymbeline drama dramatists Dyce effect Epoch especially excellent excitement exquisite fancy father feelings fool genius give Greek habits Hamlet harmony hath heart heaven Henry honour human Iago Iago's images imagination imitation instance intellect Jonson judgment Julius Cæsar king language Lear Lect lectures Love's Labour's Lost Macbeth means Measure for Measure ment metre mind Miranda moral nature noble object observe Othello passage passion perhaps philosopher play poem poet poetic poetry Polonius present racters remark Richard Richard III Romeo and Juliet scene Schlegel seems sense Seward Shak Shakspeare Shakspeare never Shakspeare's Shakspearian speech spirit supposed tempest Theobald thing thou thought tion Titus Andronicus tragedy Troilus and Cressida true truth Twelfth Night unity Warburton's whilst whole words writers
Passagens conhecidas
Página 168 - This royal throne of kings, this scepter'd isle, This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, This other Eden, demi-paradise, This fortress built by Nature for herself Against infection and the hand of war, This happy breed of men, this little world, This precious stone set in the silver sea...
Página 250 - It will have blood, they say ; blood will have blood : Stones have been known to move, and trees to speak ; Augurs, and understood relations, have By magot-pies, and choughs, and rooks, brought forth The secret'st man of blood.
Página 42 - So that if the invention of the ship was thought so noble, which carrieth riches and commodities from place to place, and consociateth the most remote regions in participation of their fruits, how much more are letters to be magnified, which as ships pass through the vast seas of time, and make ages so distant to participate of the wisdom, illuminations, and inventions, the one of the other?
Página 356 - And let me speak, to the yet unknowing world, How these things came about : so shall you hear Of carnal, bloody, and unnatural acts ; Of accidental judgments, casual slaughters ; Of deaths put on by cunning and forc'd cause : And, in this upshot, purposes mistook Fall'n on the inventors' heads : all this can I Truly deliver.
Página 109 - From women's eyes this doctrine I derive : They sparkle still the right Promethean fire; They are the books, the arts, the academes, That show, contain, and nourish all the world...
Página 10 - ... reveals itself in the balance or reconciliation of opposite or discordant qualities: of sameness, with difference; of the general, with the concrete; the idea, with the image; the individual, with the representative; the sense of novelty and freshness, with old and familiar objects; a more than usual state of emotion, with more than usual order...
Página 232 - My words fly up, my thoughts remain below : Words, without thoughts, never to heaven go.
Página 358 - No traveller returns, puzzles the will ; And makes us rather bear those ills we have, Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all ; And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought ; And enterprizes of great pith and moment, With this regard, their currents turn away/ And lose the name of action.
Página 248 - Take thee that too. A heavy summons lies like lead upon me, And yet I would not sleep. Merciful powers, Restrain in me the cursed thoughts that nature Gives way to in repose!
Página 110 - At her feet he bowed he fell, he lay down at her feet he bowed, he fell where he bowed, there he fell down dead...