Imagens das páginas


A dragon's fiery form bely'd the God:
Sublime on radiant spheres he rode,

When he to fair Olympia prefs'd,

And ftamp'd an image of him felf, a fov'reign of the world.-
The lift'ning crowd admire the lofty found;

A prefent deity they shout around,

A prefent deity, the vaulted roofs rebound:
With ravish'd ears

The monarch hears,
Affumes the god,

Affects to nod,

And feems to shake the spheres.

The praife of Bacchus then, the fweet musician fung:

Of Bacchus ever fair, and ever young:

The jolly god in triumph comes;

Sound the trumpets, beat the drums;
Flush'd with a purple grace

He fhews his honeft face.

Now give the hautboys breath; he comes, he comes!

Bacchus ever fair and young,

Drinking joys did first ordain:
Bacchus' bleflings are a treafure,
Drinking is the foldier's pleafure;
Rich the treafure,

Sweet the pleasure;

Sweet is pleasure after pain.

Sooth'd with the found, the king grew vain;

Fought all his battles o'er again;

And thrice he routed all his foes; and thrice he flew the flain.

The mafter faw the madness rife ;

His glowing cheeks, his ardent eyes;


And while he heav'n and earth defy'd,
Chang'd his hand, and check'd his pride.

He chofe a mournful mufe

Soft pity to infuse:

He fung Darius great and good,

By too fevere a fate,

Fall'n, fall'n, fall'n, fall'n,
Fall'n from his high eftate,
And welt'ring in his blood:-
Deferted at his utmost need,
By those his former bounty fed,,
On the bare earth expos'd he lies,.

With not a friend to clofe his eyes..

With downcast look the joyless victor fate,,
Revolving in his alter'd foul

The various turns of fate below;

And now and then a figh he ftole ;
And tears began to flow..

The mighty mafter fmil'd, to fee
That love was in the next degree:
"Twas but a kindred found to move;
For pity melts the mind to love.

Softly fweet in Lydian measures,
Soon he footh'd his foul to pleasures..
War he fung is toil and trouble;
Honour but an empty bubble;

Never ending, ftill beginning,
Fighting ftill, and ftill deftroying ::

If the world be worth thy winning,,
Think, O, think it worth enjoying !,

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Lovely Thais fits befide thee,

Take the good the gods provide thee.

The many rend the fkies with loud applaufe ;
So love was crown'd, but mufic won the cause.

The prince, unable to conceal his pain,
Gaz'd on the fair

Who caus'd his care,

And figh'd and look'd, figh'd and look'd,
Sigh'd and look'd, and figh'd again :
At length, with love and wine at once oppress'd,
The vanquish'd victor funk upon her breast.

Now ftrike the golden lyre again;

A louder yet, and yet a louder strain.
Break his bands of fleep afunder,

And rouze him, like a rattling peal of thunder.

Hark, hark, the horrid found

Has rais'd. up his head;

As awak'd from the dead,

And amaz'd, he ftares around.

Revenge, revenge, Timotheus cries,

See the furies arife,

See the fnakes that they rear,

How they hifs in the air,

And the sparkles that flash from their eyes!

Behold a ghaftly band,

Each a torch in his hand,

These are Grecian ghofts, that in battle were flain,
And unbury'd remain

Inglorious on the plain ;

Give the vengeance due

To the valiant crew :


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Behold how they tofs their torches on high,
How they point to the Perfian abodes,
And glitt'ring temples of their hoftile gods! -
The Princes applaud, with a furious joy;

And the King feiz'd a flambeau, with zeal to deftroy;
Thais led the way,

To light him to his prey,

And, like another Helen, fired another Troy.

Thus, long ago,

Ere heaving bellows learn'd to blow,

While organs yet were mute;

Timotheus to his breathing flute

And founding lyre,

Could fwell the foul to rage, or kindle soft defire.
At laft divine Cecilia came,-

Inventrefs of the vocal frame;
The sweet enthusiast, from her sacred store,
Enlarg'd the former narrow bounds,

And added length to folemn founds,

With nature's mother wit, and arts unknown before.
Let old Timotheus yield the prize,

Or both divide the crown;

He rais'd a mortal to the skies;

She drew an angel down.



This Day are published, printed in the fame Size and Manner as the SPEAKER, price 3s. 6d. bound,

XERCISES IN ELOCUTION; felected from the best

E Authors, and difpofed under proper Heads, with a View to

facilitate the Improvement of Youth in Reading and Speaking,. as well as to lead young Perfons into fome Acquaintance with the most valuable Writers, and imprefs upon their Minds the Sentiments of Honour and Virtue.-Intended as a Seq 1 to a Work, entitled The SPEAKER,


Printed for J. JOHNSON, St. Paul's Church-Yard. Where may be had the following Books compofed for young Perfons,

I. An Eafy Introduction to the Knowledge of Nature and Reading the Holy Scriptures, by Mrs. TRIMMER. Second Edition, Price 2s. bound.

II. Sacred Hiftory felected from the Scriptures, with Annotations and Reflections fuited to the Comprehenfion of young Minds; particularly calculated to facilitate the Study of the Holy Scriptures in Schools and Families, and to render this important Branch of Education eafy to the Tutor and pleafing to the Pupil. Vol. I. from the Creation to the numbering of the Ifraelites. Dedicated, by Permiffion, to the Queen. Price 3s. 6d. bound: by the fame Author.

III. A FATHER'S INSTRUCTIONS: confifting of Moral Tales, Fables, and Reflections, defigned to promote a Love of Truth, a Tafte for Knowledge, and an early Acquaintance with. the Works of Nature,

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The Writers of the Monthly Review speak of this Work in the following Terms :-" So few Books have been written for "the Ufe of Children, which, while they convey moral Inftruction, are adapted to improve the Understanding and "Tafte, that it is with particular Pleasure we see a Writer of "eftablished Reputation condefcending to employ his Pen in a "Work of this Nature. These Moral Tales (written by Dr. "PERCIVAL of Manchester, for the Ufe of his own Children) are well adapted to anfwer the valuable Ends which the Au"thor propofes-infpiring the Minds of Children with virtuous "Sentiments, awakening their Curiofity, leading them by easy “and agreeable Steps into the Knowledge of Nature, and giving them an early Tafte for Propriety and Elegance of Lan66 guage."


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