Imagens das páginas

Polygalaceæ, order of, 64.
Polygonacea, order of, 260.
Polygonum, 260; Bistorta, ib.; Brunonis,
ib.; vaccinifolium, 261.
Poppy anemones, the, 4.
Poppy, the, 34.

Pontedereæ, order of, 309.

Pontederia, 309; angustifolia, 310; cor-
data, ib.

Portulaceæ, order of, 122.

Potentilla, 113; alba, ib.; atrosanguinea,
114; nepalensis, ib.; nitida, ib.; pyren-
aica, ib.; rupestris, ib.
Primrose, the, 253.

Primula, 247; amoena, 249; auricula, ib.;
cortusoides, ib.; denticulata, 250; d.
nana, ib.; elatior, ib.; erosa or Fortunei,
251; farinosa, ib.; f. acaulis, ib.; inter-
media, ib.; involucrata, ib.; longiflora,
252; marginata, ib; minima, ib.; Mun-
roi, ib.; Palinuri, ib.; scotica, ib.; Sik-
kimensis, 253; Stuartii, ib.; verticillata,
ib.; villosa or ciliata, ib.; vulgaris, ib.
Primulaceæ, order of, 236.
Prunella grandiflora, 231.
Puccoon or bloodwort, the, 35.
Pulmonaria, 208; virginica, 206; davurica,
208; officinalis, 209.
Pyramidal saxifrage, the, 137.

Pyrethrum, 166; alpinum, 167; Parthe-
nium, ib.; roseum, 168; uliginosum, ib.

[blocks in formation]

Rosaceæ, order of, 111.

Rose Campion, the, 74.

Rudbeckia, 168; hirta, ib.; laciniata, ib.;

Newmanni, ib.; subtomentosum, 169.

Rudbeckia intermedia, 159; purpurea, 160.
Rutaceæ, order of, 94.


St Bruno's lily, 284.

St John's worts, the, 86.
Saffron crocus, the 267.

Salvia, 231; patens, ib.; argentea, 232;
bicolor, ib.; bracteata, ib.; chionantha,
233; Forsköhlii, ib.; pratensis, ib.
verticillata, ib.
Sandworts, the, 65.

Sanguinaria, 35; canadensis, ib.

Santolina, 169; alpina, ib.; Chama-cy-
parissus, ib.; C. incana and squarrosa,


Saponaria, 75; cæspitosa, 76; ocymoides,
ib.; officinalis, ib.

Saxifraga, 133; aizoides, 134; aizoon, 135;

Andrewsii, ib.; aretioides, ib.; biflora,
ib.; cæsia, 136; cæspitosa, ib.; cera-
tophylla, ib.; crassifolia, ib.; ciliata,
137; Cotyledon, ib.; diapensioides, 138;
Geum, ib.; granulata, ib.; hirculus, 139;
hypnoides, ib.; longifolia, ib.; opposi-
tifolia, 140; purpurascens, ib.; Roche-
liana, 141; umbrosa, ib.
Saxifragaceæ, order of, 130.
Saxifrages, the, 133.

Scabiosa, 148; agrestis, ib.; graminifolia,
149; Webbiana, 150.
Scabious, the, 148.

Scarlet Martagon lily, 295.

Scilla, 299; amona, ib.; bifolia, 300;
campanulata, ib.; italica, ib.; nutans,
ib.; peruviana, 301; sibirica, ib.
Scrophularia nodosa variegata, 222.
Scrophulariaceæ, order of, 212.
Scutellaria, 233; japonica, ib.; macrantha,
ib.; orientalis, 234.

Sea lavender, 258.

Sedum, 124; acre, 125; a. variegatum, ib.;
album, ib.; albo-roseum, ib.; Anacamp-
seros, ib.; dasyphyllum, 126; Ewersii,
ib.; Fabaria, ib.; Kamtschaticum, ib.;
oppositifolium, ib.; populifolium, 127;
Rhodiola, ib.; rupestre, ib.; semper-
vivoides, ib.; sexangulare, ib.; Sieboldii,
128; spurium, ib.; Telephium or pur-
pureum, ib.
Sempervivum, 128; arachnoideum, 129;
arenarium, ib.; californicum, 130;
Funckii, ib.; globiferum, ib.; hirtum,
ib.; montanum, ib.; soboliferum, ib.;
tectorum, ib.

Sheep's scabious, 183.
Sieversia montana, 113.

Silene, 76; acaulis, 77; alpestris, ib.;
Elizabethæ, ib.; fimbriata, ib.; maritima,
78; pennsylvanica, ib.; quadridentata,
ib.; Schafta, ib.; virginica, ib.

Sisymbrium tenuifolium, 47:

Sisyrinchium, 275; anceps, ib.; convolu-
tum, ib.; grandiflorum, 276; odoratis-
simum, ib.

Skull-cap, the, 233.

Slipperwort, the, 213.

Snake's-head fritillary, the, 289.

Snapdragon, the, 212.

Sneezeworts, the, 151.

Snowdrop anemone, the, 7.

[blocks in formation]

ib.; lobata or venusta, ib.; palmata, ib.;
ulmaria, 116.

Spiræa japonica, 132.

Tunica saxifraga, 79.

Tupa, 175; Bridgesii, 176; Feuillei, ib.
Turk's-cap lily, 296.

Spring flower-gardening, capabilities of Twin-flower, the, 143.

herbaceous plants for, xx.

Spurry, the, 79.

Squill, the, 299.

Stachys, 234; coccinea, ib.; germanica or
lanata, ib.

Star of Bethlehem, the, 298.

Starworts, the, 153.

Statice, 258; ararati, ib.; eximia, 259;
globulariæfolia, ib.; Limonium, ib.; ta-
tarica, ib.

Stellatæ, order of, 144.

Sternbergia, 282; lutea, 283.

Stipa calamogrostis, 314; capillata, ib.;
pinnata, ib.

Stokesia cyanea, 171.

Stonecrops, the, 124.

Sunflower, the, 162.

Swallow-worts, the, 190.
Sweet maudlin, 150.
Sweet violet, the, 60.
Sweet-william, the, 69.
Symphiandra pendula, 185.

Symphytum, 209; asperrimum, ib.; bohe-
micum, ib.; caucasicum, ib.; officin-
alis, ib.

[blocks in formation]

Trientalis europœa, 255.

UMBELLIFERÆ, order of, 141.
Umbilicus pendulinus, 124.

VALERIANA, 147; dioica, ib.; montana, ib.
Valerianaceæ, order of, 146.
Valerians, the, 147.

Valloradia plumbaginoides, 259.
Venus navelwort, 208.

Veratrum, 306; album, ib.; nigrum, 307;
viride, ib.; virginicum, ib.

Verbascum, 211; nigrum, ib.; phœnicum,

Verbena nodiflora, 235.

Verbenaceæ, order of, 235.

Veronica, 222; amethystina, ib.; candida,
ib.; gentianoides, 223; longifolia, ib.;
spicata, ib.

Villarsia nymphæoides, 197.

Vinca, 188; major, 189; minor, ib.; her-
bacea, ib.

Viola calcarata, 59; cornuta, ib.; lutea,
60; odorata, ib.; palmata, 62; pedata,
ib.; pennata, 63; pyrolæfolia, ib.; tri-
color, ib.

Violacea, order of, 57.

Virginian spiderwort, the, 311.

Wallflower, the, 45.

Wall navelwort, the, 124.
Water-lily, yellow, 30; white, 31.
Water-ranunculus, the, 24.
Water-violet, the, 245,
Whin, the, 101.
White lily, the, 295.
Whitlow-grass, the, 48.
Willow herb, the, 116.
Winter aconite, the, 16.
Winter cherry, the, 210.
Winter cress, the, 44.

Trillium, 301; grandiflorum, 302; pendu- Wolf's-bane, S.

lum, ib.; sessile, ib.

Triteleia uniflora, 302.

Tritoma, 303; media, ib.; Uvaria, ib.; U.
glaucescens, 304.

Trollius, 26; americanus, ib.; asiaticus,
27; caucasicus, ib.; europæus, ib.; na-
pellifolius, ib.

Tropælaceæ, order of, 90.

Tropæolum, 90; edule, 91; polyphyllum,
92; speciosum, ib.

Tulip, the, 304.

Tulipa, 304; Celsiana, 305; Clusiana, ib.;
montana, 306; prœcox, ib.

Wood anemone, the, 5.
Woodruff, 145.
Wood-sorrel, the, 92.
Wormgrass, the, 197.
Wulfenia carinthiaca, 223.

YUCCA, 307; acuminata, 308; aloifolia,
ib.; filamentosa, ib.; flaccida, 309; glo-
riosa, ib.; recurvifolia, ib.; rufo-cincta,


Zauschneria californica, 120.





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