Edm. Come hither, captain; hark. Take thou this note;' [giving a paper.] go, follow them to As this instructs thee, thou dost make thy way [prison: Does not become a sword:-Thy great employment Off. I'll do't, my lord. Edm. About it; and write happy, when thou hast done. Mark,-I say, instantly; and carry it so, As I have set it down. Off. I cannot draw a cart, nor eat dried oats; If it be man's work, I will do it. [Exit Officer. Flourish. Enter ALBANY, GONERIL, REGAN, Officers, and Attendants. Alb. Sir, you have shown to-day your valiant strain, And fortune led you well: You have the captives Who were the opposites of this day's strife: Edm. Sir, I thought it fit To send the old and miserable king To some retention, and appointed guard; Whose age has charms in it, whose title more, To pluck the common bosom on his side, And turn our impress'd lances in our eyes" Which do command them. With him I sent the queen, Where you shall hold your session. At this time, 1 — this note—] The warrant signed by the bastard and Goneril, for the execution of Lear and Cordelia.-MALONE. Will not bear question ;] i. e. The important business intrusted to him, will not admit of any delay for question, i. e. debate, or consideration. And turn our impress'd `lances in our eyes—] i. e. Turn the launcemen, whom we have hired by giving them press-money, against us.-STEEVENS. And the best quarrels, in the heat, are curs'd The question of Cordelia, and her father, Alb. Sir, by your patience, I hold you but a subject of this war, Not as a brother. Reg. him. That's as we list to grace Gon. Not so hot: In his own grace he doth exalt himself, More than in your advancement. Reg. In my rights, By me invested, he compeers the best. Gon. That were the most, if he should husband you. Gon. Reg. Lady, I am not well; else I would answer Gon. Mean you to enjoy him? Alb. The let-alone lies not in your good will.' Edm. Nor in thine, lord. Alb. Half-blooded fellow, yes. Reg. Let the drum strike, and prove my title thine. [To EDMUND. • Requires a fitter place.] i. e. The determination of the question what shall be done with Cordelia and her father, should be reserved for greater privacy. -STEEVENS. P immediacy-] i. e. Close and immediate connexion with me, and direct authority from me.-MALONE. the walls are thine:] i. e. I surrender myself up, a metaphorical phrase, taken from the camp.-WARBURTON. The let-alone lies not in your good will.] Whether he shall not or shall, depends not on your choice.-JOHNSON. Alb. Stay yet; hear reason:-Edmund, I arrest thee On capital treason; and, in thy arrest, This gilded serpent: [pointing to GoN.]-for your claim, fair sister, I bar it in the interest of my wife; 'Tis she is sub-contracted to this lord, Alb. Thou art arm'd, Gloster :-Let the trumpet sound: If none appear to prove upon thy person, Thy heinous, manifest, and many treasons, There is my pledge; [throwing down a Glove.] I'll prove it on thy heart, Ere I taste bread, thou art in nothing less Than I have here proclaim'd thee. Reg. Gon. If not, I'll ne'er trust poison. Sick, O, sick! [Aside. Edm. There's my exchange: [throwing down a Glove.] what in the world he is That names me traitor, villain-like he lies: Call by thy trumpet: he that dares approach, Alb. A herald, ho! Edm. A herald, ho, a herald! Alb. Trust to thy single virtue;' for thy soldiers, All levied in thy name, have in my name Took their discharge. Reg. This sickness grows upon me. Enter a Herald. Alb. She is not well; convey her to Come hither, herald,-Let the trumpet sound, And read out this. Off. Sound, trumpet. [A Trumpet sounds. - thy single virtue ;] i. e. Valour; a Roman sense of the word.-STEEVENS. Herald reads. If any man of quality, or degree, within the lists of the army, will maintain upon Edmund, supposed earl of Gloster, that he is a manifold traitor, let him appear at the third sound of the trumpet: He is bold in his defence. Enter EDGAR, armed, preceded by a Trumpet. Alb. Ask him his purposes, why he appears Upon this call o'the trumpet. Her. What are you? Your name, your quality? and why you answer Edg. Know, my name is lost; By treason's tooth bare-gnawn, and canker-bit: Yet am I noble, as the adversary I come to cope withal. Alb. Which is that adversary? Edg. What's he, that speaks for Edmund earl of Gloster? Edm. Himself;-What say'st thou to him? Edg. Draw thy sword; That, if my speech offend a noble heart, u Behold, it is the privilege of mine honours, My oath and my profession:] The privilege of this oath means the privilege gained by taking the oath administered in the regular initiation of a knight professed-JoHNSON. Maugre- i. e. Notwithstanding. And, from the extremest upward of thy head, Thou liest. Edm. In wisdom, I should ask thy name; [Alarums. They fight. EDMUND falls. Alb. O save him, save him! Gon. This is mere practice, Gloster: By the law of arms, thou wast not bound to answer An unknown opposite; thou art not vanquish'd, But cozen'd and beguil❜d. Shut your mouth, dame, Alb. : [Gives the Letter to EDMUND Gon. Say, if I do: the laws are mine, not thine: Who shall arraign me for't? Alb. Go after her: she's desperate; govern her. [To an Officer, who goes out. Y say-] i. e. Taste or relish.-NARES. What safe and nicely, &c.] That delay which by the law of knighthood I might make, I scorn to make. Nicely is punctiliously; if I stood on minute forms. -MALONE. a Where they shall rest for ever.] To that place, where they shall rest for ever; i. e. thy heart.-MALONE. |