Poems, Volume 2Stereotyped and printed by Andrew Wilson ... for J. Johnson, 1808 |
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Poems: With a Biographical and Critical Introduction, Volume 2 William Cowper Visualização integral - 1852 |
Palavras e frases frequentes
aedT Aspasio beauty beneath betimes boast breath call'd cause charms dæmons death delight design'd distant divine dread dream Earth ease ev'n ev'ry fair fame fancy fear feed feel flow'r folly form'd fountain of eternal fruit give glory grace grave groves hand happy hast heard heart Heav'n honour hope human labour learn'd less liberty Lincoln's Inn Fields live lost lov'd lyre Mighty winds mind muse nature Nature's Nebaioth never o'er once peace perhaps plac'd pleas'd pleasure plebeian pow'r praise proud prove quake rapture rest rude rural sacred scene seek seem'd shade shine sight skies sleep sloth smile song soon sora soul sound Stamp'd sweet task taste thee theme thine thou art thought toil trembling truth Twas virtue voice waste WILLIAM COWPER wind winter wisdom wise worth youth
Passagens conhecidas
Página 277 - My boast is not that I deduce my birth From loins enthroned, and rulers of the earth ; But higher far my proud pretensions rise,— The son of parents pass'd into the skies.
Página 273 - But gladly, as the precept were her own ; And, while that face renews my filial grief, Fancy shall weave a charm for my relief, Shall steep me in Elysian reverie, A momentary dream that thou art she.
Página 189 - The sum is this. If man's convenience, health, Or safety, interfere, his rights and claims Are paramount, and must extinguish theirs. Else they are all — the meanest things that are, As free to live, and to enjoy that life, As God was free to form them at the first, Who in his sov'reign wisdom made them all.
Página 274 - I heard the bell tolled on thy burial day, I saw the hearse that bore thee slow away, And, turning from my nursery window, drew A long, long sigh, and wept a last adieu ! But was it such? — It was. — Where thou art gone Adieus and farewells are a sound unknown. May I but meet thee on that peaceful shore, The parting word shall pass my lips no more ! Thy maidens, grieved themselves at my concern.
Página 167 - How soft the music of those village bells, Falling at intervals upon the ear In cadence sweet, now dying all away, Now pealing loud again, and louder still, Clear and sonorous, as the gale comes on ! With easy force it opens all the cells Where Memory slept.
Página 170 - That tinkle in the withered leaves below. Stillness, accompanied with sounds so soft, Charms more than silence. Meditation here May think down hours to moments. Here the heart May give a useful lesson to the head, And learning wiser grow without his books.
Página 103 - He sucks intelligence in every clime, And spreads the honey of his deep research At his return — a rich repast for me. He travels, and I too. I tread his deck, Ascend his topmast, through his peering eyes Discover countries, with a kindred heart Suffer his woes, and share in his escapes; While fancy, like the finger of a clock, Runs the great circuit, and is still at home. O Winter, ruler of th...
Página 7 - Stand, never overlooked, our favourite elms, That screen the herdsman's solitary hut; While far beyond, and overthwart the stream, That, as with molten glass, inlays the vale, The sloping land recedes into the clouds; Displaying on...
Página 29 - God made the country, and man made the town What wonder then that health and virtue, gifts That can alone make sweet the bitter draught That life holds out to all, should most abound And least be threaten'd in the fields and groves?
Página 49 - And just proportion, fashionable mien And pretty face, in presence of his God ? Or will he seek to dazzle me with tropes...