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Fees of Officers of State Courts.

ing the county or orphans' court the sum of $1 for each and every day such witness shall attend for the discharge of his duty, besides itinerant charges to be allowed to witnesses coming from other counties.


Table of the Fees allowed by the law to Attorneys in the State of Virginia.

may come in question, $5; on petition for small debts, $1 25; for attending a survey in the county, for each day's attendance, $3 58; for any opinion or advice, where no suit is brought or defended, $1 67.

In the District Courts.-When the title or bounds of lands shall or may come in question, $5; in all other cases, except those transferred from the general court, $2 50; in the cases so transferred, the fees shall be the same as in the general court.

only, 8 cents; for a search of the record, the first year, nothing; for every search afterwards, be the time of what length soever, if the matter searched for be found, 20 cents; exemplification of letters testamentary, or administration, under seal, 80 cents; commission or proclamation of rebellion, 80 cents; commission to examine evidences, and commission to auditors, 60 cents; scire facias, 60 cents; duces tecum, 30 cents; entering every motion in suits depending in court, and order thereon, 8 cents; if above one side, after the rate of per In the County Courts.-In common cases, $2 50; side, and so pro rata, 8 cents; entering prayer for in all chancery suits, or real, mixed, or personal appeal, 10 cents; filing every libel, answer, re-actions, where the title or bounds of lands shall or plication, petition, or exhibits, where not recorded, for each, 4 cents; for recording or copying any matter or thing not herein enumerated, if requested by the party, per side, and so pro rata, 8 cents; writ of sequestration and return, per side, and so pro rata, 16 cents; filing every matter, if not recorded, 4 cents; for entering and taking executor's renunciation, 8 cents; for entering widow's renunciation, 8 cents; for every oath, 4 cents; for every certificate, 8 cents; for making out and filing the balance, and distribution of a deceased person's estate, 60 cents; for for security of said balance, 40 cents; for filing the same, 4 cents; for recording the same, per side, and so pro rata, 8 cents; for entering choice or appointment of guardian, and approbation with sureties, 8 cents; for taking guardian's bonds, 40 cents; for filing the same. 4 cents; recording the same, per side, and so pto rata, 8 cents; for taking recognisance for apprentice bound in court, 40 cents; for warrant to sheriff to summon jury, 25 cents; for filing panel of jury, 4 cents; copy of the same, 8 cents; filing every presentment and entering order thereon, 12 cents; for scire facias against executors or administrators for costs, 40 cents; for every seal, 20 cents; for taking an appeal bond, 40 cents; for filing the same, 4 cents; recording the same, per side, and so pro rata, 8 cents; for stating nnd passing every account, 80 cents; for every voucher, 4 cents.

In the General Court.-For an opinion or advice, where no suit is brought or defended, $3 58; in any suit where the title or bounds of lands shall or may come in question, $16 66; in all other cases, $8 33.

In the High Court of Chancery.—In all cases the fee is $16 66.

In the Court of Appeals. In all cases the fees are the same as in the general court.

The Clerk of the Court of Appeals-Shall receive the same fees as are allowed to the clerks of the general court and high court of chancery for similar services.

The Clerk of the High Court of Chancery.For filing a bill, answer, replication, or other pleadings, each, 26 cents; for a copy thereof, for every twenty words, 2 cents; for entering every decree, 18 cents; for drawing up every decree at large, entering the substance of the bill, answer, or other pleadings, the substance of the evidence, and the Allowances to Grand and Petit Jurors and Wit-decree thereupon, for every twenty words, 2 cents; nesses.-April session, 1715, c. 37, s. 8, and May session, 1719, ch. 3, s. 2. For every verdict given by the petit jury in any cause, to be paid by the party for whom such verdict shall pass, and be allowed in the bill of costs, twelve shillings.

November session, 1797, ch. 94. There shall be allowed to each grand and petit juryman, attending the general court, the sum of $2 50 for each and every day such grand and petit juryman shall attend for the discharge of his duty, besides itinerant charges.

for filing the depositions in every cause in behalf of each party, 26 cents; for a copy of the depositions, for every twenty words, 2 cents.

To the Clerks of the General Court.-For a copy of a warrant and inquisition of escheat, $1 92; or of an inquisition of escheat, 83 cents; for the probation of any testament, and recording the same, for entering the orders for appraising the estate, recording the inventory, writing and sealing the probate, or any other matter concerning the same, or for a commission of administration of the goods of any person dying intestate, for entering the order or orders for appraising the estate, recording the inventory, or for any other matter concerning the same where the appraisement does not amount to more than three hundred dollars, $3 50; where the appraisement is There shall be allowed to each witness, attend- more than three, and less than fifteen hundred ing the general court, the sum of $1 50 for each dollars, $5; where more than fifteen hundred and every day such witness shall attend for the dollars, or where there is no appraisement, $7; discharge of his duty, besides itinerant charges. for a copy of probate, or commission of adminis There shall be allowed to each witness attend-tration, 70 cents; for recording the memorial of

There shall be allowed to each grand and petit juryman, attending the several county courts, and each petit juryman attending the orphans' court, the sum of $1 50 for each and every day such grand and petit juryman shall attend, for the discharge of his duty as such.

Fees of Officers of State Courts.

each bargain sale, mortage, or other conveyance, marriage settlement, or deed of trust, 18 cents; for recording the certificate of a probate, or administration, 18 cents; for a copy of a will or inventory, 70 cents; and if the original is contained in more sheets than one one, for a copy of each sheet, 52 cents; for a copy of an account, 35 cents; for recording a deed or deeds for the conveying or settling any lands or tenements only, or together with slaves or personal estate, or any way concerning the same, acknowledged or proved in the general court, $2 62; for a copy of such deed or deeds, with the endorsement thereon, and for a certificate of the acknowledgment or proof, and recording, $1 57; for issuing a commission to take the acknowledgment and privy examination of a feme coverte, and recording it with the return of the commissioners, 87 cents; for a copy thereof, 52 cents; for recording a deed concerning slaves, or any personal matter only, $1 22; for a copy thereof, with a certificate of the acknowledgment or proof, and recording, 70 cents; for a deed of gift for slaves only, or for a copy thereof, 35 cents; for recording a letter of attorney acknowedged and proved in the general court, and everything relating thereto, $1 22; for a copy thereof, 70 cents; for recording a bond with condition other than for performance of covenants in deeds of conveyance or settlement of land, 70 cents; for a copy of a bond without condition, 35 cents.

continuance on the court docket, 18 cents; for entering every judgment, 18 cents; for making a complete record of every cause, inserting a case agreed, or special verdict at large, from the notes, and all deeds and other evidences at large, for every twenty words, 2 cents; for a copy thereof, or any part thereof, the same; for a recognisance in court, 35 cents; for filing a return of a habeas corpus, 26 cents; for filing the record on a writ of error, 26 cents; for copy of such record for every twenty words, 2 cents.

To the Clerk of the General Court or High Court of Chancery, (as the case may be.)-For taking a bond upon issuing injunctions, 43 cents; for every dedimus potestatem, 35 cents; for recording the report of auditors, when it is desired, 70 cents; for making a complete record of every cause, for every twenty words, 2 cents; for filing the return of a certiorari, 26 cents; for taxing the costs in any action or suit, and a copy thereof, 35 cents; for recording anything not herein particularly mentioned, or for a copy thereof, for every twenty words, 2 cents; for a search for anything, if above a year's standing, or reading the same or any part thereof, if required, if a copy be not taken, 18 cents; for every order to a witness for attendance, (to be charged to the party against whom the order goes,) 18 cents.

To the Clerks of the District Courts. For issuing a summons on a petition for lapsed lands, 87 cents; for every order thereon, 26 cents; in all other cases, the same fees with those of the county courts for similar services; and for all other services, the same as those of the clerk of the general


In Actions and other Suits.-For every writ of error, supersedeas, or scire facias, 43 cents; for taking bond on issuing a writ of error or supersedeas, 43 cents; for every other writ in action or suit whatsoever, 35 cents; for entering the sher- To the Clerk of the District Court, or the Clerk iff's return, and entering the bail by him returned of the High Court of Chancery, (as the case may in the entry book, 35 cents; for entering special be.)-For filing the record upon an appeal, or subail, 35 cents; for entering the personal appear-persedeas for a county or other inferior court, 26 ance of the plaintiff or defendant, or the appear-cents; for a copy of such record, for every twenty ance of an attorney for either party, 18 cents; words, 2 cents. for entering security for costs for persons out of the county, 35 cents; for filing à declaration, and every plea or demurrer in any cause to the making up of the issue, and for filing errors upon appeals, writs of error, or supersedeas, 25 cents; for copy of every declaration, plea or demurrer, or of errors, 35 cents; for every rule entered in the rule book, 35 cents; for a copy of every rule, 18 cents; for every order in court before trial, 18 cents; for a copy of the same, 18 cents; for filing papers for each party in any action or suit, 26 cents; for docketing every cause on the docket, (to be charged but once,) 18 cents; for every trial, swearing the jury and witnesses, and recording a general verdict, 87 cents; for administering an oath or affirmation in court, except witnesses to a jury, 18 cents; for every trial where there is a special verdict, swearing the witnesses and jury, and recording such verdict, $1 30; where there is no jury, but a case agreed, 43 cents; for swearing the witnesses for each party in every cause where there is no jury, 26 cents; for a copy of a case agreed, or notes of a special verdict, 43 cents; for entering every order made in court, after verdict or demurrer joined, 18 cents; for entering every

To the Clerks of the County and Corporation Courts. For every writ in the nature of an ad quod damnum, to be paid upon issuing such writ, 83 cents; for recording the same, with the inquisition thereupon, to be paid before inquisition recorded, $1 92 cents; for a copy of such writ and inquisition, to be paid down, 83 cents; for taking a bond upon issuing injunctions in chancery, 35 cents; for recording deeds of lease and release, for conveying or settling of lands only, or together with slaves and personal estate, bond to perform covenants, certificate of the proof, or acknowledgment, as the case is, and all matters relating thereto, $2 62; for a copy thereof, 95 cents; for recording every deed of feoffment, or bargain and sale, or other single deed for conveying or settling lands or tenements only, or together with slaves and personal estate, bond to perform covenants, certificate of the proof, or acknowledgment, as the case is, and all matters relating thereto, $1 75; for a copy thereof, 70 cents; for issuing and recording a commission to take the acknowledgment, and privy examination of a feme coverte, with the certificate of the commissioners, if such commission be required, 70 cents; for a copy thereof. 35 cents; for

Fees of Officers of State Courts.

recording a patent, 87 cents; for a copy thereof, for a copy of the return of any writ, 5 cents; for en43 cents; for recording a deed concerning slaves, tering special bail, 18 cents; for entering security or any personal matter or thing only, with a cer- for costs for persons out of the county, 18 cents; tificate of its proof or acknowledgment, 70 cents; for entering the appearance of the defendant or for a copy thereof, 52 cents: provided, however, defendants, where there is no attorney, in any that for a deed of gift for slaves only, or for a copy suit except by petition, 8 cents; for entering one thereof, there shall be allowed only 35 cents; for or more attorneys for each party, 8 cents; for recording a letter of attorney, 52 cents; for a cer- every petition, declaration, or other pleadings, extificate of the proof, or acknowledgment thereof, cept in suits by petition for debt, detinue, assump 18 cents; for a copy of a letter of attorney, with sit, or trover, 18 cents; for a copy of any declarasuch certificate, 43 cents; for recording a bond, tion, special plea, or demurrer, 18 cents; for a with conditions other than for performance of cov- copy of any declaration, special plea, or demurrer, enants in deeds of conveyance, or settlement of 18 cents; for a copy of a plea, if the general issue, lands, 35 cents; for a copy of a bond, with condi- 5 cents; for every trial, swearing the jury and tion, other than an appeal bond, the same; for a witnesses, filing all papers, and recording a gencopy of any other obligation or promissory note, eral verdict, 70 cents; for every trial where there 18 cents; for the probation of any will or testa-is a special verdict, or case agreed, and recording ment, and recording the same, entering the order the same, $1 13; for swearing the witnesses in or orders for appraising the estate, and for any every other cause, where there is no jury, or case other matter concerning the same, where the will agreed, except by petition, 18 cents; for filing the shall be contained in one sheet, 70 cents; and if papers of each party in every cause except by pethe will is contained in more than one sheet, for tition, and where there is a jury or case agreed, every such sheet, 35 cents; for a commission of 18 cents; for a copy of a special verdict or case administration of the goods of any person dying agreed, and everything therein set forth, or for intestate, for entering the order or orders for ap- making up a full and complete record, for every praisement, and for any other matters concerning thirty words, 2 cents; for entering every judgthe same, 70 cents; for recording an inventory, ment, or for a copy thereof, 18 cents; for filing a where the appraisement does not amount to more bill, answer, replication, and other pleadings in than thirty dollars, 18 cents; where the appraise- chancery, for each, 18 cents; for a copy thereof, ment exceeds that value, and is under one hun- for every thirty words, 2 cents; for a commission dred and fifty dollars, 87 cents; and where it shall to examine witnesses, 43 cents; for attending and exceed one hundred and fifty dollars, and is under writing depositions taken against inspectors before three hundred dollars, $1 75; and where it shall justices of the peace, $1 75; for entering every deexceed three hundred dollars, or there is no ap- cree in chancery, 26 cents; for filing the deposipraisement, $4 37; for a copy of a will or inven- tions in any suit, for each party, 8 cents; for evetory, if the original is contained in one sheet, 52 ry deposition taken in court, 18 cents; for a copy cents; if the original is contained in more sheets of a deposition, 18 cents; for administering an than one, for a copy of every such sheet besides oath in court not relating to the trial of any cause the first, 35 cents; for recording the age of a ser- then pending, and certifying the same, 18 cents; vant or slave, adjudged in court, 18 cents; for a for every recognisance in court, 18 cents; for encertificate thereof, if required, 14 cents; for attend- tering the order or orders in any cause in one ing a court for examination of criminals and trial court, 26 cents; for entering every order for atof slaves, if the court is held for that purpose. (to tendance of witnesses, 18 cents; for a copy of any be paid by the public,) $3 50; for a copy of a list order, 18 cents; for recording the report of a jury of tithables in his precinct, 35 cents; for the whole in the county, surveyor, auditor, or viewers, 35 fee for an ordinary license and bond, 87 cents; for cents; for a copy thereof, 35 cents; for taxing a copy of the rates of liquors, 26 cents; for a mar- costs to any judgment or decree where costs are riage license, certificate, and bond, 87 cents; for recovered, or for a copy of a bill of costs, if reevery search for everything above a year's stand- quired 20 cents; for a copy of an account, 18 cents; ing, if a copy be not taken, 8 cents; for reading for entering an appeal, and taking bond to proseanything, if a copy be not required, 8 cents. cute it, 35 cents; for a copy of the bond, 18 cents; for returning an appeal and security to the office of the court of chancery, or a district court, as the case may be, 52 cents; for returning a writ of error, supersedeas, certiorari, or habeas corpus, 35 cents; for a copy of the proceedings of the cause wherein the appeal is granted, for every thirty words, 2 cents; for recording the acknowledgment of satisfaction of a judgment, 18 cents; for entering each order for a witness's attendance, (to be charged to the party in whose behalf the witness is summoned, and taxed in the bill of costs, if such party recover,) 18 cents; for a copy thereof, to be taxed and charged in like manner, 18 cents; for an attachment thereon, to be charged to the party against whom the attachment shall

In Actions and other Suits.-For every writ other than such as are herein particularly mentioned, 18 cents; for a copy of such writ, 8 cents; for every writ of execution or scire facias, 26 cents: for a copy thereof, 14 cents; for recording the return thereof, 14 cents; for a writ of attachment in any action, 26 cents; for recording the return thereof, 26 cents; for an attachment gianted by a justice of the peace, returnable to the court, and recording the return, and putting the same in the docket, 35 cents; for every summons to summon a garnishee on such attachment, 18 cents; for filing every bail bond, or entering the bail returned, 18 cents; for docketing every cause, except by petition, to be charged but once, 8 cents;

Fees of Officers of State Courts.

be issued, 18 cents; for the whole fee, chargeable for every petition for debt, detinue, assumpsit, or trover, and all the proceedings therein, including a copy of the judgment, and taxing costs, if required, except the respective fees for summoning witnesses, entering attorneys, for every order for continuance, and for issuing execution, where any of those matters happen, 87 cents; for entering an attorney in such petitions, to be paid by the party by whom such attorney shall be employed, and not to be taxed in the bill of costs, 8 cents; for a summons for several witnesses living in one County, if summonses for all be taken out at one time, 18 cents; for recording anything not here particularly mentioned, or for a copy thereof, for every thirty words, 2 cents; for the acknowledgment and proof of any deed in the county court, and for certifying the same to be recorded in the general court, 52 cents.

one, for serving the declaration on every other tenant, 30 cents; for whipping a servant, to be paid by the owner, and repaid by the servant, 42 cents; for whipping a free person by order of court, to be paid by such person, 42 cents; for whipping a slave by order of court, to be paid by the county, and repaid by the public, 42 cents; for taking a bond or bonds to the creditor, under the act, entitled "An act for reducing into one the several acts concerning executions and for the relief of insolvent debtors," 63 cents; for proceeding to sell on any execution on behalf of the commonwealth, or of any individual, if the property be actually sold or the debt paid, the commission of five per centum on the first three hundred dollars, or ten thousand pounds of tobacco, and two per centum on all sums above that, and one-half of such commission where he shall have proceeded to sale, and the defendant shall To the Sheriff or Sergeant, (as the case may have replevied; and no other commission, fee, or be.) For an arrest, bond, and return, 63 cents; reward, shall be allowed upon any execution, exfor returning a capias non est inventus, 21 cents; cept for the expense of removing and keeping the for serving a scire facias 30 cents; for serving property taken; for serving an attachment, or for any person with an order of court, and making making distress upon the goods exceeding ten return thereof, 30 cents; for pillorying any per- dollars, if sold, the same fee as for serving an exson, 42 cents; for putting into the stocks, 21 cents; ecution where the goods do not exceed that value, for ducking any person, 42 cents; for putting in or are not sold, 63 cents; for every garnishee prison, and releasement, 42 cents; for serving a summoned on such attachment, 21 cents; for exsubpoena in chancery, 30 cents; for serving a ecuting any writ of distringas or attachment on summons upon a petition for debt, detinue, as- a decree in chancery, the same fee or commission sumpsit, or trover, 30 cents; for serving a subpo- upon the amount of the value of the goods and na for a witness in any case in court, except sum- chattels recovered or money mentioned in such moned in court, 21 cents; for summoning an decree as is by law allowed for serving any other appraiser, auditor, viewer, or witness, to any execution; for serving and returning a general or deed, will, or writing, if required to be summoned, district court writ, summons, or order, where the but not else, 21 cents; for summoning and empan- same is not comprehended in any of the foregoing nelling a jury in every cause wherein a jury shall articles, 63 cents; for making a proclamation, as be sworn, $1 05; for coming to attending the dis- the law directs, in proving wills or proceeding to trict court with the venire, and return of the venire outlawry, 42 cents; for selling a servant at public facias, the same as is allowed to a venire man, outcry, by order of the court, and all fees incident, (to be paid by the public,) and for attending the 42 cents; for keeping and providing for a debtor district with stolen goods where there is no venire, in jail, each day, 21 cents; for serving a justice's the same; for summoning the justices of the warrant, 21 cents; for summoning a witness becounty, and attending the court for the examina- fore a justice, 10 cents; for all public services of tion of a criminal, (to be paid by the public.) $4 the sheriff, to wit, attending the courts of claims, 20; for removing every criminal from the county empannelling grand juries, publishing writs for jail, for every mile, 10 cents; for removing a debt-electing delegates or senators, and attendance, or by habeas corpus from the county jail to a district jail, for every mile, 4 cents; for executing every condemned person, and all fees incident thereto, (to be paid as aforesaid,) $5 25; for summoning a jury upon any inquisition, survey, writ of dower, or partition, if the jury appear, $3 15; and if the jury do not appear, $1 57; for making a return of a writ of dower, partition, or in the nature of an ad quod damnum, $1 05; for every day's attendance upon a jury in the country after they are sworn, or attendance upon a surveyor when ordered by the court, $1 05; for serving a writ of habere facias seisinam, or habere facias possessionem, $1 05; for serving an attachment upon the body, 63 cents; for serving a writ of dis tringas issuing from a judgment in detinue when the specific thing shall be taken, $1 05; for serving a declaration in ejectment, if against one tenant, 63 cents; and if against more tenants than 9th CoN. 2d SESS.-39

serving all public orders of court, (except against guardians, where they shall stand out in contempt, to be charged to such guardian,) and all other. public and county services, to be levied annually by the justices on the county, 25 cents.

To the Coroner. For taking an inquisition on a dead body, to be paid out of the estate of the deceased, if the same be sufficient, if not, by the county, $2 80; for all other business done by him, the same fees as are allowed the sheriff for the same services.

Witnesses. For attending the county courts, referees, commissioners, or other persons, for the purpose of giving testimony, or on a survey of lands in the county where they reside, for every day, 53 cents; and those residing in, and summoned from, another county, the same, together with travelling expenses as in the superior courts; for attendance in the superior courts, for every

Fees of Officers of State Courts.

mile going and returning, each, 4 cents; for attendance each day, $1 04 cents; in criminal cases, either before the examining court or the district court, the same as in civil cases.

STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. A table of fees and compensation allowed by the laws of North Carolina to attorneys at law, prothonotaries, registers, and clerks of judicial courts, to sheriffs and coroners, to grand and petit jurors, and witnesses, viz:

To the Attorney General.-For every bill of indictment found, or presentment made. £1 68. 8d.; if the bill be found ignoramus, the prosecutor shall pay 13s. 4d.

To the Solicitor General.-The same allow ances and fees as the attorney general.

To the County Solicitor.-For prosecuting for the State, in any matter, civil or criminal, in any of the county courts, the same fees which are allowed by law to the attorney general for the like services.

the cause is determined, including all fees for every necessary service thereon, and entering final judgment, inclusive, 188.; for every subpoena, provided the party insert no more than four witnesses in the same, 28.; for every execution or order of sale, when necessarily issued and returned, including all services thereon, with taxing costs and copy, and entering satisfaction, 5s.; for every scire facias against bail, with making an issue thereon, or entering judgment without plea, including fees for every necessary service thereon, provided that the party cast shall not be subject to this unless the scire facias is requisite and required by the plaintiff, 88.; for giving a copy of the record of any cause, when demanded by either of the parties, 6s.; for every recognisance, 2s.; for every order or rule of court, made in matters foreign to the suit depending in court, and copy thereof, when demanded, 28. 8d. ; for searching a record out of court, 1s. ; for a commission to take the examination of a feme coverte or witnesses, in any cause depending, the return thereon entering, and all other services necessary thereon, 3s.; for a special venire facias, in an action of ejectment, or where the bounds of lands shall come in question, when the said writ shall be issued, 8s. ; for a special verdict, demurrer, or motion in arrest of judgment, and argument thereon, 4s.; for a writ of error, certiorari, or appeal, with a transcript of the record, and all services necessary thereon, 8s. ; for making out certificates of witnesses' or jurymen's attendance, 8d.; for every security taken to prosecute plaintiff's suit, or pay costs, 2s.; for entering the same, with the names of the security, To the Clerks and Masters in Equity.-For a 28.; for advertising the distribution of the busireport on an answer, 3s.; for a report on an an- ness of the next term for each county, £1; for fixswer and plea, 4s. ; for a report on a demurrer and ing the seal to any instrument of writing that may answer, 4s.; for an affidavit to an answer, 1s. 6d.; require the same, 2s. 6d. ;' for indictment, calling for an affidavit to a bill, 1s. 6d. ; for a separate the prisoner to the bar, charging or arraigning affidavit, 28.; for a copy of report by the office, him, receiving and entering his plea at length, copy-sheet containing ninety words, 2s.; for cop- 10s.; for each recognisance, to be paid, so far as ies of proceedings and exemplifications, for each respects the person admitted to bail and his securicopy sheet, 28.; for taking a bond, 18. 6d. ; for ties, at the time when taken, 2s.; for each subevery rule given for service, 2s. 6d.; for eve- poena in State cases, 2s.; for the trial, entering of ry rule not for service, 2s. 3d.; for every sub-final judgment, and issuing a copy of the sentence poena, writ, or other process, 10s.; for every de- of the court, 18s.; for each continuance of an indimus or commission, 5s. 4d.; for every injunc- dictment, 4s. tion, 108.; for drawing decrees, by the copy-sheet, To the Clerk of the County Court.-For every 48.; for enrolling a bill or answer, by copy-sheet, leading process returned to the first court, includ28.; for entering plea or demurrer, 28.; for record-ing all services, together with dismission or final ing depositions to perpetuate testimony, for each copy-sheet, 28.; for search, 18.; for every dismission, 28.; for a report stating an account, as much as the court may, in discretion, think adequate to the actual labor and trouble bestowed, not exceeding £25.

To Attorneys. For every suit in equity, £10; for every suit in the superior court, where the title of lands shall come in question, £5; for all other suits originally commenced in any of the said courts on the law side, £5; in all appeals from any other courts to said superior courts, £5; in all suits in the county courts, where the titles of lands shall come in question, £5; in all other suits originally commenced in the said county courts, £2; in every appeal from the judgment of a justice of the peace to said county courts, £1.

To the Clerks of the Superior Courts. For every leading process returned to the first court, and all subsequent process, appearances, pleas, rules, orders, and other services necessary thereon, until the making up an issue, inclusive, and also for dismission or final judgment, where either happens, or for confession of judgment, 10s.; for every continuance or reference of every cause after the second court, including all the fees for every necessary service, 4s. ; for the court at which

judgment, where either happens, 10s.; for every presentment or indictment, 6s.; for entering and filing every recognisance, 2s.; for every continuance or reference of any cause after the second court, including all fees, for every service necessary thereon, 38.; for the court at which the cause is determined, including all services, 78. 6d. ; for every subpoena, provided the party insert no more than four witnesses in the same, 1s. 6d. ; for every execution or order of sale necessarily issued, including all services thereon, with taxing costs and copy, and entering satisfaction, 3s. 9d.; for every scire facias against bail, with making up an issue thereon, entering judgment without plea, including all pleas for every necessary service thereon, provided that the party paying costs shall not be

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