Fees of Officers of State Courts. the estate of an intestate, to be allowed by the court, not exceeding 24 per cent.; for summoning every warden of the poor, to be paid by the county, 2s. 1d.; for services of equity, process, and incidental thereto, the same fees as for the like services at law; for apprehending any criminal, 10s.; for conveying any person in his custody, for criminal offence, to the jail where such person ought to be confined, at the rate of 6d. per mile; for each perons composing the sheriff's guard, 3d. per mile; and 4s. for each day such sheriff shall maintain said prisoner; for carrying any sentence or order, on the part of the State, into execution, where the convict is to be corporeally punished, 10s.; for the execution and decent burial of a felon, £5. To Coroners.-For attending on every inquest, £1 48.; the same fees for discharging the duties of a sheriff as such sheriff would be entitled to by this act for performing the same services. subject to this unless the scire facias is necessary for calling every action in court, 4d.; for selling and required by the plaintiff, 6s.; for copy of the record of any cause, 4s. 6d.; for every order or rule of court, made on matters foreign to the suit depending in court, and a copy thereof, if demanded, 2s.; for entering on the minutes the probate of wills, qualifying executors, making certificates, recording the will, and giving copy thereof, 8s.; for granting administration, taking bond, and all other services thereon, 8s.; for proving, and recording at length, and filing an inventory, account of sales, or account current, exhibited by any administrator, executor, or guardian, or for search, copy, or certificate of the same, if the estate be under one hundred pounds, 2s.; if above, 4s.; for every marriage license and bond, 8s.; for searching a record out of court, 2s.; for proving or entering acknowledgment of lands or other estate, and certifying the same, with order of registration, and examination of feme coverte without commission, 28. ; for a commission to take the examination of a feme coverte or witnesses, in a case depending in court, entering the return thereon, and other necessary services, 2s. 4d.; for guardian or other bond taken in court, including all services, 6s.; for indentures of apprenticeship 6s.; for a special verdict, or demurrer, or motion in arrest of judgment, 3s.; for a writ of error or appeal, with a transcript of the record, 8s. ; for making certificates of witnesses' attendance, 8d.; for recording a mark or brand, and granting certificate thereof, Is. All other services done by the clerks of the said courts are ex officio, amongst which are all notices or writs of scire facias against jurymen, and the courts may allow reasonable satisfaction for the same, not exceeding, per annum, £20; for every security taken for prosecuting a suit or paying costs, 28.; for entering the same with securities' names, 2s.; for petition to correct error in grants or mean conveyances, 5s.; for affixing the seal where requisite, 2s. 6d.; for recording processioner's certificate, 2s. 6d.; for every search of the entry taker's book, 18.; for copy of every location, 18.; for issuing warrant, granting certificate, and affixing the seal as directed by act of 1796, c. 7, § 4, 48.; for tavern license and bond, and copy of tavern rates, 8s. To Sheriffs. For selling an orphan's estate, to be allowed by the county court, not exceeding 24 per cent.; for every arrest, 5s. 4d.; for every bailbond, 28.; for serving copy of declaration, 18.; for serving a subpoena, for each person named therein, 28. 8d.; for pillorying a person, 5s. ; for an attachment, the same as for an arrest, and, if further trouble by moving of goods, to be taxed by the court; for executing a warrant of distress or execution against the body or goods, 24 per centum; for summoning, empannelling, and attending on every jury, in every cause in court, 18.; when a special venire shall issue by order of court, for summoning each juror and attending the same, 28.; for putting a person in the stocks, and releasing, 5s. 4d.; for every commitment, 2s. 8d.; for every releasement, 2s. 8d.; for serving a writ of possession of land, 8s.; for serving and attending on any person on a habeas corpus, per day, 15s.; Jurors. To each juror to the superior courts, (except in the districts of Morgan and Salisbury, and the counties of Persan, Chowan, and Robeson,) for every thirty miles in going and returning, 10s.; for each day's attendance, 10s.; to every juryman who shall attend the superior courts for the districts of Morgan and Salisbury, and from the counties of Chowan and Persan, for every day's attendance 88.; for every thirty miles he shall travel in going to and returning from said courts, 8s.; and such sums as shall be necessarily expended by him in crossing ferries. To Jurors attending the County Courts.-In most of the counties the jurors attending the courts are allowed nothing; in some, by particular laws, they are allowed a compensation, which varies in different counties, and is paid out of a tax to be levied in the county. To Witnesses. Each person, who shall attend any of the superior or county courts as a witness, shall be allowed for every day's attendance, and for every thirty miles he shall travel in going or returning from the said court, 8s.; for every day's attendance in the county courts, 4s. ; and ferriages. It may be proper to remark, that the currency of North Carolina is fixed by law at twenty shillings for every two dollars and a half; but a paper currency has been in circulation ever since the war, which is depreciated, and for many years past has been fixed by common consent at twenty per cent below par; that is to say, it has passed at the rate of twenty shillings for every two dollars. In this currency, the fees of attorneys, clerks, sheriffs, &c., have been generally paid; and, when they are paid in silver and gold, the dollars are received at the rate of two for every twenty shillings. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Table of Fees established by an act of the Legislature Fees of Officers of State Courts. for recording a mark or brand, 18.; for recording or copying any writing, for every copy sheet containing ninety words, 5d.; for drawing a proclamation and copy to the printer, to be paid by the State, 5s.; for a militia commission to be paid by the State, 4s.; for a pardon or reprieve, with the great seal, and recording, to be paid by the State. 58.; for attending the courts of justice with records, 38.; for finding the wax and appending the great seal to laws, to be paid by the State, for each law, 2s.; for a general commission of the peace for any county or district, to be paid by the State, 10s. 6d.; for making out a grant of lands, recording and fixing the great seal, 10s.; for a testimonial with the great seal, 58.; for registering the certificate of a person becoming a citizen, 58. Fees of the Master and Commissioners in Equity. For every summons, 18. 9d.; for every copy of a charge or discharge, 18.; for taking every affidavit in writing, 1s. 6d. ; for every oath administered, 6d. ; for taking every recognisance. 28.; for every day's attendance in court on any cause, 3s. 6d.; for taking the oath of every defendant to an answer out of office, and attendance, 58.; for every attendance in office. on summons of either party, or their solicitors, 38. 6d. ; for hearing and determining any contested matter, and order thereon, 5s.; for making up and returning every report into court, but only one report to be charged in each suit, 14s.; for commissions on sales, under decrees of the court, 3 per cent. for the first hundred, and 1 per cent. on all sums above; for drawing each set of conveyances, £1 5s. and filing defendant's answer, and all necessary Plaintiff's Attorney.-For filling up writs, signing, attendance to lodge the same with sheriff, and all incidental charges, when settled before declaration filed, in cases where no bail is required; £1; for every extra copy of a writ and notice, 18. 6d.; for all subsequent proceedings whatever to the filing of the declaration, or obtaining interlocutory judgment inclusive, where no bail is required, £1 58.; in all cases where special bail is required, 7s. ; for all proceedings subsequent to the former, including final judgment and verdict. 15s.; for all other services whatever, including the whole proceedings to the issuing of execution, inclusive, 6s.; for all exhibits in cases of covenant, per copy sheet of ninety words, 5d.; to the jury in each cause tried, 5s. Attorney's Fees in extraordinary cases.-For every demurrer, joinder, and argument on a point of law, £1 58.; for every motion for new trial, or Fees of the Register and Commissioners in in arrest of judgment, or special matter and arguEquity. For affixing the seal of the court to sub-ment £1 5s.; for every renewal of writ or execupœna or other writ, and signing the same, 2s. 6d. ; for affidavit of service of subpoena or other writ, 2s. 6d.; for examining every witness, drawing depositions, exemplifications of proceedings in any cause, if required, containing minutes of a decree, all orders of court, or for copies thereof, per copy sheet of ninety words, 5d.; for every search, 8d.; for entering every cause for hearing, 18.; for attending court in each cause, 3s. 6d.; for reading all papers in a suit, 28.; for examining decree, affixing seal thereto, and attending the judges in court to sign, and certificates of examinations, 4s.; for notification to insert in gazette, by order of court, and attendance on printer, 1s. 6d. ; for affixing every seal, and signing every commission to take answers, and examine witnesses, or for other purposes, 28. 6d. tion, 5s.; for filling up every writ of subpoena, and four tickets, inclusive, 5s.; for every rule to show cause in arrest of judgment, copy and notice, and motion for a new trial, 7s.; for preparing every commission to examine witnesses, where necessary, attending to strike commissioners, drawing interrogatories in chief, and cross-interrogatories, and instructions, £2; to each material witness attending the court, residing in the cities, towns, or villages where the courts are held, per day, 2s. 4d. ; to each witness from the country, including horse hire per day, 4s. 8d.; all witnesses to be allowed their ferriage and toll; for commencing, and prosecuting, and defending a suit, by summary process, £1. Attorney's Fees in all cases of Dower or Partition. All fees from the commencement to the Fees of the Complainant's Solicitor in Equity.-end of the proceedings, all services inclusive, surPreparing and filing a bill in equity, with all ne- veyor's fees extra, £5. cessary exhibits, £7; for drawing interrogatories Attorney's Fees on Writs of Attachment.-In in chief for complainant's witnesses, and cross-in-addition to common costs on bond, note, or acterrogatories, drawing and engrossing commis- count, except printer's bill, £3. sions, attending to strike commissioners, where necessary, with proper instructions. £3 10s.; for arguing exceptions of law before the master or judge at chambers when necessary, and attending thereon, including all charges incidental thereto, £2; for all other services in the cause, including briefs served on judges, except the decree, £3; for drawing and engrossing decree, per copy sheet, 5d. Fees to Defendant's Solicitor.-For preparing Defendant's Attorney. For appearance, filing bail, and imparlance, £1; for drawing and filing plea, or demurrer, or other proceedings, previous to joinder in demurrer, or issue taken, 178 6d.; for verdict in cases found for defendant, poslea, bill of costs, and attending taxation, copy, and notice, including all charges, 10s.; for drawing commissions to examine witnesses, drawing interrogatories, attending to strike commissioners, and in Fees of Officers of State Courts. structions, all incidental charges inclusive, $2; for copies of all exhibits necessary to be filed by defendant, per copy sheet, 5d. Attorneys in the County Courts.-For commencing, and prosecuting, and defending a suit in the county court, £1; for defending a person charged by indictment or information, or sued on a forfeited recognisance, £1; for commencing, and prosecuting, and defending a summons and petition, under the summary jurisdiction, 128 68.; for stating objections, and bringing up an appeal, all charges inclusive, 14s. dence, or where he may be found or taken, but not for returning, each mile, 3d.; for commitment and releasement of any prisoner, 2s. 6d.; for summoning all juries to the sheriff of each district court, £15 per annum, to be paid by the State; to the sheriff of each county for summoning all juries in his county, and for serving public orders for the benefit of the county, £5 per annum, to be paid by the county; for serving any order or rule of court, except public orders or rules, and delivering a copy, 2s.; for serving every writ of subpœna and tickets, and returning the same, 28.; for Clerks of the Superior Courts of Law. For at- serving a bench-warrant or a warrant of a justice tending to sign a writ and affixing seal, 18.; for of peace, and return thereof, and proving service filing a declaration, plea, replication, demurrer, in the same manner as on services of writs, 48.; joinder in demurrer, or other pleading, 9d.; for for every return of a writ where the goods or percopying a declaration, or other writing, per copy sons are not to be found, 2s.; for, dieting white sheet 5d.; for entering every special order of persons in the several jails and workhouses in the court, or copy, 6d.; for every search in the records, State, allowing one pound of bread and one pound where the cause is ended, 8d.; for signing every of flesh, wholesome provisions, per day, 1s.; for judgment, 28.; for attending drawing, a jury for dieting negroes or other slaves, allowing wholespecial court, 3s. 6d.; for each day's attendance at some food, per day, 8d.; for executing a person a special court, 3s. 6d.; for drawing a bail-piece, condemned to death, to be paid by the State, £1; attending and taking bail, 28.; for recording every for putting a person in the stocks, branding, pillojudgment, or other writing, for every copy sheet, rying, whipping, or cropping, to be paid by the 5d.; for every recognisance, 28.; for receiving State, each, 58.; for bringing up a prisoner on money in court, and paying it again, 1 per cent.; habeas corpus, and discharging or reconveying to for his attendance in every cause tried in court, prison, to be paid by the party if solvent, and, if swearing jury, and reading papers, and docketing insolvent, then by the State, 5s.; for conveying a the same, 28.; for swearing every witness, 6d.; for prisoner on habeas corpus or otherwise from one every certificate, and signing, 6d.; for administer-district or county jail to another, every mile he ing every oath, 9d.; for recording the verdict, 6d.; for attending at the judge's chambers on a special argument, 2s.; for recording or copying a plat of land, and copy, 28. 4d.; for issuing a certiorari, or other special writ, and sealing, 3s. 6d.; for making out a license for the admission of an attorney, administering the oath, and recording qualification, £1 10s.; for a dedimus potestatem, and sealing 2s.; for filing and entering return thereof, 18.; for entering a decree on summary process, and execution, 2s.; for recording the brand and mark of a stock of cattle, 1s. 6d. Attorney General.-On papers returned, and no indictment given out, and nolle prosequi entered, £1 5s.; where an indictment is found £2; upon bill of indictment found and tried before petit jury and verdict or confession, £3 108. shall necessarily ride, going to and returning from, for each mile, 3d.; all necessary expenses to be allowed the sheriff in addition to the immediate foregoing charge; for levying an execution on the goods of the defendant and selling the same, for all sums where the debt does not exceed £100, two and a half per cent. commissions, and for all sums where the debt exceeds £100, one per cent., where an execution shall be lodged in the sheriff's office, only to bind the property with directions not to levy, for entering the same in his books, 28. 6d.; for serving an execution against the body of defendant, and return, 78.; for every prisoner brought up for trial at the sessions, to be paid by the State, 18. 6d.; for drawing each set of conveyances, £1 5s.; for an inquisition by jury, taken on view of a dead person, and return, to be paid by Clerk of the Sessions and Peace.-On a nolle the State, £2; in all cases where the defendant, prosequi, 78.; when a bill is found or thrown out, after the sheriff may have levied on their proper158.; upon bill found, and trial before petit jury, ty, shall settle with the plaintiff before actual sale, and verdict, £1; on each writ of venire for sum- the sheriff in such cases shall only be entitled to moning jurors, 18. 6d.; on each writ of habeas one-fourth per cent., besides all reasonable disbursecorpus, or bench-warrant, 78.; each writ of sub-ments, and also for fees for entering execution; pœna and tickets, 28.; for every order of bastardy, taking a recognisance, and all other proceedings, 2s. 6d.; for each order for restitution of goods 18. 2d.; on each certificate to the coroner, 8d.; for the whole fee of a tavern license and bond, 98. 4d. Sheriffs. For serving every writ, or summons. or other process, taking bail, returning and proving service, and assigning bail-bond, 78.; for copy left at the defendant's residence, or where he cannot be personally arrested, returning and proving service, 58.; for mileage from the court-house of the districts respectively to the defendant's resi but if the defendant shall pay the money to the sheriff, one per cent. in lieu of the one-fourth. Coroner. For every service done by the coroner, the same fees as are payable to sheriff for the same services. N. B. If there be no coroner within twenty miles of the body found, the inquest may be made, and the fees may be taken by any justice of the peace in like manner; and who shall, in that case, have all the powers of the coroner. Justices of the Peace.-For oath and warrant in all criminal cases, 2s.; for a recognisance and Fees of Officers of State Courts. nals of either House, to any person requiring the same, except a member of either branch of the Legislature, or the Executive, each copy sheet, 5d.; for every search, 8d. Commissioner of Locations.-For receiving applications, making entries, and granting warrants under hand and seal of office, 3s.; for recording a plat and sending it to the surveyor general's office, 78.; for every search, 8d. Register of Mesne Conveyances.-For a search, 8d.; for entering satisfaction on a mortgage, 18.; for recording or copying deeds, each copy sheet, 5d.; for recording or copying a plat, 4s. 8d.; for a certificate from the office, 28. return, 2s.; for a warrant in civil cases, 1s.; for a commitment. 18.; for a warrant of hue and cry, 18. 6d; for taking a deposition, 1s. 6d. ; for administering every oath, 6d.; for a probate to any writing, signing, and swearing witness, 1s. 6d. ; for examining and swearing witnesses, and hearing and determining the cause, 1s.; for every toll of estrays given in at the same time, and other incidental charges, agreeable to law, 38.; for writing and signing an execution, 1s. 2d.; for issuing attachment, with the oath of the party, bond and return agreeably to law, 5s.; for every appeal, with the proceedings, to the county court from a justice's judgment, bond and security inclusive, 38. Constables. For serving a warrant, 2s. 6d. ; for Fees of the Ordinary. For a marriage license, summoning a witness, 18.; for summoning a cor- bond, and registering, £1; for a citation and reoner's jury and witnesses, all charges inclusive, cording, 2s. 6d.; for qualifying administrators, 10s.; for putting a person in the stocks, to be paid bond, letters of administration, and warrant of by the State, 2s. 6d. ; for serving an attachment appraisement, recording letters and oath, 14s.; on the effects of a person absconding, or about to for proving a will, probate, recording and filing abscond, making an inventory and return, return- the will, and certified copy, where it does not able to the county court, 4s. 8d.; for the like ser- exceed four copy sheets, 9s. 4d.: and for every vices where the attachment is returnable before a other copy sheet, 5d.; for qualifying executors, magistrate, 2s. 4d.; for whipping a person by law-letters testamentary, and recording, 58.; for warful authority to be paid by the State, 2s. 6d. ; for levying an execution, 1s.; for poundage or commissions on all sums levied, five per cent; for mileage in all criminal cases, attachments, and levying executions, and in no other cases, for each mile out, but not for returning, 3d.; for carrying a hue and cry, to be paid by the State, 8s.; for his attendance in searching for stolen goods, for every day, at the request of the party complaining, 3s. Notary Public. For taking deposition and swearing witnesses, per copy sheet, 6d.; for every protest, 108.; for a duplicate of depositions, protest, and certificate, per copy sheet, 5d.; for each attendance on any person to prove any matter or thing, and certifying the same, 3s.; for every notarial certificate with seal affixed, 2s. 6d. rant of appraisement, oath, and recording. 5s., and if renewed, 2s. 9d.; for filing renunciation of executors and recording, 2s. ; for a dedimus to prove a will, and qualifying executors, or administrators, and copy of oath, 78.; for guardianship bond, letters and recording, 148.; for entering caveat, or withdrawing, 2s.; for a search, 8d.; for hearing a litigated cause, 148.; for swearing and examining each witness, 6d. ; for recording or copying any other writing, per copy sheet, 5d.; for filing petition for sale of testator's effects, examining into the propriety of the proposed sales, and endorsing order thereon, 4s. 8d.; for examining the accounts of executors and administrators, vouchers and filing, for the first year's accounts, 14s.; and for every other year, 58. County Attorney.-For commencing and prosClergy of every settled church, of every denom-ecuting an indictment, or information, tried by ination. For registering every birth, marriage, or petit jury or confessed, £1; for entering a nolle burial, 18. 6d.; for every search of the register, 8d.; prosequi by order of the court, 5s.; for commencfor every certificate from the register, 1s. 6d.; for ing and prosecuting a scire facias, on forfeited every citation read in church, 5s. recognisances, 98. 4d. Surveyor General. For every search, 8d.; for copying plat and certificate, 5s.; for receiving, recording a plat, and sending the same to the secretary's office, to be passed into a grant, 10s.; for a certificate in all other cases, 18. 6d.; for a deputation and instructions to a deputy surveyor, 5s. Deputy Surveyor.-For surveying every acre of land, one half-penny; for making out a fair plat, certifying, signing, and returning the same, 10s.; for running old lines for any person, or between parties, where any disputes arise, or by order of court, while they are on the survey, 14s.; per day. County Court Clerk's Fees.-For the whole fees of a tavern license, or permit to retail spirituous liquors, and bond, and furnishing rates, 9s. 4d.; for every search, 8d.; for reading any paper or record filed in court, 6d.; for every writ issued, 28.; for an attachment granted by the justice of peace, returnable to the court, and putting the same upon the docket, 18. 6d.; for every summons for a witness or witnesses, 18.; for entering every cause on the docket, to be charged but once, (except petition and summons,) 6d.; for entering every special bail, 2s; for entering security for costs for persons out of the county, 1s. 6d.; for entering Powder Receiver and Inspector.-For every the appearance of the defendants, (except on sum100 lbs. weight of gunpowder received into the mons and petition,) 6d.; for all subsequent promagazine, 38. per 100 lbs., to be paid, one half on ceedings to final judgment and verdict, 38. 6d.; receiving the same into the magazine, and the for all other proceedings, executions inclusive, 28.; other half on delivering the same. for filing the papers of each party in every cause, Clerks of the Senate and House of Represent-where there is a jury or case agreed and argued, atives. For any copy or extract from the jour- 18.; for all and every other thing done by the Fees of Officers of State Courts. clerk during the trial of any issue, 28.; for entering every judgment and copy thereof, 18.; for every recognisance-for entering an appeal and taking bond, and for returning the same to the office of the clerk of the superior court, 4s. 3d.; for copy of proceedings of the cause, wherein the appeal is granted, for every copy sheet, 5d.; for an attachment, 1s. 5d.; for issuing petition and summons, and entering return thereof, 3s.; for entering decree and execution on summary process, 38. 6d.; for recording every judgment or other writing, per copy sheet, or copy thereof, 5d.; for entering every toll of estrays, keeping the same affixed up at the court house, and all other incidental charges, 3s. County Clerk's Fees, on Letters of Administration granted by the County Courts. For a citation, 18. 6d.; for each administration bond, 18.; for letters of appraisement, 18. ; for a dedimus, 1s.; for probate of a will, 18.; for granting letters testamentary, with the will annexed, 1s. 6d. ; for recording any of the above instruments, and the appraisement per copy sheet, 5d.; for examining the accounts of executors and administrators, vouchers, and filing the same, under the inspection of the court, for the first year's account, 5s.; and for every other year, 2s. 6d. SEC. 3. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any of the public officers of this State, or other person or persons, entitled to fees by this act, and in the foregoing lists particularly mentioned, shall take or receive any further, other, or greater fee or reward for any of the services in the said foregoing lists respectively mentioned, or shall invent or contrive any other or further fee or reward for any of the said services, then, and in every such case, the person or persons so offending, upon due proof and conviction, shall forfeit for the first offence, four times the amount of the sum so taken, paid, or received, to be recovered in any court of record in this State; one half to be paid to the person who shall sue for the same, and the other moiety to be paid into the public treasury for the use of the State, except in such counties where county courts are established; in which cases, the said last-mentioned moiety shall be paid for the use of the county; and for the second offence shall stand divested of his office, and be rendered incapable of re-appointment to the same; and on information from the court, under hand and seal, the Governor shall fill the vacancy, if the Legislature should not be sitting; and if in the county courts, the vacancies shall be filled up by the justices of the said county. STATE OF GEORGIA. dence, 2s. 4d.; on all sums where the execution does not exceed £15, 5 per cent. on the amount of property sold; on all sums above £15, and where the execution does not exceed £100, 24 per cent. ; on all sums where the execution exceeds £100, 1 per cent.; and that no commission shall be demanded where property is not actually sold. For making out and signing a bill of sale of other property, 4s. Sd.: Provided, That fees shall be allowed only for one bill of sale, where the same will be sufficient to convey the property sold to one person, or joint purchasers; unless the purchaser, or purchasers, shall choose more than one. For conducting a debtor, under confinement, before a judge or court, 4s. 8d.; for summoning a jury to try a caveat, and attendance, 48. 8d.; for summoning a special jury, and all other services, attending trials of appeal cases, 4s. 8d.; for a bail bond, 4s. 8d.; for making out and executing titles to land, 14s.; (if wrote by the purchaser, 48. 8d.) Sheriff's Fees, in criminal cases.-For re-committing any person when a habeas corpus is brought to his relief, 4s. 8d.; for summoning a jury, 48. 8d.; on every copy of a mittimus, Is. 2d.; for every mile a prisoner shall be removed on a habeas corpus, 1s. 2d.; for removing a prisoner by habeas corpus, where no mileage is paid, per day, 4s. 8d.; for executing a criminal, 37s. 4d.; for conducting a prisoner, before a judge or court, to and from jail, 48. 8d.; for executing a warrant of escape, 3s. 6d., for each mile to serve, the same, 2d.; for executing and returning a bench warrant, 4s. 8d; for each mile to serve the same, 2d.; for putting a person into the stocks, 2s. 4d.; for whipping, cropping, or branding a criminal, 4s. 8d.; for apprehending a person suspected, if committed or held to bail, 4s. Sd.; for each person, not exceeding two, who may be employed to guard a prisoner to jail, per day, 48. 8d. Coroner's Fees.-For summoning an inquest on a dead body, and returning the inquisition, 46s. 8d.; for providing a coffin, and burial expenses, 148. In all other cases, the same as the sheriff. Register of Probate's Fees.-For receiving application, and granting citation, 48. 8d.; for signing a warrant of appraisement, 2s. 4d.; for signing the probate of a will, 48. 8d.; for recording a will or other paper, per copy sheet, 34d.; for a certified copy of a will or other paper, per copy sheet, 34d.; for receiving an appraisement, and recording the same, if under $100, 2s. 8d.; if above $100, 48. 8d.: for receiving application, and granting letters dismissory, 48. 8d.; for granting citation to show cause why administration should not be repealed or set aside, 98. 4d.; for granting letters of administration, or letters testamentary, 98. 4d.; for entering a caveat against administration being granted, or will proven, 4s. 8d.; for every marriage license, 48. 8d.; for attending judges for determining a caveat, per day, 4s. 8d. "Fees and compensation paid to Attorneys at Law, Prothonotaries, Registers, and Clerks of judicial courts, to Sheriff's and Coroners, to Grand and Petit Jurors, and Witnesses," in the State of Georgia. Sheriff's Fees, in civil cases.-For serving a copy of a process, and returning the original, 78.; Fees of the Attorney General -For drawing if more than one defendant, for each additional a capias against a person indicted and not bound copy served, 2s. 4d.; for levying execution on the over, or against a person presented by a grand body or property, 78.; for summoning each evi-jury, 1s. 2d.; for drawing a capias against a de |