JANUARY, 1807. Benefit of Drawback. H. of R. 1806, may be remitted, and that the bonds given Augustus B. Woodward, and others, appointed a for securing the said duties may be cancelled; or committee by a convention of the inhabitants of such other relief afforded to them in the premises the Territory of Michigan, held at Detroit, on the as to the wisdom of Congress shall seem reason-26th day of November, transmitting an authentiable and proper.-Referred to the Committee of cated copy of the proceedings of the said convenCommerce and Manufactures. tion, be discharged from the farther consideration thereof; and that the said letter and proceedings be referred to the Committee on the Public Lands. On motion of Mr. J. RANDOLPH, Ordered, That the Committee of Commerce and Manufactures, to whom was referred, this day, the petition of sundry merchants and inhabitants of Portsmouth, in the State of New Hampshire, be discharged from the consideration thereof; and, on motion of Mr. TENNEY, it was referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. BENEFIT OF DRAWBACK. Mr. EARLY from the Committee of Commerce and Manufactures, to whom was referred the petition of Gideon Lamson, made the following report: The House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the bill making a grant of land to certain refugees from the British Provinces of Canada and Nova Scotia. After considerable debate, the Committee reported the bill, which was ordered to lie on the table. THURSDAY, January 22. Mr. JOHN RANDOLPH, from the Committee of Ways and Means, presented a bill for the relief of the sufferers by fire in the town of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, which was read twice, and committed to a Committee of the Whole to-morrow. The ship Doris, of which the petitioner was owner, received on board, at Philadelphia, in the month of June last, a quantity of sugar and coffee, intended to be shipped to Antwerp, for the benefit of drawback. Be- Mr. LEWIS presented to the House a petition of fore the whole of the intended cargo had been put on sundry inhabitants of the town of Alexandria, in board, it was discovered that the vessel had made con- the District of Columbia, which was received and siderable waste, and the sugar and coffee she had re-read, praying that an act may be passed to incorceived were relanded. The sugar was damaged seventy-porate a company for the purpose of making a five per cent., and by the exporter was thrown upon turnpike road from Bridgepoint, on Alexander's the hands of the owner of the ship. It does not appear Island, opposite Maryland Avenue, to the norththat the misfortune arose from any want of care or ateastern corner of the alms-house lot, and from tention. On the contrary, the vessel had, immediately thence, by a straight line, to the intersection of before she began to receive her load, been examined by Washington and Montgomery streets, in the town a person of competent skill, and pronounced free from of Alexandria; and for erecting a bridge over Four Mile Creek, upon such terms and under such restrictions as may be just and reasonable.-Referred to Mr. LEWIS, Mr. NICHOLAS R. MOORE, Mr. PORTER, Mr. BUTLER, and Mr. VAN RENSSELAER, to examine and report the same, with their opinion thereupon to the House. defect. The memorialist prays, upon these facts, that the debenture on the sugar may be allowed him, or that such other relief may be afforded, as Congress may consider just and proper. On motion of Mr. DANA, The committee know of no principle heretofore recognised by Congress, which would authorize a compliance with this application. To allow the debenture when the sugar has not been exported from the United Resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury States, would be, in the highest degree, preposterous. be directed to lay before this House copies of the To afford relief, in any way, would be to make the Gov-accounts containing the respective charges which ernment of the United States insurers against individual losses. The committee, therefore, submit the following resolution : Resolved, That the prayer of the petition of Gideon Lamson ought not to be granted. have been adjusted by the accounting officers of the Treasury, in cases of public prosecutions, before the Circuit Court of the United States, held in the district of Connecticut, in the months of April and September, in the year 1806. The report was agreed to. Mr. VARNUM, from the committee appointed on On motion of Mr. HOLMES, the twelfth instant, presented a bill providing for Resolved. That the Committee of Claims be di- the payment of the expense incurred by the milirected to inquire into the expediency of making tary preparations for the defence of the Territory compensation to the Governor, Judges, and Sec-of Michigan against hostile Indians, in the year retary, of the Indiana Territory, for extra services rendered by them in organizing the Government of Louisiana; and that they have leave to report by bill, or otherwise. Mr. JOHN RANDOLPH, from the Committee of Ways and Means, presented a bill for the relief of Edward Weld and Samuel Beebee; which was read twice and committed to a Committee of the Whole to-morrow. On motion of Mr. JEREMIAH MORROW, Ordered, That the select committee to whom was referred, on the twelfth instant, a letter from 1806, which was read twice, and committed to a Committee of the Whole to-morrow. A message from the Senate informed the House that the Senate have passed a bill, entitled "An act to alter the time of holding the Circuit Court in the district of North Carolina," to which they desire the concurrence of this House. The bill sent from the Senate, entitled "An act to alter the time of holding the Circuit Court in the district of North Carolina," was read twice and committed to a Committee of the Whole tomorrow. The House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the report of the committee appointed to inquire whether any, and if any, what, description of claims against the United States are barred by the statute of limitation, which, in reason and justice, ought to be provided for by law," made on the sixth instant; and, after some time spent therein, the Committee rose, and had leave to sit again. A Message was received from the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, communicating information touching an illegal combination of private individuals against the peace and safety of the Union, and a military expedition planned by them against the territories of a Power in amity with the United States, with the measures pursued for suppressing the same. [For this Message, see Senate Debates of this date, ante, page 39.] The Message was read, and, together with the documents transmitted therewith, referred to Mr. JOHN RANDOLPH, Mr. BOYLE, Mr. JEREMIAH MORROW, Mr. G. W. CAMPBELL, Mr. ROGER NELSON, Mr. CLINTON, and Mr. BIDWELL. The House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the bill for the relief of Edmund Briggs. The bill was reported without amendment, and ordered to be engrossed and read the third time to-morrow. Mr. CLAIBORNE presented to the House a petition of the President and Trustees of the Alexandria Academy, in the town of Alexandria, in the District of Columbia, which was received and read, praying that all escheats, arising within the jurisdiction of the court of the county of Alexandria, and all specific fines imposed by law, and not otherwise appropriated, arising within the same jurisdiction, may be applied in aid and support of the said academy.-Referred to Mr. CLAIBORNE, Mr. HOLLAND, Mr. TAGGART, Mr. COVINGTON, and Mr. BARD, to examine and report their opinion thereupon to the House. The House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the bill to extend the power of granting writs of injunctions to the Judges of the District Courts of the United States. The bill was reported with an amendment thereto, which was twice read, and agreed to by the House. Ordered, That the said bill, with the amendment, be engrossed, and read the third time to morrow. JANUARY, 1807. The Committee of Commerce and Manufactures, to whom was referred the petitions of Edward Pennington and others, of Philadelphia, and Charles Garts and others, of Baltimore, sugar refiners, submit their report: The petitioners are manufacturers of sugar in the United States, and request that the sugar refined by them shall be allowed a drawback on the exportation. The subject has been often before Congress, and a lengthy and detailed report was made by the Committee to the second session of the Eighth Congress, to which the Committee beg leave to refer, and request it may be considered as part of this report. The opinion of the Committee is opposed to granting any additional allowance or advantages to the sugar refiners, for the reasons stated in their former report; and they respectfully offer the following resolution: Resolved, That it is inexpedient to grant the prayer of the petitioners. The reading of the former report was then called for, and the Clerk having read the same, Mr. MCCREERY spoke as follows: Mr. Chairman-When the report which was last read was presented to the House, at a former session, it was referred to a Committee of the Whole, but, owing to a press of business, apparently of greater importance, it was not acted on. Notwithstanding that two lengthy reports have been made on this subject by the Committee of Commerce and Manufactures, and that I have generally stood alone in opposition to them, I must now presume to hope that a majority of this Committee, and among them the members of the Committee of Commerce and Manufactures, will ultimately agree to the desired modification of this branch of trade, when they come to understand the subject more perfectly, and shall be convinced that they have entirely mistaken the object of the petitioners. They neither ask nor desire any new duties or restrictions laid on the importation of refined sugars. They are willing, on the contrary, that the present duties on imported refined sugars, and on sugar candy, shall be made as low as Congress may deem necessary. All they ask is, that they may be allowed a reasonable drawback on the exportation of domestic refined sugar, made from foreign materials. The objections urged in this report, are: 1st. That Louisiana sugar might be refined and exported. 2d. That imported sugar might be kept in store more than a year, and a drawback obtained afterwards. 3d. That the quantity of freight is diminished when the article is refined. 4th. That New England rum, cordage, canvass made into sails, and manufactured iron, are equally entitled to drawback, though not asked for. The House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the motion of the eighth instant, making provision for carrying into effect a treaty made between the United States and the Chickasaw tribe of Indians, on the third day of July, 1805. Ordered, That a bill, or bills, be brought in As to the first and greatest objection, I answer pursuant to the said resolution, and that the Com- that such an imposition is more easily guarded mittee of Ways and Means be instructed to pre-against than in any other species of goods, bepare and bring in the same. REFINED SUGAR. The House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the report of the Committee of Commerce and Manufactures on the memorials of the sugar refiners. It was read, as follows: cause we can have, besides the oath of the employer, that of the refiner also, and he is, in this, a disinterested person-but the quality of this sugar being much preferred for retail, renders this precaution less necessary-and besides these reasons, the public revenue can run no risk until a greater quantity of Louisiana sugar is furnished JANUARY, 1807. Refined Sugars. H. OF R. obliged to import their seed, flourished to an extraordinary degree; whereas in the other, although good wool was always abundant, declined; and they purchased their woollen cloths chiefly from England, and for this simple reason, that the dread of making too much and the surplus perishing, they dare not make enough for their own use. Observe the price of coffee in the United States, compared with any and every other country that imports and consumes it; we have it infinitely lower than any of them, because our merchants are not afraid of having more than can be consumed; knowing that they can readily obtain a drawback of duty on all they re-export. And it is owing to a defect of this regulation in the case of sugar, that the price of loaf sugar is at this time higher, compared with the price of crude sugar, than it was during the existence of the excise law, when a drawback was allowed on the exportation. to us than is consumed in the United States. For example, suppose our home consumption amounts to fifty million pounds of sugar, which I believe it does, and the same quantity to be furnished us by Louisiana, which pays no duty; and suppose that an equal quantity of sugar of foreign growth be imported, and pays a duty of two and a half cents per lb., and that a drawback is allowed on exporting the same. This quantity of fifty millions will certainly be re-exported, because it cannot be consumed, and will obtain a drawback of the duties paid on entry-so that, in fact, the revenue gains nothing by the importation or exportation of this one hundred million of pounds, save three and a half per cent. on the debentures granted on the part exported. I would, therefore, ask what difference it can make to us which half is consumed, or which exported? Sir, it makes none, and I contend that the revenue can run no possible risk in this business until the quantity of sugar imported from Louisiana exceeds We have in some years exported from fifty to our whole consumption. At present, the quantity sixty millions of pounds of crude sugar. Could all we receive from thence amounts to about four this have been exported in a refined state, the revemillions of pounds annually. When it shall ex-nue might have benefitted much, and the manufacceed our consumption-an event which I shall be proud of-we shall have little difficulty in guarding against the imposition apprehended. I have often seen, sir, that when subjects of this nature are discussed on this floor, the first question with many gentlemen is, how will this measure affect our revenue? I acknowledge that this consideration should never be lost sight of, but must at the same time avow that it has always been with me a secondary one. The first, in my estimation, is how will it affect the people? If the people shall gain ten times as much as the revenue loses by a measure, he must be a poor financier who cannot supply the loss in another shape. But, I am ready to assert that not only the people but the Government also will benefit by the desired alteration. During the period in which a drawback was allowed on the exportation of domestic refined sugar, the erection of refineries increased to such a degree that at present, being in a great measure confined to home consumption, most of them are idle half the year. The amount of that article exported last year, was short of 140,000 lbs., by which, no doubt the nation benefitted about $7,000, being 24 cents per lb. on the quantity of crude sugar employed; but, sir, if the refiners be allowed a reasonable drawback, the quantity exported would in all probability soon amount to three million pounds or more annually, and, allowing only one cent per pound to be retained at the custom house, leaves a revenue of $30,000. In addition to this consideration, sir, let me add, that where a people is confined to the supplying of its own consumption of any article, the manufacture of the article must ever decline. I cannot better illustrate this proposition than by quoting the instance of the late policy of Great Britain towards Ireland. The latter nation was not only allowed the free exportation of linens, but in some cases a bounty, yet in woollens were restricted to their own consumption. Everybody knows that the manufacture of the one, although | turer still more. It would have brought much more in foreign countries, and enabled the exporters to import so much more of other goods, which would still have increased our revenue. There is yet another advantage of great importance to be derived: belligerents have undertaken to say that our exportation of raw sugars was in many instances for account of their enemies; therefore, had these sugars been exported in a refined state, such allegations would not have been made. The circumstance of merchants holding imported sugars in their warehouses for more than a year must occur so seldom, that I am astonished how it could be thought of as an objection. It may happen that sugar of a bad quality cannot be readily disposed of; but there can be no danger of refiners meddling with it. The next objection is still more unfortunate, for in place of diminishing freight, it actually augments it-for take a cask of raw sugar, and refine it, I defy you to put the loaves made from it into the same volume; therefore, as it takes up more room and pays freight by measurement, while the crude sugar pays by weight, the ship owner is benefitted. The argument that because a drawback is not allowed on rum, cordage, canvass, and iron, though not asked for, there ought not on sugar, is a curious one. A drawback was allowed on rum when sugar was admitted to it; and why the distillers do not apply for it again, I know not. I do believe, though I am not certain of the fact, that a considerable part of what is commonly exported, goes to the coast of Africa; where it is not easy to procure the documents necessary to obtain the drawback. If a drawback on this article should hereafter be applied for, and it can be made appear that it is beneficial to commerce, I shall, for my part, have no objection to grant it. The manufacturers of cordage will scarcely apply for an indulgence of this sort; the duty on imported hemp being only one cent per pound, and one pound of hemp making two pounds of tarred rope, renders the object too trifling. To allow a drawback on imported canvass, made into sails, would be attended with much difficulty, and must cause a deviation in some respects to rules laid down, and in practice at the customhouse. The quantity of nails and spikes exported in one year is so small, that a reasonable drawback allowed on that article would amount to a very few thousand dollars, and will not, until the manufacture shall increase very much, be asked for. However, sir, as the House is now very thin, and probably will not come to any decision on this measure until we have further information, I move you that the Committee now rise, in order that the petitions and report on this subject be referred to the Secretary of the Treasury, that he may report thereon. Mr. EARLY hoped the Committee would not rise for the purpose proposed; he was against any further reference of this business, on which so much time had already been spent, as it had been before the House for a number of years, and he did not think that any new light could be thrown on the subject. The Committee rose, and leave being asked to sit again, it was resolved in the negative. Mr. EARLY moved that the House concur with the resolution of the Committee of Commerce and Manufactures. Mr. VARNUM spoke in favor of this motion, and the question being put, that the House do agree to the said report, it was carried in the affirmative. FRIDAY, January 23. Mr. ALSTON, from the committee appointed on the second instant, presented a bill making compensation to Messrs. Lewis and Clarke, and their companions; which was read twice and committed to a Committee of the Whole on Monday next. On motion of Mr. VARNUM, the letter from Wil liam Eaton to the Speaker, together with the accounts and documents accompanying the same, presented to this House on the seventeenth of March last, were referred to the Committee of Claims. Resolved, That the Committee of Commerce and Manufactures be instructed to inquire into the expediency of amending the eighty-ninth section of the "act to regulate the collection of duties on imports and tonnage," and extending the provisions thereof to cases of seizure, under the laws relative to the navigation and commerce of the United States and that they have leave to report by bill or otherwise. An engrossed bill for the relief of Edmund Briggs was read the third time and passed. An engrossed bill to extend the power of granting writs of injunctions to the Judges of the District Courts of the United States was read the third time and passed. JANUARY, 1807. NATIONAL DEFENCE. The House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the report of the select committee, on such parts of the Message of the President as relates to the fortifications of ports and harbors. The resolutions reported by the committee were read, as follows: Resolved, That a sum of money, not exceeding dollars, be appropriated to enable the President of the United States to cause our fortifications to be improved and repaired. Resolved, That a further sum of money, not exceeding dollars, be appropriated to enable the President of the United States to cause to be built a number of gunboats, not exceeding for the better protection of our ports, towns and rivers. Mr. MUMFORD.-Mr. Chairman, I rise to make a motion to which I am impelled from the strongest conviction on my mind, that it is of primary importance to the peace, the honor, the safety, and the welfare of this nation, we should adopt some more efficient measures in defence of our own seacoast. It is no doubt within the recollection of every member of this Committee, that in the month of April last, a most unwarrantable outrage was committed against the peace and dignity of the United States, within your own jurisdiction, by the commander of a certain British ship of war, called the Leander, who, in open contempt of your laws, and the violation of the laws of nations, did actually commit murder on one of your own citizens, within your own limits, near the port of New York, without provocation on his part, when in the lawful prosecution of his business. However difficult it may be, notwithstanding our earnest desire to devise some more effectual means, which I hope will soon take place, to relieve a worthy class of our citizens from the cruel bondage and the lacerating whip of a man-of-war, is not this humiliation sufficient? Must we still be called upon to drink up the dregs? Will the United States submit to the humiliating degradation of having its own citizens murdered within its own limits, without making an effort and taking such strong ground as will prevent in future the repetition of the like crimes? No, sir, this nation will not submit to it. Sir, we have had insult added to injury, and notwithstanding the Cambrian frigate has been denied the rights of hospitality by the President's proclamation, in consequence of her participation in the murder of one of your citizens, yet a few days ago it appears another of your citizens has been seized by the commander of that frigate with force of arms, and threatened, at the peril of his life, that if he did not safely conduct that ship, contrary to the laws of his country, from Cape Henry into Hampton Roads, he would blow his brains out. She did arrive in Hampton Roads, and there replenished with a fresh supply of provisions, in order the more effectually to annoy your commerce, and add new insults to your citizens and to your Government. I do not wish to excite alarm nor irritate this nation against any foreign Government on earth; my wish is to cultivate peace and friendship with them all on honorable terms. But I never will consent to do it at the expense of the honor, the safety, and the welfare of this nation. And I hope we shall, in justice to ourselves and the duty we owe our country, pursue such prompt and efficient measures as will more effectually protect our own sea shores. Impressed with these sentiments, and in order to prevent a repetition of the like offences in future, and to aid in carrying into execution the proclamation of the President of the United States, dated in April last, I beg leave to move the following amendment to the first resolution: H. of R. balance was as large a sum as could be advantageously laid out during the ensuing year; but that a sum of fifteen or twenty thousand dollars might be necessary as a contingent fund. The Committee divided on the amendment offered by Mr. MUMFORD-yeas 46, nays 50. Mr. R. NELSON moved to fill the blank in the first resolution with "$20,000." Mr. Cook proposed 66 one million." Mr. MUMFORD proposed " $500,000." The motion to fill the blank with one million was disagreed to-yeas 12. The motion to fill the blank with "$500,000" was then put. of any nation in the annals of history that ever neglected to protect their ports and harbors, especially when in a similar defenceless situation we now find our own. has been the defence of those cities which receive Their invariable system in deposit the productions of agriculture, com "And also to enable the President of the United States to equip, man, and maintain so much of the present naval force of the United States as he may judge proper. Mr. CLINTON.—I rise to second the motion of of my amendment, I am conscious of the rectitude Mr. MUMFORD.-However I may regret the loss my honorable colleague. I am not in favor of of my conduct, and having discharged my duty, expensive navies or standing armies. I am not I submit to the majority, in full confidence that certain whether, under existing circumstances, it is necessary to augment the former; but I am we shall now pursue a magnanimous and liberal clearly of opinion that we should employ the and while I am disposed and willing, with a liberal policy in the protection of our ports and harbors; force we possess in the defence of the country; hand, to extend the arm of national defence to our and the protection of its lawful commerce. I well Western and Southwestern frontiers, I do hope remember the sensation excited by the murder of the younger branches of the same family will not Pierce. It was a glow of patriotic fire that per- be unmindful of the good old thirteen United vaded the whole community; from Georgia to States. The importance of this subject, sir, strikes Maine it was felt like an electrical shock. Even the news of the death of Washington did not pro- some gentlemen. I consider it of serious consemy mind in a very different point of view from duce a more solemn effect. The want of a naval force was then severely felt, but there was no ef- quence to the nation, both in relation to our forfectual power vested by the nation in the Execu-eign and domestic enemies. Sir, I do not know tive to arm a single additional ship. Because we cannot meet the whole navy of Great Britain on the ocean, is it a reason that we should have no navy at all; that we should have no force of that kind to chastise marauders and pirates, and to protect our commerce and defend our ports? If we must have a navy-small as it is-let us employ it for its true design. If we have no need for a navy let us abandon it at once. I am willing to meet gentlemen on this ground. As to fortifications, it will be time enough to speak to that part of the resolution when it comes under debate. Mr. R. NELSON said he did not know that he had any objection to the amendment; he had not made up his mind with regard to its propriety. He could wish, however, to see the blank in the first resolution in the first instance filled. If it should be filled up with a large sum, having an eye particularly to the defence of the port of New York, he should not be in favor of the amendment. He also thought the amendment would be, with more propriety, offered to the second resolution, as the first related solely to fortifications. He hoped the gentleman would inform the Committee with what sum he proposed filling the blank in the first resolution. Had it not been for the motion under consideration, Mr. N. said he should have moved to fill it with $20,000. He found that Congress had appropriated last year the sum of $150,000. From the letter of the Secretary of War, it would be seen that of this sum not more than $40,000 had been expended, and that the balance remained to be applied to the fortification of our ports and barbors. In conversation with the Secretary, Mr. N. said, the Secretary had informed him that this 9th CoN. 2d SESS.-13 merce, and manufactures. Look to Constantinople, to the ports in Italy, to Cadiz, to Lisbon, to Great Britain. These nations, from time immethe whole coast of France, to Copenhagen, and to morial, have deemed it of primary importance to harbors. If the experience of ages has convinced extend the arm of protection to all their ports and them how essential it is to secure these places from the surprise of an enemy, however we may disapprove of their mode of Government, I do hope we shall approve and adopt their systems of defence, at least so far as they are applicable to our ports and harbors. What is the situation of our ports? Look at Charleston, South Carolina. I will take the liberty to read a communication from the Governor of that State to the Secretary of War, accompanying a Message from the President of the United States, dated February 3, 1806. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, SOUTH CAROLINA, February 3, 1806. Executive of the United States, the copy of an act of I herewith transmit, that it may be laid before the the Legislature of this State, ceding various forts &c. to the United States. I feel it incumbent on me to state, that such is the situation of the forts in Charleston harbor, that the only gun which can at this moment be fired is a four pounder, the carriages of the heavy pieces that are mounted being so decayed as not to admit of the use of one of them; the walls, platforms, &c. are either in ruins or fast approaching that state, from |