Ohio, a petition from sundry inhabitants of Co- lumbia county in, praying a reduction of the prices of reserved sections, referred notice of a bill giving the assent of Congress to a proposition contained in the 6th sec- tion of the 7th article of the constitution of leave granted, a bill presented, and read read a second time, and referred
a resolution submitted affirming the pro- priety of appropriating a quantity of land, towards opening the canal at the Rapids of the river
the resolution adopted, and a committee ap- pointed
a report made by said committee
and agreed to, and a committee appointed to prepare a bill
which bill is presented, and read
ordered to a second reading
amended, read a third time, and passed as amended
a resolution of the Legislature of, relating to an exchange of lands granted for the use of schools, read another resolution of the same, requesting the passage of a law to prohibit the im- portation of slaves
notice of a bill to explain the act supple- mentary to the act to divide the Territory Northwest of the river, into two govern-
reported with amendments
amendments adopted, and bill ordered to a third reading
read a third time, and passed as amended
Pickering, Mr., supported the resolution grant- ing land to the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company
Pollock, Oliver, a bill from the House of Repre- sentatives for relief of, read
read a second time, and referred
reported with amendments, which were read 98 amendments adopted, bill read a third time, and passed as amended -
Ports and Harbors, a resolution submitted to re- fer so much of the President's Message as refers to the defence of, to a select com- mittee
the resolution agreed to, and a committee appointed
a bill reported, and read
read a second time, and referred
a bill from the House of Representatives making further appropriations for fortify-
ing the, and building gunboats, read
read a second time, and referred
read a third time, and passed as amended - 102 36 Portsmouth, New Hampshire, a bill from the House of Representatives for relief of the sufferers by fire in, twice read, and re- ferred
the second reading resumed, and the bill postponed 28, 30, 36, 37 certain statements submitted in relation to the subject, and ordered to be printed motions to postpone the bill till next ses- sion, not acted on -
the bill postponed to the next session of Congress
39 Public Buildings, a report of the Surveyor of the, transmitted by the President -
Public Debt, a bill from the House of Represent- atives making provision for the redemp- tion of the, read, and ordered to a second reading
read a second time, and referred reported without amendment
on Mr. Dana's resolution relating to libel- lous publications -
Bank and Insurance Companies, a bill from the Senate to regulate the granting of regis- ters to vessels becoming the property of, twice read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole
the consideration postponed indefinitely Baptist Congregation, (City of Washington,) a petition of the, praying an act of incorpo- ration, was presented, and referred to a se- lect committee Mr. Darby, from said committee, reported a bill to incorporate the, which was read twice, and committed to a Committee of the Whole Barker, Mr., remarks of, on Mr. Sloan's motion to amend bill to prohibit importation of slaves 171 on Mr. Bidwell's amendment to the same bill 224 on the amendments to the same - Barron, Commodore Samuel, correspondence of, with the Secretary of the Navy 712, 729 with Captain William Bainbridge 718, 720, 721 with William Eaton - 724, 730, 731,737, 765 with Captain Isaac Hull 713, 727, 728, 737 740, 763, 764 734, 736, 739
with Captain John Rodgers
with Tobias Lear
on the motion to reject the Senate bill sus- pending the writ of habeas corpus
on Mr. Broom's resolution in relation to the said writ
on a motion to recommit the bill to repeal the duty on salt
on the bill making appropriations to carry into effect the Chickasaw treaty Bissell, Captain, copy of a letter from, to Gen. Jackson, in relation to Burr's conspiracy - 428 Blockade, Napoleon's decree declaring the Brit- ish Islands in a state of - Boluxas, historical sketch of the, tribe of Indians 1085 Boston, memorial of a committee of merchants of 890 Briggs, Edmund, Mr. Early presented a bill for
relief of, read twice and committed - ordered to a third reading -
committee on that part of the President's Message relating to the new principles as- sumed by the
said committee made a report on the same - 625 the report at large in the appendix answers of the French Envoy to the objec- tions of the Treasury
Bedides, historical sketch of the, tribe of Indians 1079 Bedinger, Mr., remarks of, on the bill to prohibit
the importation of slaves
on the motion to reject the Senate bill fix- ing a Military Peace Establishment
Bell, John and William, the Committee of Com- merce and Manufactures were discharged from the consideration of a petition of, and a motion to refer it to the Treasury, lost - 501
British Army, Mr. J. Clay presented a petition of sundry officers who served in the, in the French war, praying to be confirmed in their titles to certain lands granted them by his Britannic Majesty, referred to the Committee on Public Lands -
a report of said Committee of the Whole 431 Mr. Gregg presented a petition of similar im- port, referred to the same committee - 590
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