Imagens das páginas

8. How do you explain the phenomena of commercial crises?

9. Examine the arguments for and against the proposal that retaliatory duties should be imposed on goods coming from countries that levy protective duties on Victorian products.

10. In what cases is it admissible to borrow in order to defray public expenditure? Illustrate your answer from your reading.

11. What are the advantages of production on a large scale in manufactures?

Increasing Return” ?

What is the "Law of

12. What are the real limits to a rise of prices through an inflation of credit?



The Board of Examiners.

1. Shew very briefly the lines of reasoning deductive and inductive whereby Mr. Spencer demonstrates the Law of Evolution.

2. Trace briefly the development of the regulating system in societies.

3. Give a short analysis of the chief causes of hindrance peculiar to sociological study.

4. Shew how the bias of patriotism may vitiate sociological conclusions.

5. How does Mr. Spencer establish the position that institutions which considered absolutely are not beneficent may nevertheless be relatively beneficent?

6. Political changes are generated by great causes but out of small incidents. Prove this from your reading.

7. The possibility of a high social state, political as well as general, fundamentally depends on the cessation of war. How does Mr. Spencer

establish this conclusion?

8. "The organization which co-operation implies is of two kinds, distinct in origin and nature."(Political Institutions, p. 263.) Explain.

9. Shew how the defects peculiarly characteristic of slave labour retarded the industrial development of the Southern States of North America.

10. In certain representative employments the daily money wages of English artisans are about onehalf those of United States artisans. Does it follow that the latter are twice as well off?


The Board of Examiners.

Candidates must not answer more than SEVEN of the following questions.

1. Consider historically the growth of Jurisprudence in England. To what extent has it been influenced by European thought?

2. What do you consider to be the proper place of Fictions in a legal system?

3. Consider the part played by "Legislation" in the development of law. Illustrate your answer by a reference to the Roman and English law.

4. At what stage of social development do you consider the terms Political Society and Law become fairly applicable to the society and its rules?

5. What are the principal classifications of property? Have they any, and what, philosophical or practical value?

6. What theories are held as to the nature of the Gens?

7. Consider the legal position of women in ancient and modern societies. Account for the subjection of women in ancient societies.

8. What are the essential features of case or judiciary law? What are ratio decidendi and ratio legis? What truth is there in the maxim Cessante ratione legis cessat lex?

9. What are the various uses of the term Negligentia in the Roman and Negligence in the English Law? Is the maxim "A man acts at his peril" the legal basis of wrong in general or of any particular wrong.

10. Compare the English and Roman Law in regard to Security for Debt.

11. What is an Imperfect Law? Consider the propriety of using this expression.




The Board of Examiners.

1. What do we learn from Piers the Plowman about the condition of the labouring classes in England. during the fourteenth century?

2. Put into modern English the following passages, adding any notes which you consider necessary:

Shal na more Mede be maistre, as she is nouthe,
Ac loue and loweness and lewte togederes,
Thise shul be maistres on molde treuthe to saue.
And who-so trespasseth ayein treuthe or taketh
agein his wille,

Leute shal don hym lawe and no lyf elles.
Shal no seriaunt for here seruyse were a silke

Ne no pelure in his cloke, for pledyng atte

Mede of mys-doeres maketh many lordes,

And ouer lordes lawes reuleth the rewmes.

3. Explain and refer to the context the following


(a) Now worth this Mede ymaried al to a mansed schrewe.

(b) In normandie was he noughte noyed for my


(c) He bare a burdoun ybounde with a brode liste. (d) Grace hatte the gateward.

(e) Ketten here copes and courtpies hem made. (ƒ) Metelees and monelees on Maluerne hulles, Musing on this meteies.

4. Explain the following terms:-Iangelers, listres, louedayes, orientales, possessioneres, prouisoures, regrateres, ribanes, wastoures, wernardes.

5. Give a summary of Chaucer's description of the Frere.

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