Imagens das páginas
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example of their ancestors. We may take this opportunity of announcing that a society, to be called 'The Hellenic Association,' is about to be formed in London under the auspices of several noblemen and gentlemen, English and Greek. Its object will be to promote education in Greece.


A commission was some time ago established in Rome, for the purpose of collecting such old pictures, prints, drawings, and descriptions, as might afford assistance in the projected restoration of the cathedral of Aix-laChapelle. Herr von Quast, who is at the head of the commission, wished to compare a print given by Pistolesi, in the Vaticano descritto, with an oil painting, of the interior of the cathedral, which he himself had seen in the Vatican a few years ago. However the picture was not to be found, and for a considerable time fruitless inquiries respecting it were set on foot by Herr von Buch, the Prussian envoy to the Papal See. At length Dr. Dressel was so fortunate as to discover it in a private gallery, and it was immediately purchased by Herr von Buch. As a work of art the picture is but of mediocre value; but it will be of important assistance to the object the commission has in view. It represents, with the utmost fidelity of detail, the interior of the cathedral as it was before the mutilation of the edifice by the French about the end of the last century. They broke up and partially carried away the costly columns of porphyry and marble, brought by Charle magne from San Vitale, in Ravenna. The peace of Paris, in 1814, restored them, at least in part, to Aix. The painting recently discovered in Rome, represents the coloured columns; but whether it will be possible to restore them all is a doubtful question. Pistolesi's plate is faulty in perspective, as well as incorrect and defective in the representation of the architectural


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The sculptor, Mathiä, of Berlin, who is at present in Rome, is engaged on a work which attracts the admiration of all lovers of art. It is called Cupid and the Dog;' and all who have seen it concur in eulogising the beauty and the graceful grouping of the figures. The winged god is represented sleeping, his head pillowed on his left arm, which rests on the back of a watch-dog, the emblem of fidelity. The group is executed in Carrara marble of the purest white. It is for the Duchess of Leuchtenburg.

An important artistical work is about to appear at Parma, under the auspices of the Duchess Maria Louisa (formerly Empress of France). The duchess has ordered correct copies to be made of the fresco paintings of Correggio, which adorn various places in the city of Parma, and also of some pictures of Parmigiano, which are nearly destroyed. From these drawings engravings are to be executed by Toschi, the celebrated copper-plate engraver. The work is to appear in numbers, each number to be accompanied by some pages of explanatory text. It is expected that ten years will be required for the completion of the undertaking.

A somewhat curious work appeared lately at Messina, consisting of a History of celebrated Trees,' by the Abbate Carmelo Allegra. The author treats of the Chesnut Tree of Etna' (Castagno dei cento cavalli); of' Hagedorus' and Klopstock's Lindens;' of the ، Cedars of Lebanon ; of Rousseau's Tree, at Montmorency;' &c.

Professor Foggi, of the University of Pisa, is preparing for publication, in Italian, an important work upon the poetry of the Bible, upon which he has been engaged for several years. It presents a complete developement of the metrical system of Hebrew poetry, as well as of the poetical nomenclature which was employed by the ancient rhetoricians of the people of Israel. FLORENCE.-The body of Joseph Buonaparte was deposited, on the third

Miscellaneous Literary Notices.


of August, in the vault of the church of Santa Cruz, the temple of honour of the great men of Italy. He is said to have left a fortune of 600,000l. to his widow and daughter, who is married to her cousin, the Prince de Marignano, son of Lucien.

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A curious instance of Austrian intolerance and Tuscan subservience has just occurred here. A noble Florentine, Count Masetti, anxious to save it from the ravages of time and the vandalism of speculators, purchased the house, on the Lung' Arno, in which Alfieri lived and died, and placed over the gate, on a white marble slab, the following inscription: Vittorio Alfieri, Principe dell' Italiana Tragedia, per la gloria e regenerazione d'Italia qui detto e qui mori.' ('Here Victor Alfieri, the Prince of Italian Tragedy, for the glory and regeneration of Italy, wrote and died.') There was nothing very alarming in this monumental record; the censorship gave its visa and the prefect of police his exequatur. The inscription had been open to public view for several days, when, all at once, the Austrian chargé d'affaires at Florence took exception to it, in the name of his imperial master. At first, it was very naturally believed by the Tuscan government that he could not be serious; but despatches from Vienna came which fully proved that the chargé d'affaires perfectly_represented the imbecility as well as the power of the Austrian emperor. Protest was in vain; lampoon, pasquinade, epigram, all was in vain. The authorities were obliged to yield—and the inscription was removed in the name of Austria. Povera Italia!


Jacob Aall, the wealthy owner of the iron mines of Naes, and a man distinguished for learning and literary talent, died at Christiania, on the 4th of August. Many years ago he consigned the active superintendence of his lucrative property to his son, and devoted himself to literary pursuits; he studied profoundly the history, language, and antiquities of Norway. A great portion of his literary labours were contributions to periodical publications. His principal works are a German translation of Snorre Sturleson's Chronicle of the Northern Monarchs,' (which he published at his own cost,) and his' Recollections for an Appendix to the History of Norway, from 1800 to 1815.' He subscribed the sum of 20,000 thalers towards the foundation of the University of Christiania.

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The union of Scandinavian naturalists, recently assembled at Christiania, concluded their scientific conferences about the end of July. Copenhagen is the place fixed upon for the meeting of next year.


The public libraries which were first called into existence by permission of the emperor, in 1836, and are now established in forty-two towns of the empire, must necessarily operate beneficially on the civilisation of the people. Most of these contain from 1500 to 2000 volumes, and the collections are continually increasing by important contributions from the public. The libraries of Odessa and Tamboff contain from 10,000 to 12,000 volumes each. Complete editions are now published of those works which may be called the classics of Russian literature, viz., the writings of Pushkin, Shukovski, and Bestushev; the latter is known in Russian literature only by the name of Marlinsky. An Indian tale, in verse, from the pen of Shukovski, has recently been published at St. Petersburg. It is entitled 'Nal and Damayante.'

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Through the kindness of the Rev. Mr. Thom, of Liverpool, we have been put in possession of a Chinese and English Vocabulary,' published last year at Canton by our correspondent's brother. At the risk of compromising our editorial prerogative of literary omniscience, we must confess our incompetence to pronounce judgment upon Mr. Thom's labours: but as, everything which leads to facilitate a kindly, and mutually serviceable intercourse between our countrymen and the Chinese is deserving of all encouragement, we have great pleasure in quoting from the Journal des Debats,' June 24, 1844, the following notice of the Vocabulary. It is from the pen of M. Stanislas Julien, member of the Institut, and professor of Ancient Chinese in the College of France

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"The Bibliotheque Royale has just had transmitted to it from Canton a work, which, if we are not mistaken, bids fair to open up China to us in a way far more efficacious than even the force of arms has done; and this, by enabling the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire to acquaint themselves, without any other assistance than that which itself affords, with the ideas and scientific attainments which prevail in Europe. The work alluded to is a Chinese and English Vocabulary, published for the use of the Chinese. It is headed by a preface in Chinese, written in a moderate and conciliatory tone, which the Emperor must have read with no less interest than satisfaction, should it have been brought under his notice. This last-named circumstance is by no means improbable, as, according to the Hongkong Gazette,' of the 26th October, 1843, a considerable number of copies had been forwarded to the Court of Pekin; and as information has been received, since their arrival, of many of the high functionaries of that capital having read and having been delighted with the work. Hitherto, the almost exclusive object of Sinologues has been to compile dictionaries for the service of Europeans, but the opening of four new ports has given birth to new wants, and, among its other consequences, has created a sort of necessity for the publication of the vocabulary which we have now the pleasure of announcing. It was an idea at once happy and bold to aim at furnishing the Chinese with the opportunity of acquiring, through the medium of their own language, an acquaintance with that of England. But an immense difficulty had to be encountered in attempting to set forth to the eye the sounds of a foreign tongue, the pronunciation of which is so arbitrary, by employing for that purpose the signs of a language which has no alphabet. To triumph over this obstacle, and others which need not be enumerated, nothing less was required than the learning and experience of a man who has had his abode in China for the last ten years, and to whom the spoken language of the Chinese is as familiar as his vernacular tongue. The author is Mr. Robert Thom, whose abilities are well known throughout Europe, the gentleman who, in connexion with the younger Morrison, acted as interpreter to Sir Henry Pottinger during his negotiations with the Chinese Plenipotentiaries; and this not only in arranging the terms of the recent peace, but likewise in since discussing and settling the articles of that commercial treaty which now throws China open to European enterprise and activity. To him the public was previously indebted for his edition of Æsop's Fables in Chinese and English, and for an interesting tale translated from the Chinese. We may add that Mr. Thom has published this work at his own expense; and that he has distributed copies gratuitously to foreigners who reside in China, as well as to the native merchants of the new ports, henceforward to be brought into constant intercourse with Europeans, and requiring the assistance which such a work affords."






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