Imagens das páginas


Recent contributions to the History of
Art, 325.


Recollections of Service in China.
Capt. A. Cunynghame, 432.
Records of early Italian Art, 346.
Reynard the fox (Reinche der Fuchs),
history of, 515.

Rinuccini, Papal Nuncio to Ireland,
from 1645 to 1649, 1; departure from
Rochelle with money, arms, and am-
munition, 8; voyage, arrival in Ire-
land, 9; treaty with Glamorgan, 10;
unwillingness of the Irish clergy to
oppose Ormond, 12; jealousies of the
four provinces, 13; violent measures
of the Nuncio, 17; decline of his
power, 19, &c.

Ripamonti and Defoe, 57.
Roman History-Niebuhr, Michelet,
Merimée, Professor Becker, 450.
Roman Life, ancient aspect of, 453.
Rome, state of, in 1347, 351.
Rural and Domestic Life of Germany.
By William Howitt, 148.
Russian Invasion of India, 75.
Russia, Military Power of, 195; Sta-
tistics of Russian soldiers, 197; Im-
perial Guard; Russian drill, 201;
Cossacks, 205; Conscription; Fron-
tier Armies, 209; Military Colonies,
211; treatment of soldiers, 213;
rewards and punishments, 215; Yer-
moloff, 217; morale, 219.

Russia, Revelations of, or the Emperor
Nicholas and his Empire in 1844.



Sacrifice of British Ambassadors in
Central Asia, 222.
Scharnhorst, Reminiscences of, 35.
Scientific Congress at Milan, 529.
Science, Nouvelle, par Vico, Traduite

par l'auteur de l'Essai sur la forma-
tion du Dogme Catholique, avec une
introduction sur Vico et ses œuvres.
1844, 289.

Ship Canal across the Isthmus of Pa-
nama : Survey for, 389.

Sicks, de l'Origine et des Mours. Par

M. Benet. 1841, 70.

Skizzen aus dem Norden, von Theodor
Mugge, 250.

Slave States of America, Domestic
Manners in, 104.

Sleeman (Lieut.-Col.), Rambles and
Recollections in India, 369.


Somnauth, Gates of, 509.


Speranze d'Italia. By Cesare Balbo, 526.
Statutes of the Florentine Painters, 335.
Stadion (Count), 279.

Stoddart and Conolly, Doubts concern-
ing the fate of, 235.

Strozzi (Felippo), Erection of Strozzi
palace, 338.

Sumptuary laws in Italy in 1299, 334.
Survey of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec
in 1842-3; Don José de Garay, 1844.
-L'Isthme de Panama, Examen his-
torique et géographique des diffé-
rentes directions suivant lesquelles
on pourroit le percer, et des moyens
à y employer, &c. 1844, 389; French
opposition to the project of a ship
canal, 390; practicability of crossing
the Isthmus, 398; cost of the under-
taking, 399.


Taiti (Isles), Esquisse Historique et
Géographique, précédée de Considé-
rations sur la Colonization dans
l'Océanie. Par M. M. Vincendon
Dumoulin.-O-Taïti, Histoire et
Enquête. Par Henri Lutterworth.—
Brief Statement of the aggressions of
the French on the island of Tahiti.
An appeal to British Christians and
the public generally, on behalf of the
Queen of Tahiti and her outraged
subjects. By S. T. Williams.-His-
tory of the London Missionary So-
ciety, 165; protection of subjects
engaged in commerce, 166; conver-
sion of Tahiti, 169; Ellis's history of
the Missionary Society, 171; affairs
of Messrs. Pritchard and Moeren-
hout, 172-3.

Tehuantepec, Survey of the Isthmus of.

By Don José de Garay, 389.
Thouars (Dupetit), conduct in Tahiti,

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