Lot on South street, two acres 1,500 00 Yellow House farm, 115 acres, at $75 per acre. 8,625 00 Contract, J. Clapper, balance due.... 9,538 98 66 C. C. Jones 66 Trustees Methodist Church.. Bond of village of Geneseo. On deposit, Genesee Valley National Bank.. 83 85 1,000 00 500 00 6,560 books. 725 81 6,560 00 $43,533 64 SCHEDULE B. Number of books in library first January, 1872..... Whole number All of which is submitted. GENESEO, 31st January, 1873. 6,399 161 6,560 CHARLES F. WADSWORTH, President. JAS. S. ORTON, Secretary. No. 39. IN SENATE, February 18, 1873. G. O. LIST OF GENERAL ORDERS. 99. An act to change the name of the Board of Foreign Missions. of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church to "Board of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Church in America." 100. An act ratifying the consolidation of the Rochester, Nunda and Pennsylvania Railroad Company with the Northern Railroad and Navigation Company. 101. (Assembly, 48.) An act relative to paving streets and constructing sewers in the village of West Troy. 102. An act making provision for the support of the Cohoes Hospital. 103. An act to incorporate the Faxton Hospital in the city of Utica. 104. An act to alter, open and improve the canal in and along the west branch of Newtown creek, within the city of Brooklyn, laid down on the commissioners' map of the town of Bushwick, between a line one hundred and fifty feet southerly from Dickenson street and Randolph street, to construct a bridge over the same, and to discontinue parts of Vandervoort and Porter avenues and Randolph street, adjacent thereto. 105. An act to release the title and interest of the people of the State of New York in and to certain real estate in the village of Waverly, county of Tioga, State of New York, to David Decker, the surviving husband of Sarah Decker, deceased. G. O. 106. An act to change the name of Simon Habel, M. D., to A. Habel. 107. An act to legalize and confirm the acts of the commissioners of the several towns through which the Rochester, Nunda and Pennsylvania railroad is located, appointed in proceedings to bond said towns under the act permitting municipal corporations to aid in the construction of railroads, passed May 18, 1869, for the purpose of aiding the several railroad companies merged in said Rochester, Nunda and Pennsylvania Railroad Company as consolidated, and authorizing the issuing of bonds by the commissioners in such proceedings in cases where they have not been issued. 108. An act to amend chapter 798 of the Laws of 1868, entitled "An act to amend chapter 365 of the Laws of 1862, entitled 'An act to authorize the discharge of mortgages of record in certain cases,' passed May 9, 1868." 109. An act to amend chapter 13 of the Laws of 1859, entitled "An act to equalize the State tax among the several counties in this State." 110. An act to release the interest of the State in certain lands situated in the city of Brooklyn, county of Kings, to William Henry Dinwoodie. 111. An act to authorize aliens to acquire, hold and dispose of real and personal property, in like manner with citizens. 112. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the New York Commercial Association," passed April 19th, 1862, amended by a subsequent act, passed February 13th, 1868, changing the name of said corporation to "New York Produce Exchange." 113. (Assembly, 31.) An act to authorize the construction of a canal or drain from Shinnecock bay in Quanteck bay, in the county of Suffolk. 114. (Assembly, 34.) An act to enable the Rhinebeck and Connecticut Railroad Company to extend their road. 115. (Assembly, 92.) An act relating to the Washington Street and State Asylum Railroad Company. 116. (Assembly, 62.) An act to regulate the pay of firemen in the city of New York. |