Imagens das páginas
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nest-building-A nest in a bottle-The cell of the QUEEN TERMITE-Its en-
trances and exits-Size of the inmates-The FUNGUS ANT and its singular
home-Material, structure, and size of the nest-The CLOTHES MOTHS and
their various species-Habitations of the Clothes Moth, and the method of
formation and enlargement-The ELK and its winter home-The snow fortress
and its leaguers-Its use, advantages, and dangers-The ALBATROS and its
mode of nesting-Strange scenes-The EDIBLE SWALLOW-Its mode of nesting
-Origin of its name-Description of the nest-Curious legend respecting the
bird-The EAGLE and its mode of nesting-Difficulty of reaching the eyrie-
The NIGHTINGALE and its nest-Other ground-building birds and their tem-
porary homes-The NODDY-Perilous position of the eggs, and young—The
COOT, and its semi-aquatic nest


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