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Statutes at Large,


Second to the 9th Year of King GEORGE II.



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Statutes at Large,


Second to the 9th Year of King GEORGE II.

To which is prefixed,

A TABLE containing the TITLES of all the STATUTES

during that Period.



By DANBY PICKERING, of Gray's-Inn, Esq;
Reader of the Law Lecture to that Honourable Society.


Printed by JOSEPH BENTHAM, Printer to the UNIVERSITY;
for CHARLES BATHURST, at the Cross-Keys, opposite St. Dunstan's
Church in Fleet-Street, London. 1765.






Containing the Titles of all fuch Acts as are extant in print, from the Second to the Ninth Year of King GEORGE II.

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OR continuing the duties upon malt, mum, cyder and perry, in that part of Great Britain called England; and for granting to his Majesty certain duties upon malt, mum, cyder and perry, in that part of Great Britain called Scotland, for the service of the year 1729. and for making good the deficiency of a late malt act. Cap. 2. For punishing mutiny and desertion, and for the better payment of the army and their quar


Cap. 3. For raising the fum of one million two hundred and fifty thousand pounds, by sale of annuities to the bank of England, after the rate of four pounds per centum per annum, redeemable by parliament; and for applying the produce of the finking fund.

Cap. 4. For granting an aid to his Majesty by a land-tax to be raised in Great Britain for the service of the year 1729.

Cap. 5. For repairing the roads leading from Cannal's Gate to the city of Lichfield, and from the faid city to Stone, and from thence to the end of the county of Stafford, in the post road towards Chester; and also from the town of Burton upon Trent, to the faid city of Lichfield, and from thence to Wood End and Ogley Hay; and also from the faid city of Lichfield, to High Bridges in the county of Stafford, and the county of the laid city of Lichfield. VOL. XVI.

Cap. 6. For making good the loss occafioned by a sum of money being stolen out of his Majesty's exchequer, in the year 1724.

Cap. 7. For the more effectual collecting in Great Britain and Ireland, and other parts of his Majesty's dominions, the duties granted for the fupport of the royal hospital at Greenwich.

Cap. 8. To discharge the trustees appointed by an act of the seventh year of his late Majesty's reign (for raising money upon the estates of the late directors of the South-Sea company, and others) of their trust, and to vest in the faid company fuch of the estates, which were vested in the said trustees, as remain undisposed of, as also the produce of such estates and effects, as have been disposed of by the trustees. Cap. 9. To repeal a clause in an act made in the ninth year of his late Majesty's reign, which prohibits the importation of tobacco stript from the stalk or stem.

Cap. 1o. For making the hamlet of Spittle Fields, in the parish of St. Dunstan Stebunheath, alias Stepney, in the county of Middlesex, a distinct parish; and for providing a maintenance for the minister of such new parish.

Cap 11. For better paving and cleanfing the streets in the city and liberty of Westminster, and other places within the limits of the weekly bills of mortality, in the county of Middlesex.

Cap. 12.

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