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1596-7, Jan. 10.—Although I have no means to advertise you of any news, yet I must thank you for your late grace in advancing me when I was hopeless. I have found this company in bad order by the abuses of the officers after Captain Smith's departure, which has cost me with other expences 1007. Whenever you undertake any action I hope I may attend you therein.-Delft, tenth of the new month of January '96. Signed. Seal. 1 p. (58.99.)


1596-7, [before Jan. 11].-Nous avons receu vos lettres de plainte et mescontentement pour celles de marque et de represaille par nous accordees en notre conseil en faveur d'Adan de Hargues, marchant de notre ville de St Jean de Luz, lesquelles nous avons leues avec regret, tant pour l'amitye et observance que nous vous portons, que pour estre naturellement ennemy de semblables expeditions. Car, encores que ce soient remedes permis par nos traictes pour la protection de nos subgets, ausquels justice est desiree, toutesfoys nous en avons fuy l'usage quant les occasions s'en sont presentees depuis notre regne tant qu'il nous a este possible. Mais la foule et multitude des plaintes et clameurs de nos subgets depredes en mer par les votres, ausquels toute justice a este en effect desnice, a este si grande qu'elle a enfin force notre naturel et notre desliberacion sur la poursuitte du dit de Hargues continues quatre ans durant justiffies par le tesmoignage de nos ambassadeurs et autres nos serviteurs qui ont reside aupres de vous pour nos affaires, de sorte que lesdites lettres ont este emanees. Mais nous avons trouve bon d'en faire surceoir l'execution jusques a la fin du mois de Febvrier prochain, a la premiere instance que nous en a faicte a votre ambassadeur, affin de vous faire paroistre que nous avons plustost cherche et attendu par l'octroy d'icelles un remede aus dites depredacions et injustices que la revanche d'une injure receue. Veritablement c'est chose honteuse et indigne de notre amitye, juree et confirmee de nouveau que l'usage desdites lettres, et qui ne peult estre que de tres mauvaise odeur entre nos subgets et tous ceulx qui en ont conoissance mais il en faut accuser les autheurs des dites prises et denis de justice lesquels abusent de la fiance que nous avons en eulx a notre desceu et au grand prejudice de nos subgets. A quoy nous vous prions trouver bon qu'il soit remedye de part et d'autre, comme il convient, car nous plaignans de vos officiers nous ne voulons excuser et descharger du tout les notres. Mais nous scavons bien que si tels abus ne sont corriges, il faut que nos subgets s'abstiennent du tout de traffiquer par mer et qu'ils demeurent prives du benefice de notre confederation et alliance, chose que nous nous assurons que vous n'entendes aucunement. Au moyen de quoy nous vous prions de deputer quelques uns de vos serviteurs et conscillers pour conferer avec les notres des dits plaintes, les verifier et reparer comme il appartient, et y apporter tel ordre et reiglement pour l'advenir que chacun jouisse de la liberte et seurete de nos traictes, lesquels je veux garder inviolablement comme merite l'affection que vous a vouee.

Endorsed:-" Jan. 1596. To her Majesty from the French King by Monsieur du Vergier."

Signed. 2 pp. (133. 143.)

The EARL OF LINCOLN to SIR ROBERT CECIL, Principal Secretary. 1596-7, Jan. 11.-"Sir, the lady is gone into the country and returneth within x days; and within vj or vij days after I will (God

willing) be here again and do you that little service in that which I will be ready to do in all things whilst I live," to deserve your friendship. "I have staid this bearer more than this v weeks to carry answer of my letters to the Lansgrave of Hessen. If I were sure that her Majesty would despatch him when I return, I would stay him one xxti days longer; otherwise I would write answer of my own letters (as you advised this day) and despatch him presently." Begs speedy answer.

Jan. 1596.

Endorsed:-11 Jan.

Holograph. 1 p. (37. 63.)

JOHN NORBURIE to SIR ROBERT CECIL, of the Privy Council.

1596-7, Jan. 11.-Has matters of state to impart and begs to be brought before him with speed; for he cannot write himself and fears prevention" because in prisons are men of many minds."-From the King's Bench, 11 Jan. 1596.

Signed. 1 p. (37. 63/2.)


1596–7, Jan. 11.-If Captain Bury need favour he deserves it; for there he keeps a very good company and keeps himself ever with it, which I can get few of the rest to do," and will be as ready as any man to serve your lordship.-Flushing, 11 Jan. 1596.

Holograph, 1 p. (37. 64.)



1596-7, Jan. 11.--In favour of the bearer's brother, who in most men's opinion deserves mercy. My lord procured him bail," and so continued his very good lord in all respects until the time of sessions, at which instant he was moved to alteration by the suit of the party's father who sometime served the Duchess, my lord's mother." The man, for his diligent service, was appointed by my lord as my usher, and in all things (save this mischance) has behaved honestly. Hopes that the Queen will extend her favour, "because the matter was extraordinarily enforced against him;" and I would not "have an honest servant perish for want of friends."-11 Jan. 1596.

Signed. 1 p. (37, 65.)

EDWARD, EARL OF OXFORD to his brother-in-law, SIR ROBERT

CECIL, Principal Secretary.

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1596-7, Jan. 11.-Thanks him for his courtesy in acquainting his wife with a supplication exhibited to the Council against her. She is charged with a matter to which she was never acknowledging and which took place five years ago when she never knew the man, "and if I then were married unto her it was all."* It is "merely false that the writer made over to her his pension "with a condition to pay all former warrants granted by me." Trusts the man who makes so impudent a complaint to personages of such quality as the Privy Council may have his deserts. Sends a schedule to explain the ground of his complaint, which, if made at all, should have been against the Said to have been married "about 1591."-Doyle.

O 94110.


writer; "but his shifts and knaveries are so gross and palpable that, doubting to bring his parts and jugglings to light, he doth address his petition against her that is utterly ignorant of the cause."-11 Jan. 1597.

Endorsed:-" 12 Jan. 1596."

Holograph. 1 p. (37. 67.)

The schedule above referred to, headed,

"The ground whereon Thomas Gurley, plaintiff to the Council, maketh his petition."

At Flushing there were certain poor gunners who being behind hand for want of their pay sold their interest to this Thomas Gurley, who thereupon offered "me" 300l. to get the lord Treasurer's letter to Sir Thomas Sherley, then under treasurer for the Low Countries. Pretended to the lord Treasurer that Gurley owed him 3007.; and, after examining both him and Gurley, the lord Treasurer wrote to Sherley to pay it, but he was still unfurnished with money. After that Gurley advanced him 2007. of his annuity in the exchequer. Details further complications at great length and complains of Gurley's "impudent" denial of promises, and of the payment of a warrant by Taylor and the officer then in the Exchequer.

2 pp. In the Earl of Oxford's hand. (37, 66.)


1596-7.-Jan. 11.-Begs that Cecil who has been pleased to consider his state will assist to get him released. "I know not well what to think of my so long imprisonment. I daily search myself to see if I can find any fault to merit, and I protest (except my own going) I cannot; for if I could I should rest the more satisfied because I had deserved.

"But since it is only the Queen's displeasure, and that, I think, moved by some that now rest ashamed and cannot justify it (for otherwise her Majesty, out of her sweet and merciful disposition, would not so afflict a poor subject whose only end was to enable him and desire nothing so much as by all means to show his zeal to serve her faithfully), I humbly beseech your honour bind me by persisting to make known the truth of my desire and assisting to attain speedy liberty."-From the Fleet, Tuesday night. Signed:-Gri. Markhame.

Endorsed:- "12 Jan. 1596. Sir Gryph. Marckham to my master." Seal. 1p. (37. 69.)


1596-7, Jan. 12.-The bearer, her brother, Charles Stourton, is summoned before the archbishop of Canterbury. Begs her to move Mr. Secretary to speak to the archbishop that he may be consigned to the place where he lived before; for he is too poor to maintain himself “if imprisoned or restrained from my lady his mother, where he hath his diet and by whom he is chiefly maintained, not having otherwise of his own above xxl. by the year, which my lord my husband gave unto him, and the which he holdeth as tenant unto me during my life." Salutations to herself and Mr. Secretary.-Odyame, 12 Jan. 1596. Signed. Endorsed by Cecil's clerk :-"My lady Stourton to my Lady." 1 D. (37. 70.)


1596-7, Jan. 13-Je croy que depuis que je suis au monde jay escrit mil et mil paires de lettres, mais je ne pense pas en avoir entreprins une qui menpesche plus que ceste cy, vous asseurant que si je nestois combatu de la juste crainte que jay, de descheoir du tout de votre bonne grace, qui mest aussi chere que ina vie, je mabstiendrois penlt estre encores pour ce coup de vous troubler de la lecture de la presente, tant jay de honte en ma conscience de mon si long silence qui me peult sans doubte avoir acquis ung blasme par dela: ne desdaignes, sil vous plaist, Monsieur, mes justes excuses, et croyez que je nay point oublie l'Angleterre, ny les honneurs et grandes faveurs desquelles sa Ma Serme ma gratiffie oultre et pardessus mon meritte lors que jay heu lhonneur de resider pres delle, et ne penses pas que jay oublie ce brave Comte lequel seul jestime meritter ce tiltre sans le blasme de ceulx qui sen estiment dignes. Jauray en mon ame ung perpetuel resentiment de ses extrares courtoisies, et de celles de tas dhonnestes seigneures de par dela. De peur de vous estre trop importun je vous repñteray ceste seulle excuse de ma fault que lestat miserable de mes maisons & affaires domesticques mont du tout distraict de ceste Court on puisque lon nous donne esperance de vous y veoir jattendray de vous repñter la reste, en et vous demanderay pardon avec solennelle protestations destre plus diligent a ladvenir comme jespere que jen auray plus de moyens demeurant pres du Roy mon maistre. Sur ceste asseurance honores moy de la continuation de votre bonne grace.-Rouen, 22 Jan. 1597. Je vous supplie tres humblement de favoriser le bon homme Mons Le Fort de la continuation de votre bonne grace.

Endorsed:-" 22 Jan. 96, nouveau stile."
Holograph. 1 p. (174. 112.)


1596-7, Jan. 13.-The letter which it pleased you to send me by Sir Francis Vere did so much confirm the assurance which possessed me sufficiently afore of your favour, that I rest even as amazed and overcome with shame and grief of mind until upon some worthy occasion I may in some sort manifest how deeply I am and ever must confess myself bound unto your Lordship. The nobleness of your most worthy mind appears in all your actions, which cannot but prosper being grounded on the most rare virtues of conscience and duty; which course God will undoubtedly bless to the good of the common cause and great joy of all that honour and love you.

Sir Francis hath imparted the particulars of other matters unto me and [I] leave it unto him to write how he found this State and the dispositions of those he hath sounded and dealt with; some of them having since taken occasion to confer thereto with me. Wherein I so answered as seconded and confirmed that by him moved and maintained, so as they begin to taste somewhat better thereof, and doubt not (although the Duke of Buillion bad possessed and carried them away before with his purposes, which in my opinion tendered more to serve his own terms than could upon good grounds be expected to the cause) but they will now bethink themselves well ere they do anything that shall not as well like Her Majesty, and be the readier to join in the action which must be followed to win time and take the advantage; and to further it if any aid or succour shall be required or expected. Since it shall be good to satisfy them thereof and of Her Majesty's purposes

afore, to the end they may prepare and determine accordingly, for to rig and have ships in readiness must have a time; and if any men shall or must de drawn hence, so it be known the sooner it will less dislike them, and may the better provide their garrisons otherwise. Besides, the warning or opening of like purposes unto them ere the King of France move anything that might be of other nature would serve them for excuse to answer him. And howbeit the acquainting of it to some private men, being of the better sort, might be thought to assist, I will say (as it may be others have told you) it may be sufficient, but if they list to make exception or those men list to take another course, I durst say (under humble correction) all such private forwarning would not suffice; which I leave to your honourable discretion and pleasure to consider of further. Whereunto I will yet add that, if might please Her Majesty to confirm by letter unto the States here her liking of the States' acceptance into the league, which at the Duke of Buillion's being here I dealt in, I dare assure your Honour (whatsoever the French do) it would wonderfully content and like this people, not only confirming their affections to Her Highness, but also to encourage and further their zeal and resolution to persevere in the course hitherto run against the common enemy.

It is here much feared that the French will agree to a peace or long truce, the more because the Duke of Buillon performed hitherto little of that he promised; insomuch as Monsieur Buzenval is gone home (as we say here) to urge matters forward, which most men think to be without his reach seeing the Duke hath given it over. If matters should so fall out that Her Majesty might have cause to use any foreign horse, I have been told that the Count Hohenlo would gladly be employed; who, although he be an Almayn and somewhat subject to their fashions, yet do I not think that any other would do better service, as well for the credit he hath amongst soldiers as his long experience, whereto may be joined his noble mind and great affection shewed to all those of our nation, far surpassing every way others in these countries, so as we are generally beholding to him for the favour and courtesies shewed at all times. He is departed towards Germany about his private business, but others say he is like to be entertained and employed in chief place against the Turks. The Count Solms, who yet is not contented, purposeth to follow ere long, and Count William, with his brethren, are gone to their father to Dillenborgh about business, and is thought will be within these few days again here.

The Count Lodowick of Nassau, whom the States' purpose was to commit to the command of the men they are to entertain and maintain in France, hath missed of his hope, the King having resolved to make three regiments of them, and hath appointed three Maitres du Camp over them, so as there is nothing left to the said Count but the bare name of chief, and how the others will respect him is doubtful, so as it is thought he will be scant well contented. And in my opinion he is well served, seeing that coming so lately out of England where he received such great entertainment, he had so soon forgotten it upon a little show of favour from the Duke of Buillon. His Excellency departed two days ago with all the chiefs towards Geertrudenbergh to meet all the troops of horse and some 5,000 foot, therewith to attempt and charge the enemy at Turnhout, who I doubt will never abide it but retire to Herentals and Diest, which is not above three hours' march from their camp. We begin to expect the news of his success.-Haeghe, this 13th of January 1596.

Holograph. Seal. 3 pp. (173. 9.)

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