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than those of the body, the one beholding afar off and the other at hand, that those things of this world in which we live be not strange unto us when they approach, as to feebleness which is moved with novelties, but that like true men participating immortality and know (sic) our destinies to be of God, we do then make our estates and wishes, our fortunes and desires all one.

"It is true that you have lost a good and virtuous wife and myself an honourable friend and kinswoman; but there was a time when she was unknown to you, for whom you then lamented not, she is now no more yours nor of your acquaintance but immortal and not needing or knowing your love or sorrow. Therefore you shall but grieve for that which now is as then it was when not yours, only bettered by the difference in this that she hath passed the wearisome journey of this dark world and hath possession of her inheritance. She hath left behind her the font of her love, for whose sakes you ought to care for yourself that you leave them not without a guide, and not by grieving to repine at His will that gave them you, or by sorrowing to dry up your own times that ought to establish them.

"Sir, believe it, that sorrows are dangerous companions, converting bad into evil and evil in worse, and do no other service than multiply harms. They are the treasures of weak hearts and of the foolish. The mind that entertaineth them is as the earth and dust whereon sorrows and adversities of the world do us, the beasts of the field, trend, trample and defile. The mind of man is that part of God which is in us, which by how much it is subject to passion by so much it is farther from him that gave it us. Sorrows draw not the dead to life but the living to death, and if I were myself to advise myself in the like, I would never forget my patience till I saw all and the worst of evils and so grieve for all at once, lest, lamenting for some one, another might yet remain in the purse of destiny of greater discomfort.

"Your ever beyond the power of words to utter, W. RALEGH.” Endorsed: 24 Jan. 1596." And, in a later hand, "Sir Wa, Ra. letter to my father touching the death of my mother." Holograph. 1 p. (37.97/2.)


[1596-7], Jan. 24.-Finding daily so many favours and extraordinary respects of your love I cannot but repay the same, protesting that (next under her Majesty) I live at your devotion, although my old age can afford little service. Touching my son's proceedings, I hope that you are not ignorant how little comfort I take therein. As my son began without advice so he is like to end without assistance from me, having an absolute dislike of the whole "creation," and chiefly of this that all his sons and daughters and their issues must become counts and countesses a matter so peevish, harsh and absurd to my understanding, that the more I speak the greater is my grief in thinking on it. Herein appears how unfortunate my son is in the course of his life, who hath not only purchased Her Majesty's displeasure and so gained a hazard of his estate, but also stands assured to be disinherited by me of all that by leave of the law may by any means be put from him; and which, "being spoken to you (dear cousin) under benedicitis," is already performed. The law of the land doth compel me to perform what I promised upon conditions of marriage, but the law of nature hath clean forgotten her office in me, having received from my son and my son's wife many proud thwarts for too too much bounty and love, yet never any biting so deep as this unprofitable, unpleasant and

dangerous ambition of his. Unless my son obtain the Queen's favour (who is not merciless) and become gracious in her eye, he shall never stand otherwise with me until death.

For myself, I hope Her Majesty will be no less gracious and good mistress than heretofore as my loyalty and many years' faithful service deserve. Her Majesty (I think) was scarce at any time offended with me who was as acceptable a man as any of my place or capacity, and who married a woman of her own breeding, till whose death I never left service in court (being twenty-six years) to my no small charges. Since with her leave I retired into the country I have spent my days in doing her true and faithful service. I write not this for reward, but for continuance of Her Majesty's favour, never restrained from so poor a kinsman, which breeds greater comfort to my decaying years than to be made the greatest duke that foreign king can give.--The 24 of January.


Holograph. 2 pp. (37.98.)


1596-7, Jan. 24.-This day I spake with a sailor of Amsterdam who was in the Spanish Fleet when it was cast away. He came yesterday was a sevennight from Baione and some days before from the Cape Finisterre. He saith there was cast away thirty-six sail, of which four of the chief galleons. That in which he was himself had aboard her seven hundred men, whereof were saved only five besides himself. He saith that there were reckoned to be lost 7000 men. The flower of the army perished, for many of the Italian ships which are in the fleet have no ordnance upon them, neither are they provided for a fight. But when the Adelantado gathered together the army he took all ships great and small whatsoever he could come by. The famine and plague, he saith, is exceeding great in the army. Others which came lately from the Spanish Court itself (as was told me) report that the king looks for great store of shipping and men out of Italy against Easter next. These countries, since our last action, have not brought forth anything worth the writing, of which action it is forbidden that any man should speak either good or bad on the other side according as advertisements come from Antwerp. About this time also is there a triumph held at Brussels, the particulars whereof I know not yet. I send your honour herewith a letter which since my coming hither Sir Francis Vere sent unto me for your lordship, concerning the said action as I take it.-Flushing, 24 of Jan. 1596.

P.S. Since the writing hereof Sir Fr. Vere's own servant hath taken his letters to your lordship.


Holograph. p. (37, 99.)


1596-7, Jan. 24.-The inconvenience of safe delivery of my letters hath oftentimes withheld me from signifying unto your lordship such occurrences as Florence affords. Notwithstanding, I have proposed unto myself not to neglect any opportunity whereby I might by testimony of my thankful mind win a place in your favour.

The King of Spain, whose very footing in Italy holds the other princes to the bridle, hath made a misliked purchase of the Marquisate of Rome, rather to be a troublesome neighbour to the Duke of Mantua

and the Venetians than for any further assurance of his estate in Milan. To take possession of two principal castles within the Marquisate aforesaid there are certain bands of soldiers departed from Milan. The Duke of Mantua prepareth to prevent them, alleging the Marquisate to be within his signory and therefore the sale to be unlawful without his licence. The Venetians to assure Brescia, which lieth near unto those castles, are said to intend shortly to put in a garrison of Frenchmen and Swizzers.

Maximilian, Duke of Bavier, to whom his father has resigned, this day is gone to Pisa to see the Great Duke to whom he is allied by marriage of the Duke of Lorrain's daughter and sister to the Great Duchess. He came attended only with four servants and two Jesuits; his purpose is to pass unto Rome to gratify the Pope for the creating of his brother Cardinal. In great secret there is a speech of a marriage between the Duke of Parma and the princess, daughter to Duke Fraunces, elder brother of the Duke present. The treaty of this contract is carried very close because the King of Spain is assured to bend his affection contrary to this match. The Genowaies who, by the King of Spain's means, have together with selves ruined almost all the merchants of Italy, by their particular loss of a rich ship near Marsilia have been greatly endomaged. To augment their misfortunes, news are this day brought from Genoa that a ship of theirs coming from Spain is cast away by tempest. The ship is said to contain a million of gold and half a million in merchandise. The knowledge of this loss is only grounded on the finding of a great mast and certain drowned mariners driven to land by the waves. A smaller ship that departed from Spain in company of the galleon is arrived with loss of the masts and anchors, having escaped with great difficulty. They also affirm in their opinions the ship to be sunk. The King of Spain, who, as the Italians say, by refusing payment hath without stroke: sacked all Italy, to abate the rumour of his great disgrace hath procured a bull from Rome prohibiting all Catholics to traffick where the use of mass is not allowed. This interdiction is a greater blow than the loss of their money to the merchants, whose only hope is that so great a tempest will not continue long. The common proverb is in every man's mouth, Omne malum ab Hispania; omne bonum ab Aquilone. For in Florence the most part of the city hath this year been maintained by English merchants that for silks traffick thither, by which occasion England is greatly favoured in this place. The immoderate rain which hath fallen here hath raised Arno very high, insomuch that towards Pisa it hath overflown so great a quantity of corn ground that Tuscany is in fear of a dearth to ensue. Tiber also hath overthrown

six principal mills at Rome. --Florence, Jan. 24.
Endorsed:-" Sir Tho. Chaloner at Florence, 24 of Jan. 96."
Holograph. Seal. 3 pp. (37. 100.)

WILLIAM LYLLE to his master, the EARL OF ESSEX.

1596-7, Jan. 25.-Wrote some days past to friends in the Court to know "what were the conclusions of all these hot actions in this assembly," but fears his messenger has been slain on the way back. Will repair thither himself if the king go not presently to Paris. "St Luc and all the French forces are fallen down into these parts and are lodged in Bullen and Montrell; I think, rather to lie between us and the enemy than to do any other great matter. Some few gallant men they have, but the most boys and worth nothing. Of these their garrisons are stuffed full. They of Abbeville permit the Suises to lodge in their

fausbourgs, but will not have it termed a garrison; in truth they are very few, those which are good being of th' oldest troops and the regiment of Gilliati. All the French bands are reduced almost to fifties, and march without ensigns, their companies are so little. Wo hearken every hour to hear somewhat of St Luc and his army for that he lyeth near th' enemy and promiseth to brave him. I would believe more thereof if Biron had the matter in hand. He is gone to Burgundy and will look to those parts, as the thing he hath most care of, and most in danger at this time, by reason of the Duc of Savoy. Memorency should go down into Brittany yet we see no haste he maketh. Our troops are here lodged in the coldest country of the whole France, which is the cause that we have many sick here, yet are they in good reasonable strength and so as the French commissaires confess that there are none such in France, and have mustered us unto a man, for so was their commission (say they) from Mons. de Villeroy. Upon these men these three weeks have I attended here' or would have been at Court again to do your Lordship's service.

"For all St Luc's being near th' enemy, Bullen and those parts begin to be in fear, and, I believe, will call us to aid against their wills." Begs to know by Mr. Reynolds if he is to "entertain the precedent matter of his other letter.-St. Valeries, 25 Jan. 1596.

Endorsed :-" William Lillye."

Addressed :-
:-"At the Court."

Holograph. 2 pp. Seal. (37. 97.)


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[1596-7, Jan. 25.]-If I could have mastered so myself as that I might have any ways been any comfort unto you I would not have been so long from visiting you, whom, I de protest before the Lord, I do love as well as myself, but God knoweth it to be true that the loss of the dearest sister I have in respect of herself as also of you could not have grieved me more, and I know I should rather have wished that which is not fit for me to write nor speak that might have excused the cause of your sorrow. But the Lord's will must be fulfilled, and she was too virtuous and good to live in so wretched a world, and you that hath an extraordinary judgment by His gifts that doth all must with that wisdom seek now to master your good and kind nature and to think that sorrow nor anything else can now redeem it. And as she is now most assured happier than all we that live in this "pudeled" and troubled world, so do I assure you, as long as God shall spare me life in it, there shall not any tread on the earth that shall love you better than my poor self and I vow it to God I think none doth or can so much as I do. I would be glad to see you and when it might be to your comfort, if it were at midnight. I should be glad God send you as much comfort as he did ever send to any and to bless you and yours. Endorsed: “25 Jan. 1596. Lord Admiral to my Master."


Holograph. Seal. p. (37. 102.)


[1596-7, Jan. 25.]-1 must confess I attended your honour to offer my service if not able to comfort, but I found a "sumpathie" in sorrow, though not in so high degree as your honour, having myself lost such a friend as in haste I may not look for the like, which upon your aspect dulled my senses and my lips became tongelesse." My


meaning was (but overgrieved to utter) to have offered to your honour the use of my poor house in Channon Row, if for the nearness thereof to the Court it mought any ways be agreeable unto your honour to remove yourself thither from the place I know you can take no great delight in. My "wachings" shall ever be ready, with my service to be disposed by your honour, and, if you will honour me in this, you shall find the house reasonably furnished to order the whole to your best liking.

Endorsed:-" 25 Jan. 1596. Sir Edward Hobby to my Master." Holograph. p. (37. 103.)


1596-7, Jan. 25.-I was dealt with by Mr. Fortescue not to grant this party any passport: and he told me he had the caution from you. You now again write in his behalf, but I know not how to carry myself in the matter until I hear further. Write me what I may safely do therein without prejudice.-From my house, 25 Jan. 1596. Signed. p. (204. 50.)


1596-7, Jan. 26.-By opportunity of this gentleman, Mr. Morison, thinking it expedient to kiss your honour's hands, I esteemed it no less needless to renew and refresh my ancient dutiful thankfulness unto you for the manifold favours received in the life of Sir Tho. Henage; by whose due relation and serious requests your honour not only preferred divers my humble suits unto her Highness, but took the protection of my credit against sundry false malicious obtractors of the same; for requital of which, not remaining in me any other ability but a grateful devoted mind, with the same incessantly pray unto God to bless and prosper all your virtuous and heroical designs, humbly craving pardon for my present negligence in the due discourse as well of the affairs of those parts as also performance of my Hungary voyage, and to vouchsafe to accept the due information thereof from my servant Jasper Tomson whom (recommended to the company of Mr. Morison) I purposedly directed unto your honour to that intent, humbly requiring you to stand both his good lord and mine in his personal delivery of the letters which the Grand Signor presently sendeth unto her Majesty, and to favour such just suits as either in his own behalf or mine he shall be constrained to trouble your honour withal for which I shall perpetually rest obliged and continually pray unto God that he maintain you in his gracious favour and preserve you from all perils.-Constantinople, this 26 Jannuary 1596.

Endorsed:-" Mr. Barton, 26 Jan. '96, at Constantinople, readde." Also, "Mr. Barton. Mr. Paule. Sir Horatio Palavicino. Sir Rich. Martin. Mr. John Fortescue. Sir John Dennis. Bassadonna." (37. 104.)

Holograph. Seal. 1 p.


1596-7, Jan. 26.-Thinks his Lordship doth understand ere this how the King hath deposed of them, but, according to his duty, is bold to advertise that Sir Thomas Baskerveid doth lay in St. Valeris with three companies: Sir Arter Savage in Crotoye with other five companies, and he is lodged in La Fertel with other five companies. It is an open village upon the river near St. Valeris, and Sir Thomas Baskerveld has

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