Imagens das páginas

written to his Lordship concerning some of their wants, whose hope rests only in his favourable care of them.-La Fertell, the 25th of January, '96.

Signed. Seal broken. 1 p. (173. 20.)


1596-7, Feb. 5 Jan. 26.-Le desir que jay de veoir de plus en plus confirmer l'amitie et correspondance entre leurs deux Majestes ne me permet pas de vous celer que celuy que la Royne ha anvoye pardeca n'y est pas propre. Le Roy ha eu advis quil ha faict plusieurs mauvais offices envers ceulx de la Religion pardeca et nha pas tenu a luy qu'il naye aigry ces humeurs la leur donnant des deffiances du Roy dont il se fust bien passe. Quant a moy, je vous puis asseurer que lestant hier alle veoir, il me dist que le Roy luy avoit dict que la Royne n'avoit ny chefs, ny soldats pour prendre Calais, que le Roy luy avoit tenu propos tels qu'il sembloit qu'il eust desseing a ce que seroit a faire apres la mort de la Royne et aultres tels, dont je nay peu de moins pour mon debvoir que den faire rapport au Roy, qui dict luy avoir bien dict qu'il ne croit pas que la Royne et Messieurs les Estats seuls soyent bastants pour forcer Calais, et que quand toutes ses forces seront joinctes aux leurs cest tout ce qu'ils pourront faire, parce que les ennemys lont bien fortifiee depuis qu'ils lont prise et y tiennent une forte garnison, et qu'il seroit bien marry si ceste enterprise se faisoit qu'il en fust exclus, veu la proposition que luy mesmes luy en avoit faict de la part de sa Majeste, sasseurant bien que quand la Royne lauroit reprise, elle ne la luy vouldroit pas retenir, non plus que si l'Espaigne avoit pris un port en Angle terre et que le Roy leust repris, il ne le vouldroit pas retenir a la Royne; de l'amitie da laquelle neantmoins il se confie tellement que il aimeroit Calais aultant entre ses mains qu'entre les siennes propres, pourveu qu'il fust asseure qu'elle deust tousjours vivre. Mais veoyant de quelle facon cest Ambassadeur destorque ses propos, et y adjouste, joinct les advis qu'il ha comme il ha tasche de brouiller parmy ceux de la Religion, je veoy bien qu'il ne sera jamais gueres agreable et fera peu de fruict pardeca. La Royne avoit jusques icy si heureusement recontre en touts ceux qu'elle ha envoyes pardeca que ce nous est un extreme malheur que cestuicy soit recogneu tout aultre que ceux qui lont precede, il sera tousjours suspect tant qu'il sera icy et nadvancer rien aux affaires de la Royne. Lasseurance que jay que vous avez preuve que jedesire lunion et correspondance de leurs Majestes me donnera la hardiesse de vous dire que je croy que la Royne nous doibt envoyer un aultre ambassadeur et revocquer cestuicy. La presente n'estant a aultre effect apres vous avoir tres humblement baise les mains.-De Rouan, 5 Fevrier, 1597. Endorsed: Monsieur de Sancy. Recd. Jan., 1596.”

Holograph. (174. 122.) [See Birch's Memoirs, II., 270.]


[1596-7, Jan. 27.]-I learn by Mr. Robert Knolls that my Lady Borowe was chief mourner for Mrs. Blanche who was buried as a baroness, so as the Queen will be fully provided now to satisfy anybody's envy should except against your charge. I found her Majesty and the Lords closed up in the privy chamber till it was candlelight. Since, she is at rest attended by my Lady Scrope. To morrow, God willing, I will wait on you. The whilst humbly wish you that comfort that may remove the

superfluity of sorrow and settle a contented mind towards God and the world.

P.S.-I pray you send Mr. George Brokes' letter hither and I will bring it back.

Endorsed :-" 27 Jan. 1596. Sir John Stanhop to my master."
Holograph. Seal. p. (37. 105.)


1596-7, Jan. 27.-Upon a letter written unto us by her Majesty before our last chapter in behalf of Mrs. Hide, for a lease to her use of our parsonage of Godmanchester, not daring to presume to write our answer to her Highness, we were bold to impart it to you, together with our reasons why we thought we could not well yield to Mrs. Hide's request, desiring you to acquaint her Majesty with them. And because we could not in the mean time stay all together, we appointed our meeting again this day, of purpose only to expect her Majesty's further pleasure, that if any exceptions were made unto our said reasons we might be ready to justify them and add such further matter as we doubt not would fully satisfy her Highness, being ever more ready to regard the public benefit of such her royal foundation than the profit of any private person. Since our said letter we have not heard anything from her Majesty how she is pleased to accept of our reasons; and we suppose that your leisure hath not hitherto served you to impart them unto her, the rather because yesterday Mr. Killigrew came unto me the Dean to signify in her Highness's name that her Majesty expected our answer, and that it should be agreeable unto her request unto us. The present farmer of our said parsonage, having 14 years in his lease not expired, is content, so he mary enew it to 21 years, to grant us for the said whole term 40 quarters of malt yearly, or 40 marks to provide the same, for the better maintenance of our hospitality. We therefore again entreat you to let her Majesty see our former reasons; and we have taken order that if her Highness having considered them shall send unto me the Dean, before our next chapter in the beginning of Easter terin, her further pleasure, a sufficient number of us shall be called together to return such dutiful answer as shall well agree with our places and callings and we doubt not shall content her Majesty.-Westminster College, this 27th of January, 1596.

Signed. I p. (38. 1.)


1596-7, Jan. 27.-Request of the Dean and Chapter to Sir R. Cecil to move Mr. Attorney General in behalf of their poor college for the causes following : The dean and canons of St. Martin's le Grand, London, were founded before the Conquest and confirmed by the Conqueror, with augmentation of possessions and great liberties by him and all her Majesty's progenitors, wherefore they had great liberties and immunities; which being given by Henry VII. to the abbey of Westminster and afterwards by Henry VIII. to the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of Westminster, and lastly by her Highness to the said dean and chapter of the collegiate church of St. Peter of Westminster, they have ever since enjoyed the same.

Now Mr. Attorney by a Quo warranto goeth about to overthrow her Majesty's own grant to the only college she hath erected, to the great prejudice of the college and the scholars there brought up: for the jurisdiction is not the only loss they shall receive thereby, but as many

strangers enjoy the benefit of their privilege, the college revenue is greatly increased, which if the privilege be taken away will decay three parts in four; and many strangers flying hither for religion's sake and having here planted themselves will be utterly undone.

Mr. Attorney will allege the commandment of her Majesty's Council. There was a commandment general for all the liberties about London, as the friars, and such places as had no manner of government, which grew upon complaint of the Lord Mayor; but for St. Martin's they never found fault, for they always concur in government with the city and bear equal charges with them for the Queen's service, which other liberties did not.

The college do not move this for distrust of their grants, but for that the charge of pleading will be very great in respect of the number of patents they must plead and the infinite references the one hath with the other.

But for Mr. Attorney's satisfaction the counsel of the College shall attend him with their grants, wherein if they shall not have good warrant for their liberties, if he think fit her Highness shall overthrow her own grant.

Endorsed by Cecil :-" Concerning the College of Westminster." 1 p. (38. 2.)


1596-7, Jan. 27.-Since his last of the 17, has received by Sir William Woodhouse two letters, the one stale, the other later dated, and both to one effect and in his own behalf, who, at his return, shall be best able to let Essex understand how much he tenders to perform what his Lordship requires.

Has now near eleven years continually served dutifully and truly her Majesty in these parts, not without travail and pains both of mind and body, and was afore many years continually employed by Secretary Walsingham without reward or recompence, he being taken out of the world ere Gilpin had gotten any suit. To vaunt of his services he never did use nor loved, and to trouble Essex with particularities is needless, his purpose being only to intreat favour whensoever one William Jones, a servant of his, shall find opportunity to make his Lordship acquainted with any suit he may ere long begin for him, most humbly craving pardon for his boldness, which his years, his charge, the present occasions, the passing away of the time, the course of matters in the world, the uncertainty of life and many other like considerations have moved him unto. It is true his allowance hath been good and of late increased beyond his deserts, but the chargeableness and dearth of all things in this country is such that, living in any sort as his place requires, by the year's end he can put up nothing, and has reason, therefore, to have an honest care of himself and his.

Since the last conflict with the enemy little hath been done on either side. The Cardinal seemed to accept well of the Count Maurice his sending of the corpse of the Count of Verras, and yet he was buried without ceremony as unworthy of any honour in that he had not better looked to his charge. Divers of the captains that escaped are since imprisoned and likely to be punished for their labour. He makes a new assembly of forces at Duffel near Mackelin, further and safer from these men's reach and in Luxemborgh the new regiments are a gathering, which Count Maurice hath a purpose to surprise; and, when he shall have attempted a certain enterprise on a town by the way on the Maese which he hath been plotting a good while, it is likely he will employ


some body about this; and to colour his intents and to try it on the sudden he makes a journey into Gelderland at the meeting of the States of that Province about their contributions, wherein they are somewhat slow this year.

There is a rumour of preparations made near Cullyn and at Berck of ships to do somewhat on the river; which to prevent the States have sent up ships of war and filled Schenck's Sconce and other places of most importance with men. Count Hohenlo deferreth his Germany journey till another season, hoping his last carriage in the fight by Turnhout will procure his employment as lieutenant general to Count Maurice, who (it is thought) will not like it. Count Solmes, in like sort, urgeth to have an end made of the matter of Hulst, not doubting it will be found he discharged his place there as became him and he shall be employed in some other charge of more credit. These men are still afraid of an agreement between France and Spain, but will care the less so long as Her Majesty's favour continueth, which they doubt not of and make account (if the worse fall out) they shall be able to defend themselves, though not to offend so much as they could desire and have done these late years. Here is great longing to hear and see what it will please Her Majesty to do.-From the Haeghe this 27th of January 1596, in haste.

Seal. 2 pp. (173. 21.)


Jan. 27.

1596-7, Feb. 6. -Nous avons icy ung voisin plus proche que de coustume qui est le Cardinal d'Austriche qui est a St. Omer. Il y a aussy quinze cens hommes qui entrerent salmedy a Callais pour leur renfort, et dict on quilz veullent donner dedens la Basse Boulongne ou tenter ung effort sur le Monthullin, ce qui met ces deux places fort en alarıne. Je partz demain de ceste ville pour aller a Monthullin et de la a Boulongne, ou je descouvriray plus particuillierement lintention des ennemys.A Monstreuil, 6 Feb.

Addressed:-" M. de Basqueville, Gnal des Angloys."


1 p. (204. 51.)


1596-7, Jan. 28.-The bearer hereof, George Bromley, is newly come out of Portugal where he hath lived many years. He seems to be discreet enough and to tell many particularities touching the Spanish fleet. His own desire was to go unto you, and therefore I have given him this letter to you. By him and many other it seems that very much good might be done upon the fleet if it were attempted where it lieth ; and many of their countrymen desire very much that somewhat were done that way. I know in your lordship there will be no slackness, and therefore will pray God to prosper your actions whensoever you take them in hand. At Flushing, 28 January, 1596.

Holograph. 1 p. (38. 5.)


1596-7, Jan. 29.-This place yields no matter of any moment, only that the Cardinal of Austria is drawn down upon this frontier with certain forces and hath reinforced the garrison of Calais with 1500 men ;

which hath put Mons. de St. Luke in some doubts that he will enterprise something upon the "bass" town of Boulogne. But my opinion is that both of them are doubtful one of another and fear one selfsame thing; for Mons. de St. Luke carrying troops that way hath caused the Cardinal to reinforce his garrisons, fearing some enterprise upon them, and the coming of the Cardinal so near as St. Omer hath put exceeding doubts into the head of Mons. de St. Luke that he hath some enterprise upon Boulogne. Equal jealousies bring equal doubts. The King is gone towards Paris and yesterday night, being the 28th, he lodged at St. Germain de Laye. We remain as yet at this miserable place of St. Valery, where want of woods and other refreshings hath much impaired the health of these troops. I beseech you to second my letter written to your lordships for a supply of 200 men to be sent over to me that I may coule [cull] out the unable and weak men and supply their rooms with men able to do service. Never troops have better continued out the misery of a winter than these, and yet our numbers are not so decayed but that a little help by your favour would put them in good plight.-St. Valery, 29 January.

Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (38. 6.)


1596-7, Jan. 29.-Good success of the English troops in those parts. His present fortune is very slender and so mean that he is not well able to attend Essex in England, but his living there in doing of something will make him the better able to do him service when time requireth. Prays him when any of the companies in those parts shall be disposed of, to remember him.-From the Hague, 29 January 1596.

Holograph. p. (38. 7.)


1596-7, Jan. 30.-I had written ere this, I only withheld my pen awaiting some good matter to have presented you withal. We have lived ever since our coming over without being employed, and nothing has happened, to my knowledge, worthy your hearing. Let it stand, therefore, with your lordship's allowance that at this time I only remember my duty and confess my bondage how much your favours have made me your servant.-St. Valleryes, the xxxth of January. Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (173. 19.)


1596, Jan. 30.-Sending a discourse of their late service. Though not ignorant that Essex is better acquainted with the same than he can set down, would not neglect to present this as a token of remembrance of his duty till a worthier occasion may yield more worthy fruits of his serviceable affection.-From the Haghe, this xxxth of January, 1596. p. (173. 25.)


About the end of December, the enemy assembled certain troops together at Thurnout and Hollinge in Prabant, attending, as was thought, an opportunity of weather to do some exploit. After they had continued there some time and their forces with the weakness of the place discovered by espial to Count Maurice, he moved the matter to the States and persuaded them to have the forces drawn out to surprise them in their quarters. Whereupon he made forth his warrants to the foot

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