Imagens das páginas

Uniocated claims and surveys, not

turned in

time, barred.

that the grantee, therein named, or the person under whom such grantee claims, was originally entitled to such bounty land: and every person entitled to said lands, and thus applying, shall thereupon be entitled to receive a patent in the manner prescribed by law. Sec. 3. Such part of the abovementioned reserved territory, as shall not have been located, and those made and re- tracts of land, within that part of the said territory to which the Indian title has been extinguished, the surveys whereof shall not have been returned to the se cretary of war, within the time and times prescribed by this act, shall thenceforth be released from any claim or claims for such bounty lands, and shall be disposed of in conformity with the provisions of the act, entitled "An act in addition to, and modification of, the propositions contained in the act, entitled, 'An act to enable the people of the eastern division of the territory, north-west of the river Ohio, to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the Union, on an equal footing with the original states, and for other purposes."

1x. 66.
2d March,
A further

time allowed
for complet
ing locations

and returning surveys.

Sec. 1. The officers and soldiers of the Virginia line on continental establishment, their heirs or assigns, entitled to bounty lands, within the tract reserved by Virginia, between the little Miami and Sciota rivers, for satisfying the legal bounties to her officers and soldiers upon continental establishment, shall be allowed a further time of three years, from the twenty-third of March next, to complete their locations, and a further time of five years from the said twenty-third of March next, to return their surveys and warrants, or certified copies of warrants, to the office of the secretary of the war department, any thing in the act, entitled "An act to ascertain the boundary of the lands reserved by the state of Virginia, north-west of the river Ohio, for the satisfaction of her officers and soldiers on continental establishment, and to limit the period for locating the said lands," to the contrary notwithstanding: Pro

* The next preceding act, of 23d March, 1804:

vided, That no locations, as aforesaid, within the Proviso.
abovementioned tract, shall, after the passing of this
act, be made on tracts of land, for which patents had
previously been issued, or which had been previous-
ly surveyed, and any patent which may nevertheless
be obtained for land located contrary to the provi-
sions of this section, shall be considered as null and

Secretary of

the treasury to cause a ge

neral and con

Sec. 2. The secretary of the treasury is hereby au. thorised to obtain copies of all the locations and surveys, which have been or may be made within the abovementioned tract, and to cause to be run or sur- nected plat to veyed, as many straight lines across the same, as he be made of may deem necessary, not exceeding three: and from surveys, &c. these, and such other documents as may be obtained, to cause to be made a general connected plat of all the lands located and surveyed within the same; a Copies therecopy of which shall be deposited in the war depart of, how to be disposed of. ment, and another copy shall be laid before Congress, together with an estimate of the surplus which may remain, after satisfying the bounties abovementioned. And the expenses, incurred in surveying the lines Expense, and obtaining the copies aforesaid, and in preparing ed. the general plat abovementioned, shall be defrayed out of the monies appropriated for completing the surveys of the public lands, north-west of the river Ohio.

how defray.

3d March,

Sec. 1. Any officer or soldier of the Virginia line, IX. 76. on continental establishment, or his legal representa- 1807. tives, to whom a land warrant has issued, by virtue of Persons enany resolution of the legislature of Virginia, as a titled to lands bounty for services, which, by the laws of Virginia, by laws of Virginia, and passed prior to the cession of the north-western ter- who have reritory to the United States, entitled such officer or ceived war. soldier to bounty lands, shall, if the said warrant has rants, by virbeen or shall be located within three years, from the solution, may twenty-third of March next, and a survey thereof has locate the been or shall be, within five years from the said twen- same and obty-third of March next, returned to the office of the tain patents. secretary of war, obtain a patent for the same, in the same manner and on the same conditions, as patents

tue of any re


Patents not

entitled the

person per

forming the service to.

Surveys may

are obtained for lands located and surveyed on other warrants of the officers and soldiers of the Virginia line, on continental establishment: Provided, That no patent shall be obtained on such resolution warrant, unless there is produced to the secretary of war satisfactory evidence, that such warrant was granted for services, which, by the laws of Virginia, passed prior to the cession of the north-western territory, would have entitled such officer or soldier, his heirs or assigns, to bounty lands, and also a certificate of the register of the land office of Virginia, that no other warrant has issued from the said land office for the same services.

Sec. 2. No patent shall be issued, by virtue of the to issue for a preceding section, for a greater quantity of land, than greater quan- the rank or term of service of the officer or soldier, to tity of land than the laws whom or to whose legal representatives such resolu of Virginia tion warrant has been granted, would have entitled him to, under the aforesaid laws of Virginia; and whenever it appears to the secretary of war, that the survey or surveys, made by virtue of any resolution warrant, is for a greater quantity of land, than the officer or soldier is entitled to for his services, the secretary of war shall certify, on the said survey or sur. veys, the amount of such surplus quantity, and the officer or soldier, his heirs or assigns, shall have leave to withdraw his survey from the office of the secretary of war, and re-survey his location, excluding such surplus quantity, in one body, from any part of his re-survey, and a patent shall issue upon such re-survey, as in other cases.

be with

drawn where

made for too

much land, and re-surveys made, &c.

XI. 34.


Further time allowed for

Sec. 1. The officers and soldiers of the Virginia 16th March, line, on continental establishment, their heirs or assigns, entitled to bounty lands, within the tract reserved by Virginia, between the little Miami and locations and Sciota rivers, for satisfying the legal bounties to her surveys in the officers and soldiers, upon continental establishment, Virginia re shall be allowed a further term of five years, from and after the passage of this act, to obtain warrants and complete their locations, and a further term of seven years, from and after the passage of this act, as afore.

served tract.

said, to return their surveys and warrants, or certified copies of warrants, to the office of the secretary of the war department, any thing in any former act to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided, That no locations, as aforesaid, within the abovementioned tract, shall, after the passing of this act, be made on tracts of land, for which patents had previously been issued, or which had been previously surveyed; and any patent, which may nevertheless be obtained for land located contrary to the provisions of this section, shall be considered as null and void.

(5) Donation to the United Brethren.


The towns of Gnadenhutten, Schoenbrun, and Sa- Resolution, lem on the Muskingum, and so much of the lands 20th May," adjoining to the said towns, with the buildings and Certain improvements thereon, shall be reserved for the sole towns reservuse of the Christian Indians, who were formerly ed for the settled there, or the remains of that society, as may, the Christian in the judgment of the geographer, be sufficient for Indians, &c. them to cultivate.

sole use of

Whereas, the United States in Congress assembled, Resolution, have by their ordinance, passed the 20th May, 1785, 1787. 27th July, among other things ordained, that the towns of Gnadenhutten, Schoenbrun, and Salem, on the Muskingum, and so much of the lands adjoining to the said towns, with the buildings and improvements thereon, shall be reserved for the sole use of the Christian Indians, who were formerly settled there, or the remains of that society, as may in the judgment of the geographer be sufficient for them to cultivate;

ing said

Resolved, That the board of treasury except and A certain reserve out of any contract that they may make for quantity of the tract described in the report of the committee, land adjoinwhich on the 23d inst. was referred to the said board towns, reto take order, a quantity of land around and adjoin- served for ing each of the before mentioned towns, amounting and vested in in the whole to ten thousand acres; and that the pro- Brethren. perty of the said reserved land be vested in the Moravian Brethren, at Bethlehem, in Pennsylvania, or a society of the said Brethren, for civilizing the Indians and promoting Christianity, in trust, and for the

the Moravian

To whose


Resolution, 3d Sept. 1788.

Survey to be

made of the

towns and adjoining lands.

IV. 46.

1st June, 1796.

uses expressed as above, in the said ordinance; including Killbuck and his descendants, and the nephew and descendants of the late captain White Eyes, Delaware chiefs, who have distinguished themselves as friends to the cause of America.

Ordered, that the above be also referred to the board of treasury to take order.

Whereas, it has been agreed, that the plat of each of the towns should be estimated at 666 2-3 acres, so that each town and the reserved land shall make a tract of four thousand acres; and whereas, the rem nant of the said Christian Indians are desirous of returning to their towns as speedily as possible, and the United Brethren, to facilitate this without loss of time, have offered to advance the expenses of surveying the three tracts, on condition they be repaid either in money or land;

Ordered, that the geographer of the United States, survey or cause to be surveyed, as speedily as possible, without interfering with the business he is sent to execute, the three tracts of Gnadenhutten, Schoenbrun, and Salem, on the Muskingum, including the reserved land adjoining each of the said towns, and return plats thereof to the board of treasury, that deeds may be issued for the same as is mentioned above.

Sec. 5. The said surveyor-general is hereby required, to cause to be surveyed three several tracts of land, containing four thousand acres each, at Schoenbrun, Gnadenhutten, and Salem; being the tracts Three tracts formerly set apart, by an ordinance of Congress of the to be survey- third of September, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, for the society of the United Brethren for propagating the gospel among the heathen; and to issue a patent or patents for the said three tracts to the said society, in trust, for the uses and purposes in the said ordinance set forth.

ed for society

for propagating the gospel

among the heathen.


(6) Donation to A. H. Dohrman. And whereas, the claims of the said Arnold Henry 1st October, Dohrman, against the United States, amount to twenty thousand two hundred and seventy seven dollars,



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