Imagens das páginas
[blocks in formation]

5 After the 3d March, 1807, tak-
ing possession of or settling lands
ceded to the United States by fo-
reign nations or any state, not
having had their claims recogniz-
ed by the United States, they for-
feit all claim, right and title to
such land so settled, &c. and may
be removed by military force 188, 189
6 These provisions not to affect
claims in Orleans or Louisiana
until the commissioners shall have
reported and Congress decided

7 Actual settlers before the 3d
March, 1807, may continue to
hold as tenants at will under per-
mission from the officers of the
land office


189, 190

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

14 The provisions of the act of 3d
March, 1807, not to extend to
claimants in Orleans or Louisiana
territories, who shall have filed
their claims with the commission-
ers prior to 1st January, 1807.
15 Settling or surveying, marking,
&c. lands of the United States
within the limits of Louisiana,
subjects the offender to fine and

16 And he may be removed by mi-
litary force

See Indian Lands.



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3 At Chilicothe for lands east of the
Scioto, south of the military
boundary lands and west of the
15th range of townships




4 At Marietta for lands east of the
16th range of townships, south of
the said military bounty lands,
and south of a line drawn due west
from the N. W. corner of the first
township of the 2d range to the
said military lands

5 And at Steubenville for the lands
north of the last mentioned line
and east or north of the said mili-
tary lands

The unappropriated lands in the
military tract lying west of the
11th range attached to the Chili-
cothe district

7 At Zanesville for the lands within
and east of the 11th range of the
military tract, and all those north
of the Ohio company's purchase,
west of the first 7 ranges, and east
of the district of Chilicothe
8 At Detroit, for the lands north of
the state of Ohio

[ocr errors]




9 At Vincennes for the lands ceded
by the Wabash Indians


10 At Kaskaskia for those within
the boundaries fixed in the treaty
with the Kaskaskia Indians of 13th
August, 1803


11 The lands between the Wabash
and Ohio, and the road leading
from the falls of Ohio to Vincen-
nes, attached to that district. 176
12 Lands purchased from the Sacs
and Foxes attached to the Kaskas-
kia district


16 Land acquired by the treaty of
Fort Wayne of Septem. 30, 1809,
and lying west of and adjoining
the boundary line established by
the treaty of Greenville attached
to the district of Cincinnati . . 179
17 The residue of the lands ac-
quired by said treaty and other
treaties at Vincennes the same
year attached to the Vincennes

13 At Jeffersonville for lands on
the Ohio between the Cincinnati
and Vincennes districts
14 At such place as the President
shall appoint for lands between the
military tract and the Connecticut



.. ib.

15 Lands acquired by the treaty of
Detroit of the 17th November,
1807, attached to the district of


[ocr errors]


18 Boundary between the districts
of Vincennes and Jeffersonville 180
19 Two land offices established in
the Mississippi Territory
20 One in Adams county for the
lands west of Pearl River, and one
in Washington county for those
east of Pearl River, at such place
as the President shall appoint in


21 That part of the lands acquired
by the treaty of Mount-Dexter with
the Choctaws, lying east of Pearl
River, attached to the district east
of that river, and those lying west
of that river, attached to the dis-
trict west thereof

22 The President authorised to es-
tablish a land office for the sale of
the lands ceded by the Cherokees
and Chickasaws

For ascertaining the lands acquir-
ed by treaties with the Indians at-
tached to the several Land Offices
abovementioned-See the references
under the head of

Treaties with Indian Tribes.

[blocks in formation]

2 Grants of lands containing, which
had been discovered previous to
the purchase of such lands, de-
clared fraudulent and null

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1 Deed of cession of territory by,
to the United States
2 Acceptance thereof by Congress

MGrew John

Confirmed in his title to 1500 acres
of land in the Mississippi territory
in compliance with the 4th article
of the treaty of Mount Dexter, with
the Choctaws

See treaties with Indian tribes 26.

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Military Bounties.

1461 By the royal proclamation of 1763,
the governors of the British pro-
vinces in North America authori-
zed to grant lands to reduced offi-
cers and privates who had served-
in the preceding war, and also to
the officers of the navy who had
served at the reduction of Louis-
burg and Quebec, and the rates of
such bounties
2 To officers and soldiers of the re-
volutionary army; bounty lands
promised to all engaging for and
serving to the end of the war, by
resolution of Congress of the 16th
September, 1776, and the rates of




For private claims and pre-emption
rights in, see private claims 9 to 12.
Pre-emption 17. Superintendants of



3 The said resolution made retros
pective by that of 18th September,

4 Assignees of officers and soldiers
excluded by the resolution of 20th
September, 1776



5 The provisions of the resolution
of 16th September, 1776, extended
to general officers by that of 12th
August,/1780, and rates of bounty ib

6 And by that of 30th September,
1780, to the hospital and medical
staff and rates of bounty to them 192
7 Provision for supernumerary offi-
cers, by resolution 3d Oct. 1780 193
8 Secretary at War to determine
who are proper objects of the afore-
mentioned resolutions

9 Tract of country set apart for sa-
10 To be granted in quarter town-
ships only

11 Priority of location to be deter-
mined by lot

[ocr errors]



apart for satisfying said claims, ad-
joining the southern boundary of
the military tract


23 Priority of locations to be de-
termined by lot

24 Quantities of land assigned to
certain refugees by name

25 Claims to be exhibited prior to
24th February, 1812, or forever

See Virginia Military Bounties.
Military Land Warrants
1971 For bounties to the officers and
soldiers of the revolutionary army,
to be issued by the Secretary at



12 50 unlocated quarter townships
and fractional parts reserved, for
satisfying warrants granted to in
dividuals for military services
13 To be divided into lots of 100
-acres each
14 After the 16th March, 1800, per-
sons originally entitled to such
warrants, may, prior to 1st Janua-
ry, 1802, locate them on any of
those reserved lots in his own name
only, and not for the use of ano-
ther, or subject to any contract
previously made
15 Where more than one applica-
tion is made for the same tract,
priority to be determined by lot
16 To foreign deserters from the
British army, bounty lands promi-
sed by resolutions of 14th and
27th August, 1776, and the rates

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17 To refugees from Canada and
Nova Scotia, by resolutions of 23d
April, 1783, and 13th April, 1785 208
18 Claimants under said resolutions
to be notified, by advertisement in
certain Gazettes, to transmit an ac-
count of their claims to the War-
19 What description of persons en-
titled to the benefit of the preced-
ing provisions, and proofs required
to be made therefor

[ocr errors]


20 The Secretary at War and the
Secretary and Comptroller of the
Treasury to examine and report
on their claims and the rates of al-
lowances to be made them
21 Claims not exhibited in a certain
time barred
22 Lands to be surveyed and set




2 Secretary of the Treasury to re-
gister them for nine months after
notice given in the several states
and territories

[ocr errors]

3 Unlocated after the 1st January,
1802, barred

4 Fourteen days allowed for regis-
tering after the expiration of the
nine months formerly allowed
5 May be located on the general
military tract

[ocr errors]

6 Certain fractional quarter town-
ships on the Scioto, &c. when lo-
cated, to be received and taken as
4,000 acres

7 Located on quarter townships,
containing (according to the plat
and survey returned by the sur-
veyor general) less than 4,000
acres, certificates (having the same
effect as warrants) to issue for the

[ocr errors]










8 If containing more (according to
said plat, &c.) no patent shall issue,
until warrants be deposited, or $2
per acre paid into the treasury,
for the excess




9 Time for registering and locating
extended to 1st January, 1803
10 Claims to, to be received, and
duplicates of warrants or plats lost
to be issued by the Secretary at
War until the 1st January, 1803
11 Time for registering and locat-
ing extended to 1st April, 1803
12 To be issued after the 1st April,
1803, to 254 persons who had ex-
hibited and substantiated their
claims thereto




. . ib.


13 And located on the 50 quarter
townships, &c. reserved by the 5th
section of the act of 1st March,
14 Time for receiving claims to, and
registering and locating of, further
extended to 1st April, 1805
15 To be located on the said 50
quarter townships only
16 And not to be located without
endorsement by the Secretary at
War, that no warrant hath been
issued for the same claim . . 204-5
17 To be issued to 63 persons who
had exhibited and substantiated
their claims thereto, and also to
such as shall substantiate their
claims prior to 1st April, 1805
18 To be located only on the said
50 reserved quarter townships, &c. ib.
19 Time for receiving claims and
locating warrants further extend-
ed to 1st March, 1806; and for re-
ceiving claims, (by subsequent
acts) to 1st March, 1813; and for
locating warrants to 1st October,

Military Tract,



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One third of all gold, silver, lead
and copper, reserved for the future
disposition of Congress in the ter-
ritory north-west of the Ohio, by
ordinance of Congress of the 20th
May, 1785

See note to page 133. Lead Mines.

Mississippi River.

1 By the treaty with Spain, of San
Lorenzo el Real, the middle of the
said river agreed to be the western
boundary of the United States, se-
parating them from the Spanish
colony of Louisiana

[ocr errors]

2 The navigation of, to be free only
to the citizens of the United States
and the subjects of Spain, from its
source to its mouth

See Boundaries, 2. Navigable Wa-
ters, 1..

Mississippi Territory.

1 A surveyor appointed for the
2 Public lands and private claims
to be surveyed therein

S Tw land offices established

See Land Offices, 20, 21. Survey-
ing, 24 to 28.
Private Claims, 21
to 43. Intruders, 5 to 14. Dona
tions, 10 to 13. Pre-emption, 19
to 28.

Moravian Brethren.

See United Brethren.






Nannee Hubba.

Island of; in the Mississippi Terri-
tory; certificates to be granted by
the commissioners for lands in
See Private Claims, 34.


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2 And in the territory north-west of
the Ohio
3 Also in the territory of the Unit-
ed States south of the state of Ten-





Right of the United States to cer-
tain lands in, vested in the corpo-
ration of, to be used as a common 297 4 In the Indiana Territory

See Jefferson College.


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