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The absence of any very recent English work of the kind does not lighten the difficulty of writing one; but the disadvantage of this absence is not so great as it might at first sight seem; for on the Continent there are text-books which in case of need might have served as a standard or lay-figure.

The difficulties of the task have, therefore, without a doubt, been many; but the task itself should not have been hopeless or ungrateful. English workers in physiological chemistry have at present to betake themselves to Hoppe-Seyler, Kühne, Gautier, GorupBesanez, for the chemico-physiological facts they stand in need of. English students have to make do the brief sections on Animal Chemistry-admirable, but of necessity imperfect and categorical-contained in the English textbooks of physiology. Hence an English book specially devoted to animal chemistry, if at all exhaustive, accurate, and modern, would be likely to bespeak for itself a hearty welcome, and a disposition to extenuate its shortcomings.

Such were the prospects, unfavourable and favourable, of an attempt to fill up the book-shelf of English workers in natural science by a manual of animal chemistry. We turn to Mr. Kingzett's book, and, after a careful and reiterated perusal of it, we can say that never was attempt so rashly undertaken. We had expected a sound, if modest, substratum of physiological knowledge, and we find slipshod notions and the speculations of the amateur. We had expected apposite illustrations from pathology, and we find, in most cases, trivial and meaningless references to disease. We had expected a complete and careful account of the more purely chemical portions, and we find a degree of imperfection which sends us back with thankfulness to the chemical sections of Foster and Hermann.

Nor is this all. The book is styled a book of animal chemistry, and we therefore expected animal chemistry;

but in addition to the sections so called we find scattered here and there reflections on life, character, and the morals of scientific work which, even were they not mere platitudes, would be utterly out of place in a work like this.

These strictures may seem severe, but they would not be wholly unexpected by any one who had read Mr. Kingzett's preface. He says:-"For four years I was occupied with the practical study of subjects comprehended in the following chapters, and during the whole of that time there were no fluctuations in the success attending the labours in which my services were involved. . . . . It was therefore a matter of sincere regret with me that circumstances (which are said to be stronger then men) ultimately necessitated the discontinuance of my connection with work which had given me so much real pleasure." Then follows a page or so of reflections on the pleasure to be derived from original investigation; comparisons of the "scientist" and the "sentimentalist;" and so forth. "It was natural, then," he continues, "that, having experienced so much pleasure, I should be moved with equal regret in resigning the practical study of physiological chemistry; and in order to complete a wellremembered but brief connection with this subject, I determined to attempt a task which should prove of service to scientific men, namely, to collect and systematise,

as far as could be, all the trustworthy work on record in relation to animal chemistry, so far as it concerns the human body." We submit that four years' practical work at a subject like animal chemistry, be the success of the worker never so unfluctuating, is hardly warrant enough to undertake that which taxes the matured judgment even of a master, viz., the making of a useful and comprehensive text-book. Nor do we perceive that Mr. Kingzett's desire to signalise his departure from the field of chemico-physiological research adds any urgency to the warrant. We hope to show in the sequel that this prefatory confession on the part of the author, of practical unpreparedness for the task he had set himself to do, is fully borne out by the internal evidence of the book.

Mr. Kingzett does not profess to have included any account of the practical methods of the science. This, while it much lightens the labour of writing the book, is, we think, doubly to be regretted; because the book is to be read by medical men, who are not supposed in every case to remember chemical methods, and by scientific chemists who cannot be expected to know, for example, the modes of practising fistulæ, or rapidly removing blood from brains intended for analysis.

Mr. Kingzett's haphazard preparation for his task is well displayed in his seeming ignorance-not of the latest, but even of the penultimate-advances of the chemistry of physiological processes. Thus, while treating of peptones, whether in this part (p. 63) or on p. 386, Kühne's well-known and suggestive researches on the action of the digestive juices on proteids are inexplicably omitted; and nowhere, indeed, is the formation of peptones and their relationship to the albuminous bodies attempted systematically or adequately to be discussed. In treating of pancreatic juice the beautiful and conclusive work of Heidenhain on the production of the active ferment-a subject surely of the first chemico-physiological interest -is not once referred to, and indeed, by implication, ignored. (Cf. p. 70, where the preparation of extracts of pancreas is briefly described without any caution being given as to the time the pancreas should be let stand before being used.)

The inaccuracy of the author may be illustrated by a reference to pp. 49 and 60. There the effects of alkalis and acids of various strengths in amylolysis and proteolysis are mis-stated, and the important inferences from the facts altogether ignored.

Let us now turn to the chapter on the blood in Part III. Here, if anywhere in the book, we should expect. to find completeness and the traces of careful work. On the contrary, on turning up Coagulation (p. 144)—the much-investigated, if not best-understood, process of the blood-we find the phenomenon itself imperfectly stated, the retarding influence of alkaline salts described without any quantitative conditions being given, and the theory of A. Schmidt discussed so slovenly and unintelligently that the important fibrin-ferment is nowhere directly treated of, but only implied (p. 146), if, indeed, it is not confused with paraglobulin. (See p. 146, the first paragraph, and p. 144, the second paragraph: the various statements taken together will, undoubtedly, bear such an interpretation.)

The blood as a respiratory tissue fares no better (p.

165). What are we to think of a manual of animal of other active organs. Had the author adhered chemistry in which the author treats of the gases of the throughout to the view under the influence of which the blood in mere general terms without reference to quantities? above statements were set down, he would at least have or what of one in which the author, among the spectro- escaped the charge of inconsistency. But this was scopical properties of hæmoglobin, forgets to mention the hardly possible. In the course of his reading and exshortening of the spectrum and the situation of the absorptracting among modern papers for the purposes of this tion-bands, or even the chemical method of deoxidation? book, he could not but meet references, direct or implied, What are we to think of the judgment of an author of to the generally received doctrine of the origin of animal such a manual who refers only to Bert and Fernet among heat in the functional oxidations of tissue-cells; and we those who have studied the affinity of hæmoglobin for therefore find that, side by side with the false, the true oxygen (p. 166)? And what of the erudition of one who doctrine is taught. considers the following statement (p. 167) a sufficient discussion of the liberation of CO2 in the lungs ?-"It is easy to understand how the free carbonic acid is liberated, but not so simple to explain the liberation of that part previously in combination with alkaline bases. Thudichum supposes that when the venous blood reaches the small breathing cells the hæmato-crystalline is partly oxidised into what he calls hematic acid, and this, passing into the serum at the same moment, decomposes the carbonates in the blood, setting free carbonic acid, which, with the watery vapour, escapes through the lung tissue into the respiratory passages."

The salts of the blood are dismissed with bare enumeration.

But it is in the section on Food and the oxidations of the body (in Part II.), that the author discovers the appalling inaccuracy of his physiology. In many statements he seems to assign great importance to oxidations occurring in the blood and even in the lungs. Thus on p. 152 he speaks of "alcohol which must be placed side by side with fat as a respiratory food or substance which admits of oxidation in the lungs." Again (p. 154), "From the fact that oxidation in the lungs is a process of combustion and the source of muscular power, the foods which undergo this process are termed heatproducers; but we shall see presently that it is by no means clear that blood oxidation is attended directly with the evolution of animal heat”: (he is here alluding to certain views of a Dr. Hake to be immediately referred to). In other parts of the book, also, the same exaggerated importance seems to be attached to oxidations in the lungs and blood. Thus, at p. 321, he inclines to the view that "the cerebro-spinal system does not generate its own force, but derives it through the chemical changes of the lungs." See also at p. 463, where a similar statement is included in the chapter on "Character." And finally, on p. 198, speaking of the seat of production of urea, the author says that more modern researches tend to show that vitality consists more in the changes occurring in the blood, and that these changes may result in the direct production of urea."

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These statements are clearly made in the spirit of those who hold that the interior of the blood-capillaries is the arena of oxidations, if they do not indeed take us back to the view of Lavoisier, who considered the lungs to be the heating-furnaces of the body. The latter view, we need hardly say, was long ago given up: the former is not seriously advocated by any recent physiologist. The lungs and the blood, like most of the organised tissues, doubtless suffer oxidation in the performance of their functions; but the degree of it is unimportant as a source of heat compared with the universal oxidation

But, notwithstanding that Mr. Kingzett's physiology, even at a point which peculiarly affects the chemist, is unsound and wavering, he yet ventures to enlarge upon matters of mere speculative interest which have but a superficial connection with his subject. We shall quote the author's own words at the page where the subject is most fully dealt with, though by no means the only page where it is to be found. We are very sorry we cannot give the whole of it. The author is citing in his own words-and citing with approval—the views of Dr. Thos. G. Hake, M.D., F.C.S., which are contained in a paper entitled "On Vital Force: its Pulmonic Origin and the General Laws of its Metamorphoses," 1854 and 1867. "He (Dr. Hake) believes that the chemical changes as they occur in the blood system, and comprised in the act of oxidation, do not result in the evolution of heat, but force, which becomes electric by the agency of the blood corpuscles; and it is certain that this is perfectly consistent with what we know of cell-life. On this hypothesis, the blood-cells form chains and conductors for the electric current thus generated, and this is subsequently metamorphosed into heat at every point of the system. On reaching the cerebro-spinal centres it becomes vital forceanother name for electric force-and this becomes eventually heat, namely, when it is transmitted to enable the consummation of vital acts, such as sensation, muscular motion, or secretion. Faraday and Du Bois Reymond, and hosts of other experimental inquirers, have insisted on the identity of electrical and vital force, and the experiments of Du Bois Reymond in particular, go to prove that nerve force is only electric force manifested through media not met with out of the living bodies." . . . "Our author even goes further, and with consummate skill, reasons that when this cerebro-spinal force is united in action within the same organic medium with other forces influencing us from without, viz., light, sound, heat, &c., new results are attained, and phenomena of sense and intelligence are observed." Why, he goes on to ask (whether the question is Mr. Kingzett's own, or only Dr. Hake's, endorsed by Mr. Kingzett, is not clear), why, in anæmia, does the brain lose somewhat of its intense vital force? "Because," he answers, "the source of vital force, viz., blood oxidation, is interfered with."

We have merely to add, before leaving this section, that, as a matter of course, the fine investigations of Prof. Hermann into the chemical changes in contracting muscle, upon which so much of our knowledge of cellfunction in its chemical aspect is based, seems to have eluded Mr. Kingzett's eye altogether.

Part V. Mr. Kingzett heads "Chemical and Philosophical Subjects." We shall say nothing further respecting

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cannot help cerebrating. Nor, it appears, can he help being a genius-or the reverse-if his brain-cells are fitly formed and he has been judiciously trained," and it is quite true that brain-cells do differ in form and composi tion just in a similar sort of way (!) as lungs and hearts differ."

This naturally leads to the question of moral responsi

"Man, the result [i.e., 'of a predetermining influence in the very fœtus'], steps on to the platform of life in some measure at least an automaton. He is born of others, and finds himself with a head upon his shoulders, but the quantity and quality of brain-matter in the head is not ordained of himself. He may be a genius; but, horror! he may prove a fool !”

We then reach what appears to be the raison d'être of the chapter, viz., a conclusion which however nowise follows from any premisses before stated: "Thus even mundane chemical science has a part to play in the rôle of what poor mortals call their souls; it has something to do with every poeism (sic) originating in the mind of the poet, with every transcendent hope of the philosopher, with the logic of a Mill, and the teeming intelligence of all."

The last chapter but one of the book is devoted to ability, and the difficulty of the materialist is thus stated: discussion of "Character." This, not being a chemical subject and not a physiological one, we presume Mr. Kingzett includes under the title "philosophical." Why Mr. Kingzett should select "character" out of the multitude of extraneous subjects; why "character" should be called specially a "philosophical" subject; and why it was deemed advisable to serve up scraps of philosophy at all in a "Manual of Animal Chemistry; are difficulties which at once arise in our mind as we peruse the list of contents, and which are nowhere fully explained on closer inspection of the book. It is true that when we come to find that by "Character" Mr. Kingzett does not exactly mean character, but the whole mental and moral nature of man and its, at present, inexplicable connection with his physical nature, the difficulties recede if they do not diminish. They are certainly not entirely effaced. If the pure physiologist is content for the present to leave such subjects to the psychologist, the chemist must recognise, when he takes them up, that he does so quite gratuitously. But whether or not it is expedient to undertake discussions on psychology in chemical books, it is at least expedient, if they are undertaken, that they should be sensible and to the purpose; that they should not be encumbered by commonplaces or crude analogies; and that they should be got over as quickly as possible. Although it is a pity to disturb the order of Mr. Kingzett's reflections with the scissors, only space is granted us for a paragraph or so. They shall be neither worse nor better than the rest; and we strongly advise those readers who are in search of amusement to borrow the book and read the whole chapter.

He begins: "Character is almost universally regarded as something apart from the body of man himself; something for which man is individually responsible, something which, born with man, is developed and cultured into maturity by education and training, be that mature state one for evil or one for good." Mr. Kingzett does not appear to believe this, whatever it may mean; for he continues by way of antithesis, "Let first causes be what they may, and so also let us hide our face from the infinite future and regard man as an intelligent machine, complete, so far, in himself." This resolution having been taken, the difficulty of justly judging men's thoughts leads up to a magnificent simile: "And thus man never understands his fellow-man aright; he picks out a few crystalline threads of an individuality; he sees a few bright or black bands in the spectrum of his neighbour's life, and without touching the colloid mass which will not crystallise, and being blinded to those parts of the spectrum which are not revealed (sic), man judges his fellow."

The characteristic of man among living animals is then summed up in the following startling epigram: "In short, man is a cerebrating creature, as the cow is a ruminating creature ;" and we immediately afterwards learn that he

Mr. Kingzett is then arrested by the thought that all the body, brain-cells included, are elaborated from fooda thought which leads him to exclaim, "Eat, drink, and be merry, for verily that which we eat and drink takes part in that with which we think !"

This is Mr, Kingzett's treatment of "character " as a philosophical subject! We can only say, as Dryden once said in a criticism of a play of Elkanah Settle's, "I am mistaken if nonsense is not here pretty thick sown." We challenge any one to find us five such pages of silly reflection and irrelevant twaddle in any other seriouslyintended work.

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At the end of the book there is an "Index of Authorities Quoted"-not, of course, the Index of the book. Turning up the K's, we find Mr. Kingzett's own name, and under it we discover that Mr. Kingzett is an "authority' on Character-the reference to the book being to p. 462, the very chapter we are discussing. As it nowhere appears that Mr. Kingzett has, in other places, treated of this subject, we have the happily rare spectacle of an author endeavouring to take time and the critics by the forelock by writing himself down an "authority" ere he knows his book will live. Sure self-complacency never touched a loftier pinnacle!

After this, a good anti-climax might have been regarded as hopeless; but Mr. Kingzett has achieved one. He closes his book with a list of "Suggested Matters for Research," in the hope and belief (as he tells us in his preface) that they may be a guide to the "scientific chemist." The "scientific chemist," if he has but a smattering of physiology, will know how to shrug the shoulder at such puerile, general, and useless suggestions as the following :

"(1) The chemical composition and formula of ptyaline; its chemical relationship to albumin; a proper explanation of its ferment-power, and a better study of its general nature."

"(7) An explanation of the oft-recurring deposition of biliary matters near the pyloric end of the stomach.'


"(18) The complete composition of lymph, chyle, and blood."

"(19) Particular studies of the blood-corpuscles." "(40) Prolonged studies of the physics of the body directed particularly to work out the history of the force generated in blood oxidation."


The Patentee's Manual.

By James Johnson and J. Henry Johnson. Fourth Edition. (London: Longmans and Co., 1879.) THE law relating to letters-patent for inventions, as at present administered, has been the growth of one short sentence in a declaratory statute passed in the twenty-first year of the reign of James I. (A.D. 1623), by which the Crown was restrained from making extravagant or oppressive grants of monopolies. The history or details of patent cases may often form an interesting subject of inquiry for the scientific reader; for although men of the highest intellect may be content with the discovery of general laws, and may leave their useful application and development to the crowd of humbler followers whose only power consists in the exercise of mechanical ingenuity, yet it cannot be denied that the successive steps which have been made in the steam-engine, in the electric telegraph, in machinery for spinning, weaving, or sewing, for manufacturing paper, or for printing a newspaper, may each in turn afford matter of considerable interest to a philosopher whose imagination is wearied with an endeavour to trace the fantastic excursions of a molecule, or to carry his dynamical laws into new and unexplored regions.

A book which shows the manner in which the property in inventions is dealt with in our Courts, and which, in order to accomplish its object, must of necessity review the various cases in an historical and logical order, affords, in a small compass, an epitome of much valuable learning. It is remarkable that the first patent case of any importance involved the validity of Arkwright's invention of machinery for drawing out and spinning cotton (A.D. 1785), while the second occurred ten years later, and related to the invention of the separate condenser of a steam-engine by James Watt. Since that period a number of distinct steps in the useful application of physical or mechanical laws have successively passed the ordeal of judicial inquiry, and those who take up the volume before us will find a reference to such matters as Wheatstone's telegraph, the hot blast for smelting iron, the interlocking of railway points and signals, the operation of currents of air between the grinding surfaces of mill-stones, the combing of wool, the laying of submarine telegraphwires, &c., and so on in a list which appears almost interminable.

But although the variety of subject-matter may be great, the principles which govern the cases are few and easily comprehended, and, in reading the statements of principles laid down by Chief Justice Tindal and other judges who have moulded our patent law into a coherent form, the thought may arise that the purely scientific writer who is composing his manual for the use of students might with advantage borrow something of power of style and of clear logical exposition from the lawyer, who is popularly believed to be tied down and hampered by the jargon of technical phraseology.

The book now under notice has already passed through three editions, and the authors have enlarged it by the interpolation of recent cases, as well as by the addition of new chapters. It is not within the scope of this journal to examine such a treatise from a strictly legal point of view, but we should describe it as exhibiting abundant evidence of being the work of writers who are practically engaged in professional pursuits. One important appendix

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A Manual of the Carbon Process of Photography, &c. By Dr. Paul E. Liesegang. Translated from the German by R. B. Marston. With Illustrations. (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington.)

WHEN, forty years ago, Mungo Ponton discovered that a sheet of paper, moistened with a solution of potassium dichromate, became darker when exposed to the rays of the sun, he made the first of a series of experiments which have led to the discovery of a method of rendering photographic pictures as permanent as engravings made in printing ink, though the completion of the work to a point at which it could fairly be said to be capable of competing with the well-known silver chloride print was not made till nearly thirty years afterwards, when Swan, by an admirable series of inventions, made it a practical means of producing prints.

In the history of the long struggle with nature which has produced so great a result every Englishman bas reason to be proud, for it may be fairly said that the world owes the process from first to last to English workers. The process is now worked on an immense scale in this country by the Autotype Company and others, while another branch of the same stem has developed into the well-known Woodburytype system of press-printing. Notwithstanding, however, the success of the process in its original home, we are somewhat deficient in connected accounts of it, most of the English publications on the matter being, like the autotype manual, confined to working details of the methods in use. We therefore welcome Dr. Liesegang's work as attempting something more than this, and presenting what is really a most interesting account of the whole subject, interesting, indeed, to any one who has a taste for well-written scientific technology, and apart from its value as a manual for actual working details. In one respect, indeed, the carbon process has all through been singularly fortunate. It seems, from the first, to have fallen into competent scientific hands, and to have escaped the dreary round of mess and muddle experimenting which is so characteristic of the history of the collodion negative processes, and which reminds one of nothing so strongly as of the story ascribing the invention of a certain process for the purification of sewage to its inventor going into a laboratory and taking down bottles at random, to the number of some half dozen, adding their contents to a sample of sewage, and patenting the mixture. From this misfortune the carbon process has been free, and Dr. Liesegang has been able to make its history instructive and interesting; he has given clear and precise accounts of the processes in use, and we note that he has kept well up with the latest improvements, while the illustrations are well and clearly cut. The popularity of the work in Germany has caused no less than six editions to be demanded.

It would be unfair to close this notice without a word of praise to the translator, who, in a modest note, states that his share of the work was done in leisure hours. We can only wish that he will continue, as he has begun, to introduce sterling foreign technical works to the public in as vigorous and correct English as that in which he has dressed Dr. Liesegang's little book. R. J. F.


[The Editor does not hold himself responsible for opinions expressed by his correspondents. Neither can he undertake to return, or to correspond with the writers of, rejected manuscripts. No notice is taken of anonymous communications. [The Editor urgently requests correspondents to keep their letters as short as possible. The pressure on his space is so great that it is impossible otherwise to ensure the appearance even of communications containing interesting and novel facts.] The Gulf-Weed (Sargassum bacciferum) a Means of Migration for Fishes and Marine Invertebrates OWING to the October number of NATURE having been mislaid, I have not had an opportunity until lately of seeing Mrs. Merrifield's remarks upon Gulf-weed which appear in vol. xviii. p. 708, where the Bermudas are alluded to as a locality where this species grows in situ.

Having during my several visits to those islands of late years paid some attention to the Sargassum and its inhabitants, perhaps the few facts I am in possession of may prove interesting to botanists, and those who study the geographical distribution of

marine animals.

The Bermudas, being situate within that somewhat circular area of the North Atlantic, formed by the currents of the Gulf Stream, the North African, and equatorial currents, within which exists that vast accumulation of weed known from the time of Columbus to the present day as the "Sargasso Sea," afford excellent opportunities for studying the plant in its floating condition, and also adherent in its natural state to the reef. During the winter months the prevailing gales, which are generally from south-east to south-west, bring to the islands large fields, as well as isolated patches, of the Gulf-weed, which prove a great boon to Bermudan farmers, who, but for this ocean waif, would often be minus manure sufficient to raise their root-crops with. To an observer a field of weed coming in from sea presents a somewhat variegated surface as regards colour, the major portion of it being of a dark brown, interspersed with spots and patches of light yellow. On closer inspection, these masses of floating weed are found to be inhabited by various species of pelagic and littoral crustaceans, particularly a small light brown crab, having a blotch of white on the carapace. Here and there the eye rests on a little pearly-white object, the well. known shell of that almost unknown cephalopod, Spirula prototypus, of Peron. The pretty purple shell of Ianthina communis is also to be seen, as are the singular forms of those truly oceanic acalephs, Valella communis and Physalia pelagica, which occasionally occur in large numbers, as they did during a heavy southerly gale on April 16, 1861, when countless myriads were literally wrecked upon the shores, together with the shells and rafts of Ianthinæ. About the margins of these floating fields, which are of some depth, may be seen various species of fishes, most of which have, no doubt, accompanied the fields, and lived in them, as game would do in a preserve where food and shelter are found. There is one species of fish which, above all others, seems to belong to the Sargassum, viz., the Marbled Angler (Antannarius marmoratus), which, from its peculiar arm-like pectorals, is specially fitted to rest upon the weed. Here it makes its wonderful nest amidst the mass, suspended by means of those silk-like fibres, which prove amply strong enough to support the large bunches of eggs, which hang like grape clusters within their orbicular case. These nests are occa sionally to be found, but cannot be considered common; and only a few have been obtained from the weed on the Bermudan shore.

There is hardly a doubt that it is from this fish-preserve in mid-Atlantic that those tropical and semi-tropical forms which occur incidentally at the Bermudas, Azores, Canaries, Madeira, and also on the east coast of America, come, for I have frequently obtained from these masses of gulf-weed, species which are not recognised as Bermudan, and would probably never have visited the island waters unless under the friendly shelter of the weed. Moreover, I have observed even in heavy storms that the sea never breaks throughout these floating fields, but although heaving and swelling to the usual height, remains unruffled just as if oil floated on the surface. This absence of disturbance would of itself commend the field of weed to the fishes; but when we consider other suitable adjuncts, such as supply of food, and shelter from enemies, we cannot fail to realise the excellent means of migration which this common possession affords, not only to fishes, but to all kinds of those lower invertebrate forms,

many of which have most certainly been brought to the shores of the Bermudas by this means. The isolated patches, of weed, which follow the course of the Gulf Stream, and become broken into lesser fragments, are also accompanied by those tropical and semi-tropical fishes which are found almost every summer on the coast of Nova Scotia, and even as far north as Newfoundland; and it is evident that without some such agency we could never account for the abundance of certain southern pelagic fishes which annually occur in our high latitude.

In regard to the original habitat of S. bacciferum, as also the origin of that vast mass of floating weed which exists in midAtlantic, and is wholly composed of this species, I fear we must await further oceanic exploration. Although I am well aware that it grows in certain places on the Bermuda shores, those. shores, even if they were wholly clothed with it, could not supply a tithe of the material which forms the vast accumulation of the weed existing in the Sargasso Sea. As to the allusion in Mrs. Merrifield's paper (quoting Agardh), made concerning the S. bacciferum being an inhabitant of the banks of Newfoundland, and other parts of the coast of north-east America, I can

safely say that it is wholly unknown on this coast, save occasional sprays, which are brought north by the Gulf Stream, as are the fishes I have before alluded to. Halifax, Nova Scotia, January 25 J. MATTHEW JONES


The Highest Tide on Record

IN Lyell's "Principles of Geology," tenth edition, 1867, vol. i. p. 494, occurs a statement, given on the authority of Admiral Sir F. Beaufort, to the effect that the tides at Chepstow on the Wye sometimes rise to 69 and even to 72 feet. The statement is familiar to all who have read Lyell's work. If it be correct then this tide of 72 feet at Chepstow is apparently the greatest in the world, that in the Bay of Fundy being given as 70 feet in the extreme. I can find no authority for a tide so great as 72 feet at Chepstow other than that above cited. The old "Bristol Channel Pilot" books of 1821 and 1839 say nothing of the matter, as I am informed by Capt. Tizard, R.N., and the latest published "Pilot" gives 56 feet as the extreme rise of tide at Chepstow. There is thus no official knowledge of so high a tide as 72 feet, and I can find no published account of Admiral Sir F. Beaufort's observations; Sir C. Lyell refers to none such.

I should be extremely obliged to any reader of NATURE who can refer me to any certain record of exceptionally high tides at Chepstow and confirmation of Sir C. Lyell's statement. There seems to be some uncertainty as to whether the highest tides on record occur in the British Islands or not. Exeter College, Oxford


The Glacial Period and Geographical Distribution PROF. ASA GRAY, in his very interesting lecture on the distribution of the forest trees of the northern temperate region (NATURE, vol. xix. p. 327), after pointing out the remarkable differences that exist between the forests of the eastern and western sides both of North America and the Old World, sug. gests that the great poverty of the European as compared with the Japan-Manchurian region in this respect was caused by the Mediterranean cutting off the retreat of the flora which then occupied Europe, as it retired, at the approach of the glacial epoch, before the ice from the north. This explanation derives considerable support from some other facts in geographical distribution. The most characteristic Alpine and Arctic butterflies of the Palearctic region belong to the three genera, Parnassius, Chionobas, and Erebia. Of Parnassius, Dr. Staudinger, in his latest catalogue (1871) enumerates fourteen Palearctic species, of which three occur in North and Central Europe, ranging as far south as the Balkans, but always in or near high lands, about a dozen occur in temperate Asia, ranging as far east as the Amur, and probably as many in North America, where they also are truly Alpine butterflies. Of Chionobas one species (C. allo, confined to the Alps) occurs in Central Europe, whilst six or seven others range from Lapland over Russia and Siberia, Mongolia, &c., to the Amur, and there are numerous species in Arctic and Alpine North America. Of Erebia there are fortyfive Palearctic species enumerated by Staudinger, and of these no less than twenty-five occur in the central Alpine chains of Europe. The genus likewise ranges all over temperate Asia, going as far south as the Himalayas and Moupin, and in North

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