ADVERTISEMENT. THIS work contains the Constitution of the United States, and of Pennsylvania, the whole of Mr. Sutherland's Manual, corrected up to the present session, the Rules of both Houses of Congress, and the Manual of Mr. Jefferson. It will therefore be a very useful assistant to old as well as new members of our State Legislatures; embracing, as it does, a mass of important Parliamentary Practice, worthy the attention of every Representative, desirous of serving his constituents with ability and fidelity. PREFACE. HAVING for several years occupied a seat in the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, and having presided over that body and since served as State Senator, it occurred to me, that a work on the Practice and Method of proceeding adopted in the two branches of the General Assembly would not be unacceptable to the members. The excellent Manual of Thomas Jefferson contains the landmarks of order, and must always be a useful guide; but it is well known to all conversant with the business of public bodies, that it does not supply all that is wanting to State Legislatures. The Manual I present is intended as far as practicable to explain the detail so necessary to a new member, and to note the exact words which custom has sanctioned in the order of business. INDEX OF THE LEGISLATIVE MANUAL OF PENNSYLVANIA. Adhere, Amendments, opening of Absence, no member to be absent without leave mode of asking leave of Assembly, meeting of Page. 87 113 68 70 108 to amendments 113 on third reading 108 between the two houses 112 concur 113 non-concur 113 recede 114 Bills, proceedings on insist on 115 96. signing of 83 in committee of the whole 99 on second reading leave to sit again upon 102 106 on third reading 107 public returned without signing. 122 67 private 67 133 Business, order of read by title 84 80 items of unfinished * |