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No person, except members of the house of representatives, their clerk, heads of departments, treasurer, comptrollers, register, auditors, postmaster general, president's secretary, chaplains to congress, judges of the United States, foreign ministers and their secretaries, officers who, by name, have received, or shall hereafter receive, the thanks of congress for their gallantry and good conduct displayed in the service of their country, or who have received medals by the vote of congress, the commissioners of the navy board, commisioner of patents, governor, for the time being, of any state or territory of the Union, judges of the supreme courts of law and equity of any state, such gentlemen as have been heads of departments or members of either branch of the legislature, and at the discretion of the president of the senate, persons who belong to such legislatures of foreign governments, as are in amity with the United States, shall be admitted on the floor of the senate.

48. The presiding officer of the senate shall have the regulation of such parts of the capitol and of its passages, as are, or may be set apart for the use of the senate and its officers.

49. The secretary of the senate, the sergeantat-arms, and door-keeper, and the assistant doorkeeper, shall be chosen on the second Monday of the first session of the 21st congress, and on the same day of the first session of every succeeding congress.



1. In every case of an amendment of a bill agreed to in one house, and dissented to in the other, if either house shall request a conference, and appoint a committee for that purpose, and the other house shall also appoint a committee to confer, such committees shall, at a convenient hour, to be agreed on by their chairman, meet in the conference chamber, and state to each other verbally, or in writing, as either shall choose, the reasons of their respective houses, for and against the amendment, and confer freely thereon.

2. When a message shall be sent from the senate to the house of representatives, it shall be announced at the door of the house by the doorkeeper, and shall be respectfully communicated to the chair, by the person by whom it may be


3. The same ceremony shall be observed, when a message shall be sent from the house of representatives to the senate.

4. Messages shall be sent by such persons, as a sense of propriety in each house may determine to be proper.

5. While bills are on their passage between the two houses, they shall be on paper, and under the signature of the secretary or clerk of each house, respectively.

6. After a bill shall have passed both houses it shall be duly enrolled on parchment, by the clerk

of the house of representatives, or the secretary of the senate, as the bill may have originated in the one or the other house, before it shall be presented to the president of the United States.

7. When bills are enrolled, they shall be examined by a joint committee of two from the senate, and two from the house of representatives, appointed as a standing committee for that purpose, who shall carefully compare the enrolment with the engrossed bills, as passed in the two houses, and, correcting any errors that may be discovered in the enrolled bills, make their report forthwith to their respective houses.

8. After examination and report, each bill shall be signed in the respective houses, first by the speaker of the house of representatives, then by the president of the senate.

9. After a bill shall have been thus signed in each house, it shall be presented by the said committee to the president of the United States, for his approbation, it being first endorsed on the back of the roll, certifying in which house the same originated which endorsement shall be signed by the secretary or clerk (as the case may be) of the house in which the same did originate, and shall be entered on the journal of each house. The said committee shall report the day of presentation to the president, which time shall also be carefully entered on the journal of each house.

10. All orders, resolutions, and votes, which are to be presented to the president of the United States for his approbation, shall, also, in the same manner, be previously enrolled, examined, and

signed, and shall be presented in the same man ner, and by the same committee, as provided in cases of bills.

11. When the senate and house of representatives shall judge it proper to make a joint address to the president, it shall be presented to him in his audience chamber, by the president of the senate, in the presence of the speaker and both houses.

12. When a bill or resolution, which shall have passed in one house, is rejected in the other, notice thereof shall be given to the house in which the same shall have passed.

13. When a bill or resolution, which has been passed in one house, shall be rejected in the other, it shall not be brought in during the same session, without a notice of ten days, and leave of twothirds of that house in which it shall be renewed.

14. Each house shall transmit to the other all papers on which any bill or resolution shall be founded.

15. After each house shall have adhered to their disagreement, a bill or resolution shall be lost.

16. No bill that shall have passed one house, shall be sent for concurrence to the other, on either of the three last days of the session.

17. No bill or resolution, that shall have passed the house of representatives and the senate, shall be presented to the president of the United States, for his approbation, on the last day of the session.

18. When bills which have passed one house are ordered to be printed in the other, a greater

number of copies shall not be printed than may be necessary for the use of the house making the order.

19. No spiritous liquors shall be offered for sale, or exhibited within the capitol, or on the public grounds adjacent thereto.




Touching the duty of the Speaker.

i. He shall take the chair every day precisely at the hour to which the house shall have adjourned on the preceding day; shall immediately call the members to order; and, on the appearance of a quorum, shall cause the journal of the preceding day to be read.

2. He shall preserve order and decorum; may speak to points of order in preference to other members, rising from his seat for that purpose; and shall decide questions of order, subject to an


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