Imagens das páginas

Resolutions, requiring approbation of the President

to amend constitution, and grant money, to
be treated as bills

other to lie one day

on third reading, amended only by consent
engrossed, recommitted, and reported, to be
again read second time

orders, votes, &c. requiring the President's ap-
probation, shall be signed and presented as
in case of bills. [See Bills.] (joint rule)
passed one House and lost in the other, notice
to be given (joint rule)

not to be presented to the President on last day
of the session (joint rule)

Secrecy enjoined on confidential communications
enjoined on remarks on persons nominated
enjoined on treaties

Secretary to endorse bills passed, &c.

No. Pa.

26 38

26 38

29 39

29 39

10 47

12 48

17 48

38 43
39 43

38 43

to take the decision of the Vice-President when
the Senate is equally divided
to receive from committee, and enter eng. bills
to furnish the President with transcripts of ex-

ecutive journal

reporters on the floor under direction of the
to be chosen on second Monday of first session

of every congress

to attend and take minutes when Senate is con-

vened to any other place

45 44

21 37

33 40

42 43

47 44

49 45

36 41

to make returns on nominations from day to day 42 43
to return or deliver no paper, except original

treaties, without order of Senate

42 43

to furnish no extract from executive journal

without special order

42 43

to convey messages to H. of Representatives
Senate, proceedings of, when a number less than a

45 44

quorum shall have assembled

8 35

proceedings of, in quasi committee to be enter-

ed concisely

32 40

ceremonial proceedings when met by the Pre-
sident of the United States at any other place
than the Senate chamber

36 41

No. Pa.

Senate, relating to the executive proceedings of 36-40 41-43

who shall be admitted when engaged in execu

tive confidential business

40 43

the proceedings of, to be recorded separately 41 43

transcripts and extracts from Executive records,

in what cases furnished

42 43

votes of, to be entered on journal

32 40

shall be cleared of all persons except their offi

cers, when acting on Executive business 40 43

officers of, when they shall be elected

49 45

messages to and from (joint rules)

2-3 46

Speaking, among the members, prohibited during


2 34

more than twice in one day on the same sub

ject, prohibited

4 34

Spirits, not to be brought within or about the capi

tol (joint rule)

19 49

Time, longest, first put

13 36

Treaties, proceedings on

37 42

to be kept secret, until injunction be removed 38 43 Unfinished business, has preference in special orders 15 36

Vice-President, or President pro tempore, may ap

[blocks in formation]

Words, exceptionable, shall be taken down, when a call to order is made by a Senator

7 34


to be taken without debate

may be required by one-fifth

16 36

16 36

after being taken no member allowed to enter his vote

17 36




Absent members, their attendance may be com-

Rule. Pa.

pelled by fifteen members

50 61

Absent, no member allowed to be, unless on leave 53 61

Absentees at a call, proceedings against

Adhere, effect of a vote in the two Houses to (joint

Adjourn, motion to, always in order, but not to be



Acts and addresses, signed by the Speaker

11 51

Address to the President, how to be presented

(joint rule)

11 48


15 48


36 58

37 58

34 58

43 59

not permitted

104 74


hour to be entered

Amend, order of motion to

Amendment not to be admitted, if on a subject dif-

ferent from that under consideration

Amendments to engrossed bills, by way of rider,

to engrossed bills, to be kept on separate paper 1'08

to original motions, in committee of the whole 109 75

to bills and resolutions, cannot be made by

adding other bills or resolutions

to rules, proposition of

to reports in committee of the whole

to bills on which the two Houses disagree,

conference upon (joint rule)

of Senate, to bills, when considered

Appeals, how made and debated
proceedings in case of

43 59

116 76

110 75

1 46

18 54

2 49

22 55

Rule. Pa.

Appropriation Bills to be reported within 30 days 61 64

to have preference in order
appropriations not authorised by law cannot

be made in

62 65

63 65

Appropriation for treaties not to be included in

bills making appropriations for other objects 60 63

Appropriations to be first discussed in committee

of the whole

114 76

Ballot for committees

7 51

in other cases

8 51

Ballots, blank, not counted

8 51

no person to look on when tellers are counting 27 56

Bar, no member to vote unless within the

28-29 57

Bills, on the table, when to be taken up and dis

[blocks in formation]

to be put, &c.

99 74

how to be disposed of on second reading
not more than three to be committed to the

100 74

same committee of the whole

101 74

may be recommitted at any time before passage 102 74

to be engrossed in a fair round hand

amendments of Senate, when considered

103 79

18 54

engrossed, when to be read and disposed of 18 54 not to be amended on a third reading by rider 104 74

when passed to be certified by the Clerk

Bills, [in Committee of the Whole] how to be taken up; not to be interlined; amend

ments to, how to be kept and reported;

105 75

and, after report, may be debated and

on their passage to be on paper (joint rule)
to be enrolled on parchment after passing the
two Houses (joint rule)

See Engrossed Bills.

passed one House and lost in the other, no-
tice to be given of (joint rule)

Rule. Pa.

108 75

5 46

6 46

12 48

passed one House and lost in the other, how
they may be renewed (joint rule)
when sent from one House to the other, to be
accompanied by the papers on which they
are founded (joint rule)

13 48

14 48

not to be sent from one House to the other
for concurrence on the three last days of
the session (joint rule)

16 48

not to be presented to the President on the
last day of a session (joint rule)

17 48

joint rule relative to printing of

18 48

Blanks, rule respecting the filling of
Blank ballots, not to be counted

111 75

8 51

Business, unfinished at first, to be resumed at se-

disposed of

daily order of

no debate on priority of


[blocks in formation]

cond session of Congress

Business on the table, when to be taken up and

order of, changed or postponed

private, to have preference on Fridays or Sa-

Calls on Departments for information, rule relat-

[blocks in formation]

18 54

ing to

Call of the House, names called alphabetically

rules relative to a

Capitol, unappropriated rooms in

49 60

51 61

38-54-55 58-61

125 78

no spirits to be brought within or about (joint

19 49

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