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The President appointed Moses M. Strong, teller, on the part of the Council, and

The Speaker appointed Mr. Billings, teller, on the part of the House, to receive and canvass the votes.

Mr. Strong nominated Simeon Mills, for the office of Territorial Printer.

Mr. Burnett nominated Beriah Brown, for the same office. Mr. Whiton nominated W. W. Wyman, for the same office. And the votes having been taken and counted, the tellers appointed for that purpose, reported that 38 votes had been given for the said office, of which

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And thereupon the President of the Convention declared that Simeon Mills having received a majority of all the votes given, was duly elected Territorial Printer for one year from the adjournment of the present session of the Legislative Assembly.

The Convention then proceeded to the election of Superintendent of Territorial Property.

Mr. Strong nominated John Y. Smith for the office of Superintendent of Territorial Property.

Mr. Hoard nominated Wm. N. Seymour for the same office. Mr. Clapp nominated Geo. Hyer for the same office.

Mr. Croswell nominated J. G. Knapp for the same office.

Mr. Strong nominated A. A. Bird for the same office.

And the votes having been taken and counted, the tellers

reported that thirty-eight votes had been given for the said office, of which

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No person having received a majority of all the votes given,

the President declared that no choice had been made.

Mr. Catlin moved that the Convention now proceed to a second ballot;

Which was agreed to.

Mr. Strong asked to be excused from serving as teller.;
Which was agreed to.

Mr. Catlin was then appointed teller on the part of the Council;

And the votes having been taken and counted, the tellers reported that thirty-eight votes had been given, of which

John Y. Smith received

J. G. Knapp received

John Nelson received

Seventeen votes,

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No person having received a majority of all the votes given, the President declared that no choice had been made.

Mr. Burnett moved that the Convention now proceed to a third ballot;

Which was agreed to.

And the votes having been taken and counted, the tellers reported that thirty-eight votes had been given, of which

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No person having received a majority of all the votes, the President declared that no choice had been made.


Mr. Strong moved that the Convention now proceed to a

fourth ballot;

Which was agreed to.

The votes having been taken and counted, the tellers re

ported that thirty-eight votes had been given, of which

John Y. Smith received

J. G. Knapp received.

Eighteen votes,

Nineteen of


John Nelson received

One *

No person having received a majority of all the votes, the President declared that no choice had been made.

Mr. Strong moved that the Convention do adjourn to next Saturday, at 3 o'clock, P. M. ;

Which was decided in the negative.

And the ayes and noes having been called for,

Those who voted in the affirmative were, of the Council!

Messrs. Baker, Catlin, Moses M. Strong and Dewey, (President,)-4.

And of the House,

Messrs. Barstow, Brawley, Clapp, Earll, Graves, Hoard, Mooers, Parker, Phelps, Wooster and Darling, (Speaker,)—11. Of the Council and House-15,

Those who voted in the negative were, of the Council, Messrs. Frank, Kimball, Kneeland, Knowlton, Reed, Rountree, Whiton and Wilcox-8.

And of the House,

Messrs. Billings, Brown, Burnett, Crawford, Croswell, Cruson, Dennis, Fisher, Jackson, Jones, MaGone Morrow, Pole, Sheldon and Thomas-15.

Of the Council and House-23.

Mr. Dennis moved that the Convention now proceed to a fifth ballot;

Which was agreed to.

And the votes having been taken and counted, the tellers reported that thirty-eight votes had been given, of which.

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No person having received a majority of all the votes given, the President declared that no choice had been made.

Mr. Dennis moved that the Convention now proceed to a sixth ballot;

Which was agreed to.

And the votes having been taken and counted, the tellers reported that thirty-eight votes had been given, of which

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And thereupon the President of the Convention declared that J. Gillett Knapp having received a majority of all the votes given, was duly elected Superintendent of Territorial Property for the year ensuing.

The Convention then proceeded to ballot for the office of Register of the Milwaukee and Rock River Canal Company.

Mr. Kneeland nominated John White for that office.

Mr. Kimball rominated William Shew for the same office. And the votes having been taken and counted, the tellers reported that thirty-eight votes had been given, of which

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And thereupon the President of the Convention declared. that John White having received a majority of all the votes. given, was duly elected Register of the Milwaukee and Rock River Canal Company.

The Convention then proceeded to ballot for the office of Receiver of the Milwaukee and Rock River Canal. Mr. Reed nominated David Merrill for that office. Mr. Brawley nominated David Bonham.

Mr. Hoard nominated Charles H. Larkin,

And the votes having been taken and counted, the tellers reported that thirty-eight votes had been given, of which

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No person having received a majority of all the votes given, the President declared that no choice had been made.

Mr. Billings moved that the Convention now proceed to a second ballot;.

Which was agreed to.

And the votes having been taken and counted, the tellers reported that thirty-eight votes had been given, of which

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No person having received a majority of all the votes given, the President declared that no choice had been made.

On motion, the Convention then proceeded to ballot the third time.

And the votes having been taken and counted, the tellers reported that thirty-eight votes had been given, of which

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No person having received a majority of all the votes given, the president declared that no choice had been made.

The Convention then proceeded to the fourth ballot.

And the votes having been taken and counted, the tellers reported that thirty-eight votes had been given, of which

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Joshua Hathaway

General Crawford ((

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John H. Tweedy No person having received a majority of all the votes given, the President declared that no choice had been made.

The Convention then proceeded to the fifth ballot. And the votes having been taken and counted, the tellers. reported that thirty-eight votes had been given, of which

Rufus Parks received
David Merrill




Twenty-seven "

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