Imagens das páginas
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ported, 104. Proceedings, 101, 125, 126,
129. Passed H. of R., 131. Passed
Council, 163. Signed, 177. Presented
to Governor, 184. Approved, 203.
Bill to authorize school district No. 1, in
Grant county, to levy an additional tax for
paying a debt incurred in building, report-
ed, 215. Proceedings, 215, 232,247, 248.
Passed H. of R, 218. Passed Council,
252. Signed, 269. Approved, 272.
Bill of (C.) to authorize school district No.
7, in Snake Hollow school town to levy a
tax for, 119, Proceedings, 120, 125, 126,
132. Passed H. of R., 132. Signed,
181. Presented to Governor, 185. Ap-
proved, 219,

Bill of (C.) to authorize school district No.
3, Dane county, to levy a tax for, 120.
Proceedings, 120, 125, 126, 132. Passed
H. of R., 132. Signed, 181. Presented
to Governor, 185. Approved, 219.
Bill of (C.) to authorize school district No.
1, in Platteville to levy a tax for, 120.
Proceedings, 120, 121, 152, 153. Passed
H. of R., 153. Signed, 208. Presented
to Governor, 225. Approved, 250.
Bill of (C.) to authorize school district No.
3, in the school town of Snake Hollow, to
levy a tax for, 163. Proceedings, 171,
235, 236. Passed H. of R., 236. Sign-
ed, 265. Approved, 274.

Bill of (C.) to authorize school district No.
16, in Dane county to levy a tax for, 163.
Proceedings, 171, 243. Passed H. of R.,
213. Signed, 269. Approved, 274,
Bill to authorize school district No. 2, in
Sheboygan county to levy a tax for finish-
ing, introduced, 181. Proceedings, 181,
208, 209, 217. Passed H. of R., 217.


Passed Council, 241. Signed, 253. Pre-
sented to Governor, 259. Approved,

DISTRICT. Bill to organize No. 1, in the town of Fond
du Lac, for special purposes, introduced,
233. Proceedings, 233, 242, 245, 251.
Passed Council, with amendments, 268.
Signed, 273. Approved, 279.

ACT. Petition of commissioners of common schools
of the towns of Lisbon and Menomonee
for an amendment of, presented, 71. Re-
ferred, 71.

"MEETINGS. Bill defining the time for taking appeals from

the vote of, reported, 160. Proceedings,

160, 209, 211, 212, 216, 217.

Passed H.

of R., 217. Passed Council, with amend-

ments, 241.

Signed, 253. Presented to

Governor, 259. Approved, 264.

SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS. Petition relative to license to retail,

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presented, 41, 47. Referred, 41, 47.
Bill to organize, reported, 74. Pro-
ceedings, 74, 76, 78, 79, 87. Pass-
ed H. of R., 87.

Passed Council

with amendments, 118. Amend-
ments concurred in, 118. Signed,
132. Presented to Governor, 133.
Approved, 144.

Protest of inhabitants of, against last
annual election, presented, 92. Re-
ferred, 118, Committee report ad-
versely, 143.

SUITS, TERRITORIAL. Resolution to discuntinue, introduced,
52. Proceedings, 52, 53.

SAUK COUNTY. Petition of inhabitants of, to have Portage
county attached for judicial purposes, 84.

Laid on table 84.

(C.) requiring him to perform certain duties,
202. Proceedings, 205, 235, 236. Passed H.
of R., with amendments, 235. Amendments
concurred in by Council, 250. Signed, 265,
Approved, 274.

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Communication from, presented, 238. Pro-
ceedings, 238.

Election of, 186, 187, 188.

SHEFFLER, MORRITZ. Account of, presented, 227. Referred,


SMITH, GEORGE B. Account of, presented, 230. Referred,


SCRIP. Resolution of (C.) requesting Secretary of Territory
to redeem, 88. Proceedings, 88, 101, 102. Pass-

ed H. of R., 102.

Signed, 132. Presented to Go-

vernor, 136. Approved, 219.

ST. CROIX. Bill of (C.) relating to the counties of, 151. Pro-

ceedings, 157, 231, 232, 233.

R., with amendments, 233.

Passed H. of

Signed, 253.

Presented to Governor, 259. Approved, 267.

SHEBOYGAN. Bill of (C.) to incorporate town of, 151. Pro-
ceedings, 157, 165, 198, 225. Passed H. of

R., with amendments, 225. Amendments
concurred in by Council, 234. Approved,


SYKES, ROYAL S. Petition for divorce, presented, 160. Re-

ferred, 160. Report of committee, 175.

Leave given petitioner to withdraw pe-
tition, 175.

SURVEYING OF LAND. Petition of inhabitants of Dodge coun-
ty relative to, presented 173. Re-
ferred, 173.


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STRONG, MOSES M. Bill of (C.) to pay the sum therein men-

tioned, 202. Proceedings, 205, 242,

244. Passed H. of R., with amend-
ments, 245. Amendments concurred
in, 250. Signed, 365. Approved,



TOLLS. Petitions for reduction of, presented, 32, 71.

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Bill to amend act establishing rate of, introduced,
129. Proceedings, 129, 137, 138, 139, 140, 178,
209, 213, 214, 216, 217, 235, 263.

TIMBER. Petition of inhabitants of Dodge county relative to
cutting by overseers of highways, presented, 46.
Referred, 46. Committee report adversely, 54.
Report accepted and committee discharged, 53.

TITLE TO REAL ESTATE. Bill of (C.) to provide for authentic
statements relative to, 50. Pro-
ceedings, 50, 55, 56, 57, 58.

TERRITORIAL SUITS. Resolution to discontinue, introduced,
52. Proceedings, 52, 53, 60, 116,

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117, 118, 141, 165, 168, 259. Neg-
atived, 259.

Account of Sheriff of Fond du Lac

county for serving process in, pre-
sented, 173. Referred, 173.

PRINTER. Resolution relative to, introduced, 58.

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Adopted, 58. Communication of Se-
cretary of Council relative to, 80, 81.
Election of, 186.

TAVERNS AND GROCERIES, Bill to repeal certain acts relative

to, reported, 94. Proceedings,
94, 137, 138, 139, 143, 144.
Negatived, 144.

TAX WARRANTS. Petition of inhabitants of school district

No. 5, Walworth county, for renewal of,

presented, 72. Referred, 72.


Bill to authorize renewal of, reported. 107.
Proceedings, 107, 125, 126, 129. Pass-
ed H. of R., 131. Passed Council, 191.
Signed, 201. Presented to Governor,
224. Approved, 231.

TAXES, DELINQUENT. Bill to provide for collecting of, on per-

sonal property, reported, 86. Pro-
ceedings, 86, 101, 102, 105, 108.
Passed H. of R., 108. Passed Coun-
cil, 163. Signed, 177. Presented
to Governor, 184. Approved, 203.

TAX, SPECIAL. Bill of (C.) to authorize certain counties to
levy, 120. Proceedings, 120, 126, 200.
Passed H. of R. with amendments, 200.
Amendments concurred in by Council,
222. Signed, 246. Presented to Gov-
ernor, 254, Approved, 267.

TAX. Bill of (C.) to authorize school district No 1 in the town
of Rochester to levy, 151, Proceedings, 157, 165,

168. Passed H. of R., 168.

Signed, 208. Present-

ed to Governor, 225, Approved, 250.

"" Petition of inhabitants of school district No. 1 in school
town of Wisconsin for a law authorizing them to
levy an additional, presented, 195. Referred, 195.
TAXES. Petition of citizens of Grant county relative to the
law for the collection of, presented, 240. Refer-

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red, 240.

Bill of (C.) instructing Attorney General to collect
certain delinquent, 202. Proceedings, 205, 242,
245. Passed H. of R., 245. Signed, 269.
Bill of (C.) to authorize collector of the town of
Hudson to collect certain, 202. Proceedings,
205, 242, 245. Passed H. of R., 245. Signed,
253. Presented to Governor, 259. Approved,

for support of Schools. Petition of inhabitants of
Green county relative to, presented, 144. Refer-
red, 144. Report of committee, 150.

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