Imagens das páginas



ABODE, delay; II. vi. 21.

ABRIDGED; "to be a.,” i. e. "at be

ing a."; I. i. 126. ADDRESS'D ME, prepared myself; II. ix. 19.

ADVICE, reflection; IV. ii. 6. ADVISED, cautious, heedful; I. i. 142.

ADVISEDLY, intentionally; V. i. 253.

AFFECTION, feeling; II. viii. 48. APPROVE, prove, confirm; III. ii.


ARGOSIES, merchant-ships (originally the large and richly freighted ships of Ragusa); I. i. 9.

ATTEMPT, tempt; IV. i. 433. ATTENDED, attended to, marked; V. i. 103.

BANED, poisoned; IV. i. 46.
BARE, bare-headed; II. ix. 44.
BATED, reduced; III. iii. 32.
BEHOLDING, beholden; I. iii. 106.

handsomest; II. i. 10. BLENT, blended; III. ii. 183. BLEST, used with a superlative force, and perhaps a contracted form of "blessed'st"; II. i. 46. BONNET, head-gear; I. ii. 87. Воттом, hold of a vessel; I. i. 42. BREAK UP, break open; II. iv. 10. BREATHING, verbal; V. i. 141. BURIAL, burial-place; I. i. 29. By, at hand, near by; IV. i. 266.

CATER-COUSINS, remote relations, good friends; "are scarce c.," i. e. "are not great friends"; II. ii. 150.

CERECLOTH, а cloth dipped in melted wax to be used as a shroud; II. vii. 51.

CEREMONY, sacred object; V. i.


CHARGE; "on your charge," at your expense; IV. i. 266. CHEER, countenance; III. ii. 314.


PROOF, childhood's

proof; I. i. 144. CHOOSE, "let it alone!" I. ii. 54. CIRCUMSTANCE, circumlocution; I. i. 154.

CIVIL DOCTOR, doctor of civil law; V. i. 210.

CIVILITY, civilization; II. ii. 218. CLOSE, Secret; II. vi. 47. COMMANDMENT (in Quartos and Folios "commandément"; clearly to be pronounced as a quadrisyllable); IV. i. 463. COMMENDS, commendations; II. x. 90.

COMPLEXION, nature; III. i. 32. COMPROMISED, (had) come to a

mutual agreement; I. iii. 79. CONFOUND, destroy; III. ii. 278. CONFUSIONS; Launcelot's blunder for "conclusions"; II. ii. 42. CONSTANT, self-possessed; III. ii. 250.

CONTAIN, retain; V.. i. 201.

CONTINENT, that which contains

anything; III. ii. 131. CONTRARY, wrong; I. ii. 112. CONTRIVE, conspire; IV. i. 364. COPE, requite; IV. i. 424. COUNTERFEIT, likeness; III. ii. 115.

COUNTY, count; I. ii. 52. COUSIN, kinsman; III. iv. 50. Cover, wear hats; II. ix. 44. CURELESS (the reading of the Quartos; the Folios read "endless") beyond cure; IV. i. 142.

DANGER, absolute power (to harm); IV. i. 184.

DEATH = death's head; II. vii.


DeFace, cancel, destroy; III. ii. 301.

DIFFERENCE, dispute; IV. i. 174. DISABLED, crippled; I. i. 123.

DISABLING, undervaluing; II. vii.


Discover, reveal; II. vii. 1.
Doit, a small coin; I. iii. 141.
DRIVE, commute; IV. i. 384.

DUCATS; the value of the Vene

tian silver ducat was about that of the American dollar; I. iii. 1.

EANLINGS, lambs just born; I. iii. 80.

ENTERTAIN, maintain; I. i. 90.
EQUAL, equivalent; I. iii. 150.
ESTATE, state; III. ii. 239.
EXCESS, interest; I. iii. 63.
EXCREMENT, hair; "valour's ex.,"
i. e. "a brave man's beard";
III. ii. 87.

EYE; "within the eye of honor"; i. e. "within the sight of h."; "within the scope of honour's vision"; I. i. 137.

FAIRNESS, beauty; III. ii. 94.
FAITHLESS, unbelieving; II. iv. 38.
FALL, let fall; I. iii. 89.
FALLS, falls out; III. ii. 204.
FANCY, love; III. ii. 63, 68.
FEAR'D, frightened; II. i. 9.
FEARFUL, filling one with fear; I.
iii. 176.

FIFE; "wry-necked f.," a small flute, called flute à bec, the upper part or mouthpiece resembling the beak of a bird, hence the epithet "wry-necked"; according to others "fife" here means the musician, cp. “Α fife is a wry-neckt musician, for he always looks away from his instrument" (Barnaby Riche's Aphorisms, 1616); II. v. 31.

FILL-HORSE, shaft-horse; II. ii. 111.

FIND FORTH, find out, seek; I. i. 143.

FLOOD, waters, seas; I. i. 10; IV. i. 72.

FOND, foolish; II. ix. 27.

Foot, spurn with the foot; I. iii. 119.

Fоот, path; II. iv. 36.
FOOTING, footfall; V. i. 24.
FOR, of; III. iv. 10.
FRAUGHT, freighted; II. viii. 30.
FRETTEN, fretted; IV. i. 77.

GABERDINE, a large loose cloak of

coarse stuff; I. iii. 113. GAGED, pledged; I. i. 130. GAPING PIG, a roast pig with a

lemon in its mouth; IV. i. 47. GARNISH, apparel; II. vi. 45. GEAR; "for this g.," i. e. for this matter, business: "a colloquial expression perhaps of no very determinate import"; I. i. 110; II. ii. 189.

GELT, mutilated; V. i. 144. GRATIFY, reward; IV. i. 418. GROSS; "to term in gross," to sum

up; III. ii. 160. Guard, guardianship; I. iii. 176. GUARDED, ornamented; II. ii. 175. GUILED, full of guile, treache.ous; III. ii. 97.

HABIT, behavior; II. ii. 213. HEAVENS; "for the heavens," for heaven's sake; II. ii. 13. HEAVINESS, sadness; "his embraced h."; the sadness which he hugs; II. viii. 52. HIGH-DAY, holiday, high-flown, extravagant; II. ix. 98.

HIP; "catch upon the h."; a term taken from wrestling, meaning "to have an advantage over"; I. iii. 47.

HOVEL-POST, the support of the roof of an out-house; II. ii. 80.

HUSBANDRY, government, stewardship; III. iv. 25.

IMAGINED, all imaginable; III. iv. 52.

IMPOSITION, an imposed task; III. iv. 33; a binding arrangement; I. ii. 121.

INCARNAL; Launcelot's blunder for "incarnate"; II. ii. 31. INEXECRABLE, beyond execration (perhaps a misprint for “inexorable," the reading of the third and fourth Folios); IV. i. 128.

INSCULP'D, carved in relief; II. vii. 57.

JACKS, used as a term of contempt; III. iv. 77.

JUMP WITH, agree with; II. ix.


KEPT, lived; III. iii. 19. KNAPPED, broke into small pieces (or "nibbled"); III. i. 10

LEVEL, aim; I. ii. 43. LIBERAL, free; II. ii. 208. LICHAS, the servant of Deianira, who brought Hercules the poisoned robe (cp. Ovid, Met. ix. 155); II. i. 32. LIVINGS, estates; III. ii. 158. Low, humble; I. iii. 44.

MANAGE, management; III. iv. 25. MELANCHOLY BAIT, bait of melancholy; I. i. 101. MERE, certain, unqualified; III. ii. 265.

MIND; "have in mind," bear in mind; I. i. 71.

MIND OF Love, loving mind; II. viii. 42.

MUTUAL, general, common; V. i. 77.

NARROW SEAS, English Channel;
III. i. 4.

NAUGHTY, wicked; III. ii. 18.
NAZARITE, Nazarene; I. iii. 35.
NEAT, ox; I. i. 112.
NESTOR, the oldest of heroes,
taken as the type of gravity;
I. i. 56.
NOMINATED, stated; I. iii. 150.
Now, one moment
at the next; I. i. 35-6.

OBLIGED, pledged; II. vi. 7. OCCASION; "quarrelling with o.," i. e. "at odds with the matter in question, turning it into ridicule without reason"; III. v. 62. O'ER-LOOK'D, bewitched; III. ii. 15.

Or, on; II. ii. 114; with; II. iv. Power, authority; IV. i. 104. 24.

OFFEND'ST, vexest; IV. i. 140.
OLD (used intensitively), abun-
dant, great; IV. ii. 15.
OPINION OF, reputation for; I. i.

OSTENT, demeanor; II. ii. 219.
OTHER, others; I. i. 54.
OUT-DWELLS, out-stays; II. vi. 3.
OUT OF DOUBT, without doubt; I.

i. 21; I. i. 155.

OVER-NAME, run their names over; I. ii. 41.

OVER-WEATHER'd, weather-beaten; II. vi. 18.

PAGEANTS, shows; I. i. 11.
PAIN, pains; II. ii. 208.

PARTS, duties, functions; IV. i. 92.

PASSION, outcry; II. viii. 12.

PATCH, fool, simpleton, jester; ΙΙ. v. 47.

PATINES; the "patine" is the plate used in the Eucharist; "patines of bright gold" seems to mean "the orbs of heaven," i. e. either (1) the planets, or (2) the stars; possibly, however, the reference is to "the broken clouds, like flaky disks of curdled gold which slowly drift across the heavens"; V. i. 59.

PEIZE, to weigh, keep in suspense,
delay; III. ii. 22.
PENT-HOUSE, a porch with a slop-
ing roof; II. vi. 1.
PIED, Spotted; I. iii. 80.
PORT, importance; III. ii. 283.
POSSESS'D, acquainted, informed;
I. iii. 65.

Post, postman; II. ix. 100.
Posy, a motto inscribed on the
inner side of a ring; V. i. 148.

PREFERR'D, recommended; II. ii.


PRESENTLY, immediately; I. i. 183. PREST, prepared; I. i. 160. PREVENTED, anticipated; I. i. 61. PROPER, handsome; I. ii. 83. PUBLICAN, an allusion perhaps to the parable of the Pharisee and the publican (St. Luke xviii. 10-14); I. iii. 42.

QUAINTLY, gracefully; II. iv. 6. QUESTION, are disputing, arguing; IV. i. 70.

QUIT, remit; IV. i. 393.

RAISED, roused; II. viii. 4.

REASON'D, had a conversation; II. viii. 27.

REGREETS, greetings; II. ix. 89. REMORSE, compassion; IV. i. 20. REPENT, regret; IV. i. 287, 288. REPROACH, Launcelot's blunder

for "approach”; II. v. 20. RESPECT, proper attention (or perhaps "respect to circumstances"); V. i. 99.

RESPECT UPON; "you have too much r. u.," i. e. "you look too much upon"; I. i. 74. RESPECTIVE, mindful; V. i. 156. REST; "set up my rest," made up my mind (a phrase probably derived from the game of Primero; resto meant to bet or wager, which appears to have been made by the players only); II. ii. 120.

RIALTO; "The Rialto, which is at the farthest side of the bridge as you come from St. Mark's, is a most stately building, being the Exchange of Venice, where the Venetian gentlemen and merchants do meet twice a

[blocks in formation]



scrubby; v. i. 162.


SELF, self-same; I. i. 148.

names of sureties"; I. iii. 146. SLUBBER, "to slur over"; II. viii.


SMUG, neat; III. i. 51.
So, provided that; III. ii. 197.
SOLA, SOLA; "Lancelot is imitat-
ing the horn of the courier or
post"; V. i. 39.
SOMETHING, somewhat; I. i. 124.
SONTIES; "by God's s." i. e. "by
God's dear saints"; sonties =
"saunties," a diminutive form;
II. ii. 50.

SOON AT, about; II. iii. 5.
SORE, sorely; V. i. 307.
SORT, dispose; V. i. 132.
SORT, lottery; I. ii. 121.
SPEND, waste; I. i. 153.
SQUANDERED, scattered; I. iii. 22.
STEAD, help; I. iii. 7.

STILL, continually; I. i. 17; I. i.


STRAIGHT, straightway; II. ix. 1. STRANGE; "exceeding strange," quite strangers; I. i. 67.

SENSE; "in all sense," with good STROND, strand; I. i. 171.

reason; V. i. 136.

SENSIBLE, evident to the senses, substantial; II. ix. 89; sensitive; II. viii. 48.

SHOULD, would; I. ii. 107, 108. Shows, outward appearance; II. vii. 20.

SHREWD, bad, evil; III. ii. 246. SHRIVE ME, be my father-confessor; I. ii. 152.

SIBYLLA, a reference probably to the Cumæan Sibyl, who obtained from Apollo a promise that her years should be as many as the grains of sand she was holding in her hand (ср. Ovid, Met. xv.).

SINGLE; "your single bond," probably "a bond with your own signature, without the

SUBSTANCE, (?) weight; IV, i.


SUITED, apparelled; I. ii. 85. SUPPOSED, spurious, false; III. ii. 94.

SUPPOSITION, the subject of conjecture; I. iii. 18.

TABLE, palm of the hand; II. ii. 179.

THINK, bethink; IV. i. 70. THRIFT, success, good fortune; I. i. 175; profits; I. iii. 51. TIME, "springtime of life, youth, manhood"; I. i. 129.

TRANECT (So the Quartos and Folios), probably an error for Fr. traject (It. traghetto), "a ferrie (so glossed by Cotgrave); it is, however, note

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