Imagens das páginas

Dialogues, Tableaux, Speakers, Recitations, Shadows, Pantomimes, Wax Works, Etc., for Evening Amusements and School or Church Entertainments are unrivaled. This list is the newest, freshest, raciest, and best calculated to please American audiences of any published. The immense sales of Denison's Plays is a sufficient guarantee of their merits.


SETH GREENBACK.-A drama in four acts, by T. S. Denison: 7 male, 3 female. Time, 1 h. 15 m. Scenes, plain parlor, room in a hotel. Irish comedian, Irish domestic, soubrette, leading lady, old man, villains. "Seth Greenback was a perfect success. It can't be beat as an amateur drama."-Will H. Talbott, Coatsville, Ind., Dramatic Club.

THE ASSESSOR -A humorous sketch by T. S. Denison; 3 male, 2 female. Time, 15 min. Illustrating the difficulties of the assessor in listing the property of Mr. Taxshirk, a farmer. Owing to the indiscretion of "Bub" and " 'Sairy Jane," the assessor captures the "hul kit." Very amusing.

BORROWING TROUBLE.-A ludicrous farce by T. S. Denison: 3 male, 5 female. Time. 30 min. Contains philanthropic gent who is a chronic dead-beat, old lady gossip, darky servant girl, doctor, detective. Scene, a plain room.

HANS VON SMASH.-A roaring farce in a prologue and one act, by T. S. Denison; 4 male and 3 female. Time, 35 min. Hans, a "fresh" Dutchman; Katie, Irish domestic; Mr. Prettyman, too pretty to live; practical young ladies, etc. Scene, plain room in a farm house.

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'Our Literary Association has presented upward of fifty dramas and farces, but never had any take like that." -Secretary Chelmsford Center (Mass.) Literary Association.

WIDE ENOUGH FOR TWO.-A Roaring farce, one of Denison's very best: 5 male, 2 female. Time, 50 Contains a rattling Dutch comedian, sharp negro ditto, male crank, female literary crank, practical business man, and equally practical daughter. Scene, plainly furnished room, no change.


"One of the best farces in existence."-Dramatic Club, Danville, Ind.

THE SCHOOL MA'AM.-A brilliant comedy in four acts, by T. S. Denison; 6 male, 5 female. Time, 1 h. 45 m. Characters, Irish janitor, a good Mrs. Gamp and her "little son," a self-made man (poor job), a bold, scheming young woman, a director who always agrees with the board," and a plucky school ma'am." Scenes: Plain room, and interior of school-house.

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"It took to perfection "-J. W. Jarnigan, Lynnville, Iowa.

THE IRISH LINEN PEDDLER.-A capital farce in two acts, by T. S. Denison, 3 male, 3 female. Time, 40 m. Irish comedian, middle-aged man, young man, a scheming widow, young lady, Irish servant girl. Scenes: Interior, room in a farm house, and room in a hotel,

"The Irish Linen Peddler' cannot be excelled in wit and humor. It kept the whole house in an uproar of laughter."-T. J. Loar, Towanda, Ill.

THE KANSAS IMMIGRANTS.-A hilarious farce in two scenes, by T. S. Denison; 5 male 1 female. Time, 30 m. Scenes; Interior of a shanty in Kansas. Contains two darky "Exodusters," early settler and wife, cowboy (to make up as an Indian), and a Boston swell.

"Don't want anything better than 'The Kansas Immigrants.' "-H. S. Kiehle, Circleville, Pa.

50 m.

TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING-A rattling comedy farce, by T. S. Denison; 3 male, 6 female. Time, Characters. A precise stepmother, and five young ladies in training, who are inclined to make mischief, a country bumpkin, precise young man, old gent, full of sly humor. Scene, a parlor. "We used Too Much of a Good Thing.' It is the best thing out."-Dramatic Club, Fairview, Pa.

IS THE EDITOR IN?-A lively faree, by T. S Denison; 4 male, 2 female. Time, 20 m. Scene, country printing-office. Brassy editor, poetical old maid, aggrieved subscribers. Very amusing, illustrates the trials of country journalism, and of country subscribers.

MY WIFE'S RELATIONS.-A comedietta in one act, by Walter Gordon; 4 male, 6 female. Time, 1 hour. Scene, neatly furnished room. This play is an excellent one. There is a vein of humor pervading it which, with the droll situations, make it highly enjoyable.

IN THE WRONG HOUSE.-A farce by Martin Becher; 4 male, 2 female. Time, 30 m. Scene, a plain room. Two light comedians, and two excellent parts for ladies. An eccentric author hires the lodgings of a young man in his absence; the latter has eloped with a young lady, and the irate father is in pursuit with a detective. All confront the author about the same time, to the complete mystification of everybody. Very laughable throughout. A fine parlor play.

HARD CIDER.-An amusing little sketch, by T S. Denison. 4 male, 2 female. Time, 20 m. Just the thing for a short entertainment anywhere, in school, parlor or Red Ribbon Club.

INITIATING A GRANGER.-A roaring farce, by T. S. Denisou, full of practical jokes; 10 male. Time, 25 m. Scene, a student's room.

"Laughable beyond description.',-J. W. Simmons, Lawrence, Mich.

COUNTRY JUSTICE.-A very amusing country lawsuit, by T. S. Denison: 8 male, (may admit further a jury of 6 or 12). Time, 15 m This little play will do equally for boys or full-grown men. The testimony, the arguments and the verdict are all remarkable. It is always popular.

THE MOVEMENT CURE.-Very funny scene in a doctor's office; 5 male (may make principal, negroes if desired). Time, 15 m.

TWO GHOSTS IN WHITE.-A humorous farce, by T. S. Denison; based on boarding-school life; 8 female characters. Tune, 25 m. Very funny throughout, and contains some excellent hits.

PETS OF SOCIETY.-A farce, by T. S. Denison; 7 female. Time, 30 m. Scene, handsome parlors German or Scandinavian girl, Irish girl, fashionable people. Takes off the fashionable girl of the period to a dot. "It must be read to be appreciated."--Theatrical Record.

MRS. GAMP'S TEA. Arranged from Dicken's novel, Martin Chuzzlewit; 2 females. Mrs. Gamp and Betsy Prig, English nurses. Time, 15 m.

THE PULL-BACK.-A laughable farce by T. S. Denison; 6 female. Time, 20 m. Scene, waiting room of depot. Plain room will answer. This little play is very popular. It contains an excellent old lady character. THE ABOVE PLAYS 15 CENTS EACH. POSTPAID. Denison's List, embracing over one

hundred plays and many other choice books, mailed free on application.

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1. Opens next year September 28, 1886.

2. The SCHOOL for TEACHERS to acquire a knowledge of the principles of PESTALOZZI and FROEBEL.

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Information sent free.

H. S. EDWARDS, Secretary.


E. R. ELDRIDGE, President.



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Tom Brown at Rugby.

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Hughes, $0 75 $0 35

I 00 48

75 35

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Light Science, Abbott, 4 vols. $1.50 ea. @ $1.00 ea.
Pilgrim's Progress

Eggleston, 125

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I 00

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Books for High School Pupils.
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Cooper. Lounsbury, 125
American Statesmen-Calhoun. Von Holst, 125
Hamilton...Lodge, 125
Jefferson... Morse, 125

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Life of Patrick Henry.

Life of Lincoln

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Self-Help (cloth)

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70 1 00

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Nine Little Goslings
..Coolidge, 1 50
In Addition to the foregoing, the following series:
The Lucy Books, 6 vols., $6.00 @ $4.00, and the Rollo
Books, 14 vols., $14.00 @ $8.00, by Jacob Abbott. The
Bodley Books, 8 vols., ea $1.50 @ $1.00, by Scudder.

Books for Grammar School
Zigzag Journeys in Classic Lands .

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Boys of '76..

The Orient...

Boys of '61..

Building of the Nation.

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Pupils. $175 $1 05

300 100

1 65


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Tales from Shakespeare


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Franklin's Autobiography,3 vol... Bigelow,
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Pioneers of France in New World
The Jesuits in North America

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2 50

2 00

Last Days of Pompeii..

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Stories of Advent., by Adventurers, Hale, 125

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Ten Times One is Ten...

How to do it..

Book of American Explorers.. Higginson,
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Geographical Reader

Boy Travelers in the Far East

I. In China and Japan..

II. In Siam and Java


Young Folks' History of Rome... Yonge,
Hist. Our Own Times (paper). McCarthy, 40

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250 150
Autocrat of the Breakfast Table Holmes, 125
.Thoreau, 1 50 100

Getting on in the World
Seven American Classics.

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Mill on the Floss

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....Mathews, 1 50 105






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III. In Ceylon and India.
The Boy's Froissart.
Sir Francis Drake

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.Towle, I 25

2. 00

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The Crusades

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Era of Protestant

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The Earth..

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The Ocean.

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Robert Dick

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Ocean Wonders.

Hawthorne, 1 00

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.Mrs. Whitney, 1 50
.Dickens, 75

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History of France





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Damon, 75 55

Judd, 200 140 ..Munger, 100 069

Wanderings in S. Amer., (paper) Waterton,

20 15

2.00 I 40

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Rusk's Model Selections, edited by Prof. J. W. Rusk and published by ourselves. Price of each in paper $0.25; in boards $0.40.

No. 1 contains a chap. on the principles of elocution.
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The numerous illustrations, False Syntax with corrections, and the parsing of difficult words, are alone worth twice the price of the book. Every one who does not understand English Grammar thoroughly, ought to have this invaluable work. It contains 1048 questions with answers. Bound in cloth. Price 50 cents.


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These are positively the only Question Books published that are complete enough on a single branch to be any help to Teachers in preparing for examinations, or ror reviewing pupils in schools. Price for the set ordered at one time $1.60.

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