COMMUNICATION from the Auditor General, relative to Internal
Lansing, January 6, 1849.5
HON. EPAPHRO. RANSOM, Governor of the State of Michigan.
SIR:-In reply to the resolution of the Senate, of this date, requesting you to communicate to that body, "whether any, and if any, how much internal improvement land heretofore appropriated, remains unexpended and subject to re-appropriation," I would beg leave respectfully to state, that the appropriations made last winter covered all such land not previously disposed of, except enough to meet the then outstanding land warrants; and that although a considerable proportion of these and some other previous appropriations remains unexpended, I know of no reason to anticipate that the special commissioners and others having charge of these appropriations will not let contracts and have work done under each and all of them, to exhaust the several unexpended balances, now undrawn; and that consequently there will be no such land left subject to re-appropria