Imagens das páginas


anatomy about most establishments. Well regu- they can deny to others. Broad human sympathy,
lated families are more or less free from that un- kindliness of heart, may weigh upon it and close
pleasantness in the clothes-press; but there are it down; but it is never closed forever.
always family refrigerators.

Dante's vision.


of a New York tenement house. But, wherever new home is established, its inmates become fixed elements in society; and whatever progression and improvement the future may bring to them, must enter into that grand aggregate which marks the thinking of ourselves, the temperature grows lower When we cease to think of others, and fall to progress and development of the whole commu- and lower. It is possible that the faculty of conThe theatrical taste of the present day is subnity. We have no purpose, in this brief refer-scious introspection is not common. But, in most stantially the same on both sides of the Atlanticence, to do more than allude to these two sources enlightened men and women, it is a confessed and in Paris and London as in New York. This fact of that prosperity which Baltimore certainly ex-active quality. The fuller the refinement, the more may be seen upon a comparison of the entertainhibits. The system of ground rents is permanent palpable becomes the sense of self-examination. ments offered under the "Amusements" heading in and will always be productive of good results here, It is the mental process of conscience. In the ig- the English and American papers. We have as it has been from time immemorial in London; norant, all this may be a vague feeling of discon- lately seen a collection of London play-bills, which while the principle of coöperative effort, confined, tent; it may be the heavy shadow of a erime. In would almost have answered for as many New most men and women who cultivate a certain York theatres on any given night. The same if need be, within certain well-defined limits, must keenness of perception, the organ of mental vision music-the same style of entertainment pleases continue to be a most important element in build- turns itself consciously inward. We sit down alike in both hemispheres. It is all sensationaling up a large and prosperous city. They both calmly by a little lake that is frozen over with the aiming chiefly at stage-effect and show. In the give assurance that the improvement, of which experiences of our own lives, like the lake in modern drama the scene-painter and the stagecarpenter are hardly less important personages we speak, is not temporary or the result of spoAlmost all men have an ice-house in their hearts than the actor. One consequence of this similarity radic enterprise; and both, added to all the other -and all women. What would a woman do with-in the public taste is, that no sooner is any startling sources of development, justify our assumption out that cool retreat? Hath she not eyes, organs, novelty produced abroad, and found to take well, that Baltimore offers more inducements to enter- dimensions? What are the tentacles of her social or, in theatrical parlance, "to draw"-than it is prise and labor than any other city-certainly life; what are her weapons of attack and defence reproduced here. One of the latest importations upon the Atlantic coast. but a supreme sense of self, and a consciousness of of this kind is The Lancashire Lass, now playher self-dependency in the world? Throw aside ing at the Holliday Street. Written originally EVERY MAN HIS OWN ICE-HOUSE. the sympathetic instinct for a moment, and look by Mr. H. J. Byron for the New Queen's In a charming sketch lately published in Put- into the helpless lot of almost all womankind; will Theatre, London, where it has proved a great suc nam, the writer describes what are called "Private you cut her off from that quiet self-retiracy, where cess, it was brought out, for the first time in this Bohemias"-a kind of neutral ground in social she puts on her armor and polishes her steel? country, by Mr. Wallack, in New York, just four life, where all shams are for a time laid aside, all Shall she be denied her ice-house? There has been weeks ago. It is a five-act drama, of the style conventionality forgotten, and whim, and senti- any amount of this kind of thing written by smart now in vogue, not unlike, in some particulars, Mr. ment, and fancy, and fun, and nonsense, play about modern writers. They would establish a literary Tom Taylor's play of The Ticket-of-Leave Man, in perfect freedom and confusion. There is some- ice-house for opinions upon women; but it is a as performed by Mr. Jefferson. Like that play, thing undeniably delicious in the suggestion, as poor place, without sweetness or light. The cath- it has a hero who falls into the clutches of the law, there is an exceeding unpleasantness the world over, olic wisdom of the Masters does not grovel. It wrongfully accused of a crime of which he is in everything in manners artificial and unnatural. gives a woman the natural right to her ice-house; wholly innocent. It presents, too, the same specTo enjoy the pleasures of that temporal state of hap- and knows it is sometimes hard enough for her to tacle of woman's faithful love clinging to its object piness described by the writer, demands as much of keep cool even there! through good report and evil report. It has, too, the wisdom of the sage as the simplicity of the Even the doctor of divinity keeps his ice-house; a detective, who, like Hawkshaw in the Ticket-ofchild-an union in the graces of human character, sometimes it has a vastly different temperature Leave Man, divides to some extent with the real in which there is a profound community of feel- from the warm rapture of the pulpit-it is a toler-hero the interest of the plot and the sympathies of ing. It is the wisdom of the serpent and the harm- ably cool place when the divine comes to confess the audience-following the guilty object of his lessness of the dove. It means that pleasure is to himself that the heart of his religion is dead, search with the patient pursuit of a sleuth-hound, real when it is fresh and simple. The glimpses and his spiritual mind is clogged and stagnant. But and finally discovering and unmasking him in given by the author of "Private Bohemias" of everybody's ice-house is his serious self. When you the detected villain of the piece. this idea are happily portrayed; they illustrate, in have reached it through the outer clothen vest- In the scene in the lock-up, in the fourth act of a wise and harmless fashion, real uses for the social ments of everyday life, you have gained the cita- The Lancashire Lass, there is no doubt that Serelement within us. To this delightful picture, as del of the man, and he may "sing fuit Illium, for geant Donovan, the Irish policeman, is the hero of to all other scenes of pleasant pastime, there is an the glory of his empire will have departed." An the galleries, and has the largest share of their ap unpleasing converse. When fun is over, and the ice-house sometimes, however, shews through; in plause. We are not sure, by the way, that this doors of our habitation closed, the gate goes down, one man it may be simple selfishness and vanity; scene is not the culminating point in the action of the waters cease to flow, and the sigh of exhausted in another lust; in a third, perhaps, villainy or the play, after which there is a decided falling off pleasure throws off the last, faint feeling of enjoy- crime. It glazes the gambler's eye; it gives in interest to the end. Except for the pleasure of ment. Self wakes from its little sleep, rises, and opaqueness to the organ of moral jugglery, and welcoming to the land of the living our friend reasserts its sway. A weariness of spirit succeeds invariably looks square out of the hardened crimi- Johnson, whom we supposed that we had seen the generous sense of pleasing and being pleased nal. It is Harlequin's sorrowful heart in the midst drowned at the close of the third act, and the oppor in turn. The wind again veers around to the East. of all of his fun-the tear that is ready to follow tunity afforded him of doing a good action by des A dull sense of reality steals over us. The feeling laughter. In the Godless man it may be a sense patching the villain Redburn in the very nick of does not end with a regret for departed pleasure; of the infinite, and an ill-suppressed anguish of time-what follows after the scene in the lock-up for we have exhausted our capacity both to spirit. In the man of gains it is greed-a man might well be omitted without any injury to the give and to receive. The rigid melancholy of a married to his money-a very cold companion for play. The full details of the plot, or even the outface in the glass opposite is not a sign merely of life, that shrinks him by contagion. line of the story, we do not propose to give. Those pleasure that has palled. From the sun we pass In a word, every man or woman's ice-house is of our readers who have seen it will not thank us into the shadow. From the little glow that warmed his or her solitary sense of self. No one shares it for the information, and we will not spoil the the pulses of our hearts, the double gratification of with them; it is not a social dwelling place. In pleasure of others by depriving them of the many pleasure given and received, we sink to zero. If it are stowed away all kinds of scraps of secret surprises which the plot has in store for them. It the events of the last hour still linger in our minds, wants, experiences, opinions, traits, deeds-stu- is sufficient to say that the piece abounds in striking ten to one, we drop into the cool cynicism of ex- diously concealed from the world, carefully pre- situations. The unities of time and place are, as amining our neighbor's faults-how charming is served, and never wasting. Out of it Godly men so and so, but what a practiced hypocrite; what look pleadingly to the infinite, and cry out "Lord, faculty for shewing off has another; what a shew I believe, help thou mine unbelief." Into it hard of simplicity has a third-whereas we know the men put their schemes and projects, and sense of former to be a humbug, and the latter the most double-dealing. No little child can enter there; designing of men or women. From our own ice- no loving woman. The sun never gets to that house we move by sympathy into the ice-houses of cool place; the light of heaven never enters in. our kind. Ice-houses are far more common than It is the soul of the ceaseless misery of the human domestic skeletons. There is no such thing as that race. Good women have it; they lay within it all


usual, totally disregarded. Between Acts 1 and 2 there is a supposed interval of two years; and between Acts 4 and 5, of five years, while the scene which at first is laid in a village in Lancashire shifts in the last act to a sheep-farm in Australia. The principal stage effect is a night scene repre senting an old pier and the arrival of a ferry-boat. This idea of a steamboat passing across the stage we suppose is an offset to the railway train which

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forms the principal scenic effect in Under the Gas- James Watt: "I have always thought steam of James Watt, 1759. This model was never malight. The scenery is generally good, and the would become universal lord, and that we should tured, and the subject was not resumed for many whole piece well mounted. The best acting is that in time scorn post-horses. An iron railroad would years. Nicholas Joseph Cugnot, native of Void, of Mr. Bishop as The Party by the name of John- be a cheaper thing than a road on the common in Lorraine, born in 1729, constructed a steam carson, particularly in the two scenes with Robert construction." Four years after this Edgeworth riage in 1769, the cost being borne by the famous Redburn and Mr. Danville, in the second act. died, aged 74. Comte de Saxe. While this was in process of conThose who have only seen Mr. Bishop in low About the middle of the last century Benjamin struction, a Swiss officer, named Planta, brought comedy and burlesque, should see him in this Franklin, "Agent of the United Provinces of forward a similar plan, but abandoned the idea on part which shows his higher qualities as an actor America," entered into a correspondence with perceiving the superiority of Cugnot's machine. to much fairer advantage. The other characters Matthew Boulton, Watt's partner, of Birming- Cugnot's carriage was tried, but obtained a speed are sustained by Miss Blanche De Bar-a grand- ham, and Doctor Darwin, of Litchfield, England, of only two and a quarter miles an hour, and daughter of the great Booth-as Ruth Kirby, the relative to steam as a motive power. Franklin would work only twelve or fifteen minutes at a Lancashire Lass; Mr. Healy as Redburn; Mr. being occupied by his diplomatic labors, seems not time. The French Minister of War becoming inParker as Jellick; Mr. Gallagher as the Irish De- to have pursued the subject to any purpose. Dar-terested in this experiment, authorized the contective; Miss Stanley as Kate Garston; Mrs. win was a remarkable character. He is known in struction of another machine by Cugnot, having Bishop as Fanny Danville; Mr. Meeker as Dan-literature as the author of The Botanic Garden, an idea that it might, if more successful than the ville; Mr. Kennedy as young Clayton, and Mr. and The Loves of the Plants. Besides being a first, be useful in dragging artillery. With the Beall as Spotty, the humorous character of the writer of verses, which Horace Walpole pro- new machine several successful experiments were piece. It is one of the advantages of running a nounced "the most delicious on earth," he was a made. A speed of about three miles an hour was piece, as in the present case, for a fortnight con-physician of large practice, and his mind "teemed obtained. It presented in simple and ingenious secutively, that on each succeeding night the ac- with speculation on all subjects from zoonomy, form a high-pressure engine. Turning the cortors know their parts more thoroughly, the whole botany, and physiology, to physics, æsthetics, ner of a street near the Madelaine one day, it "bemachinery works more smoothly, mistakes de- and mental philosophy." The Doctor is curiously came overbalanced and fell with a crash." It was tected in the earlier representations are corrected described as riding about among his patients in then locked up in the Arsenal "to prevent its doing and improved upon, and the entertainment really his "sulky" writing his poems on scraps of paper. farther mischief." Cugnot died in 1804, and his grows every way better. "On one side of him was a pile of books, reaching machine is still to be seen in the Museum of the from the floor nearly to the front window of the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers, at Paris. It will carriage, while on the other was a hamper con- be observed that Cugnot's experiment was nearly taining fruit and sweetmeats, with a store of cotemporaneous with that of Oliver Evans, precream and sugar, with which the occupant regaled viously mentioned. On the 14th of March, 1769, We have already alluded to the idea entertained himself during his journey." He was a towns- Francis Moore, a linen draper of London, gave by Sir Isaac Newton, as early as 1680, of applying man of Doctor Johnson, and resembled him in notice of a patent for "a machine made of wood the Eolipyle of Hero to move a carriage "on a horiappearance. The sanguine imagination of this or metal, and worked by fire, water or air, for the zontal plane." The idea of moving of vehicles on gentleman threw him theoretically upon many purpose of moving bodies on land or water." On land without the animal power was of still earlier speculations concerning steam and its uses. In the the 13th of July following he gave notice of date. It had its origin in the reduction of the year 1765, having conceived the scheme of apply- another invention of a similar kind. This is all propelling power of wind to that purpose. To- ing steam to land locomotion, he wrote to Boulton we hear of Moore, except the mention made of ward the end of the 16th century a Fleming, named a description of a "fiery chariot," and declared him in a correspondence between Dr. Small, of Simon Stevinius, invented the first sailing coach. himself quite "mad of the scheme." In this letter Birmingham, and Watt, wherein Small expresses An account is quoted in the Lives of the Stephen- and in subsequent correspondence upon the same a wish, upon hearing of Moore's patent, to "ride sons, of the operation of this machine, in which it subject, the Doctor contemplates the application in a fiery chariot" of Watt's invention; and Watt is alleged that "Count Maurice, after his victory of the Newcomen machine, which we have pre- declares that he will put a stop to Moore's operaof Nieuport in 1600, had put himself thereinto, to-viously described, and though filled with the con- tions if he attempts to drive a machine with one gether with Francis Mendoza, his prisoner, on ception of the ultimate success of steam locomo- of his (Watt's) engines.



purpose to make a trial thereof, and that within tion, and having specifically indicated in his corres- On the 24th of August, 1784, Watt himself took two hours they arrived at Putten, which is distant pondence some crude notions upon the subject-out a patent for a locomotive. In this, certain from Scheveling fourteen leagues, or two-and-forty (which might with many modifications have been specifications were filed; but he appears never miles." The experiment of driving coal wagons reduced to practice)-his connection with the his-to have seriously addressed himself to the subject. by wind was revived in Wales a century afterward. tory of the locomotive ended with these dim ideas. On the 28th of August, in the year already menThis was done by Sir Humphrey Mackworth at The following prophecy, written in 1791, before tioned, in a letter to his partner Boulton, after deNeath. An author mentioned in Mr. Smiles' book any locomotive or steam vessel had been built, is scribing in outline his ideas of a locomotive, he (Waller, "Essay on Mines," 1698,) thus alludes sufficiently indicative of the Doctor's poetic con- concludes "it will cost much time to bring it to to this attempt of the Welsh inventor: "these ception of this subject: any tolerable degree of perfection, and for me to new sailing wagons for the cheap carriage of coal" Soon shall thy arm, unconquered steam, afar interrupt the career of our business would be imto the water side, whereby one horse does the work Drag the slow barge, or drive the rapid car; prudent; I even grudge the time I have taken to Or on wide-waving wings expanded bear of ten at all times; but when any wind is stirring, The flying chariot through the fields of air. make these comments on it."-In the establishwhich is seldom wanting near the sea, one man Fair crews triumphant leaning from above, ment of Boulton & Watt there was employed at Shall wave their flutt'ring kerchiefs as they move; and a small sail do the work of twenty." About Or warrior bands alarm the gaping crowd, this time a workman named William Murdock. And armies shrink beneath the shadowy cloud." a century later the project of moving land carMurdock had employed himself in leisure hours riages by wind was revived by Richard Lovell Darwin, however, succeeded, by his zeal, in exci- in constructing the model of a locomotive. This Edgeworth, afterward distinguished by his ex-ting the mind of Edgeworth. Besides the inventions machine was not ready for trial until 1784, and the periments in steam locomotion. It is stated that previously noted due to Edgeworth's indefatigable first experiment was made in drawing a model he devoted himself to these different experi- labors, he was among the first to conceive the idea wagon around a room in his house. It succeeded ments for forty years, and made over a hundred of a railroad. In 1768 he read before the English both in and out of doors. On one occasion, on working models. In his memoirs it is said, Society of Arts a paper upon this subject. In though he did not succeed in pushing his experi- 1802, having farther matured his plans, he proments to practical results, that "he gained more posed the moving of vehicles upon a railway by in amusement than he lost by his unsuccessful fixed machinery, and the application of Watt's shouts of terror. It was too dark to perceive oblabors." "The only mortification that affected engine, then in use, to this purpose. Edgeworth jects; but he found on following up the machine me," he says, "was my discovery, many years was, therefore, the originator of the horse-railway, that the cries proceeded from the worthy pastor of after I had taken out my patent, [for the sailing and the adaptation of steam machinery to inclined the parish, who, going toward the town, was met carriage,] that the rudiments of my whole scheme planes. Between the Place de la Concorde at on his lonely road by the hissing, fiery little monwere mentioned in an obscure memoir of the Paris and St. Cloud, as well as throughout the ster, which he subsequently declared to be the French Academy." United States, Edgeworth's idea has been put to general use, resulting in great convenience to the public and profit to the proprietary interest. Among the earlier locomotive models was that *Life of George Stephenson and of his Son, Robert Ste

The sailing wagon never came into practical use to any important extent. The uncertainty of the wind and want of control over the vehicles induced an ultimate abandonment of the idea. When an old man, Edgeworth wrote, August 7, 1813, to phenson.

returning from his work at night, Murdock set his machine in motion, when it "started off, the inventor after it. Shortly afterward he heard distant

Evil One himself in propria persona!" Watt appears to have discouraged the experiments of his ingenious workman. In 1786 he wrote to Boulton concerning him: "I wish William could be brought to do as we do, to mind the business in hand, and let such as Symington and Sadler throw

away their time and money in hunting shadows."own and Vivian's name a patent for an improved dock, since successfully employed. In 1807 he So Murdock's model was never developed into steam engine and "the application thereof for entered upon the remarkable enterprise of conpractice, though "he took pleasure in exhibiting it driving carriages and for other purposes." Watt's structing a tunnel under the Thames, carried out to his personal friends, and long continued to spec- objection to the use of high-pressure steam, on by Sir Isambard Brunel twenty years afterward. ulate about road locomotion, and was persuaded of account of the danger of its bursting the boiler, The attempt under Trevithick was only partially its practicability." was overcome by Trevithick, by the use of a boiler successful. In 1809 he invented an engine, worked Sadler, mentioned by Watt, was engaged in ex- of cylindrical form of wrought iron, similar to that by water power, on a plan since used in the mining periments with locomotives in 1786. On the of Evans. Both the engine and steam-carriage districts of England. In 1815 he described, in one 4th of July of that year a notice was served upon invented by him were found to be superior to any of his specifications, the screw propeller, and a him by the firm of Boulton & Watt, to the effect of their predecessors; the power of steam was em-tubular boiler. In 1814 he became associated with "that the sole privilege of making steam engines ployed with great rapidity, economy and force, a project for draining the drowned gold mines of by the elastic force of steam acting expansively on and the shape of the vehicle was handsome and Peru. In 1816 he embarked for America, arriving a piston with or without condensation, had been compact. This carriage was capable of accommo-early in the following year with engines and magranted to Mr. Watt by Act of Parliament; also, dating some half a dozen passengers, and the spec-chinery for the purpose in hand. The operation among other improvements and applications of his ifications of the patent contemplate its use upon proved practically a success; but in the midst of principle, he hath particularly specified the appli-railways as well as highways. These specifications it, with the promise of a splendid reward, the revcation of steam engines for driving wheel car- also refer to the use of the engine where fixed olution broke out, and Trevithick was forced to riages." This notice appears to have discouraged power is required. It dispensed with the condenser, fly the country. After a series of most romantic Sadler, since after this we hear no more of him. cistern, air-pump and cold-water pump, which has adventures and hardships he reached the Isthmus William Symington, mentioned in a previous already been described in noticing the engine of of Panama, having traveled the entire distance on paper in connection with steam navigation, suc- Watt. In 1803 a stationary engine of this descrip- foot and in constant danger of his life. The goldceeded in constructing a steam carriage in the same tion was erected by Trevithick, and worked by mining company was of course ruined, and the engiyear that Sadler received the notice quoted above. steam of at least 30 pounds on the inch above at-neer found himself entirely destitute. He returned Symington's engine was partly atmospheric and mospheric pressure. In the same year an experi- to England in December, 1827, being once wrecked partly condensing; and his carriage appears to have mental carriage was constructed at Camborne, and on the way in his passage from Carthagena, on the operated with some satisfaction. He was diverted tried on a public road. So long as the steam pres-Gulf of Darien, to New York. In 1831 he invented from the farther development of his ideas by the sure could be kept up, it worked with great satis- a new method for heating apartments; and in 182 experiments in steam navigation, in connection faction. After this several improvements were took out a patent for farther improvements in the with Mr. Miller, of Dalswinton, to which we have made, and the carriage run successfully!from Cam-steam engine for navigation and locomotion. already referred. He died in March, 1831, without borne to Plymouth, a distance of ninety miles. While planning new inventions he died, in April, having profited by any of these attempts. From Plymouth it was shipped to London, and 1833, in the 62d year of his age. The career of this The idea of applying steam to land locomotion there exhibited, to the satisfaction of several co- remarkable man has tempted some diversion from occurred to John Fitch, whose name is more promi-temporary savans-among them Sir Humphrey the immediate topic in hand. The works that he nent among the early American projectors of the Davy, who mentioned the experiment in writing began are thus summed up by his biographer: "He steamboat. Fitch's conception bears the date of to a friend: "I shall soon hope to hear that the made the first railway engine and cast the inven1785, but he never experimented or made any use roads of England are the haunts of Captain Tre-tion aside; he introduced, if he did not invent, of it. The successful experiment of Oliver Evans, vithick's dragons." the cylindrical boiler and high-pressure engine, in 1801, has been already mentioned. On the 21st of February, 1801, Trevithick's first which increased so enormously the steam power of Richard Trevithick was born on the 13th of railway engine was tried, on the Merthr and Ty- the world; he invented the oscillating engine and April, 1771, in Cornwall. The prominent connec-dirl tram-road in Wales. The wheels were worked screw propeller; he took out a patent for using tion of this remarkable man with the history of the in the same manner as on the road carriage, a fly-super-heated steam, as well as for wrought iron locomotive, demands for him more than a passing wheel being added on one side to secure a continu-ships and wrought iron floating docks; but he left notice. His father was in good circumstances; but ous rotary motion. It ran on four wheels coupled others to introduce these several inventions." very little pains seems to have been taken with by cog-wheels, and seems to have succeeded admi- Singularly enough, however, Trevithick seemed young Trevithick's early education. His youthful rably, but for the imperfect construction of the never to have paid any attention to railways, but days were spent mainly among the mines of the tram-way, which was broken in several places by to have confined himself to the introduction of bis neighborhood of his birthplace, where he managed the weight of the machine. This was the first loco- locomotive invention upon common roads. It will to pick up considerable information concerning motive ever used upon a railway. The ultimate be the purpose of another paper to give more expumping engines and mining machinery. Observ-failure of this experiment was due wholly to the plicitly some points in the rise and progress of railing the interest which he manifested in such mat-road, not to the machine, for, it proved to be suffi-ways, with an especial reference to the lives of the ters, his father placed him under the tuition of ciently compact, capable of carrying fuel and two Stephensons, to whom, for these improveWilliam Murdock, who was at that time superin- water sufficient for a journey of considerable length ments, the world is so deeply indebted. tending the working and repairs of some of Watt's and drawing loaded wagons at five and a half miles mine engines. From Murdock's model, referred an hour. Trevithick had thus shown by his smooth- PEABODY INSTITUTE-ACADEMY OF to above, Trevithick probably got his first idea of a wheeled engine that its weight was sufficient to high-pressure road locomotive. Profiting by these give it enough adhesion for haulage, and, among MUSIC-FIRST PUBLIC CONCERT. instructions, he obtained employment as super-other improvements, had discharged his steam We cannot to-day speak of music without payintendent of one of the pumping engines of the through the chimney, though accessory to this he ing a mournful tribute of admiration to the memCornwall district. The continuance of Watt's used a blowing apparatus to produce a draft and ory of Rossini, the most eminent composer of our patents suppressed any farther improvements upon keep up the fires, subsequently proved unneces- time, who died lately in the 77th year of his age. the stationary engine, or any modifications of the sary appendages. After this, Trevithick obtained leaving after him works of genius which will use of his discoveries in applied steam, until these several other patents in the various applications of never perish. Demetrio e Polibio was his first sucpatents, which covered a multitude of specifica-steam. In 1806, the year his locomotive was cessful opera; William Tell and the Stabat Mater, tions, expired in the year 1800. Trevithick con- taken off the Welsh tram-way, he obtained a con- two master pieces, are his latest compositions. No tinued to be engaged in engineering in the Cornish tract for ballasting all the shipping in the Thames, having attained the age of Auber, the French district up to that date, and finally associated him- by a hoisting apparatus worked by steam. The composer, no doubt Rossini could have produced self with Andrew Vivian, at Camborne, near Red-business in his improved stationary engines began some other conspicuous work. The silence of the ruth. He had for some time entertained the idea to flourish, and his ingenuity exhibited itself in Swan of Pesaro has been only attributed to a naof making the expansive force of steam act on schemes for working Boulton & Watt's engines by tive laziness. We feel assured this was not the both sides of the piston on the high-pressure prin- high-pressure steam, by means of his cylindrical case. Rossini stopped composing after Guillaume ciple of super-heated steam-discovered, it will be boiler. This latter project, however, he did not Tell, because he was grieved that this sublime remembered, by Watt, in conjunction with Dr. accomplish. opera did not meet at first with all the success he Black. Cugnot had applied high-pressure, as also In 1808 he took out two patents for certain ma- deserved; and besides, because Rossini being a man Murdock in his model, and the use of it was dis-chinery for "towing, driving or forcing and dis-of sense, knew that it is impossible to write many dinctly specified in Watt's patents of 1769, 1782 and charging ships," and another for a new method of master pieces. In reality, are not the last produc1784; but the idea was not embodied in any prac-stowing cargoes of ships." In 1809 he took out tions of Auber, Halevy, Verdi, Gounod ani Meyticable working engine, until it was taken in hand another patent, of which, in common with the rest, erbeer himself inferior to their earlier works? The by Trevithick. The result of his careful study and he does not appear to have made any profitable fact that Halevy, for instance, never composed a investigation was that, in 1802, he took out in his use, but which amounted substantially to a floating second opera to be compared to La Juire, gave

way to the idea that the greatest part of the melodies of La Juive had been found in Herold's papers, which Halevy had inherited. Besides, if we



petitioner argue, determine that no lawful Court was held in the county of Rockbridge, and that the conviction of their client was illegal and void.

cannot deny a decline in the fine arts, still less can AN ATTEMPT TO OVERTHROW THE Upon these grounds they claim his discharge. If we deny a decline in the art of singing. The school of Verdi was the first cause of this rarity of cultivated singers. Hence, when the late, but immense success of William Tell should have perhaps induced Rossini to retake his pen, could he, after having heard his operas rendered by singers like Malibran, Colbran, Pasta, Grisi, Ronzi, Rubini, Mario, Tamburini, Lablache, when they were in the full bloom of their talent, trust some new inspirations to these same singers in their later days, or to their weak successors? This is so true that Calzolari is the only living tenor who is able to sing Rossini's operas with the art and cultivation of the voice that such music requires. We could say still more, but must leave this topic to turn to the first public concert of the Academy of Music, which took place on last Saturday, the 21st of


Judge Underwood shall decide that this felon RICHMOND, November 20th. must be released, it will simply be one more MESSRS. EDITORS:-You have possibly observed scoundrel set at large; but the consequences of how violently the Richmond Radicals have as- such a decision can, with difficulty, be estimated. sailed General Stoneman's very just report of the It will declare all the acts of most of the judges in condition of his command or government-which- the State, since July, void and illegal; it will unever be its proper title. The truth is, that with all settle thousands of decisions affecting the rights our disabilities and degradation, we in Virginia of property, and will open the doors of our prisons have been fortunate enough to enjoy a peace which and let loose upon the community a horde of has only been disturbed by exceptional cases of thieves, forgers, murderers, and villains of the disorder. Indeed, judging from the Northern pa- deepest dye. You can, however, readily conjecpers, I am inclined to fancy that we offer better ture the limitless evil results which will flow from protection to life and property here than is afforded the probable action of a tribunal whose sympathies by the law and authority of communities which lie, if not with the criminal who petitions, with rejoice in unsuspected loyalty. those who make his case a mere contrivance by which they may drive from the bench its purest ornaments, and raise to their places the mongrel crowd of carpet-baggers and scalawags who so greedily, demand them.

One source of our immunity from the troubles which afflict some of our sister rebellious States, is, doubtless, the admirable character, generally We must begin by congratulating Mr. Southard speaking, of our judiciary. Virginia has had the as leader of the orchestra. It did not attain, of rare good fortune to have the administration of course, the highest degree of execution, but it played the civil law-so far as its offices have not been as well as could have been expected, if we consider assumed by the military power-mainly committed the little time it had been rehearsing. We saw to the hands of men whose probity and purity with pleasure Mr. Allen and Mr. Jungnickel perform as first violin and first violoncello. We hope that they have been regularly appointed in such capacity, and that equally happy provision will be made for a first flute, oboe, clarionet, etc.

J. C. Y.

[We have seen no report of the decision of the case referred to by our correspondent, and presume none has yet been announced. We will be were recognized by the whole community. And glad to hear from him the conclusion of a judicial they have been enabled, in the presence of all the proceeding which involves so deeply the interests embarrassments and anomalies necessarily atten- of Virginia, and illustrates so painfully the evil dant upon their positions, to preserve the dignity of its present political condition.-EDS. STATESMAN.]

of the courts.

It has, however, been a subject of complaint with the numerous class of Northern missionaries




What constitutes the superiority of the Orchestra at the conservatory of Paris is, that it is com- who are willing to honor us by occupying all our posed always of the same musicians, of equal remunerative official positions, that the retention merit and musical knowledge. They have been of our former Judges and the appointment of playing together for years-they are well paid, and bound by agreements, and are not obliged to earn have excluded them from their proper participa- Literature," the Messrs. Putnam have done wisely Native Virginians to vacancies upon the bench, In the publication of their "Library of European their living by playing between times at some small tion in the spoils of conquest. For some time this to turn from the familiar and beaten road of Engtheatre, German cotillion club or lager beer saloon. Besides, all of them have first-rate instru./complaint has been confined to murmuringslish, to cull from the fresher fields of Continental litGen. Schofield's and Gen. Stoneman's refusal to to works of fiction. The stereotyped characters of against the Military authorities, because of both erature. Especially is this the case with reference remove the Judges and replace them with these ready aspirants. But they have recently turned which to accomplish their patriotic desires, and their eyes toward a more facile instrument by now they invoke the interference of that immaculate representative of the Federal Judiciary, known to fame as John C. Underwood. Your readers may take some interest in the case which has been "organized" for the purpose of obtaining a decision which shall declare that two-thirds of the Virginia Judges are disqualified from the discharge of their duties, and that their seats upon the bench are vacant, and therefore open to the carpet-baggers.

ments. The Peabody Academy of Music is rich, and can afford well enough to pay the artists of the orchestra to place themselves entirely at the disposition of the Academy, and take sufficient time to practice and rehearse. This is the only way to form a perfect orchestra, and to attain the highest degree of execution.

the English novel-the poor curate-the half-pay officer-the 'swell' Guardsman-the inevitable Dukes of Omnium and the Lady Glencoras-all country squire and member of Parliament-the the sorts of people that we meet in the select comfamiliar with ad nauseam. The varieties may differ pany of the best English novelists we have grown Thackeray, Dickens, Trollope or Yates; but the according to the varying genius of a Bulwer, leading types of higher-class, middle-class, and lower-class Englishmen are substantially the same, and we have them all by heart. In the works of Continental writers of fiction, more particularly of the German, we are introduced into a comparatively new world of ideas and of manners. The human nature portrayed may be every where the same, as we believe it is and always has been, in all ages and in every country under the sun, since the fall of Adam; but the external conditions, manifestations and forms of society are essentially different and new.

The first piece performed was Gade's Symphony in C. This composer, almost unknown in this city, is a Dane by birth, and has composed a great many symphonies and overtures, the most celebrated of which is called Nachklänge aus Ossian. The dreamy character of his music has made him a favorite in Germany, where for two years he succeeded Mendelsohn in the direction of the concerts at the Geuvandhaus in Leipsic. This symph- A notorious felon was convicted of crime in the ony contains beautiful parts. The Andantino Rockbridge Circuit Court in last September, and Grazioso was not so well performed as the rest. sentenced by Judge Sheffey to two years imprisThe fine overtures of Don Giovanni and Semi-onment in the penitentiary. Under the Act of ramide were well played, but in this last the horns Congress of February, 1867, this man has filed his will have to do better. petition of habeas corpus before Judge UnderMr. Courlænder, who belongs to the very best wood, alleging that his liberty is restrained by the school of piano-playing, performed with great Sheriff of Rockbridge, by virtue of a pretended maestria the Serenade and Allegro Giojoso of Men-judgment of the Court of that county; that Judge who we understand is Director of the Vienna For example-in the novel before us, the author, delsohn. The orchestra accompanied him with Sheffey was not, at the time that this judgment Court-Theatre, takes us into a world that to hesitation, and was sometimes too loud. was rendered, and has not been since last July, English or American readers is a strange one, yet We cannot judge of Mrs. Holland's talent. The a Judge of the State of Virginia, because he was one which actually exists, and with which the piece she selected, or was selected for her, requires expressly disqualified by the Fourteenth Amendauthor, by virtue of his position, is perfectly faa power of voice and a dramatic energy that Mrs. ment to the Constitution from performing that miliar. The hero is a painter-the heroine a prima Holland evidently does not possess. Besides, the office-for the reason, that he had taken the oath donna. The world of Society and the world of Art air is of rather too high a character for a public of office, prior to the war, as a member of the Vir-are brought into the closest juxtaposition, for besides whose taste in the matter of classical music is not yet ginia Legislature; that he had, afterwards, en those we have named, there are two other principal formed. On the whole we think this first concert gaged in rebellion against the United States, and characters, constituting a partie carré, linked toof the Academy was calculated to gratify those rendered aid and comfort to its enemies; and that gether in bonds of the closest intimacy, and whose concerned in its management and the friends of he had sworn allegiance to the Confederate States the Institute generally. upon his re-election to the Legislature in 1861. These acts of disqualification, the counsel for the


from the German by J. M. Hart. New York: G. F. *The Amazon. By Franz Dingelstedt. Translated Putnam & Son. 1868.


fates in the story are strictly interwoven. These Should the gracious reader, with an upward turn in a Library of Foreign light literature such as are a young nobleman in the diplomatic service, of the nose, remind us of the red hair, we respect- the Messrs. Putnam are publishing. Other books, and a banker's daughter. The names of these fully say to him that he does not know what is advertised to form part of the same series, are the beautiful; let him go to school to Titian and the personages are Herr Roland, the painter, chris- Venitians, here and there to Rubens. Fox-red Countess Ghisela, a novel by the authoress of Old tened Paphnutius Meyer; the Fräulein Lomond, hair or brownish red, with the inevitably accom- Ma'mselle's Secret and Anna Severin, from the christened Seraphina, the Amazon of the Opera panying freckles and pimples-not even we are French of Mme. Augustus Craven; also Madame willing to sell to him for beautiful. But hair of and of the story; Herr Augustus Graf von Wal- the right color, pure, molten, running gold, rather de Stael, an Historical Novel from the German of lenberg, Ambassador Extraordinary and Minister thick and vigorous than long, by nature wavy, Amely Bölte. Plenipotentiary-by his friends familiarly known spun out at the temples and on the neck in short as Gustel; and the Fräulein Armgard Krafft, the ringlets that defy every touch of the comb-such hair shines upon a woman's head like a pure crown millionärin, daughter of Papa Krafft, the rich of beauty-beauty not regular, but all the more The materials out of which Mr. Cooke has woven banker. Besides these principal dramatis per- fascinating. Our heroine possesses everything that the fabric of his latest story are furnished by the sona, there are the subordinate characters, of is suited to such hair: a dazzling white complex- closing incidents and scenes of our late Civil War. whom we name only Herr Hans Heinrich Krafft, ion, a pair of tempting cheeks, neck, shoulders, arms and hands, such as every painter might wish Surry of Eagles' Nest, a similar production, closed the financier; the youngsters who constitute Ro- in his model, and a form whose outlines are far with the death of Stonewall Jackson. Mohun beland's family; his factotum, Raff, abbreviated from running into autumnal fulness, yet betray gins with Gettysburg and terminates with the surRaphael, and the raven Jacob; the members of the the glowing maturity of summer. The eyes of the render at Appomattox Court House. The plot in Amazon are of a peculiar shade and composition; Amazon's household, her steward Beppo and tire-whether black, gray, green or blue, no one can say each case-that is, if either story can be said to woman Marianka; and the two rival editors of with confidence, because they reflect all these col-possess one-is of the slenderest possible descripThe Morning News and The Evening Journal, ors, according as the light falls upon them from tion. An ordinary love-story-the ideal actors in without or the spirit within is moved." Hirsch Meyer and Meyer Hirsch. which move on the same stage with the real perThe plot of the story seems designed to present The author, being a Theatrical Director, and by sonages of the drama-the phantoms of the aua refutation of Goethe's theory of Elective Affini- consequence presumed to be a high authority in thor's imagination jostling the men of real flesh ties. There is a double marriage. Upon the the- matters of costume, having favored us with the and blood-is merely the thread upon which he ory of elective affinities-of like, that is, coupling foregoing personal description of his heroine, in-strings a succession of scenes borrowed from hiswith unlike, according to the doctrine of the at- forms us that the Fräulein Lomond (such is her tory, embellished with more or less coloring of traction of opposites-each nature seeking to find name) with great consistency, dresses in summer his own addition, and which furnish the real inin the other the complement of itself-we find the and in winter in light blue. terest of the work. Considered as an historical diplomatist, the man of society and of rank, atThe Painter is led to tell the story of his life to romance, it has the fault common to all such protracted, in the first instance, by the singer, while the Singer. He describes how, born in the Tyrol, ductions-that of confounding fact with fiction. her brother-artist, the great painter, is on the point the son of a peasant, half-shepherd, half-poacher, Such, for example, is the vice of Miss Muhlbach's of marrying the daughter of the banker. By-and- the love of art was first developed in him, and the novels. The reader who is not fortified by the bye-in the development of the plot which we circumstances which caused him to leave the pa- possession of previous knowledge upon the subhave not space to unfold-the opposite theory of ternal roof. The following passage has all the ject, drawn from more authentic sources, finds the congeniality of natures asserts itself, and is effect of the darkest legends of unnatural crime; himself entangled in a mingled web of truth and vindicated in the happy marriage of the two artists it is in fact as horrible as the story of the Wehr-fancy-without being able at the time to distinguish on the one hand, and of the courtier and heiress wolf: the two, or, it may be, ever thoroughly to disconon the other. There is very little incident in the "Among my six brothers and sisters, the young- nect them in his thoughts thereafter. What he novel, and the dialogue, for the most part, is made est, a little girl, was my favorite. Her name was would fain study subsequently, in the sober light the vehicle for carrying on the story and for dis- Rosel. Rosel died of scarlet fever when she was of history, he is forced continually to behold more five years old, I fifteen-therefore, a grown boy, closing the author's ideas upon a variety of sub- premature-my father's assistant in two of his oc- or less subject to the glamour of romance. We jects. By German critics the novel is highly spoken cupations. The little corpse was laid out in the question whether any boy, whose first notions of of; but it appears to us that the talent of the author, low garret, waiting to be carried to the burying certain passages of Scottish or English history are as would seem natural from his associations, is ground in our parochial village. "In the middle of the night-we all slept, drawn from the pleasant pages of Sir Walter rather that of a dramatist than of a novelist. The parents and children, in one and the same room, Scott, does not acquire certain impressions in restory reads amazingly like a clever comedy in in the lower part of the house next to the sitting-gard to Roundhead and Cavalier, Jacobite and three acts, and would admit easily of dramatiza-room-I heard my father softly getting up and Covenanter, that he finds it exceedingly difficult, ascending stealthily the stairs that led to the gar tion. The translation is only indifferently done. ret closet. I could not sleep, being kept awake by if not almost impossible, ever afterwards to throw In one place the translator commits the barbarous my grief for the departed little sister. All the off. This liability to false impressions which promistake, in point of taste, of rendering the piquant others lay in the deepest, heaviest slumber-even fessedly historical novels are apt to produce, is Berlin dialect by the brogue of Tipperary. Now, my mother, worn out by night-watching, and only increased when, to give the narrative an air nursing. What did father want up there with the whatever dialect Germans may speak, they do not corpse? I listened, breathless. My heart was of greater plausibility, and convey the notion of speak Irish, neither the original Gaelic, nor the beating in my throat. I hear the yard-door open; strict accuracy in his portraiture of characters more modern corruption of the English tongue, after quite a while I hear a light struck in the really historical, the author garnishes his text with passage, then steps in the sitting-room, and a nor does the latter stand in any nearer relation to click-clack, like the cocking of a rifle.... Help & plentiful supply of notes, thus-words, and the Berliner sprache than it does to Sanskrit. In me, all ye saints in Heaven! I crawl out of my accompanying references to works of authora translation, differences of dialect are as impossi- bed and creep gently-gently to the solitary win-ity and official documents. This trick has Miss ble to be rendered—as are, for the most part, vul- dow. It is frozen hard and tight. My breath Muhlbach, and after her Mr. John Esten Cooke. thaws the ice so that one of the panes becomes garisms in speech, plays upon words, and punning clear, and I can look out upon our yard and the This much in general, by way of caution to allusions. A passage like the following sounds mountain-forest immediately back of it. The those who cheat themselves with the idea that in simply absurd: Count Wallenberg has gone be-moon is shining bright-the snow lies many feet reading novels they are studying history made easy, hind the scenes at the opera with a present of flow-deep. There, under the first row of fir-trees-do and that while in quest of amusement they are not look at me, Seraph-the father has laid out ers for the prima donna. He is accosted by one of the dead body of his child to decoy the really in the acquisition of knowledge. Yet, with the corps de ballet, an Amazon from Berlin, "in wild beasts of the night-the fox, the stone-mar- all this, we do not mean to say that Mohun and her beautiful dialect of purest Spree-water:"- ten, the weasel; he stands, rifle in hand, in the Surry of Eagles' Nest do not furnish pleasant and "Where air you goin', Count, with them beautifool shadow of the gallery, keeping watch." desirable reading-for those who have time and lilies?" "You know me, fair Amazon?" "Shure, These extracts will suffice to give an idea of the taste to indulge in works of romance. Although now, and we all knows the loik o' ye, ye ould author's power, though they are not particularly treating of persons and things in regard to which Daniel in the lion's din." This, we submit, is characteristic specimens of the style of the book, there is, and probably always will remain, a wide neither "pure Spree-water," nor pure English, nor which, as we have intimated, resembles most the difference of opinion-there is nothing vicious or anything else but pure nonsense. quick action and lively dialogue of the modern unjust in the tone and temper of the books-no disThe best things in the novel are some of the de-stage-comedy of society and manners. It is a position to exaggerate or misstate-no desire to scriptions. The following is a description of the short story, one of the class commonly known in pander to prejudices or excite to passion. The heroine as she is first presented to us. It is a per- Germany as Novellen-as distinguished from the sympathies of the author are as generous and fect apotheosis of red hair, and suggests a natural longer, more broadly-planned, three-volume Ro- manly as they are undisguised. And here Mr. coiffure that it seems to be the height of present man-the translation only amounting to a single Cooke is very fortunate. He addresses a sympaduodecimo volume of about 300 pages. It is not "As she lies there in that position, the Amazon, a book likely to make or to have any lasting or she is a handsome woman-handsome as a picture. extensive reputation, but fills a very suitable place

feminine ambition to imitate:

By John Esten Cooke, author of "Surry of Eagles'
Nest." New York: F. J. Huntington & Co. 1867.

*Mohun: or, the Last Days of Lee and His Paladins

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