Imagens das páginas

thetic audience-for we take for granted that his call the roll-or, to borrow a more appropriate a man who takes to Hyson, Young or Old, may be readers will be chiefly among those whose senti- metaphor-to rehearse the bill of fare offered by clever-but great he cannot possibly be. ments are in accord with his own. His books have the magazines of the coming month. For, in ac- But, to return to the magazines. Among the hardly literary or artistic merit enough to attract cordance with what has become custom, the maga- particularly noticeable articles in the Atlantic for readers who have no interest in his subject. Those zines upon our table are those not of November, December, we find one, (from the pen of Mr. Whipwhose sympathies are on the other side will be but December. Some of them, indeed, appear ple, we believe,) on that greatest of English divines less likely to be attracted than repelled. Consider- fully a fortnight in advance of their supposed date. and master of pure English undefiled, the "learned ing for whom he writes, and who will read-he is The first place in order of dignity as well as of and judicious" Mr. Richard Hooker. The first of fortunate, therefore, in the possession of a theme publication is due, however, to the great English a series of papers on "Our Painters," also promises which of itself is sufficient to interest. The very Quarterlies of October, of which the Leonard Scott pleasant reading-the three artists commemorated titles to his chapters-the very names that dot Company's reprints have lately appeared. These in the present number being Gilbert Stuart, Remhis pages-those of Lee, of Stuart, of Gettysburg, are, as usual, learned, dignified, full of solid infor- brandt Peale and John Wesley Jarvis. Putnam's the Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House and mation, and, by consequence, not a little ponder- contains an article from no unfriendly hand-a Cold Harbor, are enough to awaken a thousand ous. They do not serve for light reading. They Southerner evidently-on Stonewall Jackson, the sympathetic chords, and recall innumerable asso-are, probably, not intended as such. Neither are tone of which is in singular contrast to the spirit ciations equally mournful and glorious. In his they for busy men, over head and ears in the which pervades the monthly chronicle of current pages we seem to hear again the deep thunder of world's cares. They are rather for the quiet of the events in the same number, the figures for whichthe guns we once heard, and the monotonous roll library or the leisure of a country-house, where facts they are not-must have been compiled from of the musketry; we see again the charging they may be read, studied and fully enjoyed. The The Tribune or The Nation, for we count 395 mursquadrons, or watch the long surging lines of very list of subjects treated is suggestive of patient ders enumerated as having occurred during the struggling infantry, while manly forms rise from reading, calm thought and reflection. Take the past month in the "rebel States," besides countthe graves to which we saw them committed with Edinburgh, for example. Of the nine articles less attempted shootings, stabbings, burnings and the rude rites of a soldier's burial, to pass in treated in its one hundred and fifty double-col- drownings-the victims being in all cases innocent shadowy procession before the eye, and voices | umned pages-three are political-one on the Con- negroes or unsuspecting carpet-baggers-the perlong since stilled in death ring again their music dition of Ireland (being a review of Mr. Senior)-petrators, white Democrats, wearing black visors. in our ears. With such chords of feeling to play one on the "Agricultural Labourers of England" One of the best of American magazines is Lipupon-the tale worse told than Mr. Cooke has told (a politico-economical essay)-and one on "The pincott's. Admirably printed in clear type upon it in the volumes before us-would yet have its Expiring Parliament." Three articles are histori- good paper, in typographical appearance it excels measure of interest, and find its circle of readers. cal-the themes being "Sybel's History of the any. The poetry "In Utroque Fidelis" printed in French Revolution," "Kinglake's Invasion of the the present number of this paper, is copied from THE DECEMBER MAGAZINES. Crimea," and "D'Haussonville's Papal Church the December number of Lippincott's. L. Gayand the First Empire." "Darwin's Variation of lord Clark contributes to the same number a genial Last week we acknowledged the receipt of the Animals and Plants" forms the subject of a scien- notice of the late painter, Charles Loring Elliot, in usual month's instalment of magazines and re-tific article; only the two remaining being devoted which, by-the-way, we have one version of an an views. To-day we single out for notice some of to topics purely literary-George Eliot's "Spanish ecdote often told of Elliot, but which really belongs the more noteworthy. For of the host of these Gypsey" and Miss Freere's collection of "Hindoo to Jarvis. Mr. Clark tells the story as 'twas told publications, be it observed, all are not equally Fairy Legends," the treatment of the latter sub- to him by Washington Irving. "It was to the deserving of mention-some, indeed, merit no men-ject verging close on the border of archaeological purport that a Southern prelate (Bishop Moore, of tion at all. Of the number of these mushrooms of and ethnological inquiries. So of the Westmin- Virginia, 'not to put too fine a point upon it,') sitliterature, springing up often on a sudden, not un-ster. Three articles are devoted to subjects purely ting to this popular artist, was cautioning him frequently to die and vanish quite as suddenly-if legal or politico-economical-"The Tenure of Land against the ultimate effect of his convivial propenany one would have even half an idea, let him go in the Highlands"-"The Civil Procedure Reform" to Taylor's or any other periodical dealer's-par--and "The Property of Married Women." An ticularly of a Saturday evening, and mark the article entitled "The Suppressed Sex" deals with variety with which the tables and counter are cov- the much-vexed question of woman's place in the ered, of magazines with backs and covers of every modern social system. An article on "Sea-Sickshade and hue, and in every possible style of orna-ness" discusses Dr. Chapman's ice-bag remedy. mentation, and representing, for the most part, Besides, we have one on "China," while, in addiequally diverse shades of opinion, and catering to tion to the customary review of "Contemporary as great a variety of tastes. Formerly, it was Literature," (an admirable feature, by the way, in enough for great parties or divisions in the public the Westminster,) the only merely literary article thought to be represented by distinct organs of in the whole number is one on "Spielhagen's Novopinion in the shape of magazines or reviews. els," in which this new and to us comparatively Then it was that the Edinburgh was Whig, the unknown author is assigned to the first place among Quarterly and Blackwood Tory, the Westminster modern German writers of fiction. Radical. Now, individuals even set up their liter- For the majority of readers of periodical literaary banners and have their own organs-if not of ture, the Reviews, probably, will be found too opinion, at least of expression-their own proper, heavy. They will prefer the Magazines, and in if not exclusive, vehicles of communication with this department we may say to them that there is "The Editors of The Nation, The Round Table, the public. Thus, in England of late years almost no occasion to cross the water. The Atlantic, and The Statesman would be the first to admit every literary man has had his magazine-which | Lippincott's, Harpers' and Putnam's are fully that we have in this country no weekly papers to either bore his name, or was edited by him, or was equal, both in the variety of the literary entertain- be compared, in point of uniform ability, with The understood to be his particular representative in ment they afford, and in the ability by which their Saturday Review, a journal which has sixteen writers on its editorial staff, and at whose annual the world of letters. Thus, Mr. Thackeray's was contents are marked, to the best four among cur- dinner no less than eighty contributors sit down to The Cornhill, Mr. Dickens' Household Words, rent English magazines. We say this in no spirit eat and drink and rise up to play the orator; but Mr. Trollope's St. Paul's, Mr. Yates' Tinsley's, of national boasting, and certainly not from any pre- those first named continue to exist at all is a natthe fact that such able and scholarly journals as George Augustus Sala's Temple Bar. In America, dilection in favor of either of the publications men-ter of just pride to those who know what good magazines may be classified not so much with ref- tioned. There are often things in each of them to writing is: twenty years ago they would have erence to their Editors, or the people who write which we would take serious exception. They are starved to death."

sities, which at the time were somewhat notorious;
and while he was yet speaking his words of warn-
ing, Jarvis, to change the conversation, motioned
with his suspended pencil and said:
"Bishop, turn your head and shut your

Curiously enough, in the current number of the Atlantic, in an article-"Our Painters"-already alluded to, the same anecdote is told also of Jarvis, but with this difference, that the prelate named is Archbishop Carroll, and the subject of his discourse so summarily interrupted was the artist's supposed atheistic or free-thinking views. Under the head of Editorial Table-talk or "Monthly Gossip," in the last Lippincott's, we find the following in the course of some remarks upon the present state of American journalism:

for them, or the politics they are supposed to rep-all more or less tinctured by sectional and partisan Those who may be disposed to institute invidresent-as to the great publishing houses from ideas. Especially is this the case with the Atlan-ious comparisons between the great English weekwhich they emanate, and whose publications they tic, esteemed by far the ablest among the American lies, and their American counterparts, will do well serve particularly to advertise. Thus, we have monthlies. Blackwood, in Maga's palmiest days, hereafter to remember the sixteen editors and Harpers', Lippincott's, Putnam's, and the Scrib- was not more unmistakeably Scotch and high Tory, eighty contributors who write for one of the former. ners' Hours at Home. None the less, however, on and did not smack more strongly of hot whiskey We do not know how it may be with our contemthis account, have our American magazines their punch, than is the Atlantic Bostonian and redolent poraries of The Nation and The Round Table, but distinguishing characteristics. To point out and of the flavor of green tea. Reader, we hope you there may be no impropriety in mentioning with illustrate these may be the drift of some future do not drink green tea. We do not object to a reference to ourselves, that the bulk of the matter, article. At present we design to do no more than woman's drinking tea of any color she likes; but editorial and other, which appears in this payer,

is contributed by gentlemen-chiefly members of the bar-with whom literature is in no sense a profession; but who simply devote to the purpose the intervals of leisure afforded by professional labors and engagements. Whatever progress journalism has made in America, the class of professed literateurs-of men who live by the pen-and who give to writing not their leisure, but their time, with us scarcely yet has an existence.

Along the woods the whispering night-airs swoon,
A single bird-note dies adown the trees,

Majesty for the United States. The Queen's reply was cordial, expressing the belief that the mission was a step in the right direction. Mr. Burlingame afterwards introduced his associate Ministers and the Sec

seas;-retaries to the Queen. The interview was thoroughly. cordial, and its effects are apparent, the Embassy having gained ground daily since the presentation. Lord. Stanley has expressed himself in accord with Mr. Burlingame relative to China, declaring that the opposition which met Mr. Burlingame on his arrival arose from ignorance of the real object of the Chineseflower-Mission, coupled with a desire to adhere to the old traditional British coercive policy; but that this had all passed away.

Clear, pallid, mournful, droops the summer moon,
Dipped in the foam of Cloudland's phantom
Soundless they heave above
The dim, ancestral home that holds my love.
How breathless, still! A mystic glamour keeps
Calm watch and ward o'er this weird, drowsy hour:
Yon heaven's at peace, the earth benignly sleeps;
And thou, thou slumberest too, my woodland
Fair lily steeped in light
And happy visions of the marvelous night!
I waft a sigh from this fond soul to thine-
A little sigh, yet honey-laden, dear,
With fairy freightage of such hopes divine
As fain would flutter gently at thine ear,
And, entering, find their way

Down to the heart so veiled from me by day.
In dreams, in dreams, perchance, thou art not coy;
And one keen hope, more bold than all the rest,

-Lord Justice Ingles has been chosen Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh, over the Hon. Wm. E. Gladstone.

-The corporate authorities of Dublin have petitioned the Government for the pardon of the Fenian convicts.


Harpers' Magazine for December has a varied table of contents. "A Pilgrimage upon the Rhine" -an illustrated description in verse of its castled rocks and feudal towers'-is an admirable specimen of the combined effects of pen and pencil. Ross Browne's "Explorations in Lower California” and │| "South Coast Saunterings in England" are illustrated papers which will repay perusal. The usual number of stories-some of them good-will also be found in this number. "English Photographs by an American," an article taken from Tinsley's Magazine, will attract attention, though some of its positions can be answered by a reference to facts-the truth of which, unfortunately for American morality, cannot be questioned. The BureauMajor again appears in a "Report of Outrages,' characterized by his usual frankness. The "Easy Chair," "Drawer," "Editor's Book-Table" and "Monthly Record of Current Events" present the features which have made these departments of the The name which haunts her maiden trance to-night. by both the Monarchist and Republican parties. Promagazine acceptable to its many readers.

May touch thy spirit with a tremulous joy,

And stir an answering softness in thy breast:
O sleep! O blest eclipse!
What murmured word is faltering at her lips?
Awake for one brief moment, genial South:
Breathe o'er her slumbers-waft that word to me,
Warm with the fragrance of her rosebud mouth,
Enwreathed in smiles of dreamful fantasie:
Come, whisper, low and light,

Still, breathless still! No voice in earth or air:
I only know my delicate darling lies,

The Galaxy, besides several stories more than
usually trashy, contains a readable paper by Mr. A twilight lustre glimmering in her hair,
Richard Grant White, on "Words and Their
Uses," and an ill-tempered one by Mr. Edward
Pollard, on "The Confederate Congress." A cer-
tain melancholy Jacques contributes an article on
the decay of fair women, entitled "Exit Blonde,"
in which he ventures the prediction that the
"Coming Man" and "Coming Woman" of this
country will be black-haired, or, as he prefers to Olove! O dreams! farewell, farewell, farewell!
say, melancomous, and hazards the assertion that
70 per cent. of the young girls of the present gen-
eration are of that type. Unless our eyes deceive
us, his rule will hardly hold good in Baltimore,
where, if the blondes are not in the majority, they
must be fully equal in number to the brunettes.
We note also some passable verses in this number
of the Galaxy-some of which we may hereafter
reproduce for the benefit of our readers.

And dews of peace within her languid eyes:
Yea, only know that I
Am called from love and dreams, perhaps to die-
Die when the heavens are thick with scarlet rain,
And every time-throb's fated: even there
Her face would shine through mists of mortal pain,
And sweeten death, like some incarnate prayer:
Hark! 'tis the trumpet's swell!

News Summary.



-The Provisional Government has promulgated a decree rearranging the schedule of import duties, and making reductions on many articles. The changes are to go into effect on the 1st of January. All vessels are permitted to enter Spanish ports on paying tonnage dues of from 50 to 130 reals per ton. The reductions of the tariff which were made by decree in October are revoked. Payment of the semi-annual interest on the public debt is provided for. It is officially announced that the elections for delegates to the constitutional Cortes will be held January 15th.

Large public meetings have been held in Barcelona

cessions, with bands, parade the streets, and other demonstrations are made, but though the political feeling runs high, all the proceedings have been peaceable and order is respected. Political parties in Madrid are preparing to make similar demonstrations, and there is every indication of a lively canvass in the forthcoming elections.

Garibaldi advises the Spaniards to have a dictator for two years, and set up a republic.

It is rumored that Gen. Prim is negotiating with the Prince of the Asturias with the intention of making the Prince King of Spain and himself Regent. There are other reports, to the effect that Gen. Prim contemplated a coup d'etat, &c., but they all lack confirmation.


Contradictory reports are received from Havana concerning the Cuban insurrection. The insurgents claim to hold Puerto Principe, with ten or twelve -It is announced that Lord Stanley has acceded to thousand men, while Valmaseda is reported, by telea modification of the Alabama settlement which per-grams received at the Government headquarters, to mits the commission to sit in Washington.

be in full possession of the place, ready to attack the -The authorities of Brighton gave their proposed insurrectionists. The latter still have possession of banquet to United States Minister Reverdy Johnson Bayamo and some other towns. The Republicans of on Saturday last. George Peabody and George W. Cuba claim that the revolutionists are daily receiving Childs, of the Philadelphia Ledger, were among the reinforcements, and on the other hand it is stated that guests. Mr. Johnson's remarks were similar to those in view of propositions of submission made by the on former occasions. The Mayor of Brighton made a revolutionists, Valmaseda has allowed them three days of grace before commencing active operations.

Scribner's Hours at Home and Hurd & Houghton's Riverside Magazine for Young People can be briefly dismissed. The former contains the continuation of stories by the authors of "Mary Powell" and "The Heir of Redcliffe," a sketch of Sarmiento, the President of the Argentine Republic, and a paper by Prof. Schele de Vere, en-don to-day, (November 28.) titled "A Grain of Sand."

speech, in which he eloquently extolled peace, the
American Minister and Mr. Peabody. Mr. Johnson
was to dine with the Workingmen's Society of Lon-

-The British Parliamentary election returns thus far received show that the Liberals have at least 117

-On the 22d Captain General Lersundi reviewed 6,000 volunteers and the Fire Department. These, with the regular troops, now constitute a force of 12,000 men for the defence of Havana. The manifesto of the Madrid Government establishing reforms in the island is being widely circulated through the interior, in the hope of inducing the revolutionists to disband.

After all, amid the multitude of magazines, and majority in a full House. The totals now stand, Libin the face of the impossibility of reading through erals 363, Conservatives 246. It is estimated that the all of them, numbers will welcome our own Balti- Liberals will have a large majority on the amendment -Captain General Lersundi has entertained Admimore New Eclectic, with its judicious selection which will be proposed to the Parliamentary address ral Hoff and the officers of the United States squadron, from domestic and foreign sources alike, present- in reply to the Queen's speech. Owing to a want of at which complimentary toasts were exchanged. -News from Hayti represents Salnave as making ing that which is found most readable in each. organization, and money, it is said, none of the workIncluded in the contents of the present (Decem-of them will be in Parliament to represent the new lution is still progressing, and the excitement against ingmen's candidates have been successful, and none but little head against the revolutionists. The revober) number, we note preferably "The Diamond element in the Government. Gladstone and Grenfel Americans is on the increase.

(Liberals) have been defeated in southwest Lanca-
shire. Mr. Gladstone, in a pamphlet just published,
defines and defends his changes of opinion on the
subject of the Church Establishment.

Maker of Sacramento," a selection from the new
Overland Monthly, a literary contribution which
California sends us from the borders of the Pacific;
"Saved at Last," a thrilling tale of ocean perils
The aristocratic section of the Whig party is charged
and human daring, by the Rev. J. Gilmore, Rector with intriguing to have Earl Granville invited by the
of Holy Trinity, Ramsgate, copied from Mac Mil-Queen to form the new Ministry, and the Radicals are
lan's "Lee's Miserables," a touch of Mr. John.ndignant at this underhanded course.
Esten Cooke's quality, from the pages of Mohun,
elsewhere noticed in this paper; and additional
instalments of "Phineas Phinn" and "The Wo-
man's Kingdom," to say nothing of a pleasant
notice of ourselves-from the Editor's "Cathe-

[blocks in formation]

-Count Bismarck has recovered from his illness,

and resumes his post this week.

-The King of Prussia has acceded to the demand of the Diet for entire freedom of debate.

-The new Prussian Gazette, semi-official organ of

-The Burlingame Chinese Embassy has been pre-
sented to the Queen. Lord Stanley introduced Mr. the Government, in reply to the Hungarian Red Book,
Burlingame, who briefly addressed Her Majesty in the says if war should ensue from the Schleswig dispute,
name of the Emperor of China, and presented his the Germans of the North would show the same en-
etter of credence. Mr. Burlingame spoke in the high-thusiasm and the Germans of the South the same pa-

st terms of the late Sir Frederick Bruce, and made a triotism as was shown in 1813.
graceful allusion to the well-known friendship of Her! -Count Von Bismarck, President of the Ministry,

makes no secret of his design to leave the Federal party, with which he has been a long time connected, and join the Liberal organization.


-Advices from Paris say there is growing discontent in France consequent upon the press seizures. Proseeutions are urged by Government with unsparing en


-The remains of the composer, Rossini, have been interred in Pere La Chaise. The funeral was quiet. The procession was not large, nor the display unusual, but immense throngs of people lined the streets, and testified their respect to the great composer by a profound and mournful silence.


-Messrs. Blaine, Dawes, Schenck and Banks are already spoken of as probable candidates for the Speakership of the House when Mr. Colfax takes the Presidency of the Senate.

-The President's message is completed as to its general features, and only awaits the coming in of the reports from heads of departments, in order to conclude the general review of affairs in t'e various departments of the Government.

-Gen. Waddy Thompson, who, in Choun's time, was a Congressman from South Carolina, and afterwards Minister to Mexico, died in Tallahassee, Fla., Nov. 23d, aged about 70 years:

sales of some 1,500 boxes at full last week's rates, viz:
17a18 cents. for Eastern, and 17a17% cents for
steady at 18 cents.
Western Cutting. Eastern and Western E. D. is

COFFEE-We note a more active inquiry, resulting
in sales to the extent of 10,000 bags Rio within th
We quote choice Rio 1734a18 cents; prime do.
range of quotations, all of which are fresh arri
cents; good 152a16 cents; fair 14a15 cent
nary 13a14 cents. Laguayra 1617 ce
23a24 cents, gold.

Mal74 and ordf (8, and Java -There is no change Usual trade delnaud

COTTON DUCK AND YARNSto notice in these articles: 1 continues, and the market Yarns 38a40 cents 1 Duck; 53 cents for N 1 firm at 56 cents for No. 2 do and 50 cents for No. 3. for the low numbers.


and moderate at unchanged Ash 234 cents; Caustic Soda 5a54 da $10, and Bleaching Powders 3%1⁄2 cents,

rates, viz: Sod
cents; Sal S



-A letter received in Washington from Ex-President Pierce, dated at Concord, New Hampshire, Sat-At the latest dates received from South America, urday, November 21, says: "I was quite free from pain NED GOODS-There has been a fine business Gen. Martin McMahon, the new American Minister to yesterday, and am measurably so to-day. If the weang, and prices are firm. We note sales to the trade Paraguay, remained at Rio Janeiro, where he awaited ther shall be favorable, to-morrow, I hope to put m And for shipment at the following quotations: instructions as to what action he should take in re-foot beyond the over threshold, which I have Cove Oysters, per dozen cans.... gard to the outrage of the Paraguayan Government done for three werks." 2 lb Peaches. -General O.. Howard has issued upon the American Legation at Asuncion. 21% tb " discontinuar us onder for the 36 -Letters from Buenos Ayres state that President ace of the Freedmen' Bureau after Janu-2b Pine Apple.. Ib Tomatoes..


hot 2b

Sarmienti is desirous of having the command of the ary 1, win the Exception of the educational depart-2 Blackberries.. army given to one of the United States generals dis-ment. Some six or ten officers and clerks in each

tinguished in the war of the rebellion.


-A party of two Americans and several Eng" men have been arrested in Syria and sent to mascus, charged with having smuggled arms i Ne interior, for the purpose of overthrowing de government of the Sultan, and placing it in* the hands of the Pascha, who had just lost his Secession to the vice royalty of Egypt. The ar cused claim to have been surveying a new railLoad route, and that the arms were for the purpse of defending their employees. Mr. Morris, Jnited States Minister, has presented to the Porte an energetic protest against the imprisonment of the two Americans.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


e w be retained to wind up the business.
The New Orleans Tribune, the organ of the colored
men in Louisiana, has resumed publication, after a
suspension of several months.

-The Rev. Dr. McCosh, the new English President
of Princeton College, in a speech which he made last
week before the National Christian Association, said
that an Ecumenical Council of Christians (meaning
orthodox Protestant Churches here, in England,
France and thoughout the continent,) would be held
in the city of New York during the autumn of next



[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

.$0.00@1 50 0.00@250 4 00@4 50 0.00@5 00

0 00 @6 00 0.00@4 00

0.0003 00

0.00@2 25

0 00@3 00

0.00@2 25

0 00@3 25 0.00@3 75 3 2523 50

0 00@4 00

0.00@4 00

0.00@4 50

0.00@4 00

2 7503 25

0.00@3 25 0.00@1 75 0 00@2 75 4.50@5 00 0 00@1 75 0.00@2 75 0 00@5 00

COTTON-Favorable advices from Europe by the side, and we notice sales to the extent of 1,000 to 1,200 cable has had the effect to increase the inquiry on this bales for consumption and speculation, closing at an dio-advance on the rates of the preceding week. We quote middling at 241⁄2 cents.

arrested in Baltimore for the forgery of a check for
-Hannah Myers, about forty years of age, has been
$2,430, signed Cox & Brown, which J. Boyd had pre-
viously presented for payment at the Planters' Bank,
and was arrested for forgery. It now turns out that
the check was innocently obtained by Boyd, and the
woman Myers confessed that she "could not let an

this week. Apples and Peaches are still dull and diffi-
DRIED FRUIT-There is no improvement to notice
cult of sale. We quote them at 6a8 cents for the former
and 8a13 cents for the latter, unpeeled, and 25 cents b
market, although not quotably higher, evidently
FLOUR-There has been more doing this week, and
10,000 barrels, in lots, to the trade and for shipment-
shows an advancing tendency. The sales include about
mostly of the lower grades, at figures within the range
of our quotations.
Howard Street Super..

-The clergy and laity of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Eastern Shore of Maryland have elected -On Tuesday, H. Rives Pollard, editor and proprie-cese, which has been named the "Eastern Diocese." Bishop H. C. Lay, of Arkansas, Bishop of the new flor of the Southern Opinion, was shot and killed while It is stated that Easton has subscribed $14,000 as a porpassing into his office in Richmond, Va., it is alleged, tion of $40,000 for the Bishop's salary. Bishop Lay is by James Grant, a young man very respectably con- a native of Powhatan county, Va., and nine years ago Inected. The fatal shot was fired at the deceased from was elected Missionary Bishop of Arkansas by the the window of a house opposite. The weapon used Episcopal General Convention, then sitting in Rich-the was a double-barrel shot gun. Eleven buckshot en-mond. Having already been consecrated to the Epis*tered Mr. Pollard's back, piercing the heart and sever-copate, his election by the Diocesan Convention of the ing an artery. Death was instantaneous. The affair Eastern Shore, if accepted, will simply act as a transcreated great excitement. It is supposed to have fer to his new sphere of labor. grown out of a publication in the Opinion reflecting upon the conduct of a member of Grant's family. The Sury of inquest rendered a verdict that Pollard came to his death from the hands of some person unknown. -Secretary Seward has presented to the President's Cabinet dispatches received by mail on Monday from Hon. Reverdy Johnson, Minister to England. The ■details of the negotiations for settlement of the Ala-innocent person suffer." bama claims were included in this communication. The details of the correspondence have not publicly transpired, but it is known that the results of the negotiations do not quite come up to the expectation of The administration, the basis of the proposed agree- the week are the following: Charles Pedrick, a fire-Among the fatal occurrences in Baltimore during ment being somewhat different from what the Presi- man, employed by the B. & O. R. R. Co., run over by a dent and Secretary Seward supposed they were. -The Spanish Minister at Washington has ex-painter, killed by falling from a scaffold; John Frohrcar and killed, at Mt. Clare depot; Daniel Dashiell, pressed uneasiness at the reported movements of lick, found dead in bed. Cuban filibusters in this country, and has addressed several communications to Mr. Seward on the subgect. Mr. Seward has assured him that no vessel will be allowed to leave any of our seaports for the purpose, and that he himself gives no credit to the re


-A committee waited on Bishop Duggan, of Chicago, ast Saturday, and asked that a requiem mass be said For the Fenians hanged at Manchester, and the Bishop refused, on the ground that it would have a political bearing. The committee has adopted resolutions disapproving of the action of the Bishop.

-Hon. John S. Pendleton, formerly member of Congress from Virginia and Minister to Chili, died at Culpeper Court House, Va., last week.

-It is reported that new and rich silver mines have been discovered on the White River, in Utah.

-Mr. Orson Kellogg, of the well-known firm of Clark & Kellogg, Baltimore, died at the Eutaw House, last week, aged 76 years.


[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

prime Live Geese at 70a75 cents; fair do. 60a65 cents, FEATHERS-Are in good request, with sales of and common mixed at 40a42 cents ib.

FISH-We have to report a very quiet market for the week, the demand being entirely confined to the retail store trade. We note the arrival of a cargo of Labrador Herrings, but there have been no sales from the wharf. From store we quote: Mackerel-No. 1 Bay, per barrel.. No. 1 Shore (new) " No. 2(new)

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

For the Week ending Thursday, Nov. 26, 1868.
[Our quotations are invariably Wholesale, unless other-Hakefish,
wise expressed.]
Cod, small,
Cod, large,
Labrador Herring.....
Box Herring,scaled.
Large Magdalene, boxes....

ALCOHOL-There is still very little oflering, with a
fairly active inquiry. We quote 95 per cent. at $2.15a
2.20 gallon, and Cologne Spirits at $2.20a2.25.
APPLES-Are in good request at $5.50a6 for New
York State fall fruit, and $4.50a5 for Western.
BARK-There is some demand at figures below the
inactive. We quote No. 1 nominal at $35, and No. 2 at
views of sellers, but generally the market is dull and

$25 ton.


-The ship Hellespont, from Australia, has been totally wrecked thirty miles from San Francisco har-1.40.. bor. Seven of her crew were saved; eleven, including Captain Soule, are supposed to be lost.

-Hon. Schuyler Colfax was married to Miss Nellic Wade, niece of Senator Wade, at Andover, Ohio, last week.

BEESWAX-Sales in lots at 39a40 cents for prime them at $3a4 bushel, and Black-eyed Peas at $1.25a BEANS-A fair demand makes prices firm. We quote for low grades, but we hear of no transactions of moBUTTER-There has been some inquiry this week ment for good and choice dairies. The market is quite irm, with a fair trade demand. We quote Glades at for common, and Western at 33a35 cents for good. 10a42 cents for prime; 38a40 cents for good; 30a33 cents CHEESE-The demand continues good and we note


[blocks in formation]

FERTILIZERS-The market is nominal. We quote
can A $30 currency; Raw Bone $56; Super Phosphate
Peruvian Guano $62.50, gold, ton of 2,000 lbs.; Mexi-
Orchilla Guano $30 ton; Soluble Pacific Guano $65;
$60; Rhodes' Standard Manure, 850, in bags or bbls.;
Guano, in 125 b. bags, $55 ton; Raw Bone Phosphate
Patapsco Guano $60; R. R. Griffith's Prepared Fish
Super Phosphate of Lime $60 ton.
Manure $50; Maryland Powder of Bone $46 ton; Coe's
$56 ton; Chicago Bone Fertilizer $46; Chicago Blood

at the Corn and Flour Exchange foot up 50 000 bushels
and prices show an upward tendency. The offerings
GRAIN. The receipts of all kinds continue limited
Wheat, 60,000 bushels Corn, and 45,000 do. Oats-all of
which have met quick sales.
advance over our last week's quotations. Sales at 250a
In Wheat we not ce an
good do,, and 190a210 cents for common to fair do. We
255 cents for choice White and Red; 2308240 cents for

quote Corn at 90a93 cents for new White, damp; 95a100
cents for prime dry samples do.; 105a108 cents for new
Yellow, and 119a120 cents for old do. Oats are selling

at 70a73 cents bushel, and Rye 140a145.
GINSENG-We note sales of Ginseng at 85a90 cents
b.; Seneca Root, 35a38 cents; Snake Root, 35a38 cents;
Pink do. 10a15 cents; Blood do., 7a8 cents, and Man-
Crake or May Apple 5 cents a b.
HIDES-Are in fair demand with light supplies.
We quote: City Association, Steers, 141⁄2al5 cents;
Cows do., 13a13 cents; New Orleans, green salted,
12a131⁄2 cene; do, dry do. 172a182 cents; do. dry 20a
22 cents; Buenos Ayres 2223 cents, gold; green
salted Calf Skins 890a2.10, and dry $1.50a1.75 piece.
HOPS-Holders are asking 25 cents b for Eastern
and 29 cents for Western, with sales only to a limited
HAY AND STRAW-The demand continues good,
with sales of prime Timothy at €18a20, Rye Straw
$17a18, and Oat do. at $12.

IRON AND NAILS-There has been very little
doing since our last report, and the market is quiet
and unchanged. We quote:
Anthracite, No. 1


No. 2.

[blocks in formation]

$40 00@841 00

American ref. Bars, ordinary sizes 90 00

SUGAR-Has ruled quiet, and we hear of but few transactions during the week. The sales include 171 boxes Centrifugal, 1 616 do. Cuba, and 50 hhds Porto Rico market closing steady. We quote fair to good refining grades at 11a111⁄2 cents b.

Holloway's Ointment.-SUPPURATING SORES.Thousands go down to their graves suffering from chronic ulcers which a few pots of HOLLOWAY'S OINT

MENT would have healed. It is no skin-deep remedy REFINED SUGARS-The market has ruled quiet. Re- that drives in the poison of a sore. Its effect is to elimfiners are selling, in lots of 20 bbls. or more, Granu inate the poisonous element. and its work of purificalated, 105 cents; extra fine Powdered, 15 cents; A White, 14 cents; Circle A, 143 cents; B, 14% cents: Ction may be accelerated and perfected in many cases Extra, 14% cents; C Yellow, 144; Yellow Coffee, 13% by taking occasional doses of HOLLOWAY'S PILLS, cents. We quote Golden Syrup at 80 cents gallon which improve the condition of the blood, and thereby and Monumental at 70 cents. TOBACCO-There is rather more inquiry for some promote the formation of healthy tissues. Sold by all grades, but the sales have been unimportant, and we Druggists. continue to quote the market dull and inactive. We quote:

Maryland frosted to common....
Sound common......
Good common.......

Good to line brown..

Upper country

Ground leaves, new..

brown and greenish...

medium and fine red.

com, to med. spangled.
fine spangled and yellow.

Kentucky-common to good lugs..

$3 75@ 4 50
500@ 5 50
6 00@ 7 00
8 00@10 00
10 00@15 00
17 00 25 00

7 00@35 00

4 00@13 00

4 00@ 6 00 700@ 8.00 9 00@13 00 800 @ 13 00 15 00@25 00 8.00@10 00 ...11 00@14 00 15 00@18 00 .20 00@25 00 MANUFACTURED-IS in fair demand for good quality. We quote tax paid as follows:

[ocr errors]


common to medium leaf.
good to fine...
select leaf..


38 00 40 00
34 00@ 36 00

[ocr errors]

Ohio-inferior to good common.


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[blocks in formation]


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[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Good bright...

Medium sound.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

English Bar


Boiler Plates-Refined..


Fire box..

NAILS-Duty, Cut 11⁄2 cents; Wrought 2 cents; Horse Shoe 5 cents; 5d. and upwards, $5; 3d., $6.50; 4d., $5.50. LEATHER-Under a good inquiry and limited supplies the market continues very firm and active. We quote Light rough Skirting at 40a43 cts.; Middling do. 38a41 cts.; City Slaughtered 43a46 cts; Country do. 39a41 cts,; Spanish Sole 35a38 cents; Calf Skins, rough, 75a100 cents; and finished $1.60a1.65 piece. MOLASSES-The sales include 85 hhds. English Island, and some 40 do. Porto Rico to the trade at 60a 65 cents a gallon. We quote Cuba at 48a50 cents, and English Island at 55a60 cents.

MILL FEED-There is a fair demand at 22 cents for Brown Stuffs, and 38 cents bushel for Middlings.

NAVAL STORES-We note sales of Spirits Turpentine at 44a45 cents gallon; Pitch $4 bbl.; Tar $3 7 small bbl., and $3.75 for Wilmington. We quote Rosin at $2.50 for common, $2.75a2.85 for No. 2, and $3a5 bbl. for No. 1.

ONIONS-We quote at $5a5.50

[blocks in formation]

Pounds and Half Pounds, Twist, &c.
Fine bright..


[blocks in formation]


Seven per cent. Interest in Gold.

The First Mortgage Seven Per Cent. Sinking Fund Bonds of the Rockford, Rock Island and St. Louis Railroad Company pay both Principal and Interest in GOLD COIN, free of Government Tax.

Each bond is for $1,000, or £200 sterling, and is convertible into stock at the option of the holder. The coupons are payable Feb. 1 and Aug. 1, in New York or London, at the option of the holder.

The Road runs from Rockford in Northern Illinois to St. Louis, a distance, including tracks to Coal Mines, &c., of about 400 miles, and traverses the finest district of Illinois.

The Bonds have 50 years to run, and are a lien of $21,000 per mile upon the Company's Railroad and franchises, its coal lands-of which it has 20,000 acres, 70 containing A HUNDRED MILLION TUNS OF COAL-its 60 rolling stock, and property of every sort.

@$1 25 75 @ 80 60 @


[blocks in formation]

58 @ 65 50 @ 55 WOOL-Although both the stock and receipts are light, the market is dull, and there are very few transactions to notice. We quote Unwashed 31a34 cents; do. Burry 24a30 cents; Tub Washed 50a53 cents; Pulled 34a38 cents. Fleece, Washed, 42a47 cents fb. WHISKEY-A very steady demand has prevailed throughout the week, and prices are fully sustained. The sales include 800 barrels Western and Ohio at $1.06a1.08 for free. There is more inquiry for Rye, and we note the sale of about 400 barrels Orient, and 500 barrels Monticello on private terms.

110 LISPENARD STREET, NEW YORK, October 13, 1867.

A subscription of $8,800,000, at par, to the Capital Stock of the Company, furnishes a large part of the means required to construct and equip the road.

Nearly half of the entire length of the Road is graded and substantially ready for the iron; the rails are now arriving upon the line. The first division, giving an outlet to the coal, will be in operation in 60 days, and track-laying will from this time be prosecuted with the utmost energy till the last rail is in position. The Company intend to have the Road in readiness for the Autumn business of 1869.

The Bonds are for sale at 971⁄2 and accrued interest in currency, and may be obtained through bankers and brokers throughout the country, or at the office of the Company, No. 12 WALL STREET, New York.

The Trustees for the Bondholders is the UNION

Pamphlets giving full information sent on applica-
H. H. BOODY, Treasurer.



DEAR SIR:-It is with much pleasure that I say to you that I consider the PLANTATION BITTERS of untold value. In the fall of 1867 I was taken with Chills and Fever, with the most severe pains 135 to 1 40 in my chest and head. It was with great difficulty 130 to 149 that I could breathe. My lungs were greatly dis-B (Established upwards of half a century,) 120 to 125 tressed, and there was severe pain in my right side, 31 by spells. I could hardly get up from my bed. I called a Doctor, who attended me all winter with- INSURES AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, 00 to 100 out the least benefit. About the first of August I In city or country, on the various descriptions of 53 commenced using your PLANTATION BITTERS-a property. Also issues PERPETUAL POLICIES. 65 wine-glass full three times a day-and have used 17% to 1734 it most of the time since, and I am now well and 191⁄2 to 20 33 to 35 strong, able to do all my own work and the care 36 of a large family. Yours, &c., 34 to SUSAN WILSON.

30 to
50 to 55
100 to 1 05

50 to
62 to

PETROLEUM-The demand for Crude is very dull and inactive, with sales at lower prices. We quote Crude at 15a161⁄2 cents, and standard white Refined at 30a31 cents gallon.

POWDER-We continue to quote Blasting at $4.50,

and Sporting at $6.50 keg of 25 lbs.

POTATOES-The arrivals this week are comprised in three cargoes from Maine. We quote white Mercers at 95a100 cents a bushel; Peach Blows 90a95 cents, and Carters 85a90 cents bushel.

PROVISIONS-We still notice a steady demand, especially for Bacon. Other articles are not so much inquired for, but prices are very firm and steady. The stock continues light. We note sales of some 150 hhds. Bacon at 144 cents for Shoulders; 184 cents for Rib, and 18a183 cents for Clear Rib Sides; 17a19 cents for Sugar Cured Hams, and 16a17 cents for plain do. Mess Pork $28 bbl.; Kump do. $22.75, and Lard 17a171⁄2


RICE-There has been more inquiry, and we note

MAGNOLIA WATER.-Superior to the best im-
ported German Cologne, and sold at half the price.

Justin Bonnafous has recently established a

[blocks in formation]

in this city, where he offers to Gentlemen and Lales
all the market affords. Having gone to much expei se
in this trial of French Cookery, and hoping at least a
trial from the citizens of Baltimore, a call is respect-
fully solicited. No. 58 Fayette street, opposite the U.
S. Court House, and adjoining Rennert's.
Coffee and Chocolate (just received from Paris) Jacob Trust,
served in the French style.

Mr. BONNAFOUS (for many years Instructor of Fenc

And. A. Hack,
J. C. Wheedon,
James Young,
R. C. Mason,

[blocks in formation]

sales at rather better figures. We quote Carolina ating and Sword Exercise at the Naval Academy, An-F. L. BRAUNS & CO.,

8a9 cents tb.

SEED-There is some inquiry for Clover, but the napolis,) has devoted a chamber to these exercises,
limited stock restricts operations. We quote prime at where he will give lessons at hours and prices to suit
$7.50; and ordinary at $7a7.25 bushel. Timothy may pupils. For further information apply at the "Maison
be quoted at $2.90a3; and Flax $2.50 for the best.
SALT-The trade demand has been very active, but Bonnafous."
we hear of no cargo sales of Liverpool, most of the im-
portations of late having been made direct by the
dealers. We note the sale of the cargo of the J. B.
Stickney, from Turk's Island, consisting of 8,300 bush-
els on private terms. We also note the arrival of the
brig S. Crowell, from the same port, with about 6,000
bushels. We quote Ground Alum at $2.10a2.20; Fine
82.90a3.10 sack, and Turk's Island, from store, at 53a55

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.,


Invite the attention of the Public to their extensive assortment of Stereoscopes and Views, both of their own publication and manufacture, and of their own importation. The Catalogue of their own Publications embraces about 4,000 subjects, including

The Majesty and Beauty | Passaic Falls Views.
of Niagara.

Niagara in Winter.
Glens of the Catskills.
Beauties of the Hudson.
Hills and Dales of N. En-

White Mountain Views.
Glimpses of the Great

Public Buildings in New
York and Brooklyn.
A Ramble through the
Southern Tier on the
route of the Erie Rail-

The Picturesque on the
Pennsylvania Central
Greenwood Cemetery

Washington City views.
Views at Trenton Falls.
Scenes and Incidents of
the late War.
Ramblings along the Wis-
sahickon and Schuyl-

Sing Sing Views. California Views.



Saratoga Springs and Lake LIFE INSURANCE


West Point Views. Mammoth Cave Views. Views in

Central Park. N, Y.


New Granada.

The Andes.



Housatonic Valley, Conn. Delaware Water




Views on New York and
New Haven Road.
Trip to Coney Island.
Instantaneous Views of
New York Street Scenes,
and Steamers and Ves-
sels sailing in the
Bay, etc.

Stereoscopic Portraits of F. S. WINSTON,


Miscellaneous Views.

[blocks in formation]
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daily Trains will be run between Baltimore and Wheeling and Parkersburg, as follows:

MAIL TRAIN, for all way points, will leave Baltimore daily (except Sunday) at 8.45 A. M. FAST LINE will leave daily (including Sunday) at 5.20 P. M. EXPRESS TRAIN will leave daily (except Saturday) at 9.45 P. M. These trains connect at Bellaire and Parkersburg for all points West, Southwest and Northwest.

WINCHESTER ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Baltimore, daily, at 4.10 P. M. (except Sunday.) Leaves Winchester for Baltimore, daily (Sundays excepted,) at 5.00 A. M. Connecting at Frederick Junction with train for Frederick, and at Hagerstow Junction with train for Hagerstown.

The ELLICOTT'S MILLS TRAIN leaves Baltimore at 6.20 and 9.50 A. M., and 1.20 and 5.20 P. M. Returning, leaves Ellicott's Mills at 7.30 and 11.10 A. M., and 2.30 and 6.30 P. M.


Leave Baltimore at 8.45 A. M. and 4.10 P. M., connecting at Hagerstown Junction with Washington County Railroad, arriving in Hagerstown at 2.45 and 9.20 P. M. Returning, leave Hagerstown at 5.10 and 11.00 A. M., arriving in Baltimore at 10.25 A. M. and 4.45 P. M, FOR WINCHESTER.

Leave Baltimore at 8.45 A. M. and 4.10 P. M., arriving in Winchester at 2.55 and 9.35 P. M. Returning, leave Winchester at 5.00 and 10.35 A. M., arriving in Baltimore at 10.25 A. M. and 4.45 P. M. FOR WASHINGTON.

Leave Baltimore at 3.45, 7.00 and 8.40 A. M., and 12.30,

President. 4.30 and 8.25 P. M.


Crystal Palace,




Invested in Loans on Bond and Mortgage, and United States Stocks.




Rome, etc., etc.

Issues every approved description of


Also, ILLUMINATED and TRANSPARENT VIEWS in great variety. We are also exclusive Agents in America for "FERRIER'S GLASS VIEWS," of which we have a splendid assortment. Sole Agents for FRITH'S Series of Photographic Views in Switzerland, the Rhine, England, Scotland, Wales, etc., etc. STEREOSCOPES we manufacture very largely, and have a large stock of the best styles at the lowest rates. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS.-Our manufacture of Albums is well known throughout the country, as su- On selected Lives, at moderate rates, returning all perior in quality and beauty to all others. We never buy any, but all we sell are made in our own Factory, and our styles are different from those of any other Surplus annually to the Policy-holders, to be used maker. Buyers should not fail to see our stock before making their purchases.

[blocks in formation]

FROM WASHINGTON FOR BALTIMORE. Leave Washington at 7.00 and 8.00 A. M., and 12.30, 4.20, 5.40 and 8.30 P. M.


Leave Baltimore at 7.00 A. M. and 4.30 P. M.; leave Washington at 7.00 A. M. and 4.20 P. M. Trains leave Annapolis at 6.30 A. M. and 3.45 P. M.


Leave Baltimore for Washington at 3.45 and 8.40 A. M., and 4.30 and 8.25 P. M. Leave Washington at 8.00 A. M., and 4.20, 5.40 and 8.30 P. M.

For further information, Tickets of every kind, etc., apply to J. T. ENGLAND, Agent, Camden Station, or at the Ticket Office. JOHN L. WILSON, Master of Transportation. L. M. COLE, General Ticket Agent.

Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore


COMMENCING on SUNDAY, September 13th, 1868,

Passenger Trains will leave President Street Depot as follows, viz.:

Way Mail Train for Philadelphia and Way Stations at 7.25 A. M. This train connects at New Castle Junction with train for all Stations on the Delaware Railroad.

Express Train for Philadelphia and New York at 9.35 A. M., connecting at Perryville with the train for Port Deposit.

Express Train for Philadelphia and New York at 2.25 P. M. Connecting at Wilmington with Trains for Stations on Delaware Railroad, between Wilmington and Harrington.

Accommodation Train for Port Deposit and intermediate Stations at 5 P. M.

Express Train for Philadelphia at 7.25 P.M., connecting at Wilmington with the Express Train to the principal Stations on the Delaware Railroad, daily except Saturday.

Express Train for New York at 10.40 P. M.
All the above Trains leave daily, except Sundays.

For Philadelphia at 7.25 P. M. and New York at 10.40 P. M.

Through Tickets may be procured either at President Street Depot, or at Ticket Office, No. 125 Baltimore street.

Persons purchasing Tickets at Baltimore street Office, can have their Baggage checked at their residence by Union Transfer Company. WM. CRAWFORD, Agent.

Baltimore and Havana Steamship Co.



This line comprises the following first-class steamships:

"MARYLAND," E. C. REED, Commander. "LIBERTY," 1,250 tons,


"CUBA," 1,100 tons, J. M. DUKEHART, Commander.

The steamship CUBA will sail for HAVANA and NEW ORLEANS, VIA KEY WEST, on November 25, at 4 P. M.

For Freight or Passage, having unsurpassed accommodations, apply to MORDECAI & CO., Agents, 45 South Gay street. N. B.-No bills of lading but those of the Company will be signed. Permits for freight must be secured from this office. No freight received, or bill of lading signed on day of sailing.

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