Imagens das páginas

upon he was sentenced by the Court to have his desire faithfully carried out.


the stories of Mr. Hale are passably well done, and have the merit of being generally well writ


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fights occurred, one man was killed, and several

Irish Church.

NEWS SUMMARY. On the 12th inst. the President, through the War wounded.The Fenian prisoners at Dartmoor The application of this allegory is simple Department, issued general orders for the instruc- are to be released. Dispatches received at Lontion of army officers in regard to their powers to don on the 12th inst. from Bombay give favorenough; indeed, the writer confesses he drew a regulate elections in the Southern States, and call-able reports of the progress of the expedition fictitious suggestion from the political banishment ing their attention to those provisions of the law againsts the tribes in northwestern India. The forbidding any interference or intimidation on the Chinese Embassy are making progress in their of Mr. Vallandigham, and the significance of the part of the military or naval forces at such times. arrangements for negotiation with the British fable is, of course, susceptible of indefinite expanIt is intended in part for Gen. Reynolds, who re- government. Lord Stanley is said to be friendly cently issued an order forbidding the citizens of to the policy proposed by China, and ready to treat sion. We would suggest to Mr. Hale, if he feels Texas from holding an election for Presidential the question on the broad ground of civilization inclined to try any thing more in this line, another electors. -Gov. Boreman, of West Virginia, rather than from the purely English point of view. narrative, to be entitled, for example, "Outside was in Washington on the 12th inst., asking that The Embassy are to be received by Queen Victotroops may be sent to that State to preserve the ria on the 20th inst., after which they will make a the Constitution; a Tale of a Country Without peace at the coming election, as many disfranchised visit to Paris. The political contest over the Government." Barring these little differences, A few days ago a messenger of the Accommoda-The Liberals denounce the Tories for their bad inhabitants "threaten to vote at all hazards."- pending Parliamentary elections is very animated. tion Bank, of St. Louis, was robbed of $3,000 in financial policy, for their course on the Irish money and $700 in drafts. The robber escaped. of Mr. Disraeli.' The Tories, while they do not Church question, and for the negative utterances A large Commercial and Direct Trade Con- take up the "No Popery" cry of the Premier, rest vention met at Norfolk, Va., on Wednesday last. their claims on the brilliant foreign policy of the Over 2,000 delegates were present, including the The Lily of the Valley; or, Margie and I, and Boards of Trade respectively of St. Louis, Louis- Ministry, the success of the Abyssinian war, and other Porms. By Amy Gray. Baltimore: Kellyville, Memphis, Nashville and other cities. The the necessity of defending the Church of England chief objects considered by the Convention were from the dangers by which it is menaced.It is & Piet. 1868.-Whoever appeals to the world the establishment of direct trade by steam with announced in London that the British mails will for its judgment upon a volume of poetry takes Europe, and of internal lines of communication The London Times of the 13th inst. has an editoral not go via the Hamburg line after the 30th inst.with the West. A pyrotechnic display was given the hazard of its approval or condemnation. To in Norfolk harbor, and the city was illuminated. concerning the payment of the United States nademand the praise of men is to challenge criti- -The latest news from the Colorado election tional debt in paper, in which it argues that, should cism, and the gauntlet is a severe one which awaits figure up 17 majority for Bradford (Radical) for such a policy be carried into practice, the credit of Congress. -A San Francisco telegram announces the United States would be so deeply injured that even the most skilful follower of the Muses. But that the track of the Central Pacific Railroad is all future loans would have to pay a higher interest this charming little book is no candidate for fame. finished to Reese River Valley, 500 miles east of than six per cent., thereby defeating the economithat port, and 65 miles north of Austin. The cal objects contemplated.The Daily News of The motive for its publication shields it from crit-grading is ready for the iron 100 miles beyond. the 13th says there is no doubt that the protocol of icism, and enlists the sympathy of all in whose The earnings of the road for September were $263- the naturalization treaty proposed by the American 000 in gold.The Governor of Alabama has representative will be approved by the English natures dwell the sweet charities. The proceeds issued his proclamation for an election on the 3d Parliament. A meeting was held in London on of its sale belong to the "destitute little girls of of November for President, after which there will the 13th for the relief of the sufferers by the earthquakes in Peru and Ecuador. The Lord Mayor the South, orphaned by the war," and whoever State officers; Congressman and Legislators. are be no election until 1870. The present Governor, presided, and the Rothschilds and Barings were buys, gives to a cause which appeals to all. The under the new election law of that State, to hold present. Nearly £70,000 sterling were raised. Mr. Gladstone addressed a large political meeting -An examination song which is inspired by such a motive must be over until the election of 1870.of the books of the "Paschall House Association," at Liverpool on the 14th. He charged the Governplaintive and tuneful; and many of these verses whose lottery was drawn in a Western city on the ment with being responsible for unnecessary exwill awaken the softest emotion in the hearts of 9th inst., shows that the Paschall House, the Mem- penditures, and urged the disestablishment of the phis residence, and one St. Louis residence, all those who know the sad fellowship of sorrow. valued at $315,000, were drawn by the Association, The typography and general appearance of the they having 3,000 unsold tickets.- -The Democratic Executive Committee of Alabama have volume reflect deserved credit upon the pub- withdrawn the electoral ticket first put in the field, and substituted one composed of men who can take the test oath.--President Johnson has issued a proclamation appointing Thursday, Nov. 26th, as a day of national Thanksgiving. -The registry troubles in Louisiana have been adjusted by the action of a committee of the Legislature, which furnished a report directing the Board of Registration to be governed by judicial decisions. -In compliance with the request of Gov. Boreman, nized the authority of the Central Provisional SPAIN. All the provinces have formally recogtroops were ordered to West Virginia on the 18th, Junta, in session at Madrid. The Junta have to preserve peace during the coming election in that State.- -Messrs. Baring Brothers & Co., issued a circular, dated 13th, urging the extinction 52 Wall street, New York, are receiving subscrip- nal taxes on home and foreign wares.Don Riof all religious corporations, and abolishing intertions for the relief of the sufferers by the recent earthquakes in Peru and Ecuador. -Gen. Hanvero has been appointed Mayor of Madrid.The cock arrived at his headquarters in Washington States Consul, have granted permission to the forlocal Junta at Seville, at the request of the United from Missouri on the 14th.- Mr. H. T. Helmbold, The Life of George Stephenson and his Son, for $40,000 to aid in the election of Seymour and ted States, through Mr. Hale, Minister at Madrid, of New York, on Wednesday last' tendered a check eign residents to build a Protestant church within the walls of the city.- -On the 12th inst. the UniRobert Stephenson, comprising also a History of Blair. Judge Pierrepont of New York, has given formally recognized the new Provisional Governthe Invention and Introduction of the Railway $20,000 to A. T. Stewart to be applied in furthering ment-being the first nation to make such recogthe cause of Grant and Colfax.- The State elecLocomotive. By Samuel Smiles, author of "Self tions on Tuesday last in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indi- nition. In reply to Mr. Hale's congratulatory Help," "The Huguenots," &c. New York: ana and Nebraska, resulted favorably to the Rad- speech, the Duke de la Torre said that, "amid the icals. In Philadelphia, D. M. Fox, Democrat, was which he believed would merit the approval and ruins of old rule a structure would be formed, Harper & Brothers. Vol. I. 1868.-A very in- elected Mayor, and the entire Democratic ticket teresting book of biography, very handsomely carried by an average majority of about 2,500; but sympathy of the United States. Spain now dethe State is conceded to the Radicals by 6,000 to served and needed the support of all free nations, gotten up, with a complete index, fine wood cuts, 9,000 majority. The vote is very close in Indiana, and that of the American Government was highly and illustrated by fine portraits of the two Steph- each party claiming the State by 1,500. The Dem-esteemed.". -The Junta, on the 13th inst., seized This volume is reserved for a more ex-three in Ohio, and one (probably two) in Indiana-der. They have also declared in favor of addiocrats gain three Congressmen in Pennsylvania, the property of the Jesuits and abolished the ormaking seven in all.Thursday's N. Y. World tional reforms, among which are the abolition of contained a leading article, in substance advising ters and domicils. the death penalty, and the sanctity of private letThe Cubans in Madrid manthe withdrawal of Seymour and Blair in favor of ifest great interest in the electoral representation candidates who would enlist the entire conservative of the people of the island in the new legislative strength. The National Intelligencer of Friday endorses the proposition, and several prominent body which will be assembled under the call of the men in the party are said to favor it. people, and in the general government of Spain. It is also stated that the question of the abolition FOREIGN. of slavery engages much attention in Cuba. The Central Provisional Government promise to Cuba the same rights and liberties in every respect as shall be accorded to the inhabitants of old Spain. Cubans in Spain will be permitted to choose two members of the Junta.The Gaulois newspaper of the 12th publishes a letter from General Prim, which earnestly favors the calling together of the


Excelsior; or, Essays on Politeness, Education and the Means of Attaining Success in Life. Part I. For Young Gentlemen. By T. E. Howard, A. M. Part II. For Young Ladies. By A Lady (R. V. R.) Baltimore: Kelly & Piet. 1868.-The title of this book shows its object. There are few wider fields for missionary effort than that afforded by the bad manners of the mass of people in this country; and any attempt to reform them certainly deserves commendation.


ended notice.

The New England Tragedies. By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Ticknor & Fields. Boston: 1868. The last of Longfellow's poems, re

ceived too late for review this week.

Gold Elsie. From the German of E. Marlitt, author of "Old Mam'selle's Secret. By Mrs. A. L. Wister. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1868. A novel of very absorbing interest and excessively Germanesque.

GREAT BRITAIN.-It is announced that the Atlantic cable known as the 1866 cable, between Ireland and New Foundland, was repaired near Valencia on the 11th inst., and both cables are now in perfect working order. On the 10th inst. a Liberal procession was attacked by Tories, at Blackburn, in the county of Lancaster. Several

ring to the remarks on the Schleswig question made FRANCE.-Semi-official journals of Paris, referby the King of Denmark in his speech at the opening of the Rigsdag, declare that France is pledged to the treaty of Prague, and that Prussia must not depart from the obligations of that compact.Dispatches from Paris represent that the fears of a European war have abated. The Presse, however, says that the armories of Paris were never Italian Prime Minister, was said to be in Paris on busier than at the present time.- -Gen. Menabrea, the 14th, on a special mission concerning Rome.

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[Oct. 17, 1868.

The Statesman.

FISH-The market is steady but not active. The
sales from the wharf are not important. From store
Mackerel-No. 1 Bay, per barrel.
we quote:
..$21 50@22 00
16 50@18 00

[ocr errors]

No. 1 Shore (new) "
No. 2(new)


17% cents for Clear Rib do.; 18 to 21 cents for Sugar Cured Hams, and 15a17 cents for plain do. Mess Pork is held at $30a30.75 bbl. Lard is dull and lower; we quote prime Western at 19a20 cents b. for steam and kettle rendered.

OILS AND CANDLES-The market is very firm with a limited stock on the market. We quote: Sperm Oil, winter.... ..$2 40 to $2 50



13 00@14 00


No. 3 (large, new)
No. 3 (medium)
100 lbs..


12 00@12 50

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


100 tbs..

5 50@ 6 00

Lard Oil..

7 00@ 750

Whale Oil..

10 00@10 50 Coal Oll.....


Cortes and the formation of a kingdom at once. It
is said that Prim himself aspires to be King,-
The Junta have ordered the restoration of the bark
Tornado to England, payment of damages for her
wrongful detention, and imprisonment of the
Spanish officers who ordered her seizure.-Dis-
patches received at London on the 14th report that
the Bishop of Tarragona, at the head of 2,000 men, Cod, small,
has pronounced against the Provisional Junta; Cod, large,
also that the provinces of Barcelona and Valencia, Labrador Herring..
50@ 60 West Virginia Lubricating Oil, 29 gravity..
being injuriously affected by the removal of the Box Herring,scaled..
40@ 50 Tanners' Oil........
tariff on imports, hesitate to recognize the Junta. Large Magdalene, boxes..
FERTILIZERS-Are in fair request at the following Linseed...
-Gen. Dulce has been appointed Captain Gen-quotations, viz: Peruvian Guano $60 gold ton of 2,000 Sperm Candles...
eral of Cuba.On the 12th inst. a loan of 10,000,- s.; Mexican A $30 currency; Raw Bone $56; Super Patent Wax Candles.
000 reals was offered to the Provisional Junta, and Phosphate $60; Rhodes' Standard Manure, $50, in bags Adamantine
or barrels; Orchilla Guano $30 ton; Soluble Pacific
was immediately accepted.
Guano $65; Patapsco Guano $60; R. R. Griffith's Pre-Paraffine
pared Fish Guano, in 125 lb. bags, $55 ton; Raw Bone Imperial do
PRICES CURRENT AND REVIEW OF THE Phosphate $56 ton; Chicago Bone Fertilizer $46; Chi-

[blocks in formation]

cago Blood Manure $50; Maryland Powder of Bone $46 ton; Coe's Super Phosphate of Lime $60 ton. GRAIN-The market has ruled moderately active throughout the week, and with limited supplies prices other-have been quite fully sustained. The receipts include about 60,000 bush. Wheat, 20,000 do. Corn, 20,000 do. Oats, and 2,000 do. Rye. We quote prime to choice Wheat at $2.65a2.70; good to prime do. $2.40a2.55; $2.20a2.35 bush. for white and $2.65a2.70 for prime to choice; $2.20a2.30 for good and common, and inferior at $1.70a2.10 for red. Corn has advanced. We note sales of prime old white at 128a130 cents, and yellow 129 to 131 cents. Oats are in good request at 79a83 cents, and Rye at 160a170 cents bushel. HIDES-Market steady, with a fair demand. We quote City Association at 142a15 cents, in dry salt, for Steers; 14 cents for Cows; green slaughtered 12 cents for CANNED GOODS-Are active, with an improve- City: New Orleans 13a13 cents for green salted Steers; ment in prices. We quote as follows: 18a18 cents for dry salted do.; Buenos Ayres 21a22 1 lb Cove Oysters, per dozen cans...... $0 00@1 50 cents gold, and Calf Skins $1.75a2 piece currency. IRON AND NAILS-We note a moderate business 0.00 @2 50 0 00@4 50 at the following quotations, viz: Duty 1 to 12 cents 0 005 00.; Railroad, 60 cents 100 fbs.: Boiler Plate, 1 cents 0 006 00; Sheet, Band, Hoop and Scroll, 1/4 to 1% cents 0 00@4 00 .; Pig, $9 ton; Polish Sheet, 3 cents lb. .$40 00@$41 00 0 00@3 00 Anthracite, No. 1.

BUTTER-Is in fair supply, and with a fairly active demand, prices are well sustained. We quote fancy dairies of Glades at 43a45 cents; fair to good do., 40a43

cents; and Western at 32a35 cts.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
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[blocks in formation]

PETROLEUM-For Crude there is a fair demand and limited supply. We quote it at 16a17 cents; Refined Standard White at 30a31 cents a gallon. RICE-We quote South Carolina new crop at 9a10 cents, and Rangoon at 8a94 cents b. SALT-The market is steady, with a fair demand. We quote Fine at $2.80a3 sack for Worthington's, and $4 for Ashton's. Ground Alum $2.10a2.20, and Turk's Island 50a52 cents bushel.

SEED-Clover is dull, with a declining tendency; small sales at $8a8.50, the latter price for strictly prime. Timothy is in good demand at $3.15a3.25 bushel, and Flax at $2.75 for prime lots.

SHOT AND LEAD-Baltimore Drop Shot 111⁄2 cents; Buck do. 12% cents, and Bar Lead 10 cents fb. SUGAR-Has ruled quiet but steady, with sales limited to the supply of the local trade. We quote: Fair to good refining grades at 11a114 cents; Cuba, fair to good, 11a12 cents; prime to choice do. 124a13 cents; Porto Rico, fair to good, 114a12 cents; prime to choice 13a134 cents, and Demarara Vacuum Pan 14a1434 cents. Refined Sugars are selling at 1534 cents for hard crushed; 154 for soft white; 15% for Circle A; 15 cents for B; 144 cents for C extra, and 144 cents for C yellow. Syrup-we quote Maryland at 80 cents; Baltimore 75 cents; Chesapeake at 35a55 cents, and Merchants, at 35 cents gallon.

TOBACCO-Is dull and inactive with the tendency in prices to favor purchasers of both Maryland and Western Leaf. We quote:

Maryland frosted to common....

Sound common..

[blocks in formation]


3 16

nd A

2 tb Blackberries.

2 b Tomatoes.

0 00@2 25

No. 2..

38 00@ 40 00

[ocr errors]

3 tb

[ocr errors]

0 00@3 00

No. 3....

34 00@ 36 00


2 b String Beans..

0 00@2 25

[blocks in formation]

0 0003 25

Baltimore Forge..

0 00@3 75

Scotch Pig....

[blocks in formation]

3 25@3 50

Charcoal, Wheel...

[blocks in formation]


Good common..

0 00@4 00

[blocks in formation]

0 004 00

2 b Green Gages..

American ref. Bars, ordinary sizes 90 00 00 00



Good to fine brown.

0 00@4 50


0 00@4 00

American Sheet..

2 7503 25

0 00@3 25

Flat or Boiler.

English Hoop..

85 00@ 00 00
6.50@ 750

[blocks in formation]

.135 00 a 200 00

Upper country.


[blocks in formation]

0 00@1 75

American Railroad Bars..

0 00@2 75

English Bar.....

[blocks in formation]

4 50@5 00


[blocks in formation]

0 00@1 75

Boiler Plates-Refined..


0.00@2 75


[blocks in formation]

0 00@5 00

C, No. 1....


[blocks in formation]


440,00 @6/ 818@733

4 @5 cts. b.



com. to med, spangled.
fine spangled....




[blocks in formation]

CHEESE-Continues in fair demand, with prices steady. We quote Eastern Dairy at 18a19 cents, and Western at 16a18 cents.

COTTON-Opened active at an advance, but later in the week the market became dull, and to effect sales sellers had to submit to a decline in price. The sales include some 400 bales fair to good Middling Uplands at 28 cents, down to 242a25 centstb., closing dull at about the latter quotations.

COTTON DUCK-Sales at 56 cents for No. 1, and 53 cents for No. 2.

COFFEE-The market under a good inquiry is firmer, with an improvement in prices. We quote: Rio 123a13 cents; fair 14a144 cents and 1534a16 cents; prime 1634174 cents, and choice 1734a182 cents; Laguayra 15a164 cents, and Java 22a231% cents, gold.

FLOUR-Has exhibited but little animation, the sales being mostly confined to the supply of the local trade, and foot up as follows: 2,000 bbls. Western Extra at $9.50a10.50; 500 do. common spring wheat Western at $8.50; 1,000 bbls. Western Family at $11, and 1,500 do. City Mills Extra within the range of quotations: Howard Street Super and Cut Extra. $7 50a 8 50

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Best flange..

66 Fire box..

NAILS-Duty, Cut 1% cents; Wrought 2 cents; Horse
Shoe 5 cents; 5d. and upwards, $5; 3d., $6.50; 4d., $5.50.

LEATHER-Business is limited and stock fair. We
quote Light rough Skirting at 40a43 cents; Middling
do. 38a41 cents; City Slaughtered 43a46 cents; Country
do. 39a42 cents; Spanish Sole 37a38 cents; Calf Skins,
rough, 75a100 cents; and finished $1.60a1.65 piece.
LUMBER-Quite an active demand prevails, and
first class stock is wanted. We note several sales this

week, principally Yellow Pine Boards and Scantling,
within the range of quotations:
Pine Selects (Mich.) & better Plank.$60

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Ground leaves, new.

Ohio-inferior to good common..

brown and greenish.

medium and fine red..

yellow do. and fancy.

Kentucky-common to good lugs..


common to medium leaf..
good to fine...

select leaf....

[blocks in formation]

MANUFACTURED-IS in fair demand for good quality.
We quote tax paid as follows:

Pounds and Half Pounds, Twist, &c.
Fine bright.......
Good bright...

Medium sound.
Common sound.

85 @$1 25

75 @ 80

60 @ 70 50 @


35 @ 45

[ocr errors]


WHISKEY-The market has been quite active, with an improvement in tone, under light supplies. We note sales of some 500 bbls. City and Western at $1.35a 1.36 gallon, closing at the inside figures.

Live Stock Market.

There was an increased supply of Beef Cattle offered at the scales this week, in consequence of which the market ruled dull and prices lower. The offerings foot up 2,631 head, which were disposed of as follows: 971 were taken for the trade by Baltimore butchers; 690 sold to farmers for grazing; 520 to speculators and to supply other markets; 400 withdrawn for reshipment East, and 50 left over unsold. Of those sold we quote for the best quality $7a8 100 lbs.; good do., $6a7; medium to good fair do., $5a6; ordinary thin Steers and Cows, $4a5; inferior grades $3a4. Most of the sales at $4.50a6.50 100 lbs., and extreme range of prices $3a8 -a decline of 25a50 cents 100 lbs. Of the receipts


to $62

[blocks in formation]

45 @ 50



50 @


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


58 @


[blocks in formation]

50 @


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Of which 2,256 were brought by the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad, and 375 were driven to market.

HOGS-The receipts this week were 6,414, and with a limited demand prices ruled dull at a decline of 50 cents per 100 lbs. We quote fair to prime $10.50a13 100 lbs.

PROVISIONS-The market has been only moder- SHEEP-Under a good supply and moderate demand ately active this week, and prices of some articles are the market was inactive, and we note a decline of a shade lower. Stock continued limited with a fair about c. b. on the price of last week. We quote retail demand. We note sales of Bacon at 14a144 fat sheep at 3a5 cents D., and Lambs at $2a3.50 cents for Shoulders; 17a174 cents for Rib Sides; 174ahead.

3 50 to


25 to

[ocr errors]



[ocr errors]
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[blocks in formation]





3 50


[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Holloway's Ointment.-STIFF JOINTS.-One of the most remarkable attributes of HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT is the rapidity and certainty with which it relaxes contracted ligaments and sinews. Joints that have been stiff for years have repeatedly been restored to activity by a persevering use of this matchless salve. Brisk friction should be used in applying it in such cases, so that its annealing influence may thoroughly penetrate the contracted fibres. Sold by all Druggists.

The best and original tonic of Iron, Phosphorus, and Calisaya, known as CASWELL, MACK & Co.'s Ferro Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya Bark. The Iron restores color to the blood, the Phosphorus renews waste of the nerve tissue, and the Calisaya gives a natural, healthful tone to the digestive organs, thereby curing Dyspepsia in its various forms, Wakefulness, General Debility, and Depression of Spirits. Manufactured only by CASWELL, HAZARD & Co., New York. Sold by all Druggists.

Justin Bonnafous has recently established a RESTAURANT Á LA DELMONICO in this city, where he offers to Gentlemen and Ladies all the market affords. Having gone to much expense in this trial of French Cookery, and hoping at least a trial from the citizens of Baltimore, a call is respectfully solicited. No. 58 Fayette street, opposite the U. S. Court House, and adjoining Rennert's.

Coffee and Chocolate (just received from Paris) served in the French style.

Mr. BONNAFOUS (for many years Instructor of Fencing and Sword Exercise at the Naval Academy, Annapolis,) has devoted a chamber to these exercises, where he will give lessons at hours and prices to suit pupils. For further information apply at the "Maison Bonnafous."







E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.,


Invite the attention of the Public to their extensive assortment of Stereoscopes and Views, both of their own publication and manufacture, and of their own ..................................................................Business Manager importation. The Catalogue of their own Publications embraces about 4,000 subjects, including The Majesty and Beauty | Passaic Falls Views. of Niagara. Sing Sing Views. California Views. Glens of the Catskills. Niagara in Winter. Beauties of the Hudson. Saratoga Springs and Lake George. Hills and Dales of N. En-West Point Views. gland. Mammoth Cave Views. Views in


Very celebrated Company, which embraces the first
Artistes known in English Opera, and a strong, well-
selected Youthful Chorus, possessed of a Repertoire of
the Rarest Excellence, having achieved the most
in the Last Four Years, will commence a Season of
On MONDAY EVENING, October 19, 1868.
The following Artistes appear nightly:
(Late Caroline Richings,)




Assisted by a full and complete Chorus of young
and fresh voices, and




White Mountain Views.
Glimpses of the Great

Public Buildings in New
York and Brooklyn.
A Ramble through the
Southern Tier on the

route of the Erie Rail-

The Picturesque on the
Pennsylvania Central
Greenwood Cemetery
Washington City views.
Views at Trenton Falls.
Scenes and Incidents of
the late War.
Ramblings along the Wis-
sahickon and Schuyl-

[blocks in formation]

Miscellaneous Views.



The assortment of our Imported Views is very large
and well selected, embracing the choicest productions of
and other eminent Photographers, embracing

TUESDAY-First time in Baltimore (in English) of Switzerland,
Albert Lortzing's Comic Opera,


The Rhine,
The Pyrenees,


As Good as the Best. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD.-The Rockford, Rock Island and St. Louis Railroad Com-WEDNESDAY-Third time in America (in English) of Scotland, pany offer a limited amount only of their first mortgage bonds at 971⁄2, and accrued interest in currency. The bonds pay seven per cent. interest-February 1 and August 1-in gold coin, free of Government tax. The principal also is payable in gold. They have fifty years to run, and are convertible into stock at the option of the holder. A sinking fund is provided, sufficient to pay off the whole mortgage at maturity.

Each bond is for $1,000 or £200 sterling. Interest is payable in New York or London, at the option of the holder.

These bonds are amply secured, being a first and only lien upon the company's entire line of roadwhich traverses the finest district of Illinois-upon its franchises, rolling stock and other property, and upon its coal lands, of which it now controls over 20,000 acres, estimated to contain 100,000,000 tons of coal. These lands, on the completion of the road, would probably sell for a sum sufficient to retire the whole mortgage.

[blocks in formation]

For all the coal the company can produce there is a
ready market; 1,000 miles of railway, and the popula-HE BEST KID GLOVES IN THE WORLD are
tion of 30,000 square miles of territory, can be supplied
with fuel from its mines more ready and cheaply
than from any other quarter.

A large part of the means required in the construction of this road is derived from stock subscriptions. Over $1,500,000 has been already expended upon the line from this source alone, and subscriptions to the capital stock are now pledged sufficient to pay the whole cost of the road, with the exception of superstructure and rolling stock, leaving the proceeds of the bonds to be applied to these purposes, and to the purchase of coal lands.

Of the entire line 165 miles are now graded. The work is proceeding rapidly and successfully. It is intended to have the first division of fifty miles, giving an outlet to the coal, in operation by January 1, and the whole line within one year.

The estimated earnings of the road, with its coal business, are three-fold what will be required to pay interest on its bonds.

The trustee for the bondholders is the Union Trust Company, of New York.

At the present price of gold the bonds pay an income of over 10 per cent. in currency. For sale at the office of this company, No. 12 Wall street. Government and other securities received in

exchange at market rates.

H. H. BOODY, Treasurer.

Men's and Women's Sizes.


All Gloves made by me |

bear my signature


Agents for the United States,
No. 58 White street, New York.

Every description of GAS FIXTURES, at the oldest
house in the city. Selling off entire stock at reduced
prices, to close out. Heavy six-light Chandeliers at
from $25 to $75. Small Fixtures at very low rates.
Every description of Re-bronzing and Re-gilding ar-
and private buildings under my own superintendence,
tistically executed. Gas-lights introduced into publie

and warranted.

corner of St. Paul street and Bank lane.

[blocks in formation]

Also, ILLUMINATED and TRANSPARENT VIEWS in great variety. We are also exclusive Agents in America for "FERRIER'S GLASS VIEWS," of which we have a splendid assortment. Sole Agents for FRITH'S Series of Photographic Views in Switzerland, the Rhine, England, Scotland, Wales, etc., etc. STEREOSCOPES we manufacture very largely, and have a large stock of the best styles at the lowest rates. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS.-Our manufacture of Albums is well known throughout the country, as superior in quality and beauty to all others. We never buy any, but all we sell are made in our own Factory, and our styles are different from those of any other maker. Buyers should not fail to see our stock before making their purchases.

E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Manufacturers of Photographic Materials.

Louisa School for Young Ladies,

Nos. 360 and 362 N. Eutaw Street,


M Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, and Natural

Philosophy; assisted in Natural Philosophy by Miss

Mrs. ALBERT T. BLEDSOE, English Grammar,
Geography, Chronology, and History.

Miss E. M. BLEDSOE, Latin, French, and German. PROF. ALBERT T. BLEDSOE, A. M., LL. D., Moral Philosophy, Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, English Language and Composition; assisted in the last two branches by Mrs. HERRICK.

Music, Painting, Drawing, and Dancing, will be taught by the best Professors; and the terms will be regulated by their charges.

In addition to the regular course of instruction, Semi-monthly Lectures to the School and an invited audience, will be delivered by Prof. Bledsoe and seyeral distinguished friends of education,

The School will open on the 15th of September, and close on the 20th of June. A recess of ten days will be given at Christmas, and also at Easter. For Circulars apply to the Principal. GOLDSMITH & GILL,

Gentlemen's Outfitting Establishment,


Take pleasure in announcing to their friends that they and are fully prepared to furnish every article apperhave taken the large store, No. 88 North Charles street,

taining to a first class Gentlemen's Furnishing Store.

[blocks in formation]

AMERICAN WATCH CO. desire specially to remark that having had the refusal of all the contrivances designed to prevent damage to the train by the breakage of mainsprings,

FOGG'S PATENT CENTER-PINION was adopted for that purpose as the best, and faultless. WALTHAM WATCHES are now supplied with Patent DUST-PROOF CAPS, protecting the movement from dust, and greatly lessening the necessity of frequent cleaning, &c.; an improvement of




very great value to watch-wearers whose watches are F. S. WINSTON,

exposed to rough usage and constant wear.


WATCHES have frequently been submitted to the severest tests to determine their time-keeping qualities, and have invariably been found thoroughly reliable and accurate, receiving the strongest endorse

ments from railway engineers, conductors and ex- CASH ASSETS, over...
pressmen, the most exacting class of watch-wearers-


and Descriptions of Watches made by the WALTHAM COMPANY, adapted to the tastes and means of all classes; but the Company's written guaranty accompanies every Watch that bears the Company's name, and should be required of every seller. No Watches retailed by the Company.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Invested in Loans on Bond and Mortgage,
and United States Stocks.

Issues every approved description of


On selected Lives, at moderate rates, returning all

Invite the attention of purchasers to their large and Surplus annually to the Policy-holders, to be used
elegant stock of
either in payment of Premiums, or to purchase
SILVER WARE, ARTISTIC BRONZES, CLOCKS, additional Insurance, at the option of the assured.
and VASES,

Diamonds and other Rich Jewelry,

[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]

No. 21 South Street.

Medical Examiner.

Marine and Fire Insurance.



(R. H. GRIFFIN, formerly of South Carolina.)


[blocks in formation]

Court of Common Pleas of Venango County, Pa. No. 45, Jan'y T. 1868. And now, to wit, Sept. 5, 1868, motion in open Court to publish notice of liquidation of judgment in the above case in the Venango Spectator, a newspaper published in Venango county, and in the Baltimore Leader, a newspaper published in the city of Baltimore, Maryland. JAS. D. HANCOCK, Pl'ffs Att'y. Granted-Per Cur.


Debt as per Statement filed.
Interest from Nov. 18, 1865.


The Defendant will take notice that the above claim will be liquidated by the Prothonotary of Venango county at his office in Franklin, Pa., Nov. 4, 1868, at 10 o'clock a. m. J. H. SMITH, Pro.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

for use of WM. HENDERSON,
(of Baltimore.)


Court of Common Pleas of Venango County, Pa. No. 43, Jan'y T. 1068.

And now, to wit, Sept. 5, 1868, motion in open Court to publish notice of liquidation of judgment in the above case in the Venango Spectator, a newspaper published in Venango county, and in the Baltimore Leader, a newspaper published in the city of Baltimore, Maryland, for the period of six weeks. JAS. D. HANCOCK, PI'ffs Att'y. Granted-Per Cur.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Fire Insurance Agent and Broker.

50 CASE, containing 6 Sheets Commercial Note

Paper, 6 Envelopes do. 6 Sheets Ladies' Fine Gilt 6
Envelopes, do. 2 Indestructible Pens, 1 Pen Holder, 1
Lead Pencil, 12 Motto Seals, a guaranteed Receipt for
Rheumatism (Ingredients purchased at any Drug
Store); also, an Article of Utility and Fancy, to suit
both sexes. Sent by mail on receipt of price and three
red stamps, or C. O. D. by Express.

$100 U. S. Money Packed Daily in these Cases.

H. H. WOOLDRIDGE & CO., Cincinnati, O.

[blocks in formation]

And now, to wit, Sept. 5, 1868, motion in open Court to publish notice of liquidation of judgment in the above case in the Venango Spectator, a newspaper published in Venango county, and in the Baltimore Leader, a newspaper published in the city of Baltimore, Maryland. JAS. D. HANCOCK, Pl'ffs Att'y. Granted-Per Cur.

[blocks in formation]

Are prepared to offer Goods in their line, at prices that will compare favorably with those of any other market.

Their Stock of SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL, and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS is large and well selected. A large and varied assortment of

can always be found at their establishment.
They keep constantly on hand a full supply of

of different Styles and of their own manufacture. is pliant and elastic, and entirely free from the stiffness Having a Bindery connected with their Store, they found in so many Pianos. In

are, at all times, able, at short notice, to fill orders for Blank Books, ruled to any pattern, or of any desired

Orders, received by mail, will meet with prompt attention.

You are requested to call and examine our Stock and Prices before purchasing elsewhere.



A reprint of a series of articles in the Saturday Review. With an introduction by


Ambitious Wives.
Platonic Women.
Man and his Master.
The Goose and the Gan-


Woman in Orders.
Woman and her Critics.
Mistress & Maid on Dress
and Undress.
Esthetic Woman.

What is Woman's Work?
Papal Woman,

Modern Mothers.
Priesthood of Woman.

827 PEARL STREET (HARPERS' BUILDING,) NEW YORK, Are constantly supplied with PRINTING INK of the best qualities, which they are selling at prices lower than any other house in the United States,

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