Imagens das páginas

a Spanish Republic. The army is still faithful to the Provisional authorities; but if it shall become disaffected, it will be difficult to estimate the effects of the anarchy which will follow.

ment of the late canvass, to weaken the influence the white is the panoply of the negro, but also in
which a subject of so much gravity should exert the Border States? In West Virginia, in Mis-
upon the public mind. Indeed, it strikes us to souri, in Tennessee, thousands of true and patri-
be peculiarly obligatory upon the press to repeat otic citizens are deprived of the ballot for no other
its denunciations of this great political crime, now crime than their abhorrence of the purposes and
that it is proposed to aggravate its enormity by tendencies of a reckless Jacobinism. No consid-
universal negro enfranchisement.
eration of public safety, no necessity of personal

While a negro sits in the lobby of the House of Representatives, and claims a seat upon its floor; while Mr. Drake demands that the exIn assuming that a million of Southern whites protection, no political or social exigency can be pelled Africans shall be restored to their seats in are disfranchised, we have no desire to present an adduced in justification of the wrong. If disthe Georgia Legislature; while Mr. Sumner pro- excessive estimate. Could the number be ascer- franchisement were deemed essential to Republiposes, by Act of Congress, to establish universal tained with anything of official accuracy, we are can triumph, how long is it to be perpetrated manhood suffrage, including all races and colors satisfied the justice of our conclusions would be now that success has been assured? In other except the majority of the Southern whites-and more than sustained. But, so far as the vio- words, how long are those who have been shackled while the Radical press is accumulating a new lated principle of free government is involved, by the tyranny of usurpation to wear the chains budget of Ku-Klux outrages and instances of the it matters nothing whether one-half or one-fourth of political degradation? Questions like these oppression of the blacks-we have brought to us of that number are excluded from all control over must be answered. They cannot be ignored. the detailed account of the utter lawlessness of the internal affairs of the States, by which they They appear before the bar of power, both aplarge bands of Georgia negroes who have rendered are taxed, and, practically, from all representation pealing and defiant-basing appeal upon the life and property unsafe in the neighborhood of in the National Congress. The fact that any por- stubborn fact of perpetrated wrong-and resting Savannah. But the other day, a special police tion of the Southern whites are deprived of suf- defiance upon that eternal principle of political force, organized for patrol duty on the outskirts frage, unmasks the pretences of Republicanism right which proclaims that no tyranny-moral, of that city, was fired upon by armed negroes, its and exposes the hypocrisy of its professed devo- material or military-can indefinitely seal the lips leader immediately killed, and several of the men tion to universal freedom and equality, with such of a million of Freemen in enforced and degraddangerously wounded. If this were the first act force, that more than one of its organs have sought ing silence. of organized sedition on the part of these negroes, to defend its demonstrated inconsistency. It is it might be regarded as exceptional. But the scarcely necessary to expose the weakness of their THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. efforts of the municipal authorities of Savannah arguments. The plea, by confession, that but few to preserve peace and good order have been so actual disfranchisements have been effected by the Congress the last of his annual Messages. It is On Wednesday, Mr. Johnson transmitted to constantly required, and they have been attended, Fourteenth Amendment and the provisions of the not probable that, during the brief period of so frequently, with the loss of valuable lives, that Reconstruction Acts, is already answered; the Executive service now remaining to him, he will the insecurity of persons and property in its plea, by avoidance, that the disabilities imposed find occasion to communicate to the National vicinage has become most precarious. Yet, by mongrel Conventions and Legislatures result Legislature any farther views upon questions of amid the resolutions and propositions which have only from the control which each State exercises public policy. Nor is it likely that any consideraflooded both Houses of Congress, we note none over the question of suffrage, with which Congress tions, excepting those that may refer to the vinlooking to an inquiry into the efficacy of the Recon- cannot interfere, is based upon an insolent sup-dication of his own consistency, will induce him struction Laws to protect the whites of Georgia pression of the one fact, that the imposition of to oppose an impotent refusal of the Executive from the encouraged brutality of their negro mas- these disabilities was suggested by those who di-sanction to such laws as may be enacted during ters for masters they are-when no power can rect the action of the Radical majority in Con- the present session. be employed to repress their outrages without awakening the indignant denunciation of the gress-and of the other fact, that the Constitutions which inflict them have received the formal Radical papers, and furnishing a new theme for sanction of Congress itself. the canting rhetoric of Congressional Mrs. Jellabys.


It is not strange, therefore, that his last formal and official performance of a duty imposed by the Constitution, should be made the occasion of a Why the North, at the conclusion of the war, reiteration of his own views upon those questions demanded that large classes of Southern citizens which relate so directly to the political condition should be deprived of political rights, is easily of the country; or that, although overruled by By Constitutional provisions and amendments, explained. Timidity and apprehension were the Congress, and deprived of the legitimate influ, the operation of registry laws, and the imposition counsellors of the hour. The dead lion of South-ence of his position in their solution, he should of test-oaths, a large number of American citi- ern resistance still inspired a terror in the North- again declare the grounds upon which his official zens are disfranchised. It is stated, upon author- ern mind-which could not be reassured until the action was based, and appeal to the demonstraity which we have every reason to accept as captive South lay bound and manacled at the feet tions of actual experience to sustain the justice authentic, that in three States-Missouri, Texas of its conquerers. But months and years have of his own conclusions. Whatever response to and Tennessee-at least a quarter of a million of passed since then. Many changes have been this appeal may be made by warped and partisan voters are excluded from the polls, upon the false wrought, alike in the purposes of the victors, contemporaneous criticism, we hazard little in aspretence of their disloyalty. In Virginia and the and the sentiments of the vanquished. Were a suming that the calm judgment of posterity will Carolinas a hundred and fifty thousand more may proclamation of pardon to be uttered now, as the vindicate the wisdom of Mr. Johnson's policy be added to the number. While in the remain- first declaration of amnesty, after the termination upon the vital question of Southern Reconstrucing States an estimate of the victims of Radical of civil strife, it would scarcely be degraded by tion. Indeed, the following quotation from the proscription will increase the entire aggregate to invidious exceptions and conditions. The worse Message presents it in such broad contrast with more than one million of Southern whites who than judicial murder which was perpetrated by a the ultra and vindictive ideas upon which the are denied any participation in the administration bloody and irresponsible military commission, whole theory of the opposing policy of Reconof the governments under which they live. We would scarcely now receive the sanction of Execu- struction rests, that it might be accepted as the have little hope that any appeal, based upon this tive approval. Nor would Executive clemency calm and impartial language of future history: stupendous outrage, can yet be addressed, with now dare to insult humanity by unworthily shrinkeffect, to those who rather indicate a purpose to ing from those agonized appeals, which invoked inflict additional wrong upon a helpless minority, its interposition between the life of an innocent than to remove the disabilities which already de- woman and the most fearful of human dooms. grade and oppress them. But there is logic in a Why, then, is it, that the prohibition of sufgreat fact like this, which must, sooner or later, frage-designed originally, according to its apol-tants of those States alone suffered from the disturbed assert the force of its own demonstrations. We ogists, to be only temporary-is continued, not would, therefore, neglect an obvious duty, did we only in the Southern States, where, to use the permit the lull which has succeeded the excite- cant argument of Radicalism, the proscription of

"The attempt to place the white population under the domination of persons of color in the South has

impaired, if not destroyed, the kindly relations that had previously existed between them; and mutual distrust has engendered a feeling of animosity which, leading in some instances to collision and bloodshed, has prevented that co-operation between the two races so essential to the success of industrial enterprises in the Southern States. Nor have the inhabi

condition of affairs growing out of these Congressional enactments. The entire Union has been agitated by grave apprehensions of troubles which might again involve the peace of the nation; its interests have been injuriously affected by the dérangement of busi

tic and foreign affairs, sustained ourselves in peace

is made most manifest by the condition of the country

1865. Civil strife had ceased; the spirit of rebellion

ness and labor, and the consequent want of prosperity and political, are disappearing. Sydney Smith the extent of republishing, as does our New York throughout that portion of the country. "The Federal Constitution-the Magna Charta of thought that woman's unfitness for military duty contemporary, the names of ladies connected with American rights, under whose wise and salutary provisions we have successfully conducted all our domes- was an insuperable argument against any claim the Club as officers or members. According to and in war, and become a great nation among the on her part to participate in the privileges and the correspondent of the Springfield Republican, powers of the earth-must assuredly be now adequate burdens of government, and humorously sug- the Club has 118 members and 17 associate memto the settlement of questions growing out of the civil war waged alone for its vindication. This great fact gested a variety of inconveniences to which her bers. The Club keeps-we suppose with usual when Congress assembled in the month of December, sex might subject a female Commander-in-Chief feminine exactness-an account-book, from which had spent its entire force; in the Southern States the or Captain of hussars. But the Paraguayan war it appears that "the receipts thus far have been people had warmed into national life, and throughout seems to have demonstrated that this supposed $1,479; balance in the treasury $672." The Club, the whole country a healthy reaction in public sentiment had taken place. By the application of the physical impossibility was only imaginary, and moreover, has a President, Vice-Presidents, Secsimple yet effective provisions of the Constitution the Executive Department, with the voluntary aid of Colonel Bridget O'Reilly (if that's her name) retaries, a Treasurer, Board of Directors, and three the States, had brought the work of restoration as and her regiment of female soldiers have con- sub-committees-one on "Literature and Art ”— near completion as was within the scope of its authority, and the nation was encouraged by the prospect verted the fable of the Amazons into a living one on "Work"-and one on "Business." The of an early and satisfactory adjustment of all its difflculties. fact. At the Holliday Street Theatre Madame duties of the two last named Committees relate "Congress, however, intervened, and refusing to perfect the work so nearly consummated, declined to Senyah has proved conclusively that there is no exclusively to the internal administration of the admit members from the unrepresented States, adopt- reason why a woman may not be a sailor, and Club. As the institution is yet in its infancy, we ed a series of measures which arrested the progress of restoration, frustrated all that had been so successfully climb to the mast-head or reef topsails with any suppose that other important Committees—as, accomplished, and, after three years of agitation and strife, has left the country farther from the attain- man. Scores of medical diplomas are issued every for example, on "Housekeeping"-on the "Care ment of union and fraternal feeling than at the inception of the Congressional plan of reconstruction. It year to female graduates, dubbed Doctresses of and Management of Children "--and on the needs no argument to show that legislation which has Medicine; and the "Suppressed Sex," as the "Fashions," are yet to be organized. Rome was produced such baneful consequences should be abrogated, or else made to conform to the genuine prin- Westminster Review entitled it in a recent article, not built in a day, and it does not do to expect ciples of Republican Government." is in a fair way to be suppressed no longer. Re- too much at once. In one respect these Boston women are a model vising barristers in England have been puzzled to parry the demands of female tax-payers to be for mankind. They have succeeded, according allowed to vote, and it required the twelve judges to their own report, in triumphing over one of of Westminster Hall to determine in the negative the greatest infirmities of human nature. "The Miss Becker's proposition that a woman is a man. Committees," it is said, "are happy to receive This decision of the judges, however, was, of instruction, each in its own department, from course, a mere technicality—a quibble based upon their fellow members." How few there are, men the careless wording of an Act of Parliament. or women, thus willing to be advised! What The day cannot be distant when the anomaly will sweet humility-what touching docility implied be no longer presented of a woman seated upon in this declaration on the part of the Committees, the throne of England, and no woman allowed to of their willingness to be taught, and by their speak in Parliament-an assembly, the very legal fellows. An account of a business meeting of the designation of which, (from the French parler,) Club is given. It was held in the parlors of No. equivalent to the "Big Talk" of our American 3 Tremont Place, and is described as "quite a Indians-suggests woman's most effective sphere desert of women, with here and there an oasis of of action, and the exercise of her most formidable man." How neatly expressed! A "desert of privilege. In this country, Mr. Senator Wade, women' "-"an oasis of man"-and how characannexation of the two republics of St. Domingo" in a speech delivered at Leavenworth City, more teristically humble withal! It is the reverse of would receive the "consent of the people inter- than a year ago, predicted that the political en- the idea suggested by the poet Campbell: ested," is a somewhat startling conclusion to a franchisement of woman would follow that of the previous suggestion, "whether our recent and present example is not calculated to check the growth and expansion of free principles, and make

What may be wanting in the summary here presented of the effects of reconstruction and its failure, both in theory and practice, the details of each day more than supply. They are too familiar to need recital or example. They afford the facts and the testimony which, before the impartial tribunal of the future, will justify and sustain this arraignment by the President of those who have destroyed the sanctity of the Constitution and sown the seeds of perpetual discord.

It is not our purpose to present a summary of the Message. The questions of finance, the condition of our Foreign Relations, and the various

other subjects of comment or recommendation, are brought to the attention of Congress in the usual and prescribed order. The statement that "so direct a proceeding as a proposition for the

those communities distrust, if not dread, a Government which, at will, consigns to military domi

negro, and pledged his own services as a champion
and pioneer in the movement. A Woman's ticket
for the Presidency in 1872 is freely talked of, and
the Church Union, a religious hebdomadal, sup-

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The world was sad-the garden was a wild;
And man the hermit sigh'd-till woman smiled.
But Campbell was a man, and it is to be pre-

sumed that the correspondent of the Springfield
Republican, who knows so much of the Ladies'
Club, and looks upon man as an oasis in the desert

nation States that are integral parts of our Fed. posed to be edited by men, but sillier even than of her life, is of the feminine gender. The aderal Union, and assumes to establish over a large in a paragraph which we lately quoted, advocated the usual run of religious newspapers, so-called, vantages and objects of the Club are fully set portion of its people a rule more absolute, harsh forth. "On the first Monday of every month, a and tyrannical, than any known to civilized pow-ests in future political contests. a fusion between the female and Christian inter-literary entertainment will be provided at 71⁄2 ers." The recommendation of a former Message o'clock. On the third Monday of every month is repeated, that the Constitution should be But of all the movements which have been set a discussion will take place on a subject previously amended so as to provide for the election of the on foot, calculated to obliterate the conventional announced, to be conducted by some person espePresident and Vice-President by a direct vote of distinctions between the sexes, the most effectual cially appointed to that duty." We have heard of the people-for a distinct designation of the perwhich we can imagine is one of which we have young girls' literary soirées, or reading parties, at son to discharge the duties of the Chief Magis- recently seen some notice in Northern journals which there is generally very little reading-a trate in case of the death and disability of both the institution of Women's Clubs. A Boston let- great many talking-some supper and much the President and Vice-President-for the election ter to the Springfield Republican, copied in a dancing. But, we suppose, old girls, and Boston of Senators of the United States by a direct poprecent number of the New York Tribune, con- girls, are more stable in their ways, and will not ular vote-and for a limitation, to a period of tains an account of the organization and pros-be so easily diverted from the high object of inyears, of the terms of Federal Judges. pects of the "New England Woman's Club," at tellectual improvement which this New England No. 3 Tremont Place, Boston. Whether a club Woman's Club has in view. "Mr. Ralph Waldo is a public or private institution, we are not ex- Emerson and Henry James are upon the list, actly prepared to say. But this particular Club, among others, as having promised papers for these desiring, doubtless, with true maternal and there- occasions." They were, we suppose, the green fore womanly instinct, to be the parent of numer-spots at the business meeting alluded to. Another THE LADIES' CLUB. ous daughter-clubs, seems not to shrink from but "oasis" of a man whom we can safely recommend One by one the various little impediments that rather to court rotoriety. We have no hesita- to the members of a female Lyceum, and whose have been supposed to stand in the way of woman's tion, therefore, in commenting upon the informa- name we are surprised not to find "upon the list," admission to an absolute equality of rights, social tion thus furnished to the public, though not to is Mr. Charles Sumner.

These propositions and some other features of the Message we may have occasion to make the subjects of future notice-at present, we are forced to pass them without comment.



more or less familiar. Of these, therefore, mind

Venice,) from the collection of Mr. Samuel W.

The attractions of the Club do not stop here. Boston ladies regard whist as too frivolous for usual number of "old masters." Many of these It is a regular Club, just like the Maryland or the them. If there are any young girls in the Club-pictures have done duty at previous exhibitions of Union, with all the conveniences. "The rooms do they play 'smut' or 'bezique?' We advise the Society, and with nearly all of them we are are open day and evening for the use of the them to beware of 'old maid.' Men's clubs are ful of the respect due to "undoubted originals by members and associate members." We wonder not the best training-schools in the world for husgreat masters," we shall say nothing, but reserve whether any of the ladies' husbands come under bands. There is a quiet, a comfort, a degree of our comments for those pictures that are either the latter category, or whether these intellectual independence about a well-managed club, that new or seen by us for the first time. We will only dames of Boston condescend to "associate" with doesn't predispose men to matrimony. But a remark, en passant, that while no master's name their husbands at all. The Club-house is open woman's club-what man in his senses would ever can make some of them pass current for good pic"day and evening," a happy refuge from the think of choosing a wife from such a place? tures, there are others whose merits require no such cares of housekeeping and the nursery-from the Then, we are curious to know what kind of voucher. Among the latter we will only specify plague of servants and the bore of children. "A hours the members keep. There is a "usual Nos. 3 (Interior of a Kitchen) and 45 (Scene in clerk will be present constantly to answer ques- hour for closing" referred to in the paper before Smith; Nos. 14 (St. Sebastian) and 43 (a head of tions, take charge of parcels, and in other ways us, but that hour is not specified. Then, when Pope Innocent X.,) the property of Mr. Robert contribute to the comfort of the members." De- the Club-doors are closed, and no more late-comers Gilmor; Nos. 16 and 25, two family portraits by lightful to be able to do a morning's shopping, admitted, is the little knot sitting up within, Sir Thomas Lawrence, and 29 (a portrait of the and then drop in "at the Club" for a piece of and disposed to "make a night of it," required Stadtholder Barneveldt); the latter now owned by cake, a glass of Maraschino, or Roman punch, to adjourn, or are they, as we have known to Mr. George B. Coale, but formerly, if we mistake with a clerk to take charge of "parcels." If be permissible by the rules of other clubs, allowed not, in the collection of the late Z. Collins Lee. Passing, however, from this company of the there were only another officer added, whose duty the privileges of owls, and to sit up all night ancients into more modern society, our attention it should be to take care of the members' children they choose, and not go home till morning"? is first arrested by 51 (A Rainy Night in Milan), —a secluded place or apartment of the Club-the That provision is made for the latter contingency, which is an exceedingly clever representation of Club-cellar, for example, where double doors we rather infer, from the otherwise somewhat the murky effect of rain and darkness-the latter should cut off all sound, and where the duties of superfluous announcement that "the lodgings and only relieved by the dimmed lustre of the street nurse and mother might be performed by proxy, bath-rooms are for members only." Here, we lamps and the light gleaming from shop-windows, and reflected by the wet and sloppy pavements. all at the Club expense, and as one of the fruits have a practical system of divorce a mensa et of associated enterprise, what happy women these thoro, inaugurated straightway. The wife may particularly good. A little further on, on the same The drawing and perspective in this picture are New England matrons would be! There would not only dine out, but sleep out at her club, if, wall, we have one of the finest pictures in the Exbe but one discomfort remaining connected with in Boston phrase, "she have a mind to." But hibition, No. 53 (The Little Image Boy,) the prothe idea of maternity-and even this burden of those who go home-what excuse do they make perty of the Hon. J. P. Kennedy. It is somethe sex, albeit imposed by Divine wrath, and as to their husbands for staying out late; or do they thing in the style of Murillo. The little Italian, old as the Garden of Eden-if numerous and require the latter to come for them, and stand his bare feet dusty and travel-stained, has fallen terrible statistics are to be believed-New Eng with overshoes and shawls and umbrella in the asleep, his head reclining upon his brittle ware, one hand in his pocket, his whole attitude suggesland is not behind modern France in the inven- hall below? Of course, we do not mean to imply tive of sound sleep, earned by a fatiguing tramp. tion and application of means to avoid. that men's clubs necessarily or even usually pro- No. 56 is a happy representation of the chiar' The Clerk is also Steward, or, we should say, mote dissipation of this kind, or that club-men oscuro effects of moonlight. It is entitled "MoonStewardess. "She is prepared to furnish tea at (we know nothing about club-women) are more light in Venice;" is by J. T. Hennings, and is any time, and will provide hot oysters, chops or apt than other men to go to the bad. We know also from Mr. Kennedy's collection. No. 57 steaks at short notice." How domestic we shall no reason why a Bishop may not belong to a club. all be, and what a world of trouble will be saved, We have known a right reverend prelate or two, when husbands and wives universally dine, each and at least a score of parsons, who were emiat his or her respective club, and nobody eats at nently clubable persons. The late learned and home-except the servants! In fact, what need amiable Dean Milman, we saw it mentioned the for homes at all in such an advanced stage of civ- other day, was one of the ornaments as he was ilization? The great German scholar Müller al- one of the most constant habitués of the Athenways said that the institutions of Lycurgus were æum-one of the best of London clubs, no less the best the world had ever known. The New celebrated for its good cook, than its excellent storm-cloud is much finer and truer to nature England theory, which merges the individual in library. But exceptional cases do exist-and are than in Hart's picture, in which blue predomithe State, and the State in the Nation, may well women better able than men to dispense with nates too much in the cloud-coloring. The grouppropose to swallow up private in public life. wholesome domestic restraints, and all the good ing and expression of the frightened cattle, howSo far we have sketched from published mate- influences of home and fireside? We should like ever, in the latter work are good. No. 82, a large rials the outlines of this latest Boston "institu- to be better advised upon this point, as well as contains some capital drawing and grouping, and picture, "The Horse Market," by Otto Weber, tion." We should like to know more about its upon sundry others we have suggested, before we 83 (Maternal Affection,) which hangs hard by, is practical working. We wonder whether the mem- recommend to our own fair countrywomen, who one of the gems, as it is certainly one of the favorbers ever sit with their hats on, in a semi-circle we trust have too much sense ever to surrender ites, in the collection. It is just possible that the around the fire, and cross-well, their feet-and their true prerogatives for a share in those natur- remarkably lusty infant, who is tugging at the smoke solemnly, and still more solemnly talk-ally possessed by men-any imitation of the pre- maternal breast, may be a little out of proportionrather too large-but we leave that point to better bonnets. We wonder whether habituées, critical cedent set them by their New England sisters. judges. Undoubtedly, such an infant would be in the matter of tea and toast, ever growl at the Stewardess and declare that "that last cup of tea THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY'S ART called "out West" a "perfect whale" of a child. No. 86 (Coast of France,) by M. H. F. de Haas, wasn't fit for a body to drink"-that "it was permay be contrasted for mode of treatment and colfect slops" that "the cooking is perfectly hor- The Seventh Exhibition of Paintings, under the oring of water with No. 181 (Beverly Beach,) by rid"--and that "the Directors ought to attend to auspices of the Maryland Historical Society, now Kensett, in the little room. Both are good-both it?" We wonder, too, what games are allowed, open at the Society's Rooms in the Athenæum, is true to nature-yet entirely unlike. No. 95 (Rainfor we take for granted that the idea of diversion altogether creditable. In saying so, of course we ing Cats and Dogs,) by W. H. Beard, is a humoris not wholly excluded. We have always thought walls of the two rooms devoted to the purposes of expression. do not mean that all the pictures which cover the ous subject, treated with characteristic vigor and There is positive savagery in the women too frivolous for whist. There have been the Exhibition, are good, but that the collection, canine fight going on in the foreground-something few of the sex who have risen to the intellectual taken as a whole, is interesting and instructive, and spectral and weird-like in the descending animal altitude in this respect of Mrs. Sarah Battle, im- well worth a visit from any lover of art. We shower; while the battered and distressed condimortalized by Lamb. But it may be that these have, upon the north wall of the larger room, the tion of some of the creatures that have fallen, ex


(Leutze's Daughter.) by W. D. Washington, is a simple child-portrait, in the Düsseldorf mannerthoroughly life-like and natural-preferable to the more ambitious attempt by Sully, No. 58. Nos. 60 (The Coming Storm) and 72 (The Vintage,) should have had the same title, and may be advantageously compared. The first named is by J. M. Hart, the last by A. R. Veron. We decidedly prefer the latter; the effect of the gathering


vein and his thirst for observations of actual life seem to have disqualified him. After serving his allotted time in the Prussian army and occupying nobleman, he went to Leipzig, in 1854, to devote the post of tutor in the family of a Pomeranian himself to general literature, and he afterwards became a teacher (Privat Docent) of modern literature and aesthetics.

cites commiseration. Nos. 98 (A New England heart, lay or cleric, a sentiment more than Platonic. profession, and the following year he removed to Interior,) by Eastman Johnson, and 104 (Lonely The work has decided merit. A young gentle- Bonn to study philology. He remained at Bonn Days,) by E. Benson, are two specimens of genre- man, H. Bolton Jones, also a Baltimoreas, and till 1850, when he returned to Berlin, continuing his studies partly at that university and partly at painting, both cabinet size, that merit considera- who, a few years ago, was studying the elements that of Griefswald. Whilst at these universities tion. In the former the old woman sewing by the of drawing at the Maryland Institute, exhibits he appears to have studied a variety of subjects, window, through which we get an August glimpse three Landscapes, Nos. 80, 90 and 119, which give but discursively rather than with reference to any of summer out-of-doors, is excellent; so in the evidence both of progress and of promise. Other regular profession-for which both his poetical other is the attitude of the young girl, suggestive pictures there are, and by other artists, which of absolute weariness and solitude, while the out-merit mention, and against which we find penlook, through the window, is drear and autumnal. cilled marks of approbation on our catalogue. Another genre-picture, admirably done, with the Want of space forbids us to continue the inviting exception of some defective drawing in the up- subject. We have said enough, we hope, to inlifted right arm of the female figure, otherwise duce those of our readers who have a taste for Art, excellent, is No. 134 (A Lady Arranging Flowers,) and have not yet visited the Society's Rooms, to by Plassan. It is far better than the companion-avail themselves of the brief opportunity remainpiece by the same name and artist, numbered in ing before the Exhibition closes. the catalogue 112, and which is much less deserving of commendation. A similar criticism may be made with reference to the pair of pictures, Nos. 116 (Expectation,) and 133 (Disappointment,) both by W. Amberg. The former is far better than its companion-piece, and is, indeed, one of the best pictures in the room. The subject a young girl eagerly looking out through a half-open door or gate in a park-wall-the warm green and sunshine seen within contrasting finely with the deep shadow in which rest both wall and figure-has some souvenir about it of Millais.


1857, and in the following year a short romance, His first romance, Clara Vere, was published in Auf der Düne (On the Downs), appeared, and attracted considerable attention. In the six years Spielhagen resided at Leipzig he wrote many critical essays for periodicals, translated a considerable number of French, English, and American works-particularly of American poets-and published there two more short romances, one of which, Röschen vom Hofe, a charming idyl, rapidto Hanover, where he married; and the following ly passed through four editions. In 1860 he went year he removed to Berlin, where he has since resided, displaying great activity in connection In 1861 his first large romance, Problematische with a leading periodical, and as romance writer. Naturen, appeared, and at once established for the writer a great reputation. It was followed the next year by a continuation, Durch Nacht zum long romance, Die von Hohenstein, was published, Lichte (Through Night to Light). In 1864 another and lastly, in the autumn of 1866, Reih' und Glied (In the Ranks), a romance in six volumes.

To-day-in accordance with previous announcement-we begin the publication of a translation of the new Novel, HAMMER AND ANVIL, by Friedrich Spielhagen, which is now appearing as a serial in Germany. Our translation will be made especially for this paper, and continued from week to week until the work is completed. That our readers may know what to expect, and what grounds we had for giving the preference to Spielhagen over any other contemporaneous writer of No. 126 (Gennessee Valley,) by Kensett, shows fiction, whose works we might have reproduced at how much can be done with materials apparently less cost and labor-we subjoin a brief account of lacking most of the elements of the picturesque. the author, and a critical estimate of his merits as One-third earth, and two-thirds sky, the landscape a Novelist, taken from an article in the October the exception of his first, Clara Vere, are laid in The scenes of all Spielhagen's romances, with presents us with nothing more than an apparently number of the Westminster Review. The Review the Baltic provinces or islands, in the Prussian level plain, in high cultivation, the distant back- warms into unwonted enthusiasm in its discussion capital, or on the Rhine. Clara Vere is an Engground veiled in haze, yet is undoubtedly one of of the claims of this latest and greatest of Ger-lish tale which, though possessing psychological the best in the exhibition. "The Hunter's Story," man romance-writers, of whom, elsewhere, in the and poetical charms, is utterly un-English in tone and character. With this exception all the fic(No. 130) by Seitz, is well-told: the air of the nar- course of the same article, it says: "As a delinea- tions of our author belong to the category of what rator, who has evidently something marvellous to tor of individual characters, many of them types the Germans call "Romances of the times." In tell; the rapt attention of his auditor, who hears of different classes of society;, as a painter of the two last he has ventured on the hazardous the story for the first time; the indifference of the various situations, scenic and social, he appears to Yet we believe what may be called the purpose of ground of the so-called "Tendency romance." other, who has heard it before, and the quizzical us unequalled by any other modern German writer the writer is not so much the result of a conscious look of incredulity on the face of the landlord (we of fiction." Another critic, one of his own coun- desire to advocate particular political and social presume him to be who stands by, and doesn't trymen, hardly less laudatory, says that "a psycho- theories, as the natural outflow of his own indibelieve a word of it-are all vigorously and suc- logical historian of the future may turn to his youthful mind in the revolutionary year of 1848, viduality, and of the impressions made on his cessfully rendered. All the details and accessories works for valuable data on many aspects of social as well as in the reactionary period which folin this picture are carefully studied. No. 129 (A life in the present times."* His pages reflect the lowed. However warmly some of the characters Trooper in a Snow-Storm,) by Schreyer, is also a ideas and the manners of to-day. His pictures of in the two last romances take up politico-social simple subject well handled. J. W. Casilear ex-society are German, of course, as are his descrip- on the whole no injury is done to the old-fashquestions, and aim at revolutionary changes, yet hibits several pictures, not less than four of which tions of nature, drawn chiefly from the scenes with ioned moral that domestic virtues and a conscien2 (Nos. 114, 158, 161 and 171) are of Swiss Lakes; we tious fulfilment of the nearest-lying duties are prefer 114 and 171. the welfare of society in general. But the heroes most conducive to the happiness of individuals and in many of Spielhagen's romances are not made of common stuff. They are very unusual natures,

productions. But to our extract-which gives all
the additional information the curious reader may
desire in regard to the man and what he has ac-
complished, and as an introduction to what will
be found elsewhere in our pages:

which he is most familiar-the shores of the Baltic and the little islands that cluster about its coast. Of our own home artists, of whose progress and He is a young man, comparatively-not yet forty, improvement we find evidences in the rooms of the and in the prime, therefore, of intellectual vigor Exhibition, John P. Key exhibits 105 (A Land- and power, and at an age when ambition still stim-gifted with more than the average of intellectual A few have scape) and 155 (On the Cheat River.) Mr. Key'sulates to exertion. His previous works, as the power, even for our intellectual age. even Titanic qualities-towering ambition, insatistyle, which appears to have been lately formed by Westminster reviewer tells us, exhibit marked able cravings, and overwhelming passions, which studies amid the grave mountain scenery of the signs of improvement at once steady and progres- bring them to a miserable end. That the heroes Alleghanies, is somewhat too sombre to be gener-sive, and it may reasonably be inferred that the in romances-which have been styled the modern ally popular-yet no one familiar with the scenery present will be at least equal to any of his former dinary men, is but what we have a right to expect. epics-should stand at least a foot higher than orin question can doubt his perfect fidelity to nature. It can interest none but the most unrefined minds The view "On the Cheat River," (No. 155,) which to be occupied chiefly in works of fiction with has more brightness and warmth of tone, we precommon-place, vulgar natures, and their un poetical fer to 105, which, however, is itself, in the very tinsel, and talking in highflown fashion amidst surroundings, or with stilted heroes clothed in point of truthfulness to nature, of which we speak, scenes of extravagant conception. In Spielhasuperior in our judgment to No. 62 (Shawangunk From biographical notices of Spielhagen in gen's heroes psychological truth is never violated. Mountains,) by Gifford, which hangs just above it. German periodicals, we gather that he was born The principal personages in his romances live bein Magdeburg, in 1829, and is the son of a Prussian fore us and fix our interest. Their dispositions Perhaps we are less familiar with the phase of na-functionary of considerable rank (Regierungs- are not described, but impressed upon our minds ture represented in the latter picture. We also rath). His youth was passed in the romantic old in action. The plots of his romances, too, despite prefer, of the two compositions of Mr. F. B. May- town of Stralsund, to which his father was re- the great number of scenes and characters introer's which fell under our notice, his "Attic Phil- moved in 1885, and the scenery of that neighbor- duced, are nevertheless skilful, consistent, and hood, and of the near lying island Rügen, appears artistic. He makes no extravagant use of improbaosopher" (No. 98) to his "Artist" (No. 188.) Mr. to have become so deeply impressed on the open-ble coincidences, nor is the reader kept on the Mayer's greatest want, it appears to us, is want ing mind of the boy, that he subsequently painted tenter-hooks of suspense whilst the intricacies of of imagination. He is too literal. Edward Van it with enthusiasm in several of his romances. a plot are unravelled. It was Schiller, we believe, Reuth, also of this city, contributes a pre-Raphael- His course of "gymnasial' education in Stralsund who called the romancist the half brother of the having been completed in 1847, he went in that poet. To Spielhagen's glowing descriptions of ite study, No. 143 (Eloise and Abelard,) which is year to the University of Berlin, intending to in the cold hard manner of that school, except the study medicine. But his poetical nature soon kneeling figure of Eloise, which is admirably caused him to give up all thoughts of the medical drawn, and is as warm and natural a piece of wo* Bibliothek der Deutschen Klassiker. Band xxiv., manly flesh and blood as ever kindled in the human p. 683, &e. Hildburghausen.

nature, which are never tediously minute, and are invariably brought into harmony with, or made to enhance by contrast the moods and actions of his personages, a true poetical charm is given. In this respect they may be said to occupy a happy position between the vague and shadowy pictures


In this connection, it is proper for me to express the confidence which we repose in Chief Justice Chase. I am satisfied that the general sentiment of the community recognizes, in him, the existence of those eminent traits we have been taught to consider essential to the character of an upright judge. I do not mean to rank him with Judge

formerly met with in German romances, and the whip.' 'Oh, thank you.' Right hand for whip pathy with our people, no regard for the welfare photographic realism or word-painting, so weari- and left for reins, like Byng? Or, left hand for of the State, and no interest in its future prossome to readers of taste in many of our modern whip and right for reins, like Milburd? Or, both English novels. With a skilful hand, too, he in one hand, like Fridoline? Walking gently. As paints the tender emotions and longings of the we go along, Milburd points out nice little fences, heart, particularly in his female characters, which Your beast could hop over.'-Yes, by herThough the interest in his stories is generally well self. sustained, yet in many of them the dénouements Happy thought.-Like riding. Fresh air exare sad, a foreboding of which, as the conse- hilarating. Shall buy a horse. N. B.-Shall buy quence of vices, errors, or weaknesses in the ac- a horse which will walk as fast as other horses; tors, too soon perhaps arises in the reader's mind. not jog. Irritating to jog. If I check him, he As in the Greek tragedies, an inexorable fate jerks his head, and hops. Fridoline calls him seems to pursue its victims, and but few of this showy. Wonder if, to a spectator, I'm showy! writer's romances can be put down when finished Passing by a village grocer's. Marshall, nor do I attribute to him that more without feelings of pain mingling with admiration Happy thought. See myself in the window. than Roman purity which distinguished Judge of his power. But the comic elements, satire, wit, Not bad; but hardly 'showy.' Antigropelos Taney. But estimating his course with reference and humor, are not wanting to afford amusement effective. to the reader. Apart from the national coloring Happy thought.-If I stay long here, buy a to our anomalous social and political condition pertaining to his characters, their peculiar quali- saddle, and stirrups my own length. My weight, and the very distinct and antagonistic relations ties are shown to have little to do with external when he jogs, is too much on one stirrup. which were held by him and the people of the circumstances. We see the hereditary influences Fridoline asks: 'Isn't this delightful? I say, of temperament and other organic conditions in-Charming. Milburd talks of riding as a science. South, toward that terrible struggle, which has dicated; and in descriptions of bodily gestures, He says: The great thing in leaping is to keep resulted so disastrously for them, it would be great and expressions of the countenance, much know-your equilibrium.' injustice were not full testimony borne to the uniledge of human nature, in its morbid as well as form calmness, tolerance, and almost sympathy, healthy state, is displayed. But enough of general observation on this author. We have before us with which he has approached the performance of numerous criticisms of his works in well-accredihis judicial duties in our midst. J. C. Y. ted German periodicals, which could be cited in proof that we have not overestimated his powers nor his popularity. Indeed, in Germany he is generally acknowledged to occupy the foremost rank amongst modern writers of fiction; an opinion, moreover, confirmed to some extent by the publication of his romances in a collected form.


Happy Thoughts. By F. C. Burnand. London: Bradbury, Evans & Co. 1868.

writers in Punch, and the author, we believe, of

weave them into a sort of story. The hero is pe

culiarly subject to these "happy thoughts," and rash in following them; and as he is singularly unlucky in getting into whimsical perplexities, his adventures are decidedly amusing.

Timid equestrians will sympathise with his first riding to cover:

"Milburd wants to know if I'm going to be all day. Fridoline's horse is restive; the other two are restive. I wish they weren't. Mine wants to be restive; if he goes on suddenly, I go off. Happy thought.-If I do come a nasty cropper like Parsons, I hope I shall do it alone, or before strangers only.

Happy thought.-The pummel."




NEW YORK, December 8, 1868. TO THE EDITORS OF THE STATESMAN: In reading Mr. Bledsoe's rejoinder to Mr. Stephens, I beg leave to say that I have not been very favorably impressed by it. This rejoinder certainly is not more remarkable for its candor and amenity than the review, or criticism, which occasioned Mr. Stephens' reply.

The gist of this subject seems to me to lie in a

neous, but under extraordinary excitement, de

livered before a Convention just met for the purthe speech was, therefore, necessarily, a special pose of carrying Georgia out of the Union; and plea against the object in view. Would even the critic, Mr. Bledsoe, assume that Mr. Stephens, on that occasion, and under such circumstances, was under any obligation, moral or political, to furnish the impassioned multitude he was addressing with arguments in favor of their purpose? If he had done so, I submit, he would not only have been inconsistent, but ridiculous. He was then dealing with policy, in its broadest sense, and not with the History of the Right of Secession.

THE VIRGINIA JUDICIARY AGAIN. RICHMOND, December 7, 1868. MESSRS. EDITORS:-I intended to communicate to you the result of the application, made on behalf of the negro, Griffin, to be discharged from the custody of the Sheriff of Rockbridge, because of the illegality of the tribunal by which he was sentenced to the Penitentiary in September last. In my letter of the 20th ultimo, I stated very Mr. Burnand, who is one of the most sprightly his petition, and added that the particular purpose very narrow compass; and, if understood and briefly the grounds upon which his counsel rested that capital burlesque Chikkin Hazard, has doubt-to be accomplished, was not the release of a negro candidly dealt with, would relieve the ill-tempered criminal, but the vacation of a number of Vir-critic from so many mortal columns of words. less had a good many happy thoughts in his time, Mr. Bledsoe seems determined to hold Mr. Stebut few, of the kind, happier than this: to record ginia judgeships, that their places might be filled the sudden notions that pop into one's mind in the by the hungry horde of carpet-baggers and scala-phens to some expressions clipped from his Millittle vexations and emergencies of daily life, and wags who have thus far been without reward or ledgeville speech, which was not only extemporarecognition. As was anticipated, by those who are at all familiar with the personal and official United States District Court for Virginia, judgcharacter of the Judge who presides over the ment has been rendered in favor of the petitioner. The immediate effect of this decision is to place at liberty a vile and dangerous outlaw. Beyond this, for the present, no consequences will result, because the counsel for Judge Sheffey have taken an appeal to the Circuit Court. It would be a waste of time and space were I to trouble you with the grounds of Judge Underwood's decision, which is entirely harmless, because it will require the concurrence of the Chief Justice to give it power and I like being comfortable before I start. Stop effect. I will be pardoned, however, for adverting one minute. Stirrup one hole higher up on the When, however, Mr. Stephens took up his pen right. The whole-uncle, who is watching the to the anomaly in American Jurisprudence, which as a historian, circumstances had indeed changed! says, 'Aren't those girths rather reposes in a single Judge, without even ordinary The gigantic evils which his great mind had foreloose? The groom sees it for the first time. He accomplishment as a lawyer, and certainly with-seen and measured, had befallen his country. begins tightening them. Horse doesn't like it. out the dignity, experience and love of justice, Without upbraiding any man, without unkind reWoo! poor fellow! good old man-I mean good old woman, then.' Horse puts back its ears and which should belong to one occupying even the flection upon any party, he has essayed to vinditries to make himself into a sort of arch. I don't humblest judicial position, the power to determine cate the Truth of History and the Right of Secesknow what happens when a horse puts back its that two-thirds of our State Courts are illegal tri- sion. His was a momentous task, requiring all bunals, that the Judges who preside over them are those eminent qualifications for which Mr. SteHe answers Kicks.' Ah! I know what hap- disqualified and without authority, and that all phens, not less than any living man, is disticpens if he kicks. That would be the time for the their acts-whether relating to the determination guished. How he has acquitted himself of his nasty cropper. The expression will hang about of civil issues or the punishment of criminal task, his friends and admirers are content to leave my memory. 'All right now?' Quite. Still wrong about the stirrups: one dangling, the other offences-are void, pretended and without force. to the judgment of posterity. lifting my knee up; but won't say anything more, Were it not for the delay which the right to apor Fridoline may think me a nuisance. peal affords, we would to-day have the doors of Two reins. Groom says she goes casy on the snaffle. Pulls a little at first; but you needn't the penitentiary thrown wide open and hundreds hold her.' I shall, though. Trotting, I am told, of the worst criminals cast back upon our society, We regret to say that the Second Concert of the is her great pace.' The reins are confused. One without the restraint of law or the apprehension Peabody Institute was far inferior to its predecesought to be white, the other black, to distinguish of punishment to deter them from a repetition of sor. The Overture to Der Freischutz was suithem. Forget which fingers you put them in. their crimes. We would, moreover, in a majority ciently well performed; but the Orchestra execuMusn't let groom see this. Happy thought.-Take 'em up carelessly, any- of our judicial circuits, have our court-houses ted very imperfectly Haydn's Symphony and how. Watch Byng. closed-or, what would be a far more deplorable Rossini's Overture to Le Siege de Corinthe. And We are walking. My horse very quiet. Foot- alternative, behold the seats, long honored by on this occasion we must insist again on what we man runs after me. Idiot, to come up abruptly: enough to frighten any horse. If you're not on men of judicial dignity and uprightness, occupied have said before, and that is, that good musicians your guard, you come off so easily. Here's alby adventurers and recreants who have no sym-l ought to be selected and paid so much by the year

Happy thought.-The mane.



Happy thought.-Ask Milburd.

S. J. A.


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