Imagens das páginas

VOL. I.-NO. 10.



Spain and Emancipation.....

"Whom Ye Ignorantly Worship".


The Earthly Paradise.......







Kellogg's Farewell Concert-Third Act of FaustThe German Composer Raff.. CORRESPONDENCE:


A Complaint from a Northern Subscriber............149

HAMMER AND ANVIL. A Novel by Friedrich Spielhagen. Chapters II, III and IV.



Notes of the Week.


they have turned, from mere love of variety, into the unaccustomed paths of truth. Be all this as it may, we commend the evidence thus borne, as to the real condition of South Carolina, to the consideration of Mr. Drake. He may, at least, except that State from the half-dozen which he seeks to overrun with a loyal militia armed with Government rifles, and seeking to inaugurate a

carnival of blood and terror.

The papers publish a very complacent letter from a Northern Republican who is domiciled in South Carolina. He declares that the feelings of the people have become as mild as milk-that a Radical is looked upon with the most amiable indulgence-and that the dawn of a new era has swiftly followed the election of General Grant. That harmonizing event has smoothed out all the Horne Tooke says the aim of language is to 153 wrinkles of war and poured full measures of oil communicate our thoughts, and, though we have 151 upon the troubled waters of South Carolina dis- examples of men who are full of words and nothaffection. This is by no means the whole of his ing else-vox et preterea nihil—as a general rule, story. Already, under the influences of the peace the more one thinks, the more readily does he out of Town, and furnished to Newsdealers in the which that benign soldier has shed over the land find words to express thought. It is very proba

[blocks in formation]

Three Dollars per annum-payable in advance.-soft and shadowy moonshine reflected from the ble, therefore, that although "unaccustomed Persons residing in the city can be served by Car-sunlight of his glory-the fountains of renewed to public speaking"-had General Grant anyriers, by prepaying at the Office, or at the rate of prosperity have begun to flow, and the State thing very important to say, the other night, Thirty Cents per month, payable to the Carriers. Treasury, heretofore impecunious, if not bank-to the New York Union League Club, he would Books intended for Review should be sent in rupt, is filled with money. It is not strange that have exhibited a little of that "talent" which early in the Week to receive prompt notice. Ad- this carpet-bagger grows enthusiastic at the future he characterized as so "indescribable." If Talvertisements must be left at the Office on or before which a full treasury promises. There will be leyrand was right in considering words to be parThursday, otherwise they will be too late for insertion in that Week's paper. good pickings for somebody-and he and his ticularly valuable because of their power to conbrother office-holders, henceforward, will not be ceal thought, it is possible that the President Applications from Persons desiring to act as Agents or Canvassers received at the Office. Com- obliged to play the unaccustomed role of serving elect may make a converse application of the munications should be addressed to the State without other reward than that which aphorism, and commend silence as the best veil springs from a consciousness of patriotic self- behind which the want of thought may be hiddevotion. den. When he sets his own high example before the public men of the country and advises them to become "unaccustomed to public speaking," we take it he means to apply that sage counsel of Artemus Ward which teaches, "When you have nothing to say--say it."

No. 162 Baltimore Street,


This financial effect of General Grant's election NOTICE. The publication of Spielhagen's novel, is important. Its influence will not be confined,


we trust, to so small a province. Let it spread continued in the present number, will probably over the whole land, and show how potent it will be to settle all those complicated questions of revrun far into the coming year. The translation enue and taxation which have thus far puzzled In the land from which we derive our language will be pushed as rapidly as the sheets are re- the big-wigs of the Treasury and thrown Commit- and our lineage, the tongue we speak-our ceived from Germany, where the work is now ap-tees of Finance into a whirl of pathetic perplex-mother-tongue-is commonly styled the "King's pearing as a serial in Der Hausfreund. Its pre-ity. Let the country take courage. After the English." Under the gracious reign of her pressentation in an English dress in the columns of Fourth of March money will flow in Pactolian ent Majesty, it may, perhaps, be more approstreams and tax bills will cease to appal. Every-priately called the "Queen's English." Dean body will have everything, and the coming man Alford and Mr. Gould, and other eminent philolowill inaugurate an age more golden than philoso- gists, have lately written a good deal upon the phy has ever dreamed or the most delightful subject of "good English," and we have heard

this paper will, therefore, keep pace with its appearance in the original German.

Persons remitting the subscription price for the year 1869, will be furnished with the back num-madness of song has ventured to portray. bers of the paper containing the commencement of the story—in other words, will be served free from the 12th of December to the 1st of January,


not a little said about Mr. G. Washington Moon's and Mr. Richard Grant White's bad English. It is a little strange, however, that the change What shall we say of the President's English? in South Carolina was wrought with such magic Under which of the two last-named categories suddenness. Up to the famous Tuesday of No- does it fall? We do not refer to the President vember there were scenes of disorder, of disaffec- that is-but the President that is to be-who, for In view of the rapid increase of advertisements, tion, of sullen and seditious hostility. The wires four years to come, is to set the standard of good consequent upon the growing circulation and quivered with stories of outrage, and Radical writing, as at the New York Union League Banprints revelled in the details of Southern barba- quet he proposed himself a model for general popularity of The Statesman, and the unwilling- rism and Ku-Klux cruelty. But with the sunset imitation in the particular of not speaking. Does ness of the Proprietors to make any reduction in of that day all was peace. It is a pity to mar the General Grant hold the art of correct composition the amount of reading matter furnished to the picture by a suggestion of skeptical doubts. Per- in equal disesteem with that of eloquence? Does public, an early enlargement of the paper has haps, with the necessity which demanded, during the contempt which we know he feels for Demosbecome a necessity. This enlargement and other the canvass, a daily batch of Southern horrors, thenes and Cicero, and the herd of mere orators has passed away the invention which supplied and rhetoricians, extend to Priscian and Lindley improvements, of which due notice will be given, them. Perhaps the occupation of those who Murray, and the whole tribe of grammarians? offer additional inducements both to subscribers sought to affect the Northern mind by systema- These questions are suggested by a specimen of and advertisers. tized vilification of the South, now being gone, the General's written style which we have seen


lately published. A maker of rosewood Indian dered by the myrmidons of Governor Clayton. the North, a whole community combines to outclubs recently presented the President elect with A literal reign of terror has been inaugurated; rage its own laws, defy its own authorities, and a set of those useful implements. The General and with no power interposed to check its excesses, murder its own unjudged and uncondemned citimakes the following acknowledgment: "Accept it is difficult to conjecture to what extreme the zens. my thanks"-he writes to the donor-"and par- terrible tyranny of the Reconstructed Government The prisoners at New Albany who were murticularly my boys, who I know will take great de- of Arkansas will be carried. In the meantime, dered on the night of Friday week, had been light and derive benefit from them." Can any the United States authorities are content to let brought from Canada under the Extradition treaty, of the boys in our Public Schools parse the fore-things take their own course. Theirs is the conas fugitives from justice. They were surrendered going? We commend it to the attention of the venient policy of non-intervention, and the murby the Canadian authorities only upon the pledge teachers as a useful exercise in grammar; if it is der and plundering of the people in two or three not English past or present, it is interesting as remote counties of a Southern State will scarcely and impartial trial, be secured in the enjoyment of our Government that they should receive a fair a prelibation of English that is to be-the Eng- lead them to change it. The only notice which of those privileges which our own and the English of the future—that is, the President's Eng- these events have attracted in official circles is, as lish law guarantee to every man charged with we stated last week, Mr. Drake's proposition to crime, and if innocent, be restored to their resiMany months after the wrong had been done, send more arms to the militia. dence in Canada. They came here, moreover, when the fierce resentment which it might have The fearful tragedy at New Albany, Indiana, under the safeguard of the United States. What aroused had grown cold, an ex-officer of volun- presents one of those subjects which should at- was its value, and how carefully they were proteers deliberately shot down in the streets of tract not merely the serious comment of the press, tected, the event has shown. It is said that this Albany a member of the New York Convention. but prompt, if it be possible under our system of act will produce some complication in negotiations He was, after some delay, brought to trial, but a government, the enactment of some law or the now being conducted by Mr. Johnson, at London, disagreeing jury failed to find a verdict of either institution of some means, by which the repetition touching, we suppose, a more complete system of guilt or acquittal. Recently, after a long interval, of such terrible acts may be prevented. The extradition. Mr. Seward, to avoid the effects of the murderer was arraigned before another tribucurse of this country is the irresponsibility of the so startling a forfeiture of the pledge which had nal, and many days were passed in all the formalmasses. The individual criminal enjoys no im- been given that the personal safety of the prisonities which mark a capital case in a Court of jus-munity from punishment, unless, indeed, he beers would be secured, has taken the pains to extice. The evidence was distinct and uncontra- admitted to bail, like young Grant at Richmond, plain the violent character of the Indiana prodicted, and the act was proved to have been per- or a jury may doubt whether for the twentieth ceeding to the British Minister, and added that petrated in cold blood, without the palliation of part of a minute he was not insane, as in the case the United States Government would do its full hot and uncontrollable passion. The law had of Cole at Albany. But whenever a band of men duty in the premises. The story is, that Mr. been violated deliberately and defiantly, and the sufficiently numerous to claim for their action the Thornton replied very bluntly that it was difficult vaunted peace and order of a Northern commupretext that it expresses the popular will, deter- to see how anything could now be done, since nity outraged by an event, which, if it had oc- mine to outrage law and accomplish a cowardly the men were already hanged and buried. The curred in the South, would have been criticised and brutal murder, the irresponsibility of numbers wily Secretary had no rejoinder to make, deeming as the legitimate result of Southern barbarism effectually protects them from all those penalties it useless to risk the vain promise that their selfand lawlessness, and made the text of that hack- which the law denounces against the crimes they constituted executioners should be punished. neyed rhetoric which is so familiar to the readers commit. The truth is, when the murderers are of the Tribune and the Independent. Now, what electors who choose judges, the jurors who sit was the verdict of this Northern jury? The upon the trial of cases, and the citizens who form crime, the mode and circumstances of its commis- and declare public opinion, the chances are very sion, offered the solemn opportunity to exhibit few that they will be held to any responsibility by that stern inflexibility with which the civilized the courts or be arraigned before the bar of North boasts that its Society meets the demand of offended society. They are in a position, practievery public duty. The laws of God and man cally, to agree upon their own acquittal, and to had been outraged, and the guilt of Cain had silence, by their social and political influence, been repeated in the very shadow of schools and whatever voice may be raised in condemnation of steeples and churches. "Insane"-was the find- their acts. ing of the jury, said to have been composed of sworn, stern and conscientious men. Not insane, And yet there are occasions when it is difficult the moment before the messenger of murder sped to say what other remedy exists. Justice may be upon its fatal errand-not insane the minute after, when the criminal gloated over the agony of his dying victim-but insane for the brief, passing, almost inappreciable instant of time which was necessary to the work of death. We are curious to know what apology or explanation the propagandists of Northern institutions and principles will attempt to break the force of this practical commentary upon their society and civilization.


SPAIN AND EMANCIPATION. No "pent-up Utica" contracts the universality claims the "whole boundless continent" as the of Mr. Charles Sumner's humanitarianism. field whereon he may display the small wares of latter-day philanthropy, and indulge that eminent

Yankee characteristic, which discovers the high

est human gratification in meddling with other people's concerns. An expression of American sympathy with Spanish escape from the tyranny of an "ancient monarchy" sounds very well; but it could scarcely find voice through the mouthpiece of a Radical Committee on Foreign Relaat fault, government disorganized, and the only tions, unless tempered by a qualification which chance of safety remaining to a community is demands immediate emancipation in all the Spanthe combination of all good men upon the in- ish dominions. It is barely possible that Spain, stinctive and justifiable principle of self-defence. under any form of government, might be indifferWhen a bigoted, intolerant, ignorant and malig- ent to both the utterance of an unprofitable symnant judge, like Underwood, assumes to open the pathy and the impertinent interference which prison-doors, and cast back upon society scores of accompanies it. It is certainly true that the subdesperate criminals whose confinement and re-ject of Spanish emancipation is deemed by those straint the common safety demands, what is to be whose ideas of universal benevolence are restrained done? Murderers, thieves, criminals of every by something of practical, every-day good sense, The troubles in Arkansas have not ended. The class, actually derive from judicial authority a free one that should be dealt with cautiously, whether loyal militia is doing its work. Families are charter to repeat their crimes with impunity. the interests of the masters or the welfare of the driven from their homes, destitute and helpless, There are neither juries to indict, nor courts to slaves be regarded. The experience of the British seeking escape from death in flight. Villages are punish them. The laws are silent, the sword of tropical colonies still presents a warning example; sacked and plantations laid waste. Alarm, un- justice is sheathed, and the gates of the prison and the doubts that may affect the action of the certainty, forebodings of dangers yet to be en- stand wide open. There is no terror to deter the one or two Governments which have the grave countered, shuddering recollections of perils barely wretch who robs; no fear of punishment to un- problem yet to encounter, will scarcely be reasescaped, make up the daily lives of thousands of nerve the arm that strikes. And yet we record sured by a thorough comprehension of all the homeless and houseless wanderers. Even steam- the peaceful submission of a Southern State to a consequences of American emancipation. An ers passing on the river are forced to avoid the condition which is thus but feebly portrayed, honest, truthful and conscientious history of the Arkansas shore, lest they too be seized and plun- while amid the boasted order and civilization of dangerous anomalies-social and political-which

"Well might we say, if without irreverence-as was said to the men of Athens who inscribed upon their altar To the Unknown God'-well might we say to

His Honor, Mayor Bowen, and those who are associated with him in hostility to the Baltimore and Ohio Road and its great enterprises, which so directly act upon and which must advance the prosperity of Washington-Whom ye ignorantly worship, Him declare we unto you.'"

have followed abolition in the slave States of this to the demands of speculative abstractions, would "WHOM YE IGNORANTLY WORSHIP.” country, would be entirely sufficient to deter Span- certainly avoid, in its declaration of Cuban emanNobody in this community, we presume, will ish statesmanship from the swift adoption of a cipation, such examples as are abundantly afforded call in question the great ability with which Mr. policy which has not yet developed the full measure by the mistaken philanthropy of British aboli- John W. Garrett has administered the affairs of of those evils which convert it from an example tion and the blundering experiences of American the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. No one, we into a warning. reconstruction. That a government of such char- presume, will accord him credit for any great It is unnecessary for us to express the belief acter will be established at Madrid, one can amount of disinterestedness in so doing. In servthat, ultimately, Spanish emancipation will be ac- scarcely doubt who has carefully observed the disturbing himself, Mr. Garrett has, at the same time, complished. The ideas which prompted the Rev- tendency of present events. Amid the disturb-served most usefully and effectually the Corpora olution must control whatever permanent govern- ances which distract the Spanish people, there tion of which he is President, and the city and ment shall succeed the overthrown monarchy; may be discerned the power of that intelligence State whose interests are to so great an extent and they are certainly too advanced and liberal in which cannot be influenced by the theories of identical with those of the Company. His adSpain, not to demand the abolition of slavery in European Red Republicans or misled by the ex-ministration has been marked by that success Cuba. The question relates, therefore, not to the amples of American Radicalism. The distinction which if it is not one of the surest, is, at least, one expediency of emancipation, but to the mode and between liberalism and license is accepted and of the most satisfactory tests of merit. He is enthe time of effecting it; and, in the true interests recognized by a controlling class who know that titled to all the honor due to a successful man and of humanity, it becomes of grave importance to the rights of a free people are better secured a successful Railroad President. Among the both of the races which will be affected by its de- under a government of order and conservatism, merits, however, which may be fairly conceded to termination. If the example of the United States than when remitted to the uncertain protection of belong to him, that of modesty is not included. be followed, and the negro be suddenly, without a capricious democracy. We hope we do not underrate his vast services to previous preparation, advanced to a condition of Assuming, therefore, that Spain will deal with the trade and material interests of this commupolitical equality with the white, it is not difficult the question of slavery with a wisdom derived nity. We are perfectly sure that he himself does to foresee future results. An island, in a far-off from the experiences of other countries, the whole not. If any one has doubts upon this point, we sea, holds a very different relation to the Govern- world will await with interest the experiment commend to his attention a single passage which ment which is responsible for its peace and good which shall show whether by the power of social occurs in Mr. Garrett's late address to the Board order, from that which the Southern States bear influences and the education of time, the negro of Directors, upon the occasion of his unanimous to the authority which has upturned the founda- may not become adapted to freedom and fitted for re-election to the Presidency of the Company. tions of their social and political systems. The citizenship; and whether the grossest wrong to After commenting upon the unreasonableness of iron hand of military power falls upon them with his nature and his race has not been inflicted by the opposition lately manifested to the Company uninterrupted alacrity. The blow follows with the unreasoning fanaticism which has precipitated in the city of Washington, Mr. Garrett says: electric swiftness the purpose to strike. But in him suddenly into a condition, to the duties and Cuba, whether as the Radical pretence will be- necessities of which he is unequal. there as here—the negro must be protected from The immediate importance which attaches to the white, or, as will most generally be the neces- the subject now, arises from the probability that sity, the white must be shielded from the outrage negotiations have been initiated looking to the of the black, the most fearful consequences may acquisition of Cuba by the United States. It is follow the absence of vigorous and active author-understood that a special envoy has been accredi- There is but one consideration which redeems ity. The example of Jamaica will be weak in its ted to Madrid, charged with the duty of renew-the above passage from its apparent blasphemy, illustration of African barbarity when compared ing former efforts to accomplish this purpose. and that is its utter and transparent absurdity. with the terrible atrocities which would mark the What may be the prospect of his success, it is Well might any one, after reading the address aroused vengeance and stimulated passions of the not worth while to conjecture. Nor is the pres- from which it is extracted, paraphrase the words ignorant and brutal negroes of the Cuban planta-ent a time to discuss the expediency of the of Festus addressed to the same Apostle, whose tions. The restraints which were imposed by measure as a question of American policy. It is memorable language on Mars' Hill, Mr. Garrett qualified emancipation in the French colonies have simply because of its relation to the problem of so profanely appropriates to the purpose of selfresulted in positive benefit to the negro, and pre- emancipation that we refer to it-involving, as it deification, and say to the latter: "Thou art beserved him from the indolent, profitless and licen- does, the decision of the mode by which that re-side thyself-much money hath made thee mad." tious life which, everywhere, exemplifies his idea sult shall be attained. If the Radicalism which It was only recently that the Northern papers of freedom. The policy which, by a single proc- has subverted the Southern States of the Union, were busied alternately asserting and contradictlamation, converts the slave into the citizen, in- and inflicted so many permanent evils upon both ing the story that Helmbold, the rich druggist in vests him with the franchise, establishes his equal- the white and the negro, shall find in Cuba a New York, had become insane. The sole founity with the educated white, impannels him in the new field for the application of its fanatical ideas, dation for the report was the fact, apparently,, jury-box or confers upon him political power; and it is the dictate of humanity and the interest of that Mr. Helmbold has made a large fortune by the sounder and more humane policy which, look-civilization that no additional territory shall be advertising, and offered to bet one million of doling to the ulterior welfare of the negro, recognizes subjected to a rule "more absolute, harsh and lars that the Democratic candidates for the Presithat he is a child in all his relations to govern- tyrannical than any known to civilized pow-dency would be elected. A few more speeches ment, to be cared for and protected as a child, ers." like the one before us, and we shall have similar ruand only to be entrusted with the rights of citizen- If, therefore, the apparently inflexible purpose, mors in regard to the sanity of the President of the ship when he shall have passed through the tute- hitherto exhibited by Spain, to retain possession Baltimore and Ohio Road. He, too, is rich, and lage which will fit him for the performance of its of the Gem of the Antilles, shall yield to the propo- like Mr. Helmbold, believed so far in the probable duties-present the two competing principles be-sals of the United States, it is to be hoped that success of the Democratic party that he coveted tween which the Spanish authorities must decide. by treaty stipulations of the most unequivocal the place upon the ticket which was given to Of course, the character of the authority which force, the white race in Cuba will be protected Governor Seymour! With a yet more daring shall be established upon the ruins of Isabella's from the needless and irreparable injury which flight he now builds an altar for his own worship, sovereignty, will affect such decision. The appli- must result from immediate emancipation. The and at once Saviour and Apostle, proclaims to the cation of radical ideas to a system of government-social and political disorganization which weighs world his own Divinity! For the thin veil which in other words, the organization of what is styled down, almost hopelessly, so large a portion of our would distinguish between the Corporation and a pure republic-would possibly result in the own people, is so glaring in its examples, that the its President, and ascribe to the former the adoption of the former policy; but a constitu- thoughtful and humane, everywhere, unite in pro- "honor and praise, the majesty, dominion and tional and conservative government, controlled test against the extension of its baneful influ- power," which the latter evidently believes to be by practical statesmanship and yielding nothing ences. his own rightful due, creates no confusion.

"L'Etat-c'est moï”’- —was not more emphatically "too superstitious." In such "superstition" by side, in close juxtaposition-to confront, as it the sentiment of the French Monarch, than "the we desire to have no part. The "ignorant wor- were, in the same pages-these two poles of feelRailroad-it is I," is equally the theory and ship" to which Mr. Garrett invites us is not to ing, these opposite worlds of ideality. The Earthly practice of Mr. John W. Garrett. "Omne igno- our taste. It is too gross a form of idolatry for Paradise is in more respects than this an ambitious tum pro mirifico" has, it is true, been to a great the age in which we live. The Baltimore and extent the principle throughout of Mr. Garrett's Ohio Railroad is and ought to be a popular instidealings with the public in reference to all the tution. Let its President beware lest he make it affairs of the Road, but he has no desire to be so otherwise-lest the cloud of his own great perfar a "Veiled Prophet" as to be without honor in sonal unpopularity darken the fair prospect in his own country, or escape, the recognition and which he professes-and no doubt professes with admiration of his friends. At all this-which, as it sincerity-to feel such deep solicitude.



work. It is a collection of Tales in Verse adapted to the months of the year. In the volume before us, closely printed, of 430 pages, and we know not how many thousand lines, we are carried through the months of March, April, May, June, July and August. Poems for the other six months will form the contents of another volume. We have a Prologue, the dimensions of which correspond to those of the house to which it is the portico. We have monthly interludes, and for each month, two tales, one of classical, the other of medieval origin. Thus, for example, for March we have Atalanta's Race and The Man born to be King;

Forget the snorting steam and piston stroke,
Think rather of the pack-horse on the down,
And dream of London, small, and white, and clean,
The clear Thames bordered by its gardens green;
Think, that below bridge the green lapping waves
Smite some few keels that bear Levantine staves,
Cut from the yew wood on the burnt-up hill,
And pointed jars that Greek hands toiled to fill,
And treasured scanty spice from some far sea,
Florence gold cloth, and Ypres napery,
And cloth of Bruges, and hogshead of Guienne:
While nigh the thronged wharf Geoffrey Chaucer's pen
Moves over bills of lading, mid such times
Shall dwell the hollow puppets of my rhymes.

is the height of personal vanity, so is it also the quintessence of absurdity-sensible men might afford to laugh, if it were not that it threatens to entail serious consequences. We may well smile at Mr. Garrett's proverbial optimism-when it Two opposite tendencies of thought and feeling for July, The Son of Croesus and The Watching goes no farther than last summer, for example, two schools of poetry-two worlds of sentiment-of the Falcon; for August, Pygmalion and the after the great flood in July, to convert, at the two types, in fact, of human nature-are defined Image and Ogier the Dane. An air of homogenenext monthly meeting of the Directors, the by the two epithets Classical and Romantic. ity, as well as a certain thread of continuity, is swollen waters of the Patapsco into a veritable Writers-poets, more particularly, and imaginative given to the work by the circumstances under writers who are led by temperament, influenced, which the tales are supposed to be narrated. The stream of Pactolus, and claim that the calamity no doubt, and developed by education and asso- time is indicated in the Prologue: it is the reign which had swept away the track and bridges of ciation, to draw their inspiration from classical of Edward III.—the age of Chaucer: the road and interrupted its business, was a posi- fountains, see the world of nature and of art as it Forget six counties overhung with smoke, tive benefit a real "blessing in disguise"-if it presented itself to Greek and Roman eyes. Not Forget the spreading of the hideous town; did not actually put money into the treasury of absolutely or literally so, of course-for the centhe Company! This was simply amusing, though turies that have lapsed cannot be ignored, nor the not more so than the assumption which only a changes which time has wrought in modes of month before had calmly contemplated the possi- thought equally with modes of life-and it is bility of a Presidential nomination among the morally impossible for any man living in the present age to see anything as Homer or even as Virgil contingencies of the New York Tammany Consaw it. The impressions which they give us-the vention. The serious part of the business is this. fancies they weave for us-are, necessarily, so far The Baltimore and Ohio Road-the interests of as they are a reproduction of classical ideas, an These puppets are a band of adventurers from this city and of the State of Maryland-are of imitation and at second-hand. Their Gods and Norway, who, having heard of the Earthly Parainfinitely more importance than Mr. Garrett. Goddesses are not really the same as Achilles and dise, set sail to find it in Western seas, and who, He is only valuable so far as, in the promotion of Hector and Eneas feared, and resisted, and sought after many troubles, come to an unknown land, those interests, he can be made, or is found to to propitiate. They are only like them. Yet for where, having dwelt certain years, much honored be useful. We are not aware that he has ever world of ancient mythology, if it is not a reality-after the fashion of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, modern poets of the school we are describing the of the inhabitants, they die. The tales are told established any greater claim to the consideration is, at least, an ideality, one which they delight to and Boccacio's Decamerone. The narrators are of any human being than this. He cannot, contemplate-and as far as they can, to revive and the Wanderers and their hosts. The natural hutherefore, consistently object to the application, reproduce. For them-Olympus is thronged anew, man yearning for the Earthly Paradise is increased in his own case, of the rule, and the only rule, by and Parnassus becomes their poetic "mount of in the bosom of the adventurers by the scenes of which notoriously he is governed in his deal- fire." For them-Fauns and Satyrs and Dryads suffering and sorrow by which they are surrounded ings with other men. The Baltimore and Ohio again people the woods and groves-Oreads the in their native land, where the plague is raging, Railroad Company, great and solid as is its mountains-Naiads the streams--Nereids the ocean. and the host-bell is continually ringing as the prosperity, and firmly assured as we believe to The wine-cup which they tender us is wreathed be its future, is menaced, at present, with a Hebe who offers us nectar-the beverage of the with roses and filled by Bacchus' self, or else it is • combination of hostile interests. The question Gods. The temple in which we are invited to has occurred to others as well as to ourselves worship is a creation of pure Ionic art, with white how far that combination and that hostility gleaming columns of Parian marble, shining afar are the result of just that identical trait in through thick branches of the myrtle and olive. Mr. Garrett's character which dictated the senti- There is another school of poetry which has ment and the language which furnish the text for none of these things-which gives us mead to quaff, this article. Of course, we do not mean to say or at best Rhine-wine, instead of nectar-which that these elements of opposition have no other for wood-nymphs and water-nymphs, gives us source. In part, they spring from the conflict of Erle-King-which instead of the exploits of Ho-And nigher yet a tinkling sound did tell interests between competing lines and rival rail-mer's heroes, or their examplars of the elder age, road and local interests, and commercial jealousy of Perseus and Theseus-rehearses the mighty deeds The foregoing, which forms part of the IntroBaltimore; and in part, though to a less degree of Arthur and his paladins-and for the voyage of duction to the poem, will serve also as a fair specithan is commonly imagined, from political causes. the Argonauts and the Golden Fleece, gives us the men of the author's powers of description, which, All these elements, however, we believe, are ag- quest of the Holy Grail. This is the Romantic or in their graphic literalness and truthfulness, regravated and their combination provoked, by an Medieval tendency in literature. As we have semble Wordsworth's. We will add one other unconciliatory and unbending policy on the part said, no doubt the difference is one largely fostered sample of the kind-all that our space permitsof the President of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail-by education and association, and consequent which will further illustrate the style and spirit of habits of thought. It none the less, in particular the work. It is one of the monthly interludesroad, which make no concessions-tolerates no instances, has its origin in natural distinctions of the one for August: differences of opinion-but arrogantly exacts an "ignorant worship" before the altar of an un- It is the peculiarity of the book under review, known God." Mr. Garrett would have done well as it is characteristic of previous works by the to remember and avoid the inevitable application same author, that it is an attempt to present side of those other words of St. Paul to the men of *The Earthly Paradise: A Poem. By William MorAthens-in which he charges them with being Brothers. 1868. ris. From the third London Edition. Boston: Roberts


Nixies and Fairies-the legend of Lurelei and the


sacrament is carried to the sick. The occasion on

which the voyage is first conceived is thus de


It was a bright September afternoon,
The parched-up beech-trees would be yellowing soon;
Were letting fall their petals one by one;
The yellow flowers grown deeper with the sun
No wind there was, a haze was gathering o'er
The farthest bound of the faint yellow shore;
And in the oily waters of the bay
Scarce moving aught some fisher-cobles lay,
And all seemed peace; and had been peace indeed
But that we young men of our life had need,
And to our listening ears a sound was borne
That made the sunlight wretched and forlorn,-
The heavy tolling of the minster bell,-
That through the streets they bore our Saviour Christ

By dying lips in anguish to be kissed.

Across the gap made by our English hinds,
Amidst the Roman's handiwork, behold

Far off the long-roofed church; the shepherd binds

The withy round the hurdles of his fold;
Down in the foss the river fed of old,

That through long lapse of time has grown to be
The little grassy valley that you see.
Rest here awhile, not yet the eve is still,
The bees are wandering yet, and you may hear

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The barley mowers on the trenched hill,

The sheep-bells, and the restless changing weir,
All little sounds made musical and clear
Beneath the sky that burning August gives,
While yet the thought of glorious Summer lives.
Ah, love! such happy days, such days as these,
Must we still waste them, craving for the best,
Like lovers o'er the painted images

with the addition of the third act of Faust. The something like the Rondo Capriccio of Mendelsaudience also made a mistake in encoring almost sohn, the Vilanelle (Op. 89,) and the study Am every piece, and not reserving some of its enthu- Giessbach (Op. 88.) The second Trio for piano, siasm for the end of the performance. The artists violin and violoncello (Op. 112) is divided, as must really have supposed that the applause was usual, into four parts, well developed, but the only intended to extract as much music as possible author has carefully avoided everything that

Of those who once their yearning hearts have blessed? for the money; for, whatever may have been their might be obscure; his composition, although writ

Have we been happy on our day of rest?

Thine eyes say "Yes,"-but if it came again,
Perchance its ending would not seem so vain.

pearean verse.

It is sung in two parts-the woman (hæc) beginning the man (ille) answering. It begins :


In the white-flowered hawthorn brake,
Love, be merry for my sake;
Twine the blossoms in my hair,
Kiss me where I am most fair-
Kiss me, love! for who knoweth
What thing cometh after death?

merit, they never received any sign of approbation ten as a classical work, remains always clear and
after the last piece.

must say that Mme. Miolan Carvalho is yet unri-
valled in her impersonation of Marguerite.




We wish we had room to give the whole of the It is impossible to judge of the talent of an artist We hope very soon to see these musical compolove-song which occurs in the story of Ogier the Dane, and which has almost the melody of Shaks- from a fragment of an opera performed, as was the sitions obtain in America the special attention pearean music-as it has the structure of Shaks-third act of Faust at the Concordia on Friday they deserve. last; but as faithful chroniclers we must say we were somewhat disappointed in Miss Kellogg's appearance as Marguerite. Whether it was the cold under which she was laboring, or that the orchestra was often behind or else ahead of time, or that Faust himself was not very fascinating, or the annoyance she may have felt from the conduct of some of the audience retiring in the midst of the In the last two lines of the stanza quoted, and performance, the fact is that Miss Kellogg did not which furnish the refrain to the stanzas which fol-sing or act as we had been led to expect, and we low-we have the key-note to the poem. The Paradise to which Mr. Morris invites us is indeed an Earthly Paradise. Although, as we have indicated, the work is an attempt to interweave and harmonize the two threads of sentiment, ancient and modern, or rather classical and medieval-the Greek sentiment predominates. It is evidently the habitual coloring of Mr. Morris' thought. An atmosphere of Hellenism pervades the entire poem. The Christian allusions which are introduced are rather designed for artistic effect-to heighten the But you seem to forget that there are many contrast apparently-than because they respond to any deep sentiment in the poet's heart. The spirit thousands of good and true men, in the North, which reigns-is the spirit of paganism. The who are almost as helpless as the people of the beauty of the world-the shortness of life—and the South so far as any practical exhibition of their absence of all hope beyond the grave-are the political sentiment is concerned. I do not suppose you mean to do them injustice; but do you not ideas which most commonly recur, to a degree that is even wearisome. It is the sad wail of the old We must not omit a circumstance that we do not unconsciously wrong them when you habitually Greek Tragedy. It is the mournful cry of unen-consider unimportant, and that is, that Miss Kel- speak of Northern character and Northern civililightened humanity before the blessed light of the logg's costume was perfectly correct in every par-zation, without such qualification as will show that you refer to a portion only, and not to the whole Gospel had thrown its rays into the gloom which ticular. people of our section of the Union? In other hangs over the gates of death. In this respect, Mr. Morris compares unfavorably with Tennyson words, it strikes me that you should recognize the -whose treatment, in the Idylls of the King, of fact that the pretended civilization, the assumed superiority, the vaunted enlightenment, and all the some of the legends of the Romantic age, suggests thousand and one other instances of arrogant and both points of resemblance and of dissimilarity. In the Concert the duo from the Barbiere di Si- self-complacent boasting for which you very justly William Morris, the author of the Poem thus briefly noticed, is known to the English public by viglia was the piece best executed, and Miss Kellogg's vocalization was perfect. Mr. Petrilli also previous works which have been highly commended. The Defence of Guenevere: and other was more at home in it than in the other selecPoems was the title of a volume published in 1858; tions; but, good heavens! what would he do with the Life and Death of Jason: a Poem, was pub- his hands, should he by any accident leave his

CONCORD, N. H., Dec. 14, 1868. GENTLEMEN:-I do not propose to express any very decided dissent from the general views expressed by The Statesman upon public questions. No criticism upon the evil tendencies of Radicalism can be so severe as not to meet the approval of No doubt some parts were well sung and acted, both my taste and my judgment. I believe, conbut when Marguerite, after having plucked one scientiously, that all its purposes are wilfully by one the leaves of a daisy, utters in a sudden wrong-that those who inspire them are dangerous transport of bursting joy and passion the words, enemies to the country, and that nothing but an "Er liebt!" (he loves,) Miss Kellogg both acted admission of blind and stupid bigotry can excuse and sung very coldly, and so did she in all the the crime of the party which adopts them. All parts of the character that require passionate and that you may say, therefore, in indignant and jusdramatic expression. After her eyes have been tifiable denunciation of the Radical party will redazzled by jewels and diamonds, after she has con-ceive my full concurrence. fessed the love that has filled her soul, Marguerite is no more the pure, modest maiden of the second act. This is the gradation that Miss Kellogg did not understand or express. She ought to learn from the pictures of Ary Scheffer how his pencil has exquisitely expressed this change.

We are confirmed in the opinion we had before entertained, that Operas such as La Sonnambula, Il Barbiere, Crispino, and others of the same class, would suit better both the vocal and histrionic talent of Miss Kellogg.

watch-chain at home?

Our readers would perhaps like on this occasion to make better acquaintance with Joachim Raff, same work-the two types of taste and feeling whose compositions, Polka de la Reine and Valse

ridicule and denounce the Northern press and pulpit, are absurdities for which only certain classes of our papers and preachers can justly be held responsible. Their presumption and hypocrisy are as disgusting to us as to you. We ridicule and denounce them without reserve; and, I fancy, with as much indignant contempt as the columns of The Statesman have ever exhibited.

lished in 1867. The fact that the Earthly Paradise Miss Alida Topp played Chopin's ballad most has attained its third London edition, and a highly laudatory article in a late number of the Westmin- beautifully; but there are in Chopin's works many Now, the gravamen of my complaint is this: I ster Review, attest the consideration in which the compositions which would have better pleased an author is held in England. In point of imagina-audience, where the number of connoisseurs is presume your paper circulates largely through the tion and in the charm of versification we do not always limited. Why not select pieces in which, South-if not, the Southern people indicate a think the Review overstates Mr. Morris' merits. amid mechanical difficulties, there runs always a strange failure to appreciate one of their ablest deIts defence of his philosophy, or sentiment rather, clear and intelligible melody? We will name fenders-my own feelings toward the Southern for philosophy it is not, we think is as unsuccessful amongst hundreds of such pieces-Thalberg's Son-people are warm and sympathetic-and I am unnambula, Elisire d'Amore, Don Pasquale, etc.; willing, if, as is not unlikely, business concerns as it was felt to be needed. Equally futile, in our Listz's Faust, Prudent's Lucia. may lead me among them, to be included among judgment, is the attempt to show that the same that class of Northern men who have certainly man can successfully unite in himself or in the lost few opportunities to keep alive bitterness and animosity between the two sections. I must beg, Caprice, were played by Miss Topp at the previous therefore, that you will let your readers underconcerts. stand that the whole North is not hostile to themJoachim Raff is a German composer, whose that many very sensible people consider themJanuary Magazines are deferred, for want of space, music is beginning to be appreciated elsewhere selves, in no sense, their superiors-that, indeed, than in his own country. His style recalls Men- not a few doubt whether Northern institutions and delssohn's without the melancholy shade that is social organization might not be most substantially found so often in the works of the latter, and without improved, if there were incorporated into them any slavish imitation. Raff aims always to remain some of those stable elements which gave so much intelligible to the majority of dilettanti. Some of character to Southern society before the war. In his best compositions for the piano are the Intro- fact, I must ask you to go further, and say-that duction et Allegro Scherzoso (Op. 87,) which is there is not a wrong which Radicalism has inflicted

which are distinguished as the Classical and Romantic.

NOTE.-Notice of New Books received and of

until next week.


It was unquestionably a mistake on the part of
Mr. Strakosch to give a Concert of the usual length

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