Imagens das páginas

elty was fitted up with a separate blast apparatus Huskisson some coolness had existed, made a sign Saturday evening, was pretty good. The Sonata similar in principle to that of Trevithick, men- of recognition and held out his hand. A hurried in F, of Beethoven, is one of his best. The tioned in a previous paper. The Sanspariel was but friendly grasp was given; and before it was Scherzo required more precision in its execution. modeled after Stephenson's engines constructed for loosened there was a general cry from the by- The Scherzo and Allegro appassionato of Menthe Darlington Railway. The result was, in brief, standers of Get in, get in!' Flurried and condelssohn's Trio are not very clear and intelligible. that the bellows of the Novelty got out of order, fused, Mr. Huskisson endeavored to get round the The same criticism may be made upon the Quathough it moved in its preliminary run at a good open door of the carriage, which projected over rate of speed; that the Sanspariel proved to have the opposite rail, but, in doing so, he was struck tuor of Onslow, in which the best part is Handel's a defect in her boiler, to be over weight, according by the Rocket, and falling, with his leg doubled air, God Save the Queen. to the stipulations, and to consume, on account of across the rail, his limb was instantly crushed. We have said before that Mr. Southard, as the sharpness of the steam-blast, too much fuel or His first words on being raised were, 'I have met Director of an Academy of Music, should not coke; and finally, that the Perseverance could not my death,' which unhappily proved true, for he stickle for his own tastes or preferences, but move more than five or six miles an hour. The expired the same evening in the parsonage of should produce any composition that deserves to Rocket got the prize. Its performances on this oc- Eccles." The Northumbrian engine, driven by casion may be summed up as follows: steam was Stephenson himself, conveyed the wounded body be submitted to the judgment of the public. raised in her to lift the safety valve at a pressure of the unfortunate gentleman a distance of about Communication between America and Europe is, of fifty pounds to the square inch, in fifty-seven fifteen miles in twenty minutes, or at the rate of in our day, so easy and so frequent, that we ought minutes from the time the fire was lighted; she thirty-six miles an hour. This incredible speed not to wait to hear the new and remarkable comran, dragging after her thirteen tons weight, at a burst upon the world with the effect of a new and positions of the age, four or five years after they speed of thirty-five miles in an hour and forty- unlooked-for phenomenon. Mr. Huskisson had have been performed in Europe. A great many eight minutes, and her maximum velocity attained been one of the strongest supporters of the origi-eminent dead and living composers are unknown during the trial was at the rate of twenty-nine nal bill for the Liverpool and Manchester road,


miles an hour, the average speed at the trial being one of Stephenson's earliest and most influential in Baltimore, where there has never been a good fifteen miles an hour. The result was the greatest friends, and the accident of his death probably permanent orchestra. This lost time should be astonishment on the part of the spectators. At did as much as anything which had occurred, up redeemed, and with that view the programmes the close of the day's performance, Mr. Cropper, to this time, to verify Stephenson's predictions, ought to be much more diversified. We find on one of the directors of the line, who had been a and establish the railway and locomotive systems the programmes, since the opening of the season, persistent opponent of Stephenson's locomotive of which he may be looked upon as the author. three overtures of Rossini, two of Weber, and an theories, characteristically cried out, lifting up his There is little more to add in this connection. air from the same; we find the names of Menhands, "Now has George Stephenson delivered The Locomotive became, through the tribulations delssohn and Beethoven three times each, and himself!" The Rocket was afterward sold, when we have recorded, thenceforth a great fact in the that of Haydn twice. We notice again on the in due course superseded by heavier engines, to a history of the world. George Stephenson died on Mr. Thompson, of Kirkhouse, lessee of the Earl the 12th of August, 1848, in the sixty-seventh year programme for the next concert the names of of Carlisle's lime works, near Carlisle; and on of his age, prosperous and honored. The charac- Beethoven and Weber. In short, we note for one occasion, during an election contest, when ter of this man, save as illustrated in the foregoing, four concerts only eight authors, while we see for used to carry the state of the poll from Midgeholm needs very little commentary. He had done more the same number of concerts at the Conservatory to Kirkhouse, it ran a distance of four miles ir for the world than Watt, and from equally small of Paris twenty different names. four and a half minutes-thus reaching a speed of beginnings. He was an upright man, remarkable This variety of music, of style, of school, is nearly sixty miles an hour! The Rocket weighed for his tenacity for truth, his zeal and belief in only four tons, and, of course, was superseded by material progress through the agency of the work very important, if the Peabody Institute wishes engines of greater weight and haulage capacity. Providence had given him to do. He did his work to deserve the name of Academy of Music, and After it had fallen into disuse, it was transferred with great courage; he was gifted with great facul- not to be considered a kind of musical club for to the Museum of Patents at Kensington, where it tics, a large heart and a generous, simple, loving the execution of certain peculiar music. is still to be seen. The performance of this ma- disposition; unsordid, but prudent; obstinate, but of three overtures of Rossini, we ought to have chine on the day of trial aforementioned, had generous and forgiving. He was taken from the had, for instance, (we name without any prefershewn that a new power was born into the world, humblest station, and made one of the greatest ence,) the William Tell of Rossini, Manfred or full of activity and with boundless capacity of apostles of human progress the world has ever Genevieve of Schumann, or the Carnaval Romain work. It was a simple but admirable contrivance seen. The principle of his life was the noblest, of the steam-blast with the multitubular boiler, next to love of God, given among mankind-it of Berlioz. Instead of having in the same concert of Chamber music, Mendelssohn, Beethoven that at once gave locomotion a vigorous life and was Work! secured the triumph of the railway system. and Haydn, two at least of the selections ought On the 13th of September, 1830, the Liverpool to have been replaced, say by Raff's, Brahms's, and Manchester line was finished and cpen for reor Schumann's works. We suggest, also, to Mr. ception. On this occasion many distinguished Southard, Ten-Brink, whose chamber-music comgentlemen were present, including the Duke of ACAD-positions have met with success abroad. We Wellington, Sir Robert Peel, Secretary of State, will add that the whole of a Symphony by Beetand Mr. Huskisson, Member of Parliament from On account of the inclemency of the weather hoven, Mozart or Haydn is rarely ever performed Liverpool. Eight locomotive engines were on the ground constructed at the works of Stephenson. of the selections-of the professors who per- at the Conservatory at Paris. Only certain porIn these many improvements had been introduced. formed them—the fourth Concert at the Academy tions are played on the same day, and of these The locomotive system was at last actually upon of Music was quite a small but very scientific always the most clear and attractive are selected. its legs. The engines, hauling trains and passen- family party. The programme of the concert contains always gers, were driven along the track at the rate of The name of Chamber music indicates of itself some selections from the best Operas, with twenty-four miles an hour. An incident, which that such musical compositions are intended to Chorusses, generally morceaux d'ensemble. The occurred at the time of this opening, while de- be played in a room, a parlor, and not in a Concert Academy of Music could use for this purpose the ble manner the capacity for speed possessed by Hall, where a succession of such pieces, without Chorus Class, and the talent of Miss Jenny Busk, the locomotive. It has been told as follows: "At any Orchestral performances, is both tiresome M. Friedmann, and others. This is the way to Parkside, seventeen miles from Liverpool, the en- and ineffective. Never was such an attempt to have have Concerts both attractive and useful. gines stopped to take in water. The Northum- a Concert exclusively composed of Chamber music The compositions of M. Szemelenyi are classical brian engine, driven by George Stephenson, with made in any first-class Conservatory. In a par- enough to be performed at a Conservatory, and it the carriage containing the Duke of Wellington, lor such music pleases-even when performed by would be well for its Director to have M. Szemewas drawn up on one line, in order that the whole amateurs; in a public concert its success depends lenyi's Symphony performed by the Orchestra. of the trains on the other line might pass in review before him and his party. Mr. Huskisson had upon its being played by artists of such high When a composer of such merit is to be found in merit that the fascination exerted by their execu- Baltimore, his music should be brought before the alighted from the carriage and was standing on the opposite road, along which the Rocket was ob- tion makes one forget the want of ideas, the ob-public. We have insisted at some length on this served rapidly coming up. At this moment, the scurity of the composition, and the absence of subject, because we are convinced that this sysDuke of Wellington, between whom and Mr. sonorous effects. The execution, however, on tem, used in the similar establishments of Europe,

plorable in itself, served to develope in a remarka

The origin, progress and early history of Railways will be given in a concluding number of this series.


is the only one fit to elevate the taste of the public and to form its musical education; and on his 'part, Mr. Southard has two or three months in summer to prepare the elements of the following season, and to have the music sent on from Europe, though plenty of it is to be found in New York, Boston and Philadelphia.






BY FRIEDRICH SPIELHAGEN. [Translated from the German for The Statesman.] CHAPTER VIII.

Admiral Semmes' new book-The Sumter and the
Alabama-intended to be extremely laudatory,
errs against good taste in several particulars.
There are two articles upon scientific subjects-one
on the "Nature and Laws of Light"-another on
the "Progress of Astronomy." There are two
military articles-one on "Waterloo-Napoleon As I entered the court through a little door in
and Wellington"-another on the "Seven Weeks' the park-wall, there stood a light wagon from
War" in Germany in the summer of 1866. "The which the horses were being unharnessed, and by
Life and Writings of John Wilson," the Christo- the wagon a man in hunting-dress, his gun upon
pher North of Blackwood's earlier and palmy his shoulder-it was Herr von Zehren.
days, forms the subject of an interesting and genial I had planned to assume toward my host a sort
notice. Admiral Semmes' book, as we have said, of diplomatic attitude; but I never was a good
is highly lauded; some "Northern Geographies" actor, and had had, besides, so little time to study
come in for a scoring; an article on the "Study of the part, that the friendly smile and cordial grasp
Sanskrit" invites the perusal of the philologist; of the hand with which Herr von Zehren received
me, completely threw me out, and I smiled again,
and returned his grasp with as much fervor as if
I had all day been waiting for the moment when I
should see my friend and protector:-in a word, I
was entirely in the power of the charm with which
this singular man had, from the first moment of
our meeting, captivated my young and inexperi-
enced heart.

a handsomer man.

'I came to your bedside this morning,' he said, that I had not the heart to waken you. Though if I had known that you could handle a gun as well as you can rudder and halyards-And yet I might have known it, for fishing and shooting and something else besides, go together, like sitting by the stove and sleeping. But we will make up for it: we have, thank heaven, more than one day's shooting before us. And now come in and let us talk, while supper is getting ready.'

We shall not conclude without congratulating the critic of the American for the answer he gives to a letter of an amateur, who, complaining of the criticisms made on Mr. Southard, takes that opportunity to criticize most sharply the clarionet of the Orchestra, who is no more to blame than many of the other musicians, whom we shall not name here. The musical chronicler of the Amer-papers on the "Great Error of the Eighteenth Cenican is both able and moderate; and that kind of tury" and on the "Early History of Maryland" just criticism is not only a necessity in this city, merit and will receive the attention of students of but good and conscientious artists always profit history. These, with the customary book notices, by such, to mend their faults and perfect their complete the menu of the present number-a volqualities. ume of nearly 250 pages. The typographical appearance of the Review is good; but it would be a convenience to readers to receive their numbers with the leaves already cut-and we might suggest But in truth a maturer understanding than mine a little more care in proof-reading. Take for ex-might well have been ensnared by the charm of ample-a selection made at random-the third ar- his manner. Even his personal appearance had ticle on "Waterloo." We presume that in the for me something fascinating; and as he stood In the hierarchy of periodical literature-that title of the book under review-Brialmont's Life there, laughing and jesting, with the setting sun is, of the professedly literary sort-there are three of the Duke of Wellington-the Rev. G. R. lighting up a face which seemed really to have orders or grades-the weekly, the monthly, and Gleig, the translator, is meant to be described grown young again from the excitement of his the quarterly. There is, it is true, a Fortnightly as Chaplain-General, not 'Captain-General' to day's sport, and as he took off his cap and pushed Review, and we have seen foreign periodicals that the Forces. We do not know the warrant for the soft fine locks, already touched with gray, from appear at odd intervals of three weeks. These are Captain Brialmont's sudden promotion, in the his nobly formed brow, I thought I had never seen exceptional cases. To the first and humblest class first line of the article, to the rank of Genindicated, belongs this journal. Our contempo-eral. Gurwood, who edited Wellington's disrary of The New Eclectic represents, and worthily patches, is not 'Gierwood'-nor Lord Ellesmere in a sportive manner; 'but you slept so soundly so, our city and State, in the department of monthly Ellsmere,' nor Clairfait 'Clairsait.' Ramillies is literature. The Quarterly rises a peg higher. usually spelt with two l's-Attila with one; Seneff While The Eclectic, as its name indicates, lays no generally has two f's, and Quatre-Bras gets along claims to originality, but culls and transplants with less than three r's. These errors are small in from other fields of literature, domestic and for- themselves, and we know from experience how eign, flowers to bloom anew in its own garden-difficult it is to escape them entirely. The freand this paper is limited by the very conditions of quency of their recurrence in the pages of the its existence, the demands upon its space, the brief Review, which ought, in point of typographical time allowed for preparation, to flying notices of accuracy, to be more like a book than a newspathe books and events of each succeeding week-per, is a blemish-albeit, to point them out, be in The Quarterly, making its appearance at intervals the words of the enthusiastic reviewer of Admiral of three months, sits, as it were, as the Tribunal of Semmes' book, like spying 'spots in the sun.' It last Resort, in the department of literary justice, only proves that the Review, too, "like all human and its utterances are supposed to have all the productions, has its defects." weight which careful study and long deliberation can impart. Instead of a newspaper or a magazine-it is encyclopaedic in its character. Instead From H. Taylor & Co. :of short notes, it gives us elaborate essays. Instead of sketching the outlines of a subject, or resting only upon the more salient points-it has time to be full, inquisitive and exhaustive. It is a matter of congratulation that we have in this country, and particularly in this city-a publication which so nearly comes up to the standard we have indicated-as The Southern Review. We have no hesitation in saying that we regard this Review as the best quarterly published in this country. The opinion may be evidence of our provincialism, as it is thought 'provincial' to admire or approve anything which has not the imprimatur of a New York, or, at least, Boston editor. Nevertheless we risk the assertion, and in support of it refer to the number just issued, which for solidity and variety of matter will compare favorably with any of its predecessors or with any contemporary American publication of the same pretensions. The style of some of the articles is faulty, betraying want of the necessary labor limæ in the composition, or more properly correction. The learned senior Editor, whose hand we detect in several of the articles, does not always write in the smoothest possible English, and the review of


Fallen Pride; or, the Mountain Girl's Love. By Mrs.
D. E. N. Southworth. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson &
Bros. 1868.

The room which Herr von Zehren occupied was in the front part of the building, just in the rear of the dining-room, and his sleeping apartment immediately adjoined it. He entered the latter, and conversed with me through the open door, keeping all the while such a clattering with jugs, basins, and other apparatus of ablution, that I had some difficulty in understanding what he was saying. I made out, however, that he had this morning written to his brother, the Steuerrath, requesting him My father certainly would not be sorry to hear to apprise my father where I was now staying. that I had found shelter in the house of a friend, at least until some arrangement could be effected. In similar circumstances, he said, a temporary And separation often prevented a perpetual one. even should this' not be the case here, at all events From James S. Waters & Son :-here his head dipped into the water, and I lost Blindpits: a Story of Scottish Life. New York: G. P. the remainder of the sentence. Under any cirPutnam & Son. 1869.

N. Southworth. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson & Bros.
Fair Play; or, the Test of the Love Isle. By Mrs. D. E.

From Messrs. Cushings & Bailey:

Tricotrin: the Story of a Waif and a Stray. By "Oui-
da." Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1868.
The Wickedest Woman in New York. By C. H. Webb.
New York: G. W. Carleton. 1868.


Search After Truth: Addressed to Young Men. By
George W. Egleston. New York: G. P. Putnam &
Son. 1869.
From the Publishers:-

cumstances he was saying when he became again intelligible-it would be as well if I mentioned to no one where it was that we had happened to meet. We might have met upon the road, as I was about

Rural Poems. By William Barnes. Boston: Rob- to be ferried over to the island. What was to pre

erts Bros. 1869.

vent a young man, whose father had just driven him from his house, from going, if he pleased, as far as the blue sky spread overhead; and why should he not meet a gentleman who has a vacant place in his carriage, and asks the young man if he Tilton's Journal of Horticulture. Boston: Tilton & Co. will not get in? This was all very simple and nat

Dolores; a Tale of Disappointment and Distress. By Benjamin Robinson. New York: E. J. Hale & Sons. 1869.

The American Farmer. Baltimore: Worthington &

New York Musical Gazette. New York: Mason Bros.

Peters' Musical Monthly. New York: J. L. Peters, 198

Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, in the Clerk's office of the United States District Court of Maryland.

ural. And in fact this was the way he had stated the circumstances in his letter to his brother this morning. He had given old Pinnow his cue yesterday evening. And besides, the question of where and how was really nobody's affair. He added some further remarks with his head inside his wardrobe, but I only caught the word 'inconveniences.'

He went in: through the half-open door I heard him speaking in a low tone with his daughter: my heart beat-I could not tell why.

ing: a fellow-sportsman and the owner of an adjoining estate, who brought with him a friend who was staying at his house, and who had been out 'Well, why do you not come?' he called to me with them shooting. Constance had at once arisen from the dining-room. I went in: by the table, from the table, and was about to leave the room, that to my unaccustomed eye seemed richly spread, in spite of her father's request, uttered in a tone stood Constance. The light of the hanging lamp that almost made it a command: 'I beg that you fell upon her from above. Whether it was the will remain !'-when the gentlemen entered. One different light, or the different arrangement of her was a tall, broad-shouldered, fair young man, with hair, which was now combed upward, so as to rest handsome, regular features, and a pair of large, upon her head like a dark crown, with a golden prominent blue eyes that stared out into the world ribbon interwoven in it; or her different attire with a sort of good-natured astonishment: my now a plain blue close-fitting dress, cut low at the host introduced him to me as Herr Hans von Tranneck, which was covered by a wide lace collar, tow. The other, a short round figure, whose worn somewhat like a handkerchief-whether it head, with its sloping brow, and almost deficient was all these together, and in addition the changed occiput, was so small as to leave scarce a hand's expression of her face, which had now something breadth of room for his close-cropped, stiff brown indescribably childlike about it, I cannot say; but hair, and whose short turned-up nose, and imI scarcely recognised her again: I could have be- mense mouth, always open, and furnished with lieved that the Constance I had seen in the morn-large white teeth, gave their possessor a more than ing was the older, more impassioned sister of this fair maidenly creature.

Last half of the previous century,' said Herr von Zehren, -'Lotte, eh? You only want a sash, and perhaps a Werther-otherwise superb!'

passing resemblance to a bull-dog-was called Herr Joachim von Granow. He had been an officer in

the army; and on his succession, a few months before, to a handsome fortune, had purchased an estate in the neighborhood.

I felt relieved from a load of anxiety. My frightful dream of the morning, of which I had not thought during the whole day, had recurred to my memory in the dusk of the evening twilight. For a moment an apprehension seized me that my father might think I had made away with myself; but it was but for a moment, for youth finds it so unlikely that others will take things more seriously than it does itself. One point, however, was clear: that I must give some account of myself to my father. But at this thought the old misery came back: I could, in any event, no longer stay here. And now I suddenly saw a way of escape from this labyrinth. The Steuerrath, being his immediate chief, was, as I well knew, a kind of superior being to my loyal and zealous father; who knew indeed upon earth but four other beings higher than himself: the Provincial Excise-Director, the A shadow passed over the face of Constance, Constance had found herself compelled to reGeneral Excise-Director, His Excellency the Min- and her brows contracted. I had not entirely un-main, for the little Herr von Granow had at once ister of Commerce, next to whom came His Maj-derstood the allusion, but it pained me. Constance turned upon her with an apparently inexhaustible esty the King-which latter, however, was a Being seemed so fair to me: how could any one who saw flood of talk, and the bulky Herr von Trantow reof distinct and peculiar kind, and separated, even her say aught else to her but that she was fair? from an Excellency, by a vast chasm. If, there- Gladly would I have said it, but I had scarcely fore, Herr von Zehren wished to keep me with the courage to look at her, let alone speak to her; him, and the Steuerrath would use his influence and she, for her part, was taciturn and abstracted: with my father-but would he? The Steuerrath the dishes she hardly touched; and indeed now I had never liked me much; and besides, the even- cannot remember ever to have seen her eat. Ining before I had deeply offended him. I expressed deed, the meal, composed of fish, and partridges my doubts on this point to Herr von Zehren. 'I which Herr von Zehren had brought in from his will make that all right,' he said, as, rubbing his day's shooting, was of a kind only suited to his freshly washed hands, he came out of his chamber. own appetite, which was as keen as a sportsman's 'And now then,' he went on, stretching himself usually is. During supper he drank freely of the luxuriously in an easy chair, 'how have you spent excellent red wine, and often challenged me to the day? Have you seen my daughter? Yes? pledge him; and indeed he directed his vivacious Then you may boast of your luck-many a time I and genial conversation almost exclusively to me. do not see her for days together. And have you I was fairly dazzled by it; and as there was much had something to eat? Poor fare enough, I war- that I only half understood, and much that I did rant; the provision is but indifferent when I am at not understand at all, it sometimes happened that home, but execrable when I am away. Moonshine I laughed in the wrong place, which only inand beefsteak are two things that do not suit together. When I want good fare, I must go from home. Yesterday evening, for example, at old Pinnow's-wasn't it capital? Romantic too, eh? Friar Tuck and the Black Knight, and you beside as The Disinherited Knight. I love such little adventures above everything.'

And he stretched himself at ease in his great chair, and laughed so joyously, that I mentally asked his pardon for my suspicions, and pronounced myself a complete fool to have had such an idea enter my brain.

mained standing immoveable so near the opeŋ door, that it was not easy to pass him. From the first moment of seeing them, I felt a strong antipathy to them both: to the little one because he ven■ tured to approach so near to Constance, and to talk so much; and to the large one, who did not speak, indeed, but stared steadily at her with his glassy eyes, which seemed to me a far more offensive proceeding.

'We have had but a poor day's sport,' said the little one, in a squeaking voice to Constance; but day before yesterday, at Count Griebenow's, we had an uncommonly splendid time. Whenever a covey rose, I was right among them: three times I brought down a brace-right and left barrels ; and that I call shooting. They were as jealous of me-I expected to be torn to pieces. Even the Prince lost his temper. "You have the devil's own luck, Granow," he kept saying. "Young men must have some luck," I answered. "But I am younger than you," said he. "Your Highness does not need any luck," said I. "Why not?" "To be a Prince of Prora-Wiek, is luck enough of itself." Wasn't that a capital hit ?—and he shook with laughter at his own wit.

'The Prince was there, then?' Constance said. It was the first word she had uttered in reply to the small man's chatter. Perhaps this was the reason that I, who had been standing by, taking

no interest in what was said-Herr von Zehren had

left the room, and Herr von Trantow still held his post at the door-suddenly gave all my attention

to the conversation.

creased his mirth. One thing, however, I saw clearly: the constrained, not to say hostile relations between father and daughter. Things of this kind are easily perceived, especially when the observer is as well prepared as was I, to catch the meaning lurking under the apparent indifference of a hasty question, and to mark the unnecessarily prolonged pause which preceded the answer, and the irritated tone in which it followed. For, how long had it been since my father and I had sat together in the same way; when I used to thank heaven in my heart if any lucky chance relieved us, sooner He went on chatting: asked me many questions than usual, of each other's presence. Here I should about my father, my family, the past events of my have been a disinterested spectator, had I not been life, all in a tone of such friendly interest that no so inordinately in love with the daughter, and had one could have taken it amiss. He seemed to be not the father, by his brilliancy and amiability, much pleased with my answers; nor did I take obtained such a mastery over me. So my heart, offence again when, as he had done the evening shared between them both, was torn asunder by before, he broke into loud laughter at some of my their division; and if a few hours before I had remarks. But when this happened, he was always formed the heroic resolution to protect the lovely careful to soothe my sensitiveness with a kind word and unhappy daughter from her terrible father, I or two. I felt assured that he meant well toward was now fixed like a rock in my conviction that to 'Indeed!' said Herr von Granow, 'is it possible? me, and to this day I have remained in the convicme had fallen the sublime mission to join these Yes; as I was going on to say, the Prince was there: tion that from the first moment he had conceived two glorious beings again in an indissoluble bond he is going to be betrothed to the young Countess a hearty liking to me, and that if it was a mere of love. That it would have better become me to Griebenow, they say. At all events, he has fixed caprice that drew him toward a young man who go back to the door of a certain small house in X., his quarters at Ronow; the only one of his estates needed assistance, it was one of those caprices of where dwelt an old man whom I had so deeply in this part of the country, you know, that has which none but naturally generous hearts are wounded-of that I never for a moment thought. anything like a suitable residence, and then becapable. I breathed quick with expectation, as a carriage sides it lies very handy to Griebenow. A capital came rattling over the broken pavement of the opportunity-if a Prince ever needs an opportucourt, and stopped at the door. It was a visitor nity. But that is only for us poor devils-ha! ha! whom Herr von Zehren had said he was expect-ha!'

But what keeps our supper so long?' he cried, springing up impatiently and looking into the dining-room. Ah! are you already there, Con


tle man. To be sure, your father does not come 'Yes indeed; did you not know it?' said the litto the shooting at Griebenow's; but I supposed Trantow would have told you.'

keep each other au courant of our adventures,' 'Herr von Trantow and I are not accustomed to answered Constance.

[ocr errors]

I was standing near enough to hear every word and observe every look, and I had clearly perceived that as Herr von Granow mentioned the young prince, Constance, who had been standing half-turned away from the speaker, with an inattentive, rather annoyed expression, suddenly turned and fixed her eyes upon him, while a deep blush suffused her cheeks. I had afterward sufficient reason to remember this fact, but at the moment had not time to ponder over it, as Herr von Zehren now returned with the cigars for which he had gone, and Constance, after offering Herr von Granow the tips of her fingers, giving me her hand with great apparent cordiality, and saluting Herr von Trantow, who stood as ever, silent and motionless at the door, with a distant, scarcely perceptible nod, at once left the room.

As the door closed behind her, Herr von Trantow passed his hand over his brow, and then turned his large eyes on me, as he slowly approached me. I returned, as defiantly as I was able, his look, in which I fancied I read a dark menace, and stood prepared for whatever might happen, when he suddenly stopped before me, his staring eyes still fixed upon my face.

'This is my young friend of whom I was speaking to you, Hans,' said Herr von Zehren, coming up to us. Do you think you can manage him?' Von Trantow shrugged his shoulders.

You see I have laid a wager with Hans that you are the stronger of the two,' our host continued: 'he is counted the strongest man in all this part of the country; so I held it my duty to bring a rival to his notice.'

But not this evening,' said Hans, offering me his hand. It was just as when a great mastiff, of whom we are not sure whether he will bite or not, suddenly sits on his haunches before us, and lays his great paw on our knees. I took it without an instant's hesitation.

'Heaven forbid!' said Herr von Zehren to Trantow's remark. 'My young friend will make a long stay with me, I trust. He wishes to learn the management of a country place, and where could he sooner attain his object than upon such a model estate as mine?'

He laughed as he said it; von Granow exclaimed 'Very good!' the silent Hans said nothing, and I stood confused. Von Zehren, in our previous conversation, had made no allusion to my staying with him as a pupil, Why had he not done so? It was one of the happiest of ideas, I thought, and one that at once cleared away all the difficulties of my position. As for his model estate,' why might I not succeed in changing this ironical phrase to a real description? Yes; here I had a new mission, which went hand in hand with the other: to reconcile father and daughter, to reclaim the ruined estate, to rebuild the castle of their ancestors-in a word, to be the good genius, the guardian angel of the family.

trade which surrounded the wide low terrace. I She lightly pressed my hand before letting it
now perceived that the light came from an open go, and then re-entered her room. As I turned
casement, through which I could see into a dimly away, I heard the casement close.
lighted room. Thick curtains were dropped be- I stood under one of the great trees of the park
fore the two windows to the right and left. From and looked back toward the house. The moon
the place where I stood I could not see the occu- had risen above the trees, and the great mass of
pant, and I was hesitating, with a beating heart, buildings stood out in bolder relief against the
whether I should venture to advance, when she dark back-ground: a faint light occasionally ap-
suddenly appeared at the open casement. Not to peared and vanished in one of the windows of the
be discovered, I crouched close behind a great upper story. The light from Constance's window
stone vase.
came toward me with that magic lustre which
shines upon us once in our lives, and only once.

Her fingers glided over the strings of her guitar,
trying first one note and then another, then strik-
ing an uncertain chord or two, as if she were try-
ing to catch a melody. Presently the chords were
struck more firmly, and she sang :-*

All day long the bright sun loves me,
Woos me with his glowing light;
But I better love the gentle

Stars of night.

From the boundless deep above me
Come their calm and tender beams,
Bringing to my wayward fancy

Sweetest dreams.

Sweetest dreams of love unending,
Bitter tears for love undone;
For the dearest, for the fairest,
Only one.

The lawn before me lay in deep shadow; but just as the first rays of the moon began to illuminate it, I thought I perceived a figure, which coming from the other side, was slowly approaching Constance's window. In this there was nothing to excite suspicion, for it might be one of the laborers; but it is the duty of a faithful squire to make sure in any case; so without a moment's hesitation I started across the lawn to meet the figure. Unluckily I stepped upon a dry twig, and it snapped. The figure stopped instantly, and began to retreat with swift, stealthy steps. He had but little start of me, but the thick coppice which closed in the lawn on that side, and was the limit of the park, was so near that he reached it a few moments before me. I distinctly heard some one The last words were sung in a broken voice, and pushing through the branches, but with my utmost she now leaned her head against the casement- exertions I could not reach him. I began to think frame, and I heard her sobbing. My agitation that my ear had led me in a wrong direction, when was so great that I forgot the precaution which my suddenly a loud crashing and rattling close at situation demanded, and a stone which I had dis- hand proved that I was on the right track. The lodged from the crumbling edge of the terrace, man was evidently clambering over the rotten rolled down the slope. Constance started, and paling which fenced in the park on this side. Now called with an unsteady voice, 'Who is there?' II knew he could not escape me: on the other side judged it more prudent to discover myself, and lay a wide open space, and I had never yet met approached her, saying that it was I.

Falsest-hearted, only chosen,

Soon the short-lived dream was o'er-
He is gone, and I am lonely

'Ah, it is you, then,' she said.

'I entreat you to forgive me. The music of your guitar attracted me: I know I ought not to have come: pray forgive me.'

I stood near her; the light from the room fell brightly upon her face and her eyes, which were lifted to mine.

the man whom I could not overtake in a fair race. But at the instant that I reached the paling, I heard a horse's feet, and looking up saw a rider galloping across the open in the clear moonlight. The horse was evidently one of great power and speed at each stride he cleared such a stretch of ground, that in less than half a minute horse and rider were lost to sight; for a brief space I still

'How kind you are,' she said in a soft voice-heard the sound of the hoofs, and then that also or are you not dealing truly with me?' I could not trust myself to answer, but she knew how to interpret my silence aright.

'Yes,' she said, 'you are my trusty squire, my faithful George. If I were to say to you:-watch this terrace to-night until the break of day, you would do it, would you not?'

'Yes,' I answered.

She looked in my face and smiled. 'How sweet it is-how sweet, to know that there is one creature upon earth that is true to us!'

She gave me her hand: my own trembled as I took it.

But I do not ask anything of the kind,' she All this passed through my mind as the gentle- said; only this one thing, that you will not go men took their seats at the card-table; and with away except by your own determination, and not my brain still busy with the thought, I left the without my permission. You promise? That room, under the pretext of wanting a little fresh so kind of you! And now go: good night!' air, and strolled about the now familiar paths. *The version above given is a rather free one. The among the dark shrubbery of the park. The original is as follows:-TR.

moon was not yet up, but a glimmer on the eastern horizon showed that she was rising. The stars twinkled through the warm air that was ascending from the earth. There was a rustling and whispering in bush and copse, and a screech-owl at intervals broke the silence with her cry. From one of the windows on the ground-floor of the castle came a faint light, and the breeze brought to my ear the notes of a guitar. I could not withstand the temptation, and crept with hushed breath, startled at the least noise that my footsteps made, nearer and nearer, until I reached the stone balus-I

Am Tage die Sonne

Wol hat sie mich gerne,
Ich aber, ich liebe
Die nächtigen Sterne.
Die nächtigen Sterne

Aus endlosen Räumen,
Sie kommen und blinken

Und lassen mich traumen.
Sie lassen mich träumen

Und machen mich weinen
Um den Lieben, den Holden,
Den Schlimmen, den Einen.
Den Schlimmen, den Einen
Den ich mir erkoren,
An. den ich die Seele,
Die arme, verloren.


ceased; the whole adventure passing in so little time, that I might have fancied I had dreamed it all, but for the evidence of my heart, beating vio

lently with excitement and the exertion of the chase, and the smarting of my hands, which were torn by the thorns and briars.

Who could the audacious intruder be? Certainly not an ordinary thief: doubtless some one who had been attracted by the light from Constance's window, and not to-night for the first time; it was plain that he had often followed that path in the dark.

That it was a favored lover, I did not for a moto me an outrage, and upon one, too, whose dreamy ment suppose. Such a surmise would have seemed eyes, whose melancholy song, and whose tears rather told of an unhappy, than of a requited attachment. But they surely told of love.


that I was presumptuous enough to indulge in any hope, or even wish: how could I dare to lift my eyes to her? I could only live and die for her, and perhaps break the neck of the rash mortal who had dared under cover of the night to approach her sanctuary.

This idea somewhat solaced my dejection, but my former happiness had departed never to return. It was with a heavy sense of anxiety and apprehension that I re-entered the room where the gentlemen were still at the card-table.

They had commenced with whist, but were now engaged at faro. Von Zehren held the bank, and seemed to have been winning largely. In a plate before him lay a great heap of silver, with some

gold, and this plate lay on another which was where old Pahlen, for whom the difference between The two night and day seemed to have no existence, was filled with crumpled treasury-notes. guests had already lost their ready money, and busy clearing up. Von Zehren threw open the from time to time they handed over bills, which window and looked out. I joined him : he laid his went to swell the pile of notes, and received in ex- hand upon my shoulder and said: 'How gloriously change larger or smaller sums, which evinced a the stars are shining, and how delicious the air is! strong proclivity to return to the source from And there'-he pointed back into the room, 'how which they sprang. Herr von Trantow appeared horrible-disgusting-stifling? Why cannot one to bear his ill-luck with great equanimity. His good-natured, handsome face was as passionless as before, only perhaps a shade or two deeper in color, and his great blue eyes rather more staring, But this might very well be the effect of the wine he had been drinking, of which they had already emptied at least half-a-dozen bottles. Herr von Granow's nerves were less fitted to bear the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. He would at times start up from his chair, then fall back into it; swore sometimes aloud, sometimes softly to himself, and was plainly in the very worst of sant rest.' humors, to the secret delight, as I thought, of Herr von Zehren, whose brown eyes twinkled with amusement, as he politely expressed his regret whenever he was compelled to gather in the little man's money.

I had taken my seat near the players, in order better to watch the chances of the game, of which I had sufficient knowledge from furtive school-boy experiences, when Herr von Zehren pushed over to me a pile of bank-notes which he had just won, saying, 'You must join us.'

'Excuse me,' I stammered.

'Why so punctilious about a trifle?' he asked. 'There is no need for you to go to your room for money here is enough.'

He knew that my whole stock of cash did not amount to quite a thaler, for I had told him so the previous evening. I blushed crimson, but had not the courage to contradict my kind host's generous falsehood: I drew up my chair with the air of a man who has no wish to spoil sport, and began to play.

Cautiously at first, with small stakes, and with the firm determination to remain perfectly cool; but before long the fever of gaming began to fire my brain. My heart beat ever quicker and quicker, my head and my eyes seemed burning; while the cards were dealing I poured down glass after glass of wine to moisten my parched throat, and it was with a shaking hand that I gathered up my winnings. And I won almost incessantly: if a card was turned against me, the next few turns brought me in a three-fold or a five-fold gain. My agitation almost suffocated me as the money before me increased to a larger sum than I had ever before seen in a heap-two or three hundred thalers, as I estimated it in my mind.

Presently my luck came to a pause: I ceased winning, but did not lose; and then I began to lose, slowly at first, then faster and faster. Cold chills ran over me, as one after another of the large notes passed into the banker's hands; but I took care not to imitate the behavior of Herr von Granow, which had struck me so repulsively. Like Herr von Trantow, I lost without the slightest change of countenance, and my calmness was praised by my host, who continued encouraging me. My stock of money had melted away to onehalf, when Hans von Trantow declared with a yawn that he was too tired to play any longer: von Granow said it was not late; but the candles burnt to the sockets, and the great clock on the wall which pointed to three, told a different story. The two guests lighted fresh cigars, and drove off in their carriages, which had long been waiting at the door, after having arranged a shooting expedition, in which I was to join, for the following day. My host and I returned to the room, which reeked with the fumes of wine and the smoke of cigars,

play faro by starlight, inhaling the perfume of wall-flowers and mignonette? And why after every merry night must Repentance come in the form of an old woman, shaking her head as she counts the emptied bottles and sweeps up the ashes? How stupid it is: but we must not give ourselves gray hairs fretting about it-they will come soon enough of themselves. And now do you go to bed. I see you have a hundred things on your mind, but to-morrow is a new day, and if not-so much the better. Good night, and plea

But it was long ere my host's kind wish was accomplished. A real witch-sabbath of beautiful and hideous figures danced in the wildest gyrations before my feverish, half-sleeping, half-waking eyes: Constance, her father, his guests, the dark form in the park, my father, Professor Lederer, and Smith Pinnow-and all appealing to me to save them from some danger or other;-Professor Lederer especially from two thick lexicons, which were really two great oysters that gaped with open shells at the lean Professor, while the Commerzienrath stood in the back-ground, nearly dying with laughter:-and all whirling and swarming together, and caressing and threatening, and charming and terrifying me, until at last, as the gray dawn began to light the ragged hangings of the chamber, a profound slumber relieved me from the throng of phantoms.


No moon to-night! Each drifting cloud
Sails darkly through the sky;

As ships, when winds are shrieking loud
Through bending masts and strained shroud,
Like frightened sea-birds fly.

No moon to-night! Yon restless bay
Mirrors no star, nor moon;
Viewless and dark its tossing spray
Bemoans the dawning light of day-
The golden light of noon.

No moon to-night! The mountain's crest
May boast no coronet;

In silvered green no longer dressed-
Upon its brow the clouds have pressed
An unseen crown of jet.

No moon to-night! No dew-drops gleam
Upon the folded rose;
Uncheered by moonlight's gentle beam
The lilies, by yon unlit stream-
Droop sadly to repose.

No moon to-night! The nightingale
Has ceased its wondrous strain;

The notes which floated through the vale,
Like perfume, on the evening gale-
I listening, wait in vain.
No moon to-night! AMABEL lies
Where fall the shadows deep;
No spirit, o'er her closed eyes,
May cast the light of Dreamland skies-
For dreamless is her sleep.

No moon to-night! The moon is dead-
Let Night, in sadness, moan;
No crescent gleams upon her head-
No stars upon her robe are spread-
She's widowed and alone.

No moon to-night! E'en wine and song
Are sadden'd and o'ercast;
Then, why a bootless strain prolong?—
Dark mem'ries in the darkness throng
And call me to the past.


Over the goblet filled to the brim
She sends a bewildering glance to him—
Over the sea of pink foaming wine
He reels in the light of her beauty divine.
Deeper and deeper she dreamily dips
In the rose-tinted wine her rose-tinted lips;
While over the glass she airily laughs
A pledge which he eagerly catches and quaffs;
And he drinks in a madness wilder than wine,
Through her smile and her eyes' bewildering shine.
He drinks in delirium, danger and death,
As over the goblet comes floating her breath-
As over the flagon of rose-colored bliss
She wickedly, witchingly, wafts him a kiss;
Then, laughing a laugh derisive and sweet,
She is gone, while he kneels in despair at her feet.

News Summary.



-Mr. Burlingame and Lord Clarendon, the English Minister of Foreign Affairs, had an interview Dec. 31, when the following articles for future negotiation between China and Great Britain were agreed to:-That it was necessary to observe existbe conducted with the Central Government and ing treaty stipulations; that all negotiations should not with the local authorities; and that before the inauguration of war disputes should be referred to The press of London the home Government. generally approve the treaty.

-The British House of Commons had a formal meeting on the last day of the year for the purpose of swearing in the newly-elected ministers, and then adjourned till February.


Another colliery explosion is reported to have taken place in the Haydock Colliery, in England. Twenty-two dead bodies have been taken out of the mine, and it is not known how many more there may be left.

-A dispatch received in London announces the murder of fifty European families in New-Zealand by the Maories.

-The directors of the Bank of Overend, Gurney & Co., which failed some time ago, and whose affairs have been in process of liquidation, have been arrested and held to bail on a charge of fraud in the management of its affairs.

-In a speech which Mr. Reverdy Johnson recently made before the London Workingmen's Society, he assured his hearers that the Naturalization treaty between the United States and Great Britain was certain to be ratified by the United States Senate.


-The Emperor Napoleon, at the usual New Year's reception of the Diplomatic Corps, in replying to the address of the representatives of foreign powers, said that he realized with much pleasure the conciliatory spirit animating European governments, which enables them to quiet animosities and smooth international difficulties as fast as they arise, thus insuring the continuance of peace. He confidently hoped that the year 180 would prove as satisfactory as the year which had just closed, and that the course of events may dis sipate unfavorable apprehensions, and consolidate the peace so necessary to the welfare and progress of civilized nations and peoples. The journals say that during the reception the Emperor told Señor Olozaga, the Spanish envoy, to convey to his Government the warmest wishes, both of himself personally, and of France, for the happiness and prosperity of Spain.

-There has been a very considerable outflow of specie from the Bank of France during the last week of the year. The official statement showed that the amount of bullion on hand is quite 31,000000 francs less than at the corresponding period of the previous week.

-Mr. Burlingame and the Chinese Embassy arrived in Paris January 3d, and an interview with Lavalette, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, had been fixed for Wednesday of this week. The French press regard the mission of Mr. Burlingame in France as nearly certain of success. -Several French iron-clads are preparing for The Emperor Napoleon has contributed the sum of 5,000 francs for the erection of a monument to the late Emperor Maximilian.


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