Imagens das páginas



claimed and appropriated by one which is in no which the press owes to the public to make the The parties who were to be the gainers by this sense more than half built. The question is per- fullest possible exposure of the schemes of these increase of duties were the stockholders in the tinently asked why are not the Government bonds, conspirators, withholding neither names nor facts, Lake Superior mines which turn out copper in the the delivery of which was intended to be condi- and it is a duty which Congress owes to the coun- mass-native copper, to the amount of 9,000,000 tional, withheld? Why is no security required try not only to refuse all further subsidies for pounds per annum-about one-third of the copper for the fulfilment of its engagements by the com- railroad purposes, but to take immediate steps consumed in and exported from the country every pany? Why are no steps taken to enforce com- to hold those who have already benefitted so year. The bonus proposed to be given by the pliance with the law granting the subsidies? largely by its bounty to a strict account for what bill to these parties was shown by Senator Whyte, What substantial arguments have been used in they have received, and to an exact compliance of Maryland, to be $225,000 per annum. aid of the specious representations resorted to by with the terms upon which the original grants were bonus, it was argued by Senators Howard and the Directors of the Company to gloze over these made. In the meantime the subject has already Chandler, of Michigan-the special champions deficiencies to explain away the unfavorable re- been brought directly to the attention of the Sen- of the Bill-is needed to make the Michigan ports of the Government Commissioners, and ob- ate. The articles in The Tribune have been read mines pay! Without it-it was threatened, some tain possession of the bonds and lands to which from the Clerk's desk, for the information of that of them would have to suspend, and in their they are not entitled? Is there no responsi- body, at the request of a Senator implicated in stoppage, many poor people would be thrown out bility with the Executive Department for this the accusations of General Boynton. Senators of employment-that is, the Welsh and Cornish loose administration of affairs? Harlan and Pomeroy have made personal expla- miners who now work in the Lake Superior mines Then, as everybody knows, the Government nations, denying the truth of the charges brought would have to find work elsewhere. The opposigranted its aid to a Company calling itself the against them. Nobody expected them to plead tion to the Bill-it was said-came chiefly from Union Pacific Railroad Company. The projec- guilty. the Baltimore Company-the most earnest oppotors, having obtained the franchise, straightway nent of the Bill being the Maryland Senatororganized another inside Company, called the Congress, as at present organized, consists of a and the Baltimore Company, said Mr. Howard, Credit Mobilier, and took the contract for build- Senate, a House of Representatives, and a Lobby. of Michigan, was not as loyal as it might be. ing the road. That the parties interested have The latter, though not recognised by the Consti- During the war-he had heard the Company "made a good thing out of it," is shown by the tution as a component part of the national Legis- had shipped to England and Germany some fact that while the shares of the Union Pacific lature, is by far the most active, if not influential, 3,000,000 pounds of their copper for what reason Road can be purchased to-day without trouble, branch. With the Lobby, all or nearly all of the he did not know-but thought the circumstance those of the Credit Mobilier are beyond the reach important measures passed at each session origi- suspicious, and "not in the spirit of a self-sacriof any purchaser. This is where the Government nate. Upon the favor and support of the Lobby ficing patriotism at a great crisis of the country.”’ money goes. This is the big profit that has depends, to a great extent, the fate of every bill Besides, the Baltimore interest was "a paltry aroused the cupidity and stimulated the efforts of introduced. Honorable members take their cue one" in comparison with that of the Michigan rival speculators, and led to-the two hundred and from the Lobby, which instructs them how to companies. Senator Ferry, of Connecticut, inodd schemes of plunder which have been intro- vote, and furnishes them with solid reasons for timated that the copper manufacturing and shipduced into Congress. Meantime, the road is being voting in a given way. Nearly all of the legisla- ping interests of his State were involved in the pushed to completion-if such it can be called-tion at Washington, which is not of a strictly. measure. Senator Chandler retorted that if Conwith unexampled activity, and the Directors are partisan character and designed to subserve merely necticut did not stand up for Michigan, when planning excursions for themselves and their lady party ends, is of a private nature, and intended Michigan wanted protection-Connecticut clocks friends next summer-through from New York to promote private interests-those of a class or should suffer. "You stop our mines-and we to San Francisco-in gorgeously furnished cars, to individual. These interests are represented and will stop your factories." And so the Bill passed be constructed for the purpose, with cooks from protected by the Lobby. What part the Lobby by a vote of 38 to 11. The only use of referring Delmonico's, and champagne frappé at discretion, had in engineering through the Senate the Cop-to the subject now, is for the sake of the illustraand every appointment of luxury-for all of which per Bill, which passed on Tuesday, we are not in- tion afforded of the spirit and the influences which the overburdened tax-payer sweats and pays. formed. It is precisely, however, one of those shape and control legislation at Washington, and A General Boynton, writing recently to the measures in which we should suppose the Lobby of the manner in which the Senate deals with Cincinnati Gazette; illustrates the manner in would find both profit and delight-being de- great public interests. For beyond any of the which the public lands and money are thus ob- signed for the furtherance of private and local in- particular and local interests involved-whether tained for private purposes. The Union Pacific terests at the expense of those of the country at of Michigan miners or Baltimore smelters-is the Railroad Company was required by law to large. The object of the Bill was to give a bounty interest which the country at large has in the matconstruct a branch from Sioux City to connect to the Lake Superior Copper Mines-which are ter. It is the interest of the country to have with their main road "by the nearest and most situated in Michigan, and worked by companies, cheap copper, and cheap everything else, if we practicable route." This would have been by a the stock in which is owned in Wall street-by in- can get it-and it matters nothing whether the line from a point on the Missouri river, opposite creasing the tariff on imported copper ores. The copper be "convict-copper" from Chili, as the Sioux City, in a direction almost exactly southwest interests injuriously affected by the Bill were those Michigan Senator called it, or whether it be dug. to Columbus in Nebraska, on the main-stem, a dis- of the copper smelting companies of Baltimore, from mines on Lake Superior or in Maryland. tance of 96 miles. Instead of this the road was New Jersey and Massachusetts, who require the All legislation, which under the specious name built down the rich and level bottoms of the Mis- foreign ores, particularly the carbonates from and pretence of protection of American interest, souri, in a direction generally southeast, being at Chili and Peru, to mix with the native sulphur- makes articles in common and necessary use dearer than they should be, is class-legislation, is partial, the sixty-eighth mile 20 miles further east than ets;-the copper mining companies of Vermont, the meridian of Sioux City; and at the point of New Jersey, Maryland, North Carolina, and Ne- unjust, and opposed to principles of sound politijuncture at Fremont, where it strikes the main- vada, whose ores are sulphurets, and require adstem, the branch, which is 100 miles long, is only mixture with the foreign carbonates to produce sic miles nearer the Pacific Ocean than where its copper;-the whole ship-building interest of the The crookedness of some Northern religious first rail was laid! Yet for this road, built in country, which is interested in cheap copper, and and political teachers can only be explained on violation of law, and which is in no sense a Pacific therefore opposed to any increase of duties; and the hypothesis of an incurable crook in the brain. road, bonds, by way of Government subsidy, have the shipping interest, which is engaged in the Of such an utter perversion of all sense and reabeen issued by the Secretary of the Treasury at carrying trade from Chili and Peru, in the course son-to say the least of it-we have a notable the rate of $16,000 per mile, and lands have been of which thousands of tons of foreign ores are illustration in a late number of the New York Incertified by the Secretary of the Interior at the annually brought to our ports, and whose business dependent. The Independent is a religious newsrate of 12,800 acres per mile! The whole subject will be greatly injured, if not broken up, by the paper-so-called. What its religion is--it would imperatively demands investigation. It is a duty passage of the Bill. be hard to say, but its politics are Radical. It

cal economy.


the adoration of the elements-are forbidden as

professes a sort of Radical Christianity or Chris- in obliterating the ebony type of beauty which celebrant in the Office of Holy Communion-one tian Radicalism, which it declares to be "the Brother Haven so passionately admires, are en- of the points in which Mr. Mackonochie was ac glory of the age and the best result of free insti- tirely overlooked. Oblivious of this practical recused of transgressing-the ecclesiastical law very tutions." Of this religion, which belongs to the sult of his own theory, he revels in the contem- exactly laid down. During the prayer of conse cration of the elements, the priest is not to kneel, present century and is a "result" of American de- plation of a dusky Paradise peopled with houris as was Mr. Mackonochie's practice, because the mocracy, the Gospel is-Amalgamation. One of whose skins, not eyes, shall outshine the blackest Rubric expressly says that he shall stand. Neither its apostles is the Reverend Gilbert Haven, whom jet. "The Song of Songs"-we imagined the shall he stand at the north or gospel end of the The Independent describes as "one of the most reverend gentleman's taste in Scripture-reading Holy Table, as is customary with the Low Church eloquent and powerful preachers in the Methodist lay in that direction-"may have a more literal ful- clergy, but before the Table, and consequently Church." Brother Haven has lately preached filment than it has ever confessedly had, in Amer- with his back to the people, as the Rubric requires. a sermon upon "America's Past and Future," ica; and the illegal but divinely implanted admi- Other practices introduced by the Ritualists as inwhich The Independent prints in full. The bur- ration of Southern Solomons for black but comely dicating a belief in the Doctrine of the Real Presden of Brother Haven's prophecy is that in maidens, be the proudly acknowledged and hon-ence-the elevation of the paten and chalice, and "America's future" the negro is destined to oc- orably gratified life of Northern and Southern being wholly without warrant in the Rubric, and cupy an equal station, socially as well as politi- gentlemen." implying a doctrinal belief at variance with the cally, with the white man. All existing prejudices We beg our readers' pardon for giving place in Church's teaching. Neither can there be hereon the score of color or other physical peculiari- our columns to such stuff. It should be remem- after any "censing of persons or things"-any ties will disappear. The negro is not only to take bered, however, that this "foolishness of preach-lighting of candles on the altar, except for the his rightful place in the halls of legislation, in ing" found audience from a Northern pulpit, purpose of giving light-any mixing of water with government offices, in the learned professions, but and publication in a Northern journal, professedly the wine in the celebration of the Holy Commuin the drawing-rooms and boudoirs of polite so- religious, undoubtedly of wide circulation, and non. Other customs, some in general use among High Churchmen and Low Churchmen alike, and ciety. "What we now regard with feelings of commanding influence. It fills seven or eight which, being matters of ancient traditional pracaversion, we shall learn to embrace with affec- columns of The Independent. Yet because we of tice, were supposed to require no rubrical sanction." Brother Haven not only asserts it, but the South reject with disgust the teachings of an tion, appear to fall within the prohibition of the undertakes to prove it. "It is the law of our na- illogical ass—a libidinous satyr-like this man judgment of the Privy Council. Such, for exture that we choose that which we say we will Haven, whose praise is in the Northern churches ample, is the practice of bowing at the name of never have." "If you hear a person declare that for this reason, among others, we are set down the Lord in the Creeds, turning towards the East he will never be a Methodist, be sure that he will by writers of the Radical school as incurably pro- fore the Gospel, the second hymn, the use of Colin the Creed, the "Glory be to Thee, O Lord!" beyet be of the most earnest type of that religion."|vincial! "If he says, "I will be anything sooner than a Congregationalist,' you may mark him as preordained to be a sober deacon of that orthodox The subject of Ritualism has attracted so much church." So he continues-varying the illustra- attention of late years in this country, as well as in tion-if a young girl says she will never marry England, that a brief statement of the points emMr. So-and-so, it invariably comes to pass sooner braced in the recent authoritative decision of the or later that she is his wife. "So," he concludes, Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in the test case of Martin vs. Mackonochie, may not be "shall we treat our brethren of color." "We uninteresting to many of our readers. The case is, shall see 'Helen's beauty in the brow of Egypt,' perhaps, better known under the name of the St. "We shall say, 'What a rich complexion is that Alban's case Mr. Mackonochie, who is a clergybrown skin! It is Italian, Greek, Oriental, per-man of the Church of England, incumbent of the fect! How far it excels our chalky hue!'" Like Titania, in Midsummer Night's Dream, we are to fall in love with Bottom, with his asses' head, only in this case the asses' head is to be upon our own shoulders, as it is already upon Brother Haven's. The signs of this revolution in the sentiments of the world are, to Brother Haven's eye, apparent. We imitate the complexion of the negro, it seems, in the brown-stone fronts of our houses. "Our girls crinkle (sic) their hair after the natural curliness of their sisters' locks."


lects and Prayers before or after Sermon, the "blessing" anywhere, save at the end of the Communion Office. On the other hand, the judgment is understood to make compulsory daily celebration of the Holy Communion during the octaves of Christmas, Easter, Ascension and Whitsuntide.

One of the most remarkable effects of the decision is that which it is expected to have upon the use of vestments. Low Churchmen will have to

give up the black gown, and High Churchmen stoles

of any color. Both are declared illegal. The judg ment affirms that "the only legal ornaments of the Church and of the ministers thereof" are those parish of St. Alban's, in London, and an extreme which were in use "by the authority of Parliament Ritualist, was proceeded against in the Ecclesiasti- in the second year of Edward VI.," and that by cal Courts upon the information of a person named this term "ornaments" is meant such articles as Martin, for certain Ritualistic practices. The case are prescribed by the Prayer-Book of 1549. The was, as we have stated, in a measure a test case, law is, therefore, so far as regards vestments, that and was so regarded by the two great parties into the bishop shall have "a rochet, chasuble, alb, and which the Church of England and the Episcopal pastoral staff;" the priest "a surplice, chasuble, Church in this country are divided-the High and cope, alb, and hood, (if he be a graduate);" the the Low Church parties. The judgment which other assistant ministers "a tunicle and alb." A: was rendered last spring by the Dean of Arches, ordinary morning prayer, a surplice is the only gave entire satisfaction to neither party. An ap- proper vestment; at the communion service, s peal was accordingly taken to the Judicial Com-chasuble or cope (over a white alb); the assistant mittee of the Privy Council, which is the tribunal ministers to wear a tunicle over an alb of any The law of selection by contraries is adduced in of last resort in questions of ecclesiastical law color; and these directions the judgment prosupport of the theory propounded: in England. No further appeal can be had. The nounces not only proper, but compulsory. only resource for parties dissatisfied with the deHeretofore, to the eye, one of the most marked is the law of marriage." "The light-complex-cision is to apply to the Legislature-in other distinctions between the Anglican and the Roman ioned turns to the dark, and the dark to the light, words, to Parliament, for an alteration of the law, service, has been the difference in the vestments of as day to night and night to day"-only in a dif- which has received its final judicial interpretation the officiating ministers. Hereafter, if the English from Lord Cairns-the late Lord Chancellor-by clergy obey the law, and the Court tells them that ferent sense, we suppose. "The tall seek the whom the judgment of the Privy Council was de- there is no help for them, they will be compelled, short, and the short the tall; the small the large, livered. As was the case with Dr. Lushington's without distinction of party, to array themselves in and the large the small." Whence concludes opinion in the Court below, Lord Cairns' decision the distinctive vestments which have been deemed Brother Haven, white men will come to prefer has disappointed the extremists of both parties, peculiar to the Church of Rome. The legality of black wives, and vice versâ—or, in his own glow-which is a strong sign of its correctness. The gist other "ornaments" which are usually regarded ing language "the hour is not far off when the of the decision appears to be that the Rubrical with dislike by the Evangelical party-the carved white-hued husband shall boast of the dusky directions of the Book of Common Prayer must be beauty of his wife, and the Caucasian wife shall strictly enforced-that no deviation therefrom, admire the sun-kissed countenance of her husband as deeply and as unconscious of the present ruling abhorrence as is his admiration of her lighter tint."

"Not like with like, but like with difference,'

The physical consequences of amalgamation

either by way of subtraction or addition, is al-
lowable, and that every such instance of defect or
excess in the mode of celebrating Divine worship,
should be restrained as an irregularity by the pro-
per legal and ecclesiastical authority. According-
ly, we find, in respect to the proper attitude of the

reredos, the cross behind the altar, the coloured altar-cloths, the credence-table-had been previously settled by the judgment of the same tribunal in the case of Westerton vs. Liddell. These things accordingly "remain as they have done in times past."

From this cursory review it will be seen that the

decision of the Judicial Committee in the St. Al

ban's case has a double bearing. It is a two-edged number) no solos are performed, except when imposed upon the Director of a Conservatory of sword, cutting, as it was doubtless intended to do, there is, at the Grand Opera, some artist of an ex- Music. both ways. It puts an end to all prostrations and ceptional and unquestionable merit, and even then Although Miss Jenny Busk is a favorite with genuflections; compels Mr. Mackonochie to get the Director selects always some piece with a choral the Baltimore public, it was a disappointment not up from his knees and hold up his head; at the accompaniment. Never, on any occasion, do the to hear Mad. Parepa-Rosa, whom a severe accident same time it forces the ultra-Protestant section of professors of the Conservatory take part in the prevented from taking part in the concert of Wedthe clergy to sacrifice their favorite Geneva gown, concerts. Marmontel, whose class carries off each nesday last. However, the Concordia was well and put on what they have been in the habit of stig-year the first prize, does not even play for his pu- filled, and the concert was altogether a success. matising as "mass-vestments." Accordingly, we pils. He holds, and he is right, that no music, Miss Jenny Busk has a soprano voice of very small are not surprised to find Lord Shaftesbury and the however complicated, should be caught by ear, volume, but highly cultivated. In the song, The Evangelicals talking of an application to Parlia- and no style of playing, by imitation; the pupil Nightingale, she takes high notes that we consider ment for a revision of the Rubric, and Doctor must extricate himself from his difficulties by the beyond the limits of her natural voice; it is no Pusey writing a letter to The Times complaining aid of the verbal explanations of his professor and more art, but artifice, and mere vocal gymnastics. of the manner in which the Ritualists have been his own pains-taking study. Otherwise, teaching As her school is very good, she will allow us to treated by the Privy Council. Meanwhile, the would stifle in each pupil his own originality, (we give her a word of friendly advice. The perfect great mass of the English public, if we may judge speak of naturally good performers,) and produce composure of the face and mouth, while singing, from the tone of the leading journals, is opposed unintelligent players and musical machines. is one of the marks of a good school; hence with to extremes on either side, and is disposed not only One of the most celebrated music teachers of a little attention and study Miss Busk would certo acquiesce in the ruling of the Privy Council, but Germany, Wolweiler, could scarcely play the tainly drop the ungraceful habit she has of workto require that there shall be an end of further agi-simplest tune; still he has left behind him some ing her lips every time she pauses or takes her tation on the subject, and that all parties shall con- very eminent scholars, and among those the well breath. M. Ferranti is a very good singer in the form to the law as it is now authoritatively known Aloysius Schmidt. This is so true, that if bouffe style, and all his selections were of that ascertained to be. Dr. Pusey has been ably an- we were not convinced that the public shares our class. His voice is very agreeable; his style correct. swered by the Revs. Blomfield Jackson, F. D. opinion, we should ask Mr. Allen, who has under Only his mimicry, which would have been perfect Maurice, Street and others. In one of the earlier his charge three piano classes, to play some of in some opera character, appears like an exaggeranumbers of this paper we had occasion to discuss Liszt's compositions, and Mr. Southard, who is tion in a black dress suit. It approaches, then, too the question of Ritualism, as it presented itself to the singing instructor, to sing the variations of nearly to buffoonery. For an artist, we may add, the consideration of the General Convention of Rode, arranged for a bass voice. to put on his gloves on the stage, while singing, is the Episcopal Church, which was in session in We must at last speak of the concert itself. not considered respectful to the public. New York city in October last, and to commend When Mr. Southard made his appearance among the wise and conservative action of that body in the musicians of the orchestra, they began to apdeclining to lend itself to further the views of the plaud him with a certain affectation of enthusi -ultraists on either side, and in abstaining from all asm. If it was intended as an answer to the critilegislation upon the subject. How far the judg-cisms lately made upon Mr. Southard, we regret ment of the Privy Council may influence the for his sake that the demonstration did not origiopinions and the practice of Episcopal clergy-nate with the public. Coming from the side of men in this country, we, of course, are unable to the orchestra, it was unfortunate, as the audience conjecture. Authority, certainly, it has none. took no part in it.

It may not be amiss to add that it is understood that two of the Judicial Committee, Lord Westbury and Sir William Erle, both lawyers and judges of eminent authority, dissented from the judgment delivered by Lord Cairns.


The overtures of Preciosa and Masaniello were very well performed. In the second, the orchestra was almost perfect. In the first, the tambourin was always out of time, and the syncopations towards the end of the overture were not marked with enough precision by the orchestra.

M. Friedmann has a very sympathetic tenor TRAL CONCERT-PAREPA-ROSA'S CON- voice, and he is always heard with pleasure. We


Carl Rosa, Pattison and Brookhouse Bowler are certainly very good artists, but we do not find in them such eminent qualities as would entitle them to a place in the first rank. The selections of the first two were very light and insignificant, and we may, perhaps, appreciate them better on some other occasion. M. Pattison, we must say, has a brilliant execution, and what is not so frequent, a very good touch.

M. Levy has made of an unpleasing instrument, when played alone, a very pleasant one, by drawing from his cornet-a-pistons very pure and soft sounds. His execution is wonderful, as all scales and runs on such an instrument are always most difficult to perform well. We cannot praise him for his playing a mezza voce, as he did not produce this effect himself, but obtained it by putting something inside of the mouth of his cornet.

We hope that Madame Parepa-Rosa may soon recover from the effects of her accident, and that we may yet have the pleasure of hearing her in Baltimore. Friday's Concert we shall notice in our next. NEMO.


hope that the success he meets with, will induce When we suggested last Saturday that artists him to perfect himself, as his voice requires more residing in Baltimore should be called to take cultivation in the scales, and in the passage of inpart in the Peabody Concerts, we did not expect tervals. The stage of the Peabody Institute is ill that our wishes would be so speedily realised, at adapted for singers; its cupola reverberates the least in regard to M. Friedmann. Encouraged by sound in such a way as to stifle sometimes entirely this success, and though entirely adverse to solos the voice. Hence the orchestra should take the at orchestral Concerts, we hope that, if there are greatest care to accompany with more softness and to be solos, Miss Jenny Busk, M. Rosewald, the delicacy. Two movements of the Symphony in best violinist in town, and Madame Auerbach, a A of Beethoven, the Allegretto and the Finale, most eminent pianist, may be successively invited would be quite sufficient for one concert. Such SOME RECENT NOVELS.* to lend their coöperation, and that no professor of compositions are too long to keep the audience inWhatever success may attend the movements in the establishment shall perform any piece except terested during the whole performance, and, as England and America to recognise and establish with his own pupils. It will be a great mistake to we have said before, only the finest parts of a sym-woman's perfect equality in the rights and privilthink the public will judge of the merit of the phony are played in the concerts of the foreign eges of citizenship, secure to her competition in professors from their performances; they will conservatories. The first part of the Symphony in the avocations of life, and a fair field and no favors judge of it from the school and the style of the 4 might have been omitted, because although a in all its conflicts-it is very certain that she has pupils of the Academy when their musical studies very beautiful composition, it belongs to those por- already assumed her full share of sovereignty over shall be completed. The art of playing in public, tions of Beethoven's works which are not attract- the realms of fiction. The number of novels, great and the art of teaching, are very different and ive to an audience in which there are very few and small, good and bad, which are heralded every generally incompatible, when conscientiously cul- connoisseurs. The third movement-Allegretto, month, from the pens of English and American tivated. Each requires for itself all of the time that a man can possibly devote to labor, and those who are eminent public performers are very seldom those who have the talent and the patience to impart to others the principles of a pure school We are sorry that the public, sometimes so liband the secrets of a finished execution. We shall eral of its applause at very inferior concerts, does always take the Conservatory of Paris as an ex-not show more enthusiasm when some very beauample in support of our observations, not only be-tiful composition is brought before it. If by rule cause it is in every respect the first musical Insti-it grants the same amount of applause to any comtute in the world, but because the Peabody Acad-position, whatever it may be, it will be impossible emy of Music has been created, it is said, on the ever to know what are its tastes and its prefersame footing. In its Concerts (also twelve in ences; it renders also extremely difficult the task Putnam & Son. 1869.

as indication of time-has, however, a shade of
deep melancholy spread all over it. It is a most
beautiful passage, and it is always encored when
played in the Conservatory of Paris.

*Mildred. A Novel. By Georgianna M. Craik. New York: Harper & Bros. 1869.

The Woman's Kingdom. A Love Story. By the author of "John Halifax," etc. New York: Harper & Bros. 1869.

Tricotrin. The Story of a Waif and Stray. By “Ouida." Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1869.

Fallen Pride; or, the Mountain Girl's Love. By Mrs. & Bros. 1869.

E. D. E. N. Southworth. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson

Fair Play; or, the Test of the Lone Isle. By Mrs. E. D. Bros. 1869.

E. N. Southworth. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson &

Blindpits: a Story of Scottish Life. New York: G. P.


authoresses, cannot readily be computed. Their it requires. It is content with nothing that is any human being could have written all the books name is legion; and that they bring good returns, healthy in its inferences. Its romance portrays which bear her name is incomprehensible. How in the shape of vulgar money, must be assumed, no picture of life as it is. It deals in passion too any human being can have read them all is equally since all seem to sell-and the cry is, Still they fierce, too unreal, too untrue and unnatural to be so. The title pages enumerate at least a score or depicted by any other pen than that of an imagi- two, each, we believe, containing some five hunThere happen to lie upon our table, within easy native woman belonging to the modern school. dred pages. And yet we suppose they meet the and accidental reach, some half a dozen or more, It is pleasant to turn to a book like The Woman's want of a large circle of readers-such as derive alike in some peculiarities which belong to the sex Kingdom. It is also a love story, with a simple their literary pabulum from papers like the New -all telling, in different versions, the old, old plot, gliding calmly along. There is nothing in it York Ledger, in which most of Mrs. Southworth's story-yet all very different in plot, in power, in unnatural-nothing impossible-nothing that the novels first saw the light. Fallen Pride is þad in execution and detail. The sensational, possibly, is heart-experiences of every day life may not paral-plot and worse in detail. Its events are improbathe style most fancied. Not necessarily that of lel. The characters appear upon the stage and ble, its characters weak, and nothing redeems it Miss Braddon or of Mrs. Wood-but still some-the reader lives on with them to the conclusion. save a few vigorous descriptions of scenery. These, thing far away from the ordinary current of a life's The changes which time and events produce are indeed, have only the merit of chromos-copying events—startling, exciting and thrilling. Of this not startling. The hair, grown marked with sil- the studied landscapes of some real artist. Fair general class, Mildred is a peculiar type. It is a ver threads-the lines which care has traced upon Play is so called in contradistinction to the Foul book which many readers would deem fascinating the brow-all seem real and natural. The two Play of Reade and Bourcicault. It is a reprint -in the sense that, once commenced, they would brothers and the two sisters—their meeting at the from the Ledger, where the story appeared some read it with avidity to the close. It is unhealthy watering-place-the marriage and happy life of three years ago. The main incident of each book in its tone, and the stimulus it administers is like William and Edna-the broken troth of Julius and the situation of two lovers upon an undiscovered that of strong drink. There is a young lady with Letty-the artist and the poor broken-down sol- island-Mrs. Southworth claims to be hers by priall the usual personal attributes of the modern dier-the vain, silly, weak coquette, and the equal-ority. In both, the wreck and the residence of the heroine, to which are added more than the usually weak and half-repentant Mrs. Vanderdecken- lovers upon the island, are handled very much in headstrong, independent, high-spirited indiffer- all change in character as they grow older, and the same way, although in Fair Play there is a ence to all the proprieties of conventional life. yet by such touches of high art, as none give so more Puritan regard for appearances exhibited in Her views, her conduct, her principles, are simply well as Miss Muloch-to the last their peculiar the fortunate escape of the ship's stewardess, who impossible to any young English woman well-born characteristics are all preserved. The book is in is rescued with them, and performs the triple and well-bred, even if she be "full of intellect and broad contrast to Mildred in every sense. Of its and convenient duties of tire-woman, cook and ambition" and wanting "to mix with the world literary merit it would be idle to speak to the read-chaperone. The visit of a Confederate privateerand to learn and to taste and know." A weak anders of John Halifax. Of its moral, it is enough to the capture of its commander by the muscular invalid father, whose infirmities have kept him say that no one can read it without feeling that a missionary-the subsequent arrival of a Federal long confined to a dull and remote country-house, true sermon of life has been preached to his heart. cruiser-the sea-fight, in which the heroine "bears is driven, in search of health, to the Continent- But what shall be said of Tricotrin? Whoever a hand"-the glories of the flag, etc., etc.-all show where the hero of the book is encountered. These has read Chandos, Strathmore, or Granville de that the authoress has faith in a truly loyal taste make up the main figures in the drama. The lover Vigne, needs no word of criticism upon it. It is in literature, for which she finds it profitable to -Philip Romney-a younger son of good family, just to say that it is no worse-possibly it may be cater. As to the question of priority of invention, is poor, and a gambler. Gaming is not his passion, purer in morals and more elevated in tone. It is Mrs. Southworth is good enough to acquit the aubut his pursuit. He avows to her father, in Mil-filled with rich, heavy word-painting-gorgeous thors of Foul Play from any charge of plagiarism. dred's presence, that he has had no other way of colors and bold outlines. The descriptions of She very properly comprehends that the situation earning his bread for years; he boldly proclaims country life are natural-the landscapes almost of her lovers is by no means original. The idea of himself a man without position, without character, bring the flowers and the clustering vines to Robinson Crusoe has more than once been enlarged and without money-and, of course, although the the hand. But the world, with its pomp and into the shipwreck of a hero and heroine upon a maiden, in spite of all, is firm and faithful to him, glare-its wickedness and its wealth-its intoxica- lonely island in an unknown sea, and made the they are separated-the weakness of her father's ting pleasures-its hollow deceits-these mark the grand incident of a far better plot. character being strengthened by a practical, sensi- peculiarities and dangers of Ouida's books-dan- Blindpits is an anonymous story of Scottish life ble and matter-of-fact uncle. Through years she gerous to the young and of no profit to the old and among the middle classes. It is evidently written pines and suffers-still clinging to the passion of staid. Why are such books written, and by by a lady. Its delineations of female character her heart, defiantly defending and cherishing it, women? The answer is simple-they are bought are so accurate-so marked by a delicate touch, in until by her father's death she is left free and rich. and read. The ambition of the school which pro- both outline and coloring, that one may safely In the meantime, Romney had fallen lower and duces them is to be strong. Everything of purity conclude that they could come only from a we lower-the vilest places of London dissipation had and truth is sacrificed to strength. Love is too weak man's hand. The fortunes of a Scotch family, of become his familiar haunts. From them he is re- an emotion-Passion alone has power. The result gentle birth but reduced circumstances, make the called to her side. "The first shock of seeing him, is that nature must be set aside, and instead of subject of the story. An old lady, the motherwith his haggard, worn, changed, almost reckless men and women, moral monsters and phenomena querulous, hard to please, and brooding over the face, had for the moment almost crushed her. The become the dramatis persona of every plot. past; her daughter Barbara-earnest, zealous, paeyes that looked at her, the hard voice that spoke They are made to talk as no sane men or women tient and contented; the child of a dead brotherto her, seemed to bring something to her that was ever did talk. They live and move in a phrensy. bright, buoyant, pretty and ingenuous; and a de worse than death. For a few moments, in her utter Whether it be a delineation of passion-a story of cayed gentlewoman of kindly heart and weak sickness of heart, she almost wished that she had sobs or kisses-or a tale of wild despair, all is head-constitute the little houschold, in a crowded never seen him again—that she had died before the phrensied and fierce and violent-and this makes and obscure street of a manufacturing town. Each great prayer of her life had been granted." But up what certain critics call strength. One may of these characters is in constant and perfect conthis feeling, so natural in its realisation of the false- well wonder where women who write novels get trast with all the rest, and as the tale proceeds and ness of her long-cherished dreams, is but moment- their ideas of life-whence their knowledge of new personages appear upon the stage, the disary. "The great sudden agony went over her like good and evil-of little good and much evil. tinction is equally marked-none of them repeat a dark cloud; and then after it there came a quick An English review of high character com- the traits of the others. Miss Boston; Mrs. Dods; revulsion, in which all her soul rose up within her menced a critique upon a recent book with the her husband, a womanish man, who writes very in a wide divine pity, that stretched itself over him remark that the subject is improper enough poor verse; Mr. Pettigrew, a "stickit minister;" like the outstretching of an angel's wings, and-to have been the invention of a lady novel- Mr. Grant, Mrs. Gascoigne, Dr. M'Vickar and his deep and strong as life-her whole impassioned ist," although, in that instance, it was disguised daughter-are all drawn with photographic actenderness rushed back-impassioned still, through by a style of treatment as decorously dull as a curacy. Whether the heroine of the book be Miss all its immeasurable sorrow and its immeasurable tract. The subjects of Ouida and her school wear Barbara Barclay, the staid and sober maiden lady pain." That she married him will of course be no such disguises. They come forth in bright of some fifty years, or her niece, Bessie, it is diffi presumed; and the reader who cares to trace the flaunting array-boldly into the broad open sun-cult to say. It is true the excitement of the plot life that came after, must be referred to the book shine-flashing with purple and gold and scarlet. turns upon the arrest and trial of the former for itself. Our brief purpose is to present another ex- They venture where men fear to tread-and they poisoning her cousin, Miss Boston, a rich, eccenample of the character of books which novelists win what men would lose-the full applause of tric, strong-willed old lady-from whose estate, find so peculiarly adapted to the taste of the pres- both pit and boxes. Blindpits, the book takes its name-but Bessie is ent day. The more practical the age, the more Fallen Pride and Fair Play are from the more the charm of the whole story; she loves and is sensational and improbable seems to be the fiction than prolific pen of an American authoress. How loved; she wins her way into the depths of every

heart, and the reader is rarely content until he turns the leaf which brings her back before him. The best male characters are Mr. Grant and Graham Richardson. One likes them both so well that he is contented when Bessie becomes the wife of the former-albeit twice her own age-and still better contented when sudden death removes him from the scene, and finally, after the proper period of mourning, the long and hoping years of Graham's love are rewarded.

own household gods; and when its condition is such that no service of his can avail, he turns with intensified devotion to the performance of those duties the neglect of which stamps him as "worse than an infidel."

of this peculiarity. Circumstances-by which we mean those relations to things and events which so inevitably determine individual action—were favorable to its development. The planter was a man of comparative leisure. He was thrown much upon his own resources, and he found in books, Were it worth while to trouble you with an and a certain sort of half idle study, relief from expression of my own opinion upon the policy of the ennui of country life. His books were selected the movement at Washington, I would be at a with something of what the Nation would call a loss. I have great faith in the purity of motive provincial taste. The English classics, stately old which has originated it. I have confidence in the The book, it must be acknowledged, is not without histories, Parliamentary debates, and the writings sincerity and wisdom of the gentlemen who have defects in plot, and the management of its machine- and speeches of the Revolutionary era of his own it in charge. Indeed, I fail to perceive that it can ry shows an inexperienced hand. The death of Miss country, made up the staple supplies of his library. result in any addition to the evils which oppress Boston-the accident by which she was poisoned-The County Court was his monthly Exchange, us. Negro suffrage is inevitable in one form or the circumstantial evidence pointing to Barbara as where he would meet his fellow-citizens-not mere- another. We have it now, under the Reconstructhe author of the crime-are all unnatural. The ly for the transaction of ordinary business, but for tion Acts-and its continuance is assured by the trial, the verdict of "Not proven," the subsequent the interchange of opinions upon all subjects of provisions of the proposed Constitution. If, therediscovery of the true occasion of Miss Boston's contemporaneous interest. It will be readily per- fore, its evils may be ameliorated by the restoradeath, and the removal of the stain which rested ceived, therefore, that whenever public meetings tion, to the white population, of the rights of which upon Barbara's life-all show marked deficiency were held, and resolutions prepared and discussed, they have been deprived, I do not comprehend the in inventive power. Yet with these admitted the proceedings were likely to be marked by more logic of the opposition made by a portion of our faults, we do not wonder at the success which than the usual comprehension and intelligence that press and some very true and distinguished citBlindpits attained in Edinburgh, where it first ap- may be traced in most popular assemblages of the izens of different sections of the Commonpeared. We, at least, have read it with great in- country. But all this is now changed. The res wealth, to the objects which the delegation to terest and pleasure. angusta domi contracts every household. Life has Washington seek to accomplish. We want order, become a struggle, and its material interests, alone, peace, stability. The present must assume a deterare engrossing. When poverty has, to be fought mined and settled status, before we can hope to at the threshold, the conflict is too stern to permit build up a happier condition in the future. And the indulgence of the tastes and pursuits which although that status may be at war with all our belong only to ease and elegant leisure. ideas and traditions, is it not better for us that it should be established at once, than remain longer doubtful and uncertain?

From H. Taylor & Co., Sun Iron Building:-
As by Fire. By Miss Nelly Marshall. New York:

[ocr errors]

The Wreath of Eglantine, and other Poems. Edited and in part composed by Daniel Bedinger Lucas. Bal

timore: Kelly, Piet & Co. 1869.

Essays on the Early History of Maryland, &c., &c. By Richard McSherry, M. D. Baltimore: Kelly, Piet & Co. 1869.

Geo, S. Wilcox, successor to Blelock & Co. 1869. From Messrs. Cushings & Bailey :But I have been led far from the purpose of this What I Know About Ben Eccles. By Abram Page. letter. What I designed was to present, as a sigPhiladelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1869. Inal proof of the indifference of our people to all As to the justice, the expediency, the abstract From the Publishers:questions of a political character, the utter want right of negro suffrage, I need, I hope, express no of interest in what is called the "Virginia move- opinion. I know no man of truth or intelligence, ment" at Washington. One might judge from who does not regard its infliction as the most dethe articles in both the city and country press of grading proof of our prostrate and conquered conthe State, that the proposition to accept negro suf-dition. We would never accept it willingly. But frage, if with it can be secured the removal of all what has our will to do with the determination political disabilities, had created no little excite- of the question? Acquiescence in the inevitable— ment in all portions of the Commonwealth. And is not that acceptance which implies approval. I have seen in some of the Northern papers state- It is but submission to inexorable necessity-dis-ments to the effect that the sentiment of a large counting its demands in advance, in the hope Galaxy, Lippincott's, Lady's Friend, Atlantic, Put-majority of the counties was unalterably opposed that some equivalent may be obtained by which nam's, Our Young Folks, The New Eclectic, Riverside. to any adjustment of existing difficulties which ad- their oppressive burden may be lightened. We are indebted to the Department of Agricul-mitted the idea of acquiescence in negro enfranture for Agricultural Report for November and chisement. Upon this point the results of my obDecember, 1868.

Hall's Journal of Health, The Home Monthly, and

Printer's Circular for January.

From Van Evrie, Horton & Co., New York:-
The Democratic Almanac for 1869
February Magazines:-



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C. H., Va., Jan. 16th, 1869.



[Translated from the German for The Statesman.]

I said that I saw Constance but seldom, but I

servation are very decided. I have had some unusual opportunities to test the degree of concern with which the subject is regarded by intelligent gentlemen-formerly of merited influence and position, but at no time politicians, in the sense of holding or seeking office. I have found them listless and indifferent. The disposition of every one appeared to be to avoid all reference to politicsto turn aside from the consideration of questions still saw her often enough, far too often for my It cannot be denied that, formerly, no people in in the solution of which they have no voice or in-young heart full of dreams of love; and as I longed the United States were so deeply interested in pol-fluence-to look steadily at the present, its trials insatiately for the opportunities of beholding her, itics as those of Virginia. It was not that kind of and its duties-to forget the past and to indulge in I hit upon the idea of asking permission to occupy, interest which was aroused by personal ambition no vain anticipations of the future. To them, a instead of my present room in the front of the or a desire for the emoluments of office. Of course, pall seems to be resting over the political and house, one of the empty apartments looking on the we were never without a sufficient number ready social condition of the State, and they shrink, not park. Into this I carried from time to time varito serve their fellow-citizens in any position to unnaturally, from gazing upon the dead corpse ous articles of furniture, most of them still valuawhich was attached something of honor and profit. which lies stark and cold beneath it. ble, which were lying about in the dilapidated But the mass of our landholders was composed of I do not mean to justify this condition of feel-regions of the upper story, until I had brought men, generally intelligent and well educated, ing. It may be morbid-it may indicate a broken together an accumulation which presented a very whose concern in public affairs was purely patri- and prostrate spirit. In such judgment, however, singular appearance. Herr von Zehren laughed otic and disinterested. I can recall now many in- I cannot unite. One can only comprehend the heartily when one day coming to call me to dinner, stances when, upon a court-day, the people would character of our lives here, by experiencing prac- as I in my new occupation had forgotten the hour, gather in council and discuss important subjects tically all their degradations and depressions. If he caught me hard at work arranging my wormwith an exhaustive ability rarely approached in our best considered counsel-if our calmest and eaten and tarnished treasures. Congress or the State Legislatures. Debaters un- most respectful appeals could be heard-they 'Your furniture does not lack variety, at all known to fame, whose merit was acknowledged would not be wanting. The selfishness of our own events,' he said; 'for an antiquary the rubbish only in their immediate neighborhoods, have often. needs has not extinguished our interest in all that would not be without interest. Really, it is like a in the past, brought to the elucidation of the most concerns the welfare of our brethren. But you chapter out of one of Scott's novels. There, in difficult questions an acuteness and intelligence must remember that, after all, what is called patri- that high-backed chair, Dr. Dryasdust might have which, displayed upon a broader field, would have otism is but the amplication of that feeling which readily won for them a State and national reputa- makes home and family so dear. One loves his tion. It is not worth while to explain the causes country, because within its borders are erected his

1868, in the Clerk's office of the United States District Court of Maryland.

Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year

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