Imagens das páginas

that expression, merely, that a teacher can impart, [NOTE.-In the first sentence of the article on Mo-
but without any warmth or any original and per-zart in our last No., by a transposition of words, the
sonal feeling of his own. He had to sit twelve final clause read-"a view of Mozart's somewhat ad-
venturous character," when it should have read—“a
times at the piano, and this ought to excuse him,
somewhat adventurous view of Mozart's character."
perhaps, for the manner in which he accompanied A correction of the mistake is due to our own respect
Ole Bull's Norvegian Fantasia. Besides, this for the memory of the illustrious composer.—ED.]
piece was not printed, but manuscript.

Mr. W. Macdonald has a rather agreeable nasal voice. Mrs. Barry, contralto, sang better the ballads than Rossini's music. The cabaletta of the cavatina, Una voce poco fâ, was very slackly sung. It requires a great deal more of spirit, and the scales and runs should be whipped off.



[Continued from No. XIX.]

the sanction of imperial legislation. Yet the idea of this new impulse is Christian, as well as that which is going to kindle so wonderfully the arts

in the Western world.

The only explanation for the anomalous condition of Byzantine art is the fact of the division of the empire. The Western spirit, which had always proved more independent, now lost its former control, and with Oriental influence unchecked, the exclusive notions of Asia came again III.—History of Art: Development of Painting into the ascendant. Even in the West, art might Throughout the long period from the age of Pe- have been circumscribed in the same manner, had ricles to the reign of Constantine, in the fourth it not been for the invasion of the barbarians. The century of the Christian era, the successive changes Vandals, Goths and Huns, the Franks and other of art are limited to the expression. The imitative branches of the Germanic race, by constantly inqualities--that is, form, style and arrangement-fusing a new blood into the veins of a degenerated although more or less grand, beautiful or graceful, people, imparted at last to the Western nationalities and more or less perfectly done at different times, that spirit of personal freedom and independence present strong family features. All artistic pro- of thought which in Greece had already been the ductions reflect a distinguishing character which secret lever of a flourishing art. They would soon shows them to flow from one-that is, from the create for the modern era equally brilliant results, and will never fail to call them forth when they are accompanied by proper encouragement.

Hellenic source.

Our readers know that in France the musical pitch of all orchestras has been determined by law for the sake of the singers. The Choral Society of London, and the orchestra of M. Hallé, have recently adopted the French musical pitch. Great efforts are being made at this time to have the English musical pitch lowered, and it is strange that if the French pitch has not yet been adopted by a nation so liberal, it is only because such The same aspect reproduces itself in the carly change would cost a few thousand francs. The English pitch is a semi-tone, higher than the Christian art of the Catacombs, which has an imFrench one, and such a state of things creates a press of highly religious feeling, but does not revolution in the larynx of the French and Italian otherwise materially differ from its contemporary singers who cross the channel in the spring. Mr. above ground, except by the greater technical exBishenden, teacher of vocal music and author of a cellence of the latter. Even no radical change of Traité pour la voix, is at the head of the move-form was effected by a complete reform in the ment to effect this change, and it is interesting to ideas of mankind through the subversion of idolaread his correspondence on the subject with Mlle. try. A single but very important fact will show Nilsson, the celebrated singer. Here is Mr. Bis-the truth of this remark. After the Christian faith had become the religion of the empire, A. D. 313, MADAM-I trust you will pardon my addressing you its services were performed not in a temple exupon the following subject, but it is one that com- pressly built for the purpose, but in edifices mands the attention of the musical profession, especially solo vocalists, viz: The lowering of the musialready existing, and which were offered by the cal pitch in England. By the enclosed slips I think Emperor for the exercise of the newly established you will see the importance of the subject. Will you kindly give it your serious consideration cultus. The largest of those given was the Ba and favor me with an answer as to the result of your silica. This pagan construction, of which fouropinion, and if you favor the lowering of the pitch? My reason for asking the favor of an answer from you teen existed in Rome, was composed of a large is, because being what I might call the "Queen of hall, separated in three longitudinal parts by

henden's letter:

Song," all your subjects will of course follow your

composers the great inconvenience of impairing the

adoption in England of the French musical pitch. CHRISTINE NILSSON.

two rows of columns, with a rotunda at the

Italy led off in the artistic movement. Comparatively free, and sufficiently protected from feudal abuse under the surviving Roman institution of the municipia, she could not but take the lead; while in her lap, formerly the centre of a worldempire, the monuments of pagan civilisation were numerous and well preserved. Yet with so many advantages, the movement was retarded till the thirteenth century. In that long interval, from the fall of the empire, the only thing artistic known to have been produced is "Mosaic," a kind of wall and floor-painting, executed in small blocks of sundry colors. The fact is, that Cimabue, born at Florence in 1240, learned the manipulation of colors from Greek artists summoned from Byzanin painting. This information indicates plainly tium by the Florentine Senate to give instruction that previous development had been withheld for the want of knowledge in the process of mixing and applying the materials. There can be no other

Here is Mlle. Nilsson's reply: end and a peristyle in front of the building SIR-In answer to your letter in regard to the lower- It had been formerly used both as a court-house ing of the musical pitch in England, I must say that we singers consider that change as being of first vocal and as an exchange for merchants. When the cler-cause; for, as soon as initiated in the secrets of their necessity. If you succeed in effecting it you will be art, Cimabue surpassed his masters. The little left entitled to our gratitude. We think that art also willy took it in possession, the internal arrangement of his work, consisting of fragments of fresco and owe you some obligations, because, by adopting the was preserved, except the tribune on which the præFrench musical pitch, the Italian theatres of London avoid unfortunate transpositions, which have for the was replaced by the altar, figurative of the mar- and really an attempt toward the study of nature. will secure a better execution. Besides, they will tor or judge used to take his seat (cathedra), which gum-color painting, shows that although flat and naïvely done, it is free from Byzantine mannerism, unity of tone of their operas. For my part I am ready tyr's tomb in the Catacombs, for the offering of The latter feature becomes more evident in the for any step or subscription having for its object the divine sacrifices. The inference is naturally made works of his pupil Giotto, who chose the noble and that the actual plan of the Catholic and Episcopal virtuous for the models of his subjects, and was churches, and its divisions into choir, sanctuary, anxious to give them an expression of religious naves and aisles, are neither arbitrary nor preor- feeling at the cost of physical beauty. His sucdained, but the result merely of the adaptation to cessful efforts in that direction cleared the way for the new worship of things as they were found. † the deeply felt and grandly conceived art of Fra It means, further, that in order to have Christian Angelico and Masaccio, with whom, under the temples, it was not deemed immediately necessary patronage of the powerful and art-loving family of to alter the form and style of the old pagan edi- the Medici, the Florentine school reached its highfices, but only the spirit which dwelt in them; just est development. All the important productions as the expression had been continually modified in of that period were executed in fresco, which, with antique art, without a corresponding transforma- the gum-coloring, were the only processes known. tion of its formal nature. After Cimabue, however, the Greek manner of wall-coloring had come to great perfection, and constantly improved with the experiences and inventions faithfully transmitted from master to pupil.

Among the novelties which have been lately published for the voice and for the piano, we can recommend to our musical readers two songs of F. Gumbert-Ma musette and La Chanson du Printemps, and a waltz, for the voice, Danziam, by the Baroness Villy de Rothschild; three pieces for the piano by Marmontel, Impromptu (Op. 103), Air de Ballet (Op. 102), and Scherzo (Op. 101), and besides a very pretty duet for two pianos and two performers, by Lysberg, on the airs of La flute enchantée. If we did not have sent us from abroad a copy of every new piece of merit, either vocal or instrumental, we should not be able to find them, as the publishers of New York, Phila delphia and Boston, though they have not the slightest scruple about printing music published abroad, do not do so in proper time, and the pieces published here, as new, have been played for years in Europe. It would be to their own interest to be more prompt. We would suggest to them also to adopt, uniformly, either the German fingering (which would be more sensible) or the English

one. Some of them use the latter, some the former. It embarrasses musical scholars who are but little advanced, and in such matters uniformity ought to be established, as well as in the case of weights and measures and coin.

Of one Greek style, to wit, the Byzantine, it may be said that it changed its form with the expression. The establishment of the Eastern empire by Constantine, in the fourth century, produced a strange phenomenon among the remnants of a peoThus far the efforts of the artist's imagination ple renowned for its power of original conception. had been limited to subjects illustrative of ChrisWe allude to the cultivation, at Byzantium, of a tian faith; but a change of expression followed the disciplined art, the aesthetic value of which is no classic mania which, as already mentioned, seized higher than the Egyptian or Assyrian. Like the the Italian mind. With this change fully operalatter, it was clad in a garment of which the min- ting under Pope Julius II., the Florentine and utest details were regulated by the priesthood, with

For the Roman Basilica consult De Caumont's
Cours d'Antiquités.

The remark holds good for a great many rites and
ceremonies of both churches, and of whose origin
from the old Roman cultus there can not be the least

Roman schools, in that period of brilliant but quasi-licentious civilisation called the age of Leo X., reached unprecedented excellence in all that

*Photographs taken directly from the works of these masters afford ample means for studying the character of old Italian art.

regards grandeur of conception and dignity of meditation and study. The difficulties of their Little Barefoot, a novel by Auerbach translated style in the art of painting. Under the reign of multiplication made every book a real treasure, for this magazine, which seems to promise well, the last-named Pontiff, the most illustrious mem- and so no means were spared to enhance its value; form the allotment of serial fiction. We think the ber of the Medici, Rome became, like Athens that is, intrinsically, by a gold or metal binding, editors have done well in going to a German source under Pericles, the centre where the arts and sci- often enamelled or set with precious stones; and for their new story. There is something in the ences found protection and encouragement. The artistically, with chasing and engraving the cover, better class of German domestic novels which is poets Ariosto and Aretino; Vida and Fracastor in and colored illustrations of the text. About the peculiarly congenial to the tone of thought and letters and science; Machiavelli, Guicciardini and artistic merit of the latter little more can be said feeling in our latitude; and Auerbach's produc Sadoletto in history and politics, gave splendor to for them than that they are very valuable as his- tions stand, by general allowance, among the first that epoch, which was equally illustrious with the torical and archaeological sources, disclosing many of their class.-The Luck of Roaring Camp is a sculpture of Michel Angelo and Cellini, and the points of dress, manners, etc., which would other-short story in which humor and pathos are compainting of Perugino, Raphaël, Andrea del Sarto, wise be unknown. bined in a very remarkable manner. The strange Caravaggio, Giorgione and Julio Romano. An art, Christian in expression, but entirely new features of a mining camp in California in the Before considering the peculiar aesthetics of this in character and formal conception, was born in early gold-digging days, when the land swarmed art, and without referring for the present to those the North of Europe during the thirteenth cen- with wild adventurers, outcasts and fugitives from of the Veronese and Venitian schools, let us see tury, simultaneously with the Ogival style of all nations, afford a rich field for the display of what had been done among the other nations of architecture. Raised in a part of Europe free of that peculiar wit which seems to belong to the the European continent. Under feudal rule, as the pagan traditions and the numerous vestiges of Pacific slope; and the sad fate of the poor little long as ignorance reigned supreme and right was antique art, which in Italy had left an indelible Luck and his rough friend, is told in few words, to the mightiest, when Gaul and Germany were mark on the modern art-productions, it developed but with real and deep feeling.-From the Pall ravaged and kept in a constant blaze by the petty itself from the stem, nursed by the thoughtful, Mall Gazette they extract a bit of advice to Engwars of merciless nobles, when the man of thought both gay and sombre, highly individual mind of lishmen How to treat Americans, which we think had to seek refuge in the convent for his studies, the Teutonic race. At once it took a direction of rather a work of supererogation. American genand while the peaceable, useful pursuits of life which the results were the reverse of those ob- tlemen are pretty sure to be treated as gentlemen were almost universally treated with contempt, we tained in antique art. Indeed, upon close analy- in all circles that the Pall Mall Gazette reaches; can not expect to find among the Northern popu- sis, we find that the great aim of Greek æsthetics and American boors are not likely to be concilia lations even a desire of cultivating the delicate was unity; therefore Greek art, in its different ted and refined by any amenities.-Pechnazi the arts. Religious and civil architecture and its in-phases of development, was always highly system- Chamois Hunter is a very laughable and graphic separable companion, sculpture, had been culti-atic. As we noticed before, it soon went to pro- bit of Münchausenism. Several Reviews, of which vated, nearly without interruption, in Gaul as well portion the human form, and was every ready to we single out for especial praise one on James as in Italy. As early as the eighth century a very adopt as prototypes a few artistic conceptions more Parton's Smoking and Drinking, some well-chosen characteristic style was developed in both coun- generally admired; it did not even hesitate to in-poetry, and the usual miscellany complete the list. tries, known as the primitive Roman, which in its fer from those productions the laws of the beautisecondary and tertiary stages (thirteenth century) ful which should guide the artist, even despite his has left remarkable specimens, the beauty of which individual sentiment. Moreover, with the artist's in boldness of construction and naïvely fantastic eyes constantly fixed on grandeur, beauty, and ornamentation, is better appreciated since the grace, almost every production of Greek art and prejudices have been removed which so long ex- poetry appears like a single great pathetic effort, isted against everything pertaining to what were without anything like a diversion on which to restyled the "dark ages." pose the mind. The same observations may be more or less applied to the works of Italian art till Raphaël and Michel Angelo.

As a whole, Greek art is, in our opinion, like a tragedy of Racine, beautiful from first to last, yet it lacks the richness of contrasts and the mental and physical diversity of real life which is so abundantly met in the works of Shakspeare and Schiller, and in all the other chief productions of

Till late in the twelfth century nothing seems to have been done in the line of painting, except some decorative coloring in the Byzantine manner. The only medieval production which can strictly be classed under that head is the so-called art of illumination, or the colored illustration of valuable books and missals. If difficult to ascertain the date of its birth, there is no lack of evidence to show that it was extensively practiced in Byzantium the modern era. since the time of the Emperor Justinian. Its origin, doubtless, is due to the scarcity of books, the reproduction of which, done by copyists, was necessarily very slow. In an age of so general ignorance of letters that even barons, unable to write their names, acknowledged engagements with the hilts of their swords, the patient labor of copying



The Atlantic Monthly.-This magazine, as usual, puts forth its greatest strength in its more purely intellectual articles. Its best writers are often brilliant, but almost always cold and clear. The paper which strikes us as of most importance is called A New Chapter of Christian Evidences, s piece of remarkably firm and precise expression, embodying, if not novel views, at least an original mode of stating them. The author's first thesis is that every other religion is ethnic, that is fitted to one peculiar race alone; while Christianity is uni versal, and from its own nature adapted to all mankind. His second thesis is that "the ethnic religions are one-sided, each containing a truth of its own, but wanting some corresponding truth," while Christianity "is complete on every side." His illustration of this, by opposing Brahmanism, the religion of the infinite, with the motive of piety, to Buddhism, the religion of the finite, with the motive of morality; the system of Confucias, founded on patient conservatism, to that of Zoraster, on active propagandism; the cultus of Nåture in Egypt, to that of Man in Greece, is ingeni

could only be done in the place where mental cul- good taste which characterize this excellent magously made, and is perhaps as well supported ass

ture found shelter and protection-that is, in the convent-by the monks, who were almost the sole

possessors of the skill required for this work. This for its supply. Keeping up the feature with which From this point he shows how Christianity gathers

The New Eclectic.-We can only repeat what we have so often before said of the judgment and azine. Indeed it ought to be good, drawing as it does upon the first literary sources in the world generalisation of the kind, where so many of the principal facts are unknown to us, can well be it commenced the new year, of giving brief sketches, accounts for the strong Byzantine resemblance into itself the vital elements from all these, and which is met in the illuminations from the Caro- with portraits, of eminent men, we are this month thus becomes a pleroma or fulness, the crowning lingian period. Indeed, the religious orders did presented with an engraving of John Bright, and and completing faith of the world. Objectiors not originate in Western Europe; they were trans- if it is as good as a likeness as it is as a piece of planted from Greece, truly with the more militant engraver's work, the great Liberal leader is a bet- might be urged to this, which, as we are not theelogians, we shall not attempt. One point, howter-looking man than we had supposed. A sketch aim of converting the barbarians to the Gospel, of his character and talents is inclosed with notices ever, we will touch. Where is the general or of Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Mill, in a paper en-Does not, in actual fact, the ethnical element typical Christianity referred to, to be found? titled The Liberal Triumvirate of England. always impress itself upon Christianity as it exists Another instalment of Phineas Finn, a story in practice? Admitting the grand fundamental which seems to move without advancing, like doctrines of the Faith to be the same among soldiers marking time, and the commencement of Christians, is not the Christianity of Northern and †The Greek, Basilius the Great, Bishop of Cæsarea, and one of the Church-fathers, is the founder of the edict, and of the Egyptian ascetic St. Pacomes. Louis Protestant Europe different from that of the So first religious community on the borders of the Iris, the Good-natured made him chief of all the religious not merely in certain doctrines and rights, but is A. D. 357. In the beginning of the sixth century St. communities of the empire. Benedict founded on the Mont Cassin the first West- *This style is more generally, but very improperly, its character, coloring, influence? Is not the ern monastery. Another St. Benedict was celebrated called the "Gothic," which qualification leads the Christianity of our Northern States, even, of s in Gaul as a reformer of monastic abuses in the ninth mind to imply that it was derived from the Goths, century, and surnamed of Amiano, from a river in with whom it never could have had anything to do; different type and temper from that of the South Languedoc, on the borders of which he founded a coming, as it did, into existence nearly six centuries ern States? If so, Mr. Clarke's arguments d monastery where he applied new rules, in which were after the last traces of Gothic nationality had been combined those of St. Basilius, of the Italian St. Ben-effaced by the followers of the Crescent,

but otherwise in the traditional form,† to facilitate * A more proper name for this style, as regards its special and very artistic development in Gaul, would be the Gallic. In reality, however, it is a derivation from the Latin, and for that reason, probably, the French archæologists gave it the name of "Roman,"

in order to show its parentage.

point to a certain hypothetical type of Christianity,

[ocr errors]

from which he has eliminated all that is adverse to responds to "it is struck." Mr. White's great will I learn a language," once replied a wit, on his views, and preserved all that is confirmatory.-original argument which nobody has yet pointed being advised to study German-"never will I. The paper on Co-operative Housekeeping is very out that "it makes the verb to be an auxiliary to learn a language in which you can say:-'Shut well written; but no amount of good writing can itself," is altogether a mistake. He does not see the door open, and tie the dog loose!'" The "Inconvince us that not even the magnificent advan-that the substantive verb "it is" is an entirely dif-structions" of the Committee to the candidate comtages promised-palaces resplendent with sculp-ferent thing from the passive voice "is struck ;" and bine the ideal with the practical in a manner that ture and painting and resonant with music, inhabi-yet this distinction lies at the very root of gram- is beyond praise.-The Shadow of Fate is a bit of ted by a "splendid society presided over by ladies | mar. There is no logical reason why the auxiliary sensationalism of surpassing stupidity.—Our Profamous for their beauty, their wit or their tact" should not accompany the passive as well as the vincialisms exhibits a curious collection of local which is to be "the crown of our new civilisation," active voice. The paper on The Horse-growers | idioms and peculiar phrases, among which we find can compensate for the loss of home-of our own is full of interest, and does no more than justice to none assigned as peculiar to Maryland. By the peaceful fireside-the little kingdom of love and that noble result of selection and breeding, the way, are there any special Maryland provincialthe sweet household affectionsAmerican trotting horse.-Mr. Reade's new novel isms? Is not the general average speech of the "Qui m'est une province, et beaucoup davantage.” promises to be full of interest.-The ill-fated Ex-people in this State purer, as regards both idiom We Southerners are a people in whose blood is an Empress, Carlotta, has the misfortune to be the and pronunciation, than that of any other? Our ineradicable affection for localisation and auton-subject of a sketch by Mr. Abbott. The remain- own observation leads to this conclusion. We

omy. We love the Family, the organic cell of the highest civilisation, more than the State; the State, our immediate sovereign and general parent, more than the Nation. The party of Progress inay melt and re-cast, in the crucibles of their alchemy, the Family into the Phalanstery and the States into the Empire, but we will resist it step by step; and when that resistance ceases, it will be because Southerners, as a people, have ceased to be.—Our Painters is an extremely disagreeable, dull and egotistic article; Howard at Atlanta is a bit of rubbish about the negro, the most wretched theme for poetry that poets and poetasters-from Whittier, who can do better, to Duganne, who can't-ever scribbled doggerel upon. The verses

"He listened and heard the children Of the poor and long enslaved, Reading the words of Jesus,

Singing the songs of David"

remind us of the Shaker hymn sung in accompaniment to their saltatory devotions

"I will take nimble steps,

I'll be a David;

I'll show Michal twice
How he behaved."

Perhaps Mr. Whittier took it for his model.

ing papers are of moderate interest.

ble pass

throw this out as a question, hoping for an answer from some one qualified to give it.-The serial ficPutnam's for this month we think hardly up to tion we have not read, but the name of Marlitt its usual mark; though in saying this we pass no may be considered a guarantee of a good story. opinion on the fiction, which we have not read. The German novelists are in favor with our magaM. de Lacharme's article called The Interoceanic zinists.-Two sentences from The Revolution in Canal-Route is a valuable contribution to knowl- Cuba will spare us the necessity of criticism either edge. It appears that in 1865 certain ancient doc- of the matter, motive, or style of this paper. "Let uments, accompanied by a map, were found in the the red and yellow flag go down-the accursed Spanish archives, giving an account of a practica- colors of blood and gold, the dishonored colors of in the mountains permitting the construc-effete Spain, false to liberty and to herself. In its tion of a canal across the Isthmus of Darien, place shall arise the new flag of the Republic of which pass the authorities were anxious to re- Cuba, legended with the memories of Spain's bitdiscover and secured the services of M. de La-ter past."-The remaining papers are comme ça. charme for the purpose. This exploration was entirely successful; and a map is given of the route Among the green, yellow, orange and scarlet recommended by this engineer. The river Tuyra, liveries with which the monthlies delight to bewhich flows into the Bay of San Miguel on the deck themselves, our homely old friend The Old Pacific coast, would be used for about one-fourth Guard is conspicuous by its plainness. But there of its distance, and the canal would then proceed is both good sense and pleasant reading under its in a straight line, in a direction E. 20° S. to the Indian unattractive cover and in its blunt type. The village of Paya, near which is the passage between Proofs of the Plurality of the Human Species we the Cordilleras and the Andes. From this point have only glanced at, having long since settled it would be continued without difficulty to the that question in our own mind, and not observing river Atrato, which flows into the Gulf of Darien. here any argument which is not already familiar The plan was laid before the U. S. Government, to all who have given the subject any consideraThe Galaxy is about equal to the average, but and received favorable attention, and a Mr. Spoon- tion. Mr. Watkinson's article on The Ethnology not better. Will Murder Out? is a paper in confu-er with two gentlemen of the U. S. Coast Survey, of the Bible contains important and novel views tation of the popular and proverbial notion. In Messrs. Robinson and Holter, came out for the of the primeval races of mankind as indicated in truth all the murder that outs is about in the pro- purpose of examining the route more fully. The the Hebrew Scriptures, and he supports his views portion of three out of four known homicides. Of sudden illness of Mr. Robinson, however, and with, as far as we are able to judge, a very sufficient wilful and deliberate murders, we doubt if much some disagreement between Mr. Spooner and Sr. weight of learning. Without expressing an opinmore than half is ever fixed upon the perpetrators. de Gogorza, the originator of the plan, put a check ion upon the validity of his argument, we comMr. Crapsey, in confirmation of his views, gives to the enterprise. M. de Lacharme publishes this mend the paper to the attention of thoughtful the particulars of four very strange and mysterious paper for the purpose of putting his discovery on readers.-Mr. Simms gives us the opening chapmurders, accompanied with unusually unaccount-record, and to serve as a guide for any future at-ters of a story called "The Mountain Legend," in able circumstances, of comparatively recent oc- tempt with the same object.-Mr. Towle contrib- his peculiar vein, which will probably please the currence. Of these the Ricard case is one of the utes a moderately interesting sketch of Mr. Glad- numerous admirers of his works. Of the poem most extraordinary that we ever heard of.→The stone, whom he asserts, correctly enough, to be called Thirty-two, a specimen will suffice:English Positivists gives an account of a group "drifting," but on the question whether it is in the "Let England say God Save the King, or clique of Englishmen such as Frederick Har-right or the wrong direction, we beg to differ from Or Queen, as it may be; I sing a nobler sentiment rison, Richard Congreve, Professor Beesly and Mr. Towle.-Napoleon at Gotha is an incident in For proud America!" ["Amerikee"?] some others, who are followers of the doctrines- the career of the first Emperor, which is probably Political Satires under George III. should have for they can not be called a philosophy-of Comte. apocryphal, but is related in fluent pleasing verse been twice as full, with the material at the writer's When we remember that these men have appa- by Bayard Taylor.-An Imaginary Conversation command, especially since the appearance of Mr. rently constituted themselves the champions of is supposed to take place between a "Preacher," Wright's work.-In Philological Burglary we savagery and brutality wherever it is to be found, a "Soldier," and "The Chief of Men," which lat- have a sharp but most richly deserved censure of that they were fierce in the prosecution of Gov- ter modest appellative is applied to General Grant. the practice pursued by men who may be scholars, ernor Eyre for the prompt decision with which he So modest a title for the President Elect? Why and ought to be gentlemen, of foisting their own trampled out the horrible outbreak of a set of not "The Autocrat of the Universe?" peculiar views, and even deliberate falsehoods ferocious semi-brutes in Jamaica, and saved the and perversions of history, for partisan purposes, colony from death and worse than death; and that Lippincott's Magazine strikes us as not so good into works of education. Even worse than this, at least one of their number advocated, or de- as usual. Hans Breitmann, however, of whom Mr. they deliberately pervort and falsify the text of fended, or palliated, that most fiendish system of Leland has made a real person, as individual as standard works, thus gaining for their doctrines organized assassination in Sheffield-remembering Mr. Micawber, shows to great advantage as a Pol- and assertions a borrowed weight, and making the these things, we can only say that this "small, res-itician, in a poem in the good old measure of the authors apparently give their sanction to stateolute, aggressive body" of men can not possibly Nibelungen Lied. A disadvantage, not a defect, ments which they would have indignantly repu be too small.-Mr. Richard Grant White con- of these capital pieces is, that to understand their diated. Webster's Dictionary, for instance, though tributes a paper very much too long on the phrase humor fully, the reader must be acquainted with very far from being a classical authority for the "being done." The phrase is an awkward one and German. What will he make of "fore shlog," English language, is a work of immense research the best authority is against it; but for all that it unless he knows that Vorschlag is a proposal; or and learning, and has a vast circulation. So magis logically correct. As "it is striking" corres- how see the joke of "tying a dog loose," without nificent an instrument for insidious propagandism ponds to "it strikes," so "it is being struck" cor- knowing the German idiom losbinden? "Never was not to be neglected, and accordingly a "Re

vised Edition" was prepared under the direction not despair of seeing a Corpus Scriptorum Afro- asked for water 'that was not burning: it must of the Faculty of Yale College. Here is a speci- rum before we close our earthly pilgrimage. men of their "revision." Webster gives as his definition of the word Congress:

"The assembly of Senators and Representatives of the United States of America, according to the present Constitution or political compact, by which they

are united in a federal republic."

The revisers make Webster define it:

"The assembly of Senators and Representatives of the people of a NATION, especially of a republic, for the purpose of enacting laws and considering matters of NATIONAL interest, and constituting the chief legislative body of the NATION."


From J. H. Waite & Co., 138 Baltimore street:-
The Shakspeare Treasury of Wisdom and Knowledge.
By Charles W. Stearns, M. D. New York: G. P. Put-

nam & Co. 1869.

Studies in Shakspeare. A Book of Essays. By Mary Preston. Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger. 1869.

not be burning.' Perhaps he might revive after quenching his thirst: I had so firm a faith in the inexhaustibility of his strength.

Thus I tried to encourage myself as I hastened carefully to the ruin with the water in my hat, and from dread of stumbling scarcely cast a glance in the direction of the beech-wood, over which the flames were still glowing. While still at some distance, I thought I heard Herr von Zehren's voice calling my name, then resounded a shrill laugh, and as I rushed up in terror, I saw the unhappy man standing at the entrance to the excavation, his face turned to the fire, gesticulating wildly with his uninjured arm, and now pouring

From Jas. S. Waters, North Charles street :-
Madame de Staël: An Historical Novel. By Amely
Bölte. Translated from the German by Theodore
Johnson. New York: G. P. Putnam & Son. 1869.
By Charles W. Stearns, M. D. New York: G. P. Put-out execrations, now bursting into frenzied laugh-
The Shakspeare Treasury of Wisdom and Knowledge.

nam & Son. 1869.

The idea of our Government being founded on a
compact, an idea always present in the minds of
the framers of the Constitution, must be sup-
pressed at every cost. Webster defines compact:
"An agreement; a contract between parties; a word
that may be applied, in a general sense, to any cove-
nant or contract between individuals; but it is more
generally applied to agreements between nations and Bros.
States, as freaties and confederacies. So the Constitu-
tion of the United States is a political contract between the
States; a national COMPACT."

The revisers (under Webster's name) define it:

"An agreement between parties; a covenant or contract;-either of individuals or of nations."

What term, consistent with the decorum due to our own self-respect, can be applied to such conduct?

Hours at Home gives us some pleasant reading, in delightful typography.-The biographical notice of Emile de Girardin, is an extremely interesting and well-written sketch of that eminent journalist and political writer.-Books and Reading contains some sound and valuable counsels for the young; and Tally-ho is a portrait of Reynard the Fox, in Professor Schele de Vere's sprightly style. The other papers, as far as we have looked at them, seem to be agreeable light reading.

From Geo. Lycett, 35 N. Charles street:-
Planchette: The Despair of Science. Boston: Roberts


[Translated from the German for The Statesman.]

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ter, or calling for water that was not burning.' I drew him in deeper between the walls, and made him a kind of bed of the heath that grew thickly around, over which I spread my coat. Upon recovering from a brief swoon into which he again fell, he drank deeply of the water, and then thanked me in a voice, the gentle tone of which singularly contrasted with his previous shrill vociferations, and deeply moved me.

'I fancied,' he said, 'that you too had abandoned Some feeling of this kind must have been me, and I must perish miserably here like a in the breast of the unhappy man at my side, wounded stag. Is it not strange that the last for he said once or twice, as we clambered up Zehren who is worthy of the name, here, from the the ravine, up which a steep path led between ancient fortress of his ancestors, now a pile of thick bushes from the strand to the top of the ruins, must watch the house that later generations cliffs, Thank God, it is dark here at least!' built, consumed by the flames? How did it take During the ascent he had several times com-fire? What do you suppose? I have many other plained of his arm, the pain of which had now questions to ask you, but I feel so strangely, grown excessive, and at last he was scarcely able such strange fancies pass through my head. I to move forward, although I supported him as never felt thus before: and my arm too is very well as I could. I hoped that when we reached painful. I think it is all over with the Wild Zehthe top, and he had rested a little, the strength of ren-all over, all over! Let me lie here, and die which he had already given such extraordinary quietly. How long will it be before the fire eats Our Young Folks opens with the continuation proof, would return; but no sooner had we gained its way through the subterranean passage, and the of the really delightful Story of a Bad Boy.-The the plateau than he sank fainting into my arms. old Zehrendorf flies into the air?' interesting paper on Glass Cutting and Ornamen- True, he instantly recovered and declared that it Thus reason and madness contended in his fetation, gives a pleasing account of a curious and was but a momentary weakness, and that the at-vered brain. Now he spoke connectedly and inimportant handicraft.-Hannibal at the Altar is tack was over; but still he could hardly stand, telligently of what was next to be done, as soon as the most preposterous piece of bombast that ever and I was glad when I succeeded at last in getting he had recovered his strength a little, and then he our eyes rested upon; and it is unpardonable in him to the ruin, where an excavation, half filled suddenly saw Jock Swart lying before him on the the Editors not to preface it with a note stating with rubbish, between the walls, offered at least ground, and again it was not Jock but Alfonso, that it was inserted to give their young readers an some protection from the east wind, which blew the brother of his wife, whose heart his sword had example of the most vicious style that it is possible sharp and bitter cold over the ridge. pierced. And yet-and I have often reflected upon to write. As it lacks this word of preface, we re- Here I begged him to sit down, while I de- this, while pondering over the singular character joice to see that the publishers prohibit its repub-scended the ravine where about half-way from the of this man-these terrible memories recurring in lication. The other papers, so far as examined, top there was a tolerably abundant spring, at his delirium were accompanied with no words that seem well suited to boys and girls. which we had made a short pause in our ascent, to indicated the slightest remorse. On the contrary, get him some water, as he complained of a burn-they had been rightly dealt with, and so should it Packard's Monthly gives us a readable paper on ing thirst. Fortunately, on account of the rain, I be with all that ventured to resist his will. If they Printers, their Character and Characteristics, in had put on in the morning the oil-skin hat which had burned his house, all castles and villages for which some amusing anecdotes are told of the I had on at my arrival at Zehrendorf, but had not leagues around should be ravaged by the flames. humors of the fraternity.-Edwin de Leon would since worn, as Constance expressed such a dislike He would see if he could not punish his vassals as make our hair stand on end with his revelations of to it. This hat now served me for a bucket, and I he thought fit, if they had dared to rise in revolt. The Opera Bouffe, if anybody's hair ever did was glad when I succeeded with some difficulty in He would chastise them until they howled for stand on end, which we don't believe.-Horace filling it to the brim. I hurried back as fast as I mercy. Such utterances of his haughty spirit, exGreeley enlightens us as to his views of Education was able without spilling the precious fluid, full of alted to madness by the fever that was raging in as it Should Be, in a "practical" paper, which is anxiety for the man to whom my heart drew me his veins, contrasted frightfully with the utter well enough, but only looks at one side of the all the more powerfully, as calamity smote him wretchedness of our position. While in fancy he question. Education is something considerably with such terrible blows. What would become of was charging through burning towns that his more than Mr. Greeley, intelligent man as he is, him if he were not able soon to continue the flight? wrath had given to the flames, his frame was shivunderstands it to be.-Mark Twain, in his rough, After what had happened at the edge of the caustic style, tells Commodore Vanderbilt some morass, no exertion would be spared to take us, wholesome truths.-A Bird's Eye View of Things and that an amply sufficient force could be emgives a most heart-sickening picture of crime and ployed, was but too certain. The second pass had misery in New York. been beset by soldiers; that I had plainly seen. How long a time would elapse ere they came up here? If we were to escape, we must be at least six or eight miles from here before morning, and I thought with a shudder how he had twice fainted in my arms, and the wild words in which he had

The Riverside attracts by the beauty of its illus trations and letter-press. There were no such magazines for young people in our time, eheu! now so long ago. The opening paper is a graceful

fable by Hans Christian Andersen.-Negro Fables we presume is intended as an initiatory movement towards a compilation of negro literature. We do

1868, in the Clerk's office of the United States District
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year
Court of Maryland.

ering with ague, and his teeth chattered audibly. The cold, which grew ever keener toward day. break, seemed to pierce to my marrow, and as often as the unhappy man whose head rested upon my lap, ceased for awhile his ravings, my head sank forwards or sideways to the cold wall against which I was leaning; and with ever more painful exertions I strove against the weariness which op pressed me with leaden weight. What would be come of us if my strength gave way? Indeed what would become of us as it was? We could not remain thus: I was afraid that he would die in my arms if I could get no assistance. And yet

how could I go for help without the risk of abandoning him to his pursuers? And how could I leave him now, when he was wanting to dash his head to pieces against the stones, and was craving to drink up the sea to assuage his consuming thirst?

During the night I had several times gone to the spring for water, and when I brought it he was always very grateful. Indeed towards daybreak he grew much quieter, so that I indulged the hope that after all we should soon be able to get away. At last, overcome by exhaustion, I fell asleep; and must have slept some time, for the dawn was already glimmering when I was awakened by the touch of a hand on my shoulder. Herr von Zehren stood before me: I looked at him with horror. Now I saw what he had suffered in that fearful night. His healthy bronzed face was of a clayey pallor; his large brilliant eyes were dull and deeply sunk in their sockets; his beard dishevelled, his lips white, and his clothes torn and covered with dirt and blood. It was no longer the man that I had known, but more like a spectre.

'Do not think of your daughter!' I cried, losing all my self-control. 'She has rent the single tie by which you were still bound to her.' And I briefly and in hurried words told him of Constance's flight.

And it seemed that my design had succeeded. He arose, as soon as I had finished my hurried recital, and calmly said:

In this water had drowned herself the wife of the man who had borne her from her far-off home over her brother's corpse, and who was now lying dead in the ruins of the castle of his forefathers. Their daughter had thrown herself into the arms My intention was to tear away at all costs every of a profligate, after deceiving her father, and pretext that he might allege for not doing what he playing a shameful game with me. This all came considered unworthy a Zehren. It was most in- at once into my mind like a hideous picture seen considerate in me to make such a disclosure to him in the black mirror of the tarn. As if some pitiat such a moment; but my knowledge of human less god had rent away the veil from the pandenature was then very slight, and my faculties were monium which to my blinded eyes had seemed a confused by the anguish of the last thirty-six paradise, I saw at a glance the two last months of hours, and my fear and distress for the unhappy my life, and what they really were. I felt a nameman at my side. less horror, less, I think of myself, than of a world where such things had been, where such things could be. If it be true that nearly every man at some time in his life is led or driven by malignant demons to the verge of madness, this moment had come for me. I felt an almost irresistible impulse to throw myself into the black water which legend represented to be of unfathomable depth. I do not know what I might have done, had I not at this moment heard the voices of men who were coming down the path that led from the park. The instinct of self-preservation which is not easily extinguished in a youth of nineteen, suddenly 'Do not mind my giving you so much trouble, awaked within me. I would not fall into the George. Take my thanks for all.' hands of those whom I had been since the previous evening making such prodigious exertions to escape. In a bound I sprang up the bank that surrounded the tarn, leapt down on the other side, There was no time to be and then lay still, buried in the thick bushes and lost; streak after streak of pale light was appear-fallen leaves, to let them pass before recommencing ing in the east; in half an hour the sun would my flight. In a minute more they were at the And he seated himself on a projecting piece of rise. I had hoped that by this time we would have spot I had left. They stopped here, where the the wall, and leaned his head upon his hand. path branched off toward the ruin, and delibera'Then I also stay,' I said. ted.

A faint smile played about his pale lips, and there was a touch of the old vivacity in the tone of his voice, as he said:-'I am sorry to have to awaken you, my poor boy, but it is high time.' I sprang to my feet and put on my coat which he had carefully laid over my shoulders.

That is, it is high time for you,' he added. 'How so?' I asked, in alarm.

'I should not get far,' he replied, with a sad smile; I just now made a little trial; but it is impossible.'

'They will soon follow us up here.'

'So much the more reason for my remaining.' He raised his head.

'You are a generous fool,' he said, with a melancholy smile; 'one of those that remain anvils all their life long. What advantage in the world could it be to me, that they caught you with me here? And why should you give up, and let your self be caught? Are you brought down to nothing, and less than nothing? Are you an old wounded fox, burnt out of his den and with the hounds on his track? Go, and do not make me entreat you any more, for it hurts me to talk. Good-bye!'

[blocks in formation]

Is it then so with me? Am I a vagabond, and my daughter dishonored? Then may I well do what others would do in my place. But before we set out, get me another draught of water, George. It will refresh me; and I must not fail soon again. Make haste!'

I caught up the hat, joyful that I had at last persuaded him. When I had gone a few paces, he called me back again.

'How can you speak so?' I said. 'Step back out of the cold wind; I shall be back in five minutes.'

I started off at a run.

been leagues away in the depth of the forest.
The spring in the ravine was soon reached, but
it gave me some trouble to fill the hat: in the
night I had trampled the earth around it and
stones had rolled in which nearly blocked it up.
While I was stooping over it and clearing away
the obstructions, a dull report of fire-arms reached
my ear. I started and felt involuntarily for the
pistol which was still in my belt. The other I had
left with him. Was it possible? Could it be? He
had sent me away!

I could not wait for the water; I was irresistibly
impelled to hasten back. Like a hunted stag I
sprang up the side of the ravine, and bounded
over the plateau to the ruin.

All was over.

Upon the very spot where I had parted from him, where I had last pressed his hand, he had shot himself. The smoke of the powder was still floating in the excavation. The pistol lay beside him; his head had fallen sideways against the wall. He breathed no more-he was quite dead. The Wild Zehren knew where a bullet must strike if the wound was to be mortal.


This must be the way,' said one. 'Of course; there is no other, you fool,' said another. 'Forward!' cried a third voice, apparently belonging to the leader of the party, or the lieutenant will get there from the beach sooner than we. Forward!'

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The patrol ascended the path toward the ruin, and I cautiously raised my head and saw them disappearing among the trees. When I thought them at a sufficient distance, I arose, and struck deeper into the wood. The impulse to self-destruction had passed: I had but one desire, to save myself; and the almost miraculous manner in which I had just avoided a peril from which there seemed no escape, filled me with new hope, like a player who has hitherto been steadily losing, at the first lucky cast.

When we boys played 'robbers and soldiers' in the fir-wood around my native town, I had always managed to be of the robber-party, and they invariably chose me their captain. The duties of this office I had always so discharged that at last none were willing to take the part of soldiers. The boast that I had so often made in our merry sports, that no one could catch me unless I allowed

I was still sitting, stupefied and incapable of re-myself to be caught, was now to be tested in deadly flection, by the dead man, when the first rays of earnest. Unfortunately just now when life and the sun which rose with tremulous lustre over liberty were at stake, the most important thing the sea, fell upon his pallid face. A shudder ran of all was wanting, the fresh and inexhaustthrough me: I arose and stood trembling in every ible strength that carried me through my boyish limb. Then I ran, as fast as my tottering feet exploits, and which now by reason of the terrible would bear me, along the path that descended mental emotions of the last twenty-four hours, from the ruin to the beech-wood. I could not now and the excessive physical exertion I had undersay what my real intention was. Did I simply gone, was well-nigh broken down. To my other wish to flee from this place of terror, from the sufferings, I was tormented with gnawing hunger presence of the corpse whose glazed eyes were and burning thirst. Keeping always in the thickfixed upon the rising sun? Did I wish to get as-est of the forest, I came upon no spring nor pool sistance? Did I design to carry out alone the plan of water. The loose soil had long since absorbed of escape I had formed for both, and thus save the rain of the previous day, and the slight moismyself? I do not now know. ture that I was able to suck from the dead leaves only increased my sufferings.

'Well then,' said he, 'I will make a confession to you. It is true that it so happens that I can not get away; but were I in condition to escape, I would not and will not do it. I will not have a hue and cry raised after me, and placards posted as if I were a vagabond or common criminal to be hunted through the land. I will await their coming here-here where my ancestors beat back so many an attack of the shopkeepers. I will defend myself to the last: they shall not take me from this place alive. I do not know what I might do, if I were altogether alone in the world. Probably this would then not have happened. I have paid dearly for the folly of trying to help my brother in his distress. And then I have a daughter: I do not love her, nor she me; but for this very reason I reached the park and the tarn, the water of she shall not be able to say that her father was a which looked blackly through the yellow leaves coward who did not know when it was time to die.''that yesterday's storm had swept from the trees.

My intention had been to traverse the forest, which bordered the coast for about eight miles, in

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