Imagens das páginas

liberty of theatres brought back all his inspiration. He wrote in succession for the "Variétés," La Belle Hélène, La Grande Duchesse, La Périchole; for the "Palais Royal," La Vie Parisienne; for the Imperial Theatre of the Opéra Comique, Robinson Crusoe and Vert- Vert, now under rehearsal. Since that time his reputation has grown immensely, and his music is played all over the world. In Vienna, his operas have been translated into German, and created a furore with the Viennese Schneider-Fräulein Gallmeyer.

Crois tu qu'on puisse être bien tendre
Alors que l'on manque de pain?
À quels transports peut-on s'attendre
En s'aimant quand on meurt de faim-
express a truth which young women now-a-days
appreciate as thoroughly as Périchole in the time
of the Spanish dominion over Peru.

third and fourth are much too long and the music very poor. Mlle. Irma Marié sung and played the character of Boulotte to perfection. Evidently she has studied Mlle. Schneider's acting, and aims to imitate her. We must say that the pupil is fully equal to the master, with more youth and more freshness of voice in her favor. She is exceedingly graceful, and she deserves every way the applause she has received.


Aujac, the tenor of the troupe, belonged years ago to the Grand Opera of Brussels, but as in that theatre artists are very indifferently paid, he found it more profitable to sing, in a theatre of the same M. Decre is a tenor of some merit, but he does city, Offenbach's music, which was exceedingly not seem to understand that Offenbach's music reWhether Offenbach's music deserves such great successful, as the Belgians had also their Schneider, quires rather to be well said than sung à pleins success, and whether this success has resulted from and a very good one, in the person of Mme. Del- poumons. M. Decre could not sing differently if a depreciation of taste, are questions which we may vil. Aujac's voice is very fresh and good; he sings he were to appear as Robert le Diable or Raoul, in one day consider; for the present we shall only with taste and acts well. We shall only find fault Les Huguenots; he screamed as loud as he could; state that none of Offenbach's operas have had the with him for carrying into his impersonation of the consequence was, he sang out of tune in the success which attended Orphée aux Enfers, La Piquillo the exaggeration of silliness he attributes first act, and made the chorus indulge in the same Belle Hélène, La Grand Duchesse, and especially to the character of Fritz in the Grande Duchesse. fault. Altogether, the ensemble was good; Mlle. La Vie Parisienne, which was played for nearly Piquillo is stupefied at finding himself in the Vice- Tholer as Princess Hermia acquitted herself adsix months, without interruption, every night at roy's palace; he does not know or understand mirably in her part, and Francis as Le Roi Bobèche the "Theatre du Palais Royal." This shows that what is going on; but the writers of the libretto was very comic. Next week we will speak of the wonderful success of these operas is not due to did not intend him to be as silly as Aujac repre- La Belle Hélène, Les Bavards and La Chanson de the music exclusively. It has largely resulted sents him. Aujac has the very rare quality of Fortunio. from the happy manner in which the librettists, speaking and singing very distinctly, his Belgian H. Meilhac and L. Halevy, have ridiculed the accent forming a contrast with the Parisian proabsurdities of the times; from their perfect nunciation of the other artists. We regret not appreciation of the taste and preferences of having an opportunity to hear Aujac in La Vie the public, which they had the sense to an- Parisienne; he is perfect in the triple character of ticipate; from the cleverness and the wit they | Fritz, the Major and the Diplomat, which he takes have exhibited in their librettos; and the way in that piece. in which they have adapted verse to the jing- Leduc is a very good actor, but we prefer him ling music of Offenbach. This is true to that in the character of Prince Paul. He did not speak degree that the latest works of Offenbach, not loud enough, and frequently we could not hear led him to write it. He found, it appears, upon a travelling in the same circle of ideas, have not distinctly what he said. Lagriffoul, Edgard and book-stall, an old volume containing the pleadings met with very great success. Orphée aux Enfers, | Français acted their parts very well. Altogether, in a forgotten trial for homicide in the year 1698; La Grande Duchesse, La Belle Hélène, and La the ensemble was very satisfactory-the orchestra said trial being, in several respects, a remarkablə Vie Parisienne, will always be the highest expres- and the choruses were good, with the exception one. An Aretine nobleman had murdered his sion of Offenbach's talent. In a very few years of some female voices; the costumes pretty. The young wife, and her parents, under circumstances his music will be recalled only as a most pleasant audience seemed to enjoy the performance very of peculiar atrocity. Convicted by the courts, he remembrance, but it will gradually disappear much, as the Seguidille at the end was called for appealed to the Pope, who confirmed the sentence from the lyric stage, because its greatest merit is and repeated four times. and ordered the immediate execution of the murthe fidelity with which it expresses the spirit of derer and his accomplices. the present day.

The Ring and the Book. By Robert Browning, M. A. Vol. I. Boston: Fields, Osgood & Co. 1869. In the introductory section of this poem, Mr. Browning gives us an account of its origin and an explanation of the reasons-or the impulse-which

The process is perfectly legitimate; and to it, indeed, we owe the greatest master-pieces of the human mind. It is by taking the dry bones of history and legend, clothing them with flesh, and animating them with warm blood from the poet's own imagination, that we get a Prometheus, an Electra, a Macbeth or a Falstaff. It is the poet's privilege and gift to make us see what he can see and we can not; and this gift has been dealt in amplest measure to Robert Browning.

The theatre was filled again on Tuesday night to hear Orphée aux Enfers. This opera, to speak So far the Book. Now, says Browning, even as La Périchole, which was performed for the first merely of the music, is the best work of Offenbach, the lump of virgin gold is unsuitable for purposes time in Baltimore on Monday night, at the Holliday and the duet with the violin in the first act-the of art-say for a ring-until the due proportion of Street Theatre, drew a numerous audience. What Duo de la Mouche-the ballad of Le Roi de Béotie, hardening alloy is mingled with it, to fit it for file strikes one most forcibly from the first act of this are pieces that would enrich a more serious opera. and hammer, so by adding the alloy of my imagiwork is that the argument, with less realism and Orphée was performed some three hundred times nation to the pure fact contained in this book, I fewer travesties, could be adapted perfectly to an in Paris. It was the first of Offenbach's operas produce a mass, fact tempered with fiction, fit to Opéra Comique. For a while the action becomes which had more than one act, and the idea of shape into a poem. serious. The reading of the letter, the melody of bringing on the stage the Gods and Goddesses of which is very pretty, full of feeling, leaves on the Olympus was something new and exceedingly audience a grave impression, which is not dissi- amusing. This opera was more coldly received in pated until the end of the act, in spite of the galop Baltimore, because we have seen here before La of the wedding scene. In general the music, which Belle Hélène, the libretto of which is much more is very carefully written, could be applied to an witty and entertaining than that of Orphée. An Opéra Comique. Those who expected brisk melo- actor, M. Guidon, whose name was not even in dies, as in La Belle Hélène, were disappointed. the programmes, is certainly, for the little we have The vocal pieces are but few; evidently the com- seen of him, one of the best, if not the best singer poser was fettered by the want of actors, particu❘ and actor of the troupe. He played very well as larly men, equal to the various parts. The cho- Le Styx, and sung the ballad of Le Roi de Béotie ruses offered him greater resources, because now in the most charming manner. The character of comic, now bouffes, they are all excellent. Offen- Eurydice is a very indifferent one. Mlle. Tostée bach introduces the chorus of "La Favorite”— Quel marché de bassesse, which in this last opera is applied to a similar situation. In La Belle Hélène also, when Agamemnon and Achilles want to persuade Menelaus to make a sacrifice for his country, some of the words and music are taken from the grand Trio in William Tell. In both cases it has a very good comic effect.

Mlle. Irma Marié sung and played her part very well. Her voice is good, and some of her low notes very rich. In the midst of the vulgarity of action, which this kind of performance exacts, she exhibits a sense of refinement and a grace that makes her acting most attractive and sympathetic. She uttered exquisitely the Letter Song, the words of which are very pretty, and the lines

His peculiar power lies in the faculty of becoming for the time the person of his poem; of identifying himself with him, so that he thinks as that made of it all that was possible: although her voice person would have thought, and speaks as he is stronger than when she first appeared in this city, would have spoken. We can not account for it, it is not a good one, and she has but very little we can not explain it, we can not trace the process control over it. Her costumes were very pretty. any more than we can the workings of a great The other artists deserve praise for their acting composer's mind in producing a symphony-we M. Decre being, besides, a very fair violinist. The only know that it is so. This is the "creative cancan, which generally ends the performance, faculty," as it is sometimes termed, and it is this was replaced by fireworks. We consider the lat- that constitutes Browning preeminently a dramatic ter the more dangerous performance. It may set poet. on fire the theatre, while the cancan could only set on fire some very juvenile imaginations.

Indeed all his poems are dramas. In nearly all there is vividly brought before the reader some On Wednesday evening the performance of action which takes its form from the person or Barbe Bleue was very well attended. This opera persons of the poem, and is determined by, or reis less attractive than La Belle Hélène or La acts upon their characters; and we clearly see Grande Duchesse; it met in Paris with less suc- these characters defined by their own deeds and cess. The first and second acts are charming; the speech. We can not conceive of more perfect

work in this kind than some of his smaller pieces: saloons-who suddenly plunged into the furnace | for instance the hospitable and magnificent old for instance the Soliloquy in a Spanish Cloister, heat of this tragedy, tortured by pity, love, fear country gentleman, lord of the manor and justice or The Last Duchess, where, in the compass of a and anguish, becomes incandescent, and burns and of the peace, who is at the same time a desperate page, a character stands before us perfect, entire, glows with passions that master his whole nature. smuggler-produces the incongruous effect of a and sharp as an antique intaglio. His soft friable clay becomes vitrified and takes man with a shadow that does not belong to him: the form it will never after lose. we can not fit the two together.

It is to this faculty that we owe the volume before us. The poet's mind has brooded over the dry facts of this crime, as aridly set forth in the printed pleadings-oral pleadings before the courts not being allowed-until it has given them form, color, and life. Evoked by his wand they appear before us, the souls that were convulsed and torn by the passions that led to this murky welter of madness and crime.

Now had Browning wrought this matter into the form of a tragedy, commencing (we will suppose) with Pompilia's flight, and ending with the sentence of Pope Innocent, we believe he would have produced the greatest work that has ever proceeded from his pen; one fit to take its place beside the master-pieces of English literature. But instead of this he has chosen a form and mode of treatment quite unexampled, by which we can not see that anything has been gained, while we certainly see that very much has been lost.

This one speech in itself would have been a very The mysteries of the story are neither hidden noble and perfect poem; but much of its effect is nor told. We guess them all too soon-the smuglost by following the three preceding, which have gling business, the escape of Hunter, the secret of somewhat wearied us with the recapitulation of the white coat, the death of Cyril, long before the details. To adopt the poet's figure of a crystal author gives the explanation. Indeed she sees with many sides, we may say that it is asking too this herself, and says that the reader "has susmuch of us to scrutinise every single facet in suc-pected the truth," which it was precisely her busicession, measuring all its angles, and noting the ness that he should not suspect, unless gifted with number and order of its prismatic colors. preternatural acuteness.

Madame de Staël: An Historical Novel. By Amely Bölte. Translated from the German by Theodore Johnson. New York: G. P. Putnam & Son. 1869.

And we are yet to have Pompilia's narrative, For the rest, the story is written in an easy, fowthe first speech of the advocate for the defence, the ing style, in perfectly good English, free from speech of the Fiscal, the Pope's judgment, and conceits and affectations; and for those who simply Guido's second defence. We would respectfully care to be entertained, and like stories of this class, hint that human life is too short, and Mr. Brown- it is probably as good as most they are likely to ing's genius too valuable, to be wasted in this kind get. of work, even though it be work that no other man could do. We can not afford to have a great painter spend his time and gifts upon one scene, however beautiful, painted in succession from His plan is this: having given in the introduc- every point of the compass, because the perspectory section the design of the work, and the ad-tive varies with every shift of his position. What We have read about one-quarter of this book, mitted facts of the case, he introduces first a would become of us if the fancy were to seize Mr. and if any reviewer is able to do more, we compli speaker representing that portion of the people Browning to handle in this way some one of the ment him on his conscientious perseverance. The which sided altogether (or may be presumed to long-winded embroilments of history-say the suc-historical novel in the hands of a master who can have sided) with the husband; which sees in him cession to the Duchy of Cleves, or the Council of catch the spirit of the time, and make his characthe victim of an odious complot, who having in Constance? ters live and breathe again, is a valuable and legitvain striven to have his wrongs redressed by legal Is it not just possible that the poet's long resi- imate product of the imagination; but we prefer measures, in a paroxysm of righteous, if excessive, dence in Italy, and constant association with a race taking the plain facts of history at first hand, to indignation, cuts the hateful entanglement with of interminable talkers, discussers, analysers, may having them reflected from minds that are neither the dagger's edge. In this recital all the tragic have had some disadvantageous influence on his deep nor clear. story is gone through with, point by point; each native Teutonic terseness and condensation-that, fact receiving its especial coloring from the speak-like a reversed Iachimo, his British brain in their er's mind. This one is followed by another, rep- subtler Italy operates-not "most vilely," but resenting the other half of Rome, who sees in over-refinedly? Pompilia a mártyred innocent, almost a saint, and in her husband a monster of malignity and cruelty. The Red Court Farm. By Mrs. Henry Wood. Again the whole story is gone over, colored and Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson & Bros. commented on from the speaker's point of view. Assuredly no reader can complain of lack of Both these speak with the intensity of partisan- interest in a story which contains two pairs of ship and warmth of feeling characteristic of some- lovers, a secret marriage, a smuggling adventure, what rude but ardent minds. Next is introduced a case of heart-break, a railway accident, a family a person of quality, a refined, subtle-thoughted, secret, a murder and a ghost; but abundance of skeptical intellect, who feeling no sympathy at all for the wife, as one of the commonalty, and but little for the insignificant and uninfluential husband, treats the whole matter as a curious problem, which he daintily analyses before a highly select audience of Eminences and Highnesses, throwing in little touches intended to tell on his hearers for certain private ends of his own.

For a specimen of the conversation, take this-it is Necker speaking to his wife:

never allow us to exercise the sweet privilege of for "You have but one fault, and that is, that you will giveness toward you, too. He who now and then has need of our indulgence, thereby endears himself to


have to be less perfect in order to please you still bet "That is a harsh remark, my friend. Then I should ter? How easy it would be for me to play such a game!..... I am unable to take a light-hearted view of life: what I am, I am with all my heart. Let me then belong to virtue'”—&c. &c. &c.

The translation seems performed with sufficient verbal fidelity, but without idiomatic grace or strength. We do not know how to apportion between author, translator and proof-reader, the numerous errors with which the book swarms. Beside mistakes in the French, passim, there are such as "Phelusson," "Volitaire," "Orrus" (for Orcus), "Tabius Cunctator," "Calvanists;" and Rossini is at least four times spoken of as the great rival of Glück!

The Shakspeare Treasury of Wisdom and Knowledge. By Chas. W. Stearns, M. D. New York: G. P. Putnam & Son. 1869.

interest alone does not make a good novel, and we can only accord to this story a qualified praise. It did not need the prefatory note to inform us that we have here two stories re-cast into one. Notwithstanding that it has been re-written, the seam is very conspicuous. The story of Robert Lake's flirtation, ending in the death of his wife, is extremely pathetic and sentimental, and very Thus the story has been told us three times over, well told: the "sensational" story of the Farm by parties who were not actors in it, in all its and its occupants, by no means so well. Lady minuteness of details, and at an average length of Ellis, who is one of the threads that have been fifty pages each. Next follows the evidence of drawn out from the first story into the second to In this very elegantly printed volume, Dr. Count Guido Franceschini, the husband-another hide the seam, appears to no purpose, and is so Stearns, who, we believe, is a Baltimorean, has recital again; and then the evidence of the Priest evidently in the way, that she is put on the retired given to the public some of the fruits of a patient Caponsacchi who assisted Pompilia to escape. In list and pensioned off in the brief space of two and attentive study of Shakspeare. We do not both these discourses the character of the speaker chapters from her appearance as the mistress of perceive much depth or originality in the otheris very vividly given. The Count, cool, confident, Red Court Farm. Mrs. Chester is another of these wise sufficiently pleasant essays which his quotapolite, even speaks in an ironically sportive way of troublesome people, and in all respects an unmiti- tions are intended to illustrate; but we admit that the torture to which he has been put. He does not gated nuisance. there is a convenience in a sort of index raisonné care to complain about it-it is true some of his As we have said in our notice of Charles Reade's of this kind which groups together under various limbs have been disjointed, and he rather thinks works, it is as great a defect in a novel as in a pic-heads, so as to admit of easy reference, so large a his left shoulder-blade is still "wrong i' the sock-ture to have two systems of perspective,-two number of striking extracts. et;" but it is over now, and it does not become a points of sight toward which the principal lines gentleman to trouble learned judges with such tend. When one grand catastrophe has come, for Colonel Thorpe's Scenes in Arkinsaw. By J. trifles. And so he passes on to the matter in hand. which all was preparing, we do not care to have M. Field. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson & Bro, Caponsacchi's speech strikes deeper and fuller the survivors dragged out, the rubbish cleared If this be a fair specimen of the Library of

chords. In Caponsacchi we see the man of intel-away, and a fresh start taken.
lect and feeling, the finished scholar and high-born In a novel of incident, we suppose we must not
nobleman, who for want of a sufficient incentive overhaul the characters too closely, otherwise we
and career, has wasted his energies, until he has might say that the whole Thornycroft family are
become a fribble and coxcomb, a dangler of the unnatural and improbable personages; the Justice

American Humorous Writers, all we have to say is, that the sooner that library is thrown into the fire, the better. It is possible that there may be some humor in the book; but as the office of critic is not altogether synonymous with that of scaven

ger, we can not wade through all the coarseness, vulgarity, and downright indecency to get at it.

Happily the very titles of the chapters tell their own story; so we do not suppose that any of our readers will need our caution, otherwise we would say buy the book if you think it worth the money as cigar-lights; not otherwise.

After much consideration, Hans hit upon the story about the bad boy who lost himself in the following plan, the inspiration to which sprang wood, and to whom so many unpleasant things from his generous heart. I was for a while to re- happened there; and yet who drank so much main concealed in his house, until the first heat of sweet pure air, and bathed in so much golden sunthe pursuit was over. Then-always supposing shine, that one would give who knows how many that he was himself unmolested-we would under-stations in the monotonous turnpike of his orderly take the journey together, I being disguised as his life, could he but once experience such romantic coachman or servant. The question now arose suffering and happiness. Madame de Chamblay. By A. Dumas. Phila- about the passport, without which, as I knew, no delphia: Turner Bros. & Co.

This book, which, whatever the internal evidence may be, we have the authority of the titlepage for attributing to Alexandre Dumas, is a story turning on the favorite French theme, the breach of the seventh commandment. As for the quality of the translation, one specimen will suffice:-The author alludes to a nightingale singing in a churchyard, as le courtisan des morts, which the translator renders "the courtesan of the dead." NEW BOOKS RECEIVED.

From H. Taylor & Co., Sun Iron Building:-
Anne of Geierstein;

Fair Maid of Perth;
forming part of Peterson's Cheap Edition of the Wa-
verly Novels.

From Cushings & Bailey, 262 Baltimore street:-
Maryland Chancery Practice, with an Appendix, con-

taining Forms of Proceedings, the Rules of the Circuit
Court of Baltimore City, &c. &c. By Benjamin C. Bar-
roll, of the Baltimore Bar. Baltimore: Cushings &
Bailey. 1869.

Peg Woffington, and Other Stories. By Charles Reade. Boston: Fields, Osgood & Co. 1869.

The Shortest Route to California. By Bvt. Brig.-Gen.

As if heaven itself was disposed to be good to one was allowed to go on board the ship. Here the bad boy who, whatever his errors, had erred also the inventive Hans found an expedient. A but through youthful folly, and perhaps, all things certain Herr Schulz, who had been his overseer, considered, was not after all so utterly bad, it sent had intended to emigrate the previous spring, and him two or three of the loveliest autumn days for procured the necessary papers, but had died before his adventurous flight. The recent rains had his project was accomplished. These papers Hans cleared the air to a crystalline transparency, so had kept, and after some searching we found them. that the remotest distance seemed brought near at It appeared from their contents that the emigrat-hand. A flood of bright but indescribably soft ing overseer was not nineteen, but forty years old; sunlight streamed from the cloudless sky, and not six feet without his shoes, which was my penetrated into the inmost recesses of the forest, stature, but only four and a half; and moreover, where from the huge old trees the yellow leaves he was distinguished by being very deeply pitted silently floated down to the others with which the with the small-pox. Still, Hans was of opinion ground was already strewn. Not a sound was that they would not look into the matter so closely, audible in the sunny wilderness except the meland a hundred-thaler note would cover all the ancholy chirrup of a yellow-hammer in the thicket, little discrepancies. or the hoarse cawing of a crow who regarded with disfavor the gun which I was carrying, or the faint cry of cranes that, careless of what was going on below, were winging high in air their proud flight to southern lands.

It was two o'clock by the time we had matured this ingenious plan, and Hans's eyes were growing heavy with weariness. As he insisted that I should sleep in his bed, I was obliged to leave him the sofa in the sitting-room, on which he had scarcely stretched himself when he began to snore. I covered him with his cloak, and went into his chamber, where, tired as I was, I still took time

S. H. Simpson, A. M. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott to avail myself of the simple apparatus for ablu

& Co. 1868.


Littell's Living Age, Every Saturday, Yale Literary
Magazine, De Bow's Review, Ladies' Repository, Ave
Maria, Westminster Review for January, Maryland Far-
mer, Phonographic Advocate.


[Translated from the German for The Statesman.]


tion that I found there, to my great comfort.
Then dressing myself again, I lay down on Hans's

Then again I lay in the heart of the forest upon some hillock, perhaps a Hun's grave, as they were traditionally called, and watched sly Reynard steal out of his Castle Malepartus among the great stones, to bask in the morning sun, while a few paces farther off his half-grown cubs chased each other and rolled over and over in merry romp; or I marked in the evening light a herd of deer crossing a clearing, the stag in front with head proudly held aloft and only lowered occasionally to pick a peculiarly tempting tuft of herbage, while the does came peacefully grazing after.

I slept soundly an hour or two, and as I awaked at the first gray glimmer of dawn, a resolution with which I had lain down, arose clear to my mind. I would go: the good Hans should not on my account be brought into any more serious Again I stood on the heights, close to the verge troubles. The longer I remained with him, the of the steep chalk-cliff, and looked longingly out greater was the probability that his complicity, over the blue sea, where on the farthest horizon a which it was just possible might remain concealed little cloud marked the spot where the steamer as things were, would be discovered, and it would which I had been watching for an hour had disBut the most dazzling ideas are frequently found then appear in a so much more serious light. Be-appeared, while in the middle distance glittered to have their dark side when it comes to putting sides, I had in truth but little faith in the availa- the sails of a pair of fishing-boats. The speck of them in execution. The financial question Hansbility of the pass of the deceased overseer of four cloud vanished, the white sails dwindled away, thought he had settled when he went to his desk which was not-and apparently could not be locked, took out a box, and poured its contents between us on the table. There were from four to five hundred thalers in gold, silver, and treasurynotes, mixed up with invitations to huntingparties, reccipted and unreceipted bills, dancecards (apparently from an earlier time), samples of wool, percussion-caps, and a few dozen buckshot which rolled upon the floor and awaked Caro who had been asleep under the sofa, and now crept forth, yawning and stretching, as if he considered that buckshot belonged to his department.

Hans said that he had at the moment, as far as he knew, no more in the house; but if it was not sufficient, he would search his coats, in which he had from time to time found quite considerable


I was much affected by Hans's kindness; but even were I to avail myself of it, how was the flight to be accomplished? Hans had heard from the driver at Fährdorf-and it appeared only too probable that search was being made for me everywhere. How could I, without being seized, get to Bremen or Hamburg or any other port from which I could get a passage to America-at least so long as the pursuit was still hot?

Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, in the Clerk's office of the United States District Court of Maryland.

feet and a half high; and finally, as a youth of no
craven spirit, I was possessed with the conviction

that it was my duty to take the consequences of
my action, as far as possible, upon my own head


and with a sigh I turned back into the forest, scarcely hoping now that I should succeed in get

ting off the island.

Twice already I had made the attempt. Once at a small fishing-village that lay at the head of a So I softly arose from the bed, wrote a few words narrow cove in a recess of the shore, and was the of gratitude to Hans for all his kindness, filled my picture of isolation and loneliness. But the men game-bag with the remains of the supper, stuck were all out fishing; only a very old man and a the note in the neck of a wine-bottle on the table, couple of half-grown youths were at home with in the confidence that Hans would not overlook it the women and children. If the catch was a good there, gave a parting nod to the brave fellow who one, it might be two days before the men still lay in the same position upon the sofa in which he had fallen asleep two hours before, patnified to him that I could not take him, took my ted Caro, who wished to accompany me, and siggun, and went out by the same window at which

I had entered.


Food, drink and sleep had completely restored my old strength, and I was now in a condition to play my part in the game of 'robbers and soldiers' more successfully.

The following days-there were three or four of them-form a strange episode in the history of my life; so that it often seems to me that I can not really have lived them, but must have read the whole in some story-book. Yes, after so many years-there are thirty of them now-the remembrance of those days comes before me like some.


back, and it was not likely then that any one
would take me so far. So said the old man, when
by staring at me with open mouths, and an old
I asked; while a pair of red-haired children stood
woman came up and confirmed the man's state-
ment, while the sun dipped below the horizon,
and a cool breeze blew down the cove toward the
darkening sea. It was the second day of my wan-
dering. The first night I had passed in a sheep-
fold; I thought I might venture for once to sleep
under a roof, and the good wife to whom I made
the proposal willingly gave up to me the chamber
of her son who had sailed away three years before
and not been heard of since. I might, very likely,
have spent days in this retired nook without being
discovered; but the necessity of my getting off the
island was too pressing, and early on the next
morning I set out to try my fortune elsewhere.
My next trial was made in a large village.

There were boats enough and men enough there, more hotly the fever burned in my veins. While, should have to go through my native town; but it but no one would take me; not even though I half dead with fatigue, I staggered backwards and was probable that just there I should be least offered ten dollars, half the money I had, for the forwards in a clear space between the trees, I saw looked for; and at that time, I confess it, it took short passage to the Mecklenburg coast, where I myself again on the moor at Herr von Zehren's but a little to rouse in me the old daring spirit might consider myself tolerably safe. I do not side, with Jock Swart lying dead at our feet, while which had already played me so many an unlucky know whether, as was possible, they knew who I the flames of the burning castle wrapped us in an trick. With a grim satisfaction I imagined mywas, or merely saw something suspicious in the awful glare, so fearfully bright that it seemed the self pacing at night through the silent streets, and wild-looking young man with a gun on his shoul-whole forest was burning around me, while yet even considered whether I should not write on the der who asked a passage to another country; or, door of the Rathhaus* the old saying of the Nuwhether, as I seemed in such extreme haste, and remburgers and sign my name to it. appeared to have money, they merely wished, by delay and apparent reluctance, to extort a higher fare. But after an hour had been spent in parleying, and Karl Bollmann said he was willing to take me, if Johann Peters would lend his boat; and Peters, for his part, was ready to go, but only in Bollmann's boat; and Christian Rickmann, who was standing by with his hands in his pockets, said he would take me with his boys, but not for less than thirty dollars; and all then held a whispering deliberation together, during which the whole population, women and children included, gathered around,- -I thought it prudent not to await the result, but turned abruptly away, and strode off toward the dunes. A half-dozen followed me, but I showed them my gun, upon which they kept back.

my limbs shivered and my teeth chattered with
cold. Then Herr von Zehren sat before me as I
had last seen him sitting, with the rising sun
shining in his glazed eyes; and then again it was
not Herr von Zehren but my father, or Professor
Lederer, or some other, but all were dead with
glassy eyes open to the sun. Then again I became
conscious of my real situation, that it was dark
night around me, that I was excessively cold, that
I had sharp fever, and that despite the risk of dis-
covery I must resolve to kindle a real fire instead
of the frightful visionary one which I still saw in
my feverish hallucination.

At nightfall I entered Fährdorf. I had missed the boat, but the next one, which was the last, sailed in half an hour. As I had seen through the window of the tavern that the large tap-room was almost empty, and as I must of necessity strengthen myself for my night-journey, I entered it, took my seat at the farthest table with my face to the wall, and ordered some supper of the bar-maid.

The girl went to get it for me. On the table, beside the candle which she had lighted, lay a beerstained copy of the X. Weekly News of the previous day-another cleaner copy is now lying beside the page on which I am writing. I took it up, and my first glance fell upon the following announcement:


FREDERICK WILLIAM GEORGE HARTWIG, former pupil of and fugitive from the Gymnasium in X., to officers of the Government, and of murder, has strongly suspected of smuggling, of violent resistance still, notwithstanding every exertion on the part of the public welfare that this apparently most dangerthe authorities, evaded arrest. As it greatly concerns ous person should be brought to justice, he is hereby summoned voluntarily to surrender himself; and all persons who may have any knowledge of the place of concealment of the aforesaid Hartwig are called upon to give notice thereof without delay to the undersigned. We also urgently and respectfully request the various authorities, both here and abroad, to keep a strict watch for the aforesaid Hartwig (deseription at foot), to arrest him promptly, should he be discovered, and forward him to us at our expense, under the assu rance of the readiest reciprocity on our part in a similar case. HECKEPFENNIG. (Signed)


X., November 2nd, 1833.

I had provided myself against this necessity with a large piece of touchwood which I had broken out of a hollow tree and placed in my gamebag. By its aid I succeeded after a while in kindling a pile of half-dry wood, and I can not describe the delicious sensation that thrilled through me as The same day I had another proof that the pur- at last a bright flame sprang up. The cheery light suit for me was still kept up, which indeed I had drove back the fever-phantoms into the darkness never doubted. It was toward evening, when re- from which they had sprung; its luxurious warmth connoitring from the edge of the woods, a piece expelled from my veins the icy cold. I dragged of open country that I had to cross, I caught sight together great quantities of fuel; I could not suffiof two mounted patrols on the road, talking with ciently luxuriate in the sight of the curling smoke, a shepherd who had driven his flock upon the the leaping flames and the glittering sparks. Then strip of heath between the road and the woods. II seated myself at my forest-hearth, and resolved observed that they several times pointed to the in my mind what I should do to escape a situation forest, but the shepherd's answers seemed satisfac- which I clearly saw I could not long endure. At tory, for they presently rode away in the opposite last I hit upon a plan. I must make the trial to direction and disappeared beyond some rising get away at some one of the points from which ground. When I thought them far enough, I there was a regular communication with the maincame out of my concealment and joined the shep- land, and which I had, on good grounds, hitherto I will not copy the description that followed. herd, who was knitting a long black stocking, and avoided; and the attempt must be made in dis- The reader could learn from it nothing except that whose simple face gave a sufficient guaranty of guise, as otherwise I should be recognised instant- at that time I rejoiced in dark-blonde, curly hair, the security of the step. He told me, in answer to ly. The difficulty was, how to obtain a suitable stood six feet without my shoes, and, as a wellmy inquiries, that the patrol were on the track of disguise; and here a happy thought struck me. I finished specimen of humanity, had no special a man who had committed a murder. He was a had noticed in the chamber in which I had slept marks, or at least none in the eyes of Herr Justiztall young man, they had said, and a desperate the previous night, a complete sailor's dress hang- rath Heckepfennig. villain; but they would have him yet. ing against the wall; very likely the bind old The lively imagination of the stocking-knitter woman would sell it to me. If thus disguised I had probably had sufficient time in the interval could get off the island, I was pretty confident that between the departure of the patrol and my ap-by a night-march I could reach the Mecklenburg pearance, to paint the portrait of the fugitive from justice in the most frightful colors. At all events he did not recognise me, but took me at once for At early dawn I began to put this plan into exewhat I gave myself out, a huntsman, who was cution; and although I had a walk of eight or ten stopping on a visit at one of the neighboring es-miles to the lonely fishing-village, I reached it tates, and not knowing the country well, had lost his way. He gave me minute directions how to find my way, thanked me for the coin I put in his hand, and dropped his knitting in astonishment as he saw me, instead of following his directions, strike across the heath into the forest.

frontier; and once there I would let chance decide
what was next to be done.

But in truth at this moment so critical for me, I scarcely noticed the description of my person; the Notice occupied all my thoughts. When, the evening before, the shepherd said that the man whom the patrol were after was charged with murder, I did not believe it for a moment. He was such a simple-looking fellow, that I thought the patrol had been telling him a frightful story to scare him or to enhance their own importance. just after sunrise. The good old dame would not But here it stood in large clear letters in the Weekly hear of any sale: I needed the things and that News; which, as but few other papers had ever was enough; perhaps some one in some strange fallen into my hands, was always to my uncritical land might do as much for her son, if he was alive youthful mind invested with a certain magisterial and a tear rolled down her aged wrinkled cheeks. authority-I might almost say, bore the stamp of My clothes and my gun-for I had left my pistol infallibility. 'Suspected of murder!' Was it posThe vicinity of the patrol had startled me, in at Hans's-she would keep for me: I should have sible? Was I then looked upon as the murderer fact, and I had determined to pass this night in them any time that I came for them. I do not of Jock Swart? I, who had thanked God when I the woods. It was a bad night. Warm as it had know for what the kind old creature took me; but saw the man at whom I had fired, limping briskly been in the day, it grew cold at nightfall, and the no doubt she thought that I was in distress; and off? I, whose only consolation in these last days cold steadily increased as the night advanced. In she helped me thus because I said that this was of suffering, was that spite of all, no man's death vain did I bury myself a foot deep in the dry the only way to help me. The worthy soul! weighed upon my conscience? And here it was leaves, or try by brisk walking backwards and Later in my life it was in my power in some meas-proclaimed to all the world that I was a murderer! forwards to gain a little warmth. The dense misture to repay her kindness, if indeed a kind deed that arose from the earth soaked my clothes can ever be repaid. through, and chilled me to the marrow. The long hours of the autumn night crept on with dreadful slowness; it seemed as if it would never be day. And in addition to these physical and almost intolerable sufferings of cold, hunger, and fatigue, the recollection of what I had recently gone through presented itself to me in ever more frightful pictures the longer the night lasted, and the

So I set out at once upon my way, which took me, through many perils, directly across the island to a point where I determined to wait until evening before entering Fährdorf, which I could reach in an hour. Relying upon my sailor's dress, which fitted me perfectly, and, as I thought, completely disguised me, I had chosen the ferry which led most directly to X. In this way, it was true, I

The bar-maid brought the refreshment I had ordered, and I think advised me to waste no time, as the ferry-boat would soon start. I scarcely heard what she said, but left my supper untouched and sat staring at the paper, which I had hastily turned over as the girl entered, as if my printed name might betray me. But on the other side it again appeared in a paragraph headed City Items. The paragraph ran thus:

* Rathhaus; Council-house, or City Hall.-TR.

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'Yesterday evening, in some unaccountable way, a rumor got afloat that George Hartwig, whose name is now in everybody's mouth, had taken refuge in the house of his father, Customs-accountant Hartwig, and was there in hiding. An immense crowd, of probably more than a hundred persons, assembled in consequence in the Water-street, and tumultuously demanded that the young criminal should be given up to them. In vain did the unhappy father, standing on his threshold, protest that his son was not in his house, and that he was not the man to obstruct the course of justice. Even the vigorous exertions of those dauntless public servants, Officers Luz and Bolljahn, were ineffectual; only the eloquent appeals of our respected Mayor, who had hurried to the spot at the first news of the disturbance, succeeded at last in dispersing the excited crowd. We can not refrain from earnestly warning our fellow citizens of the folly and lawlessness of such proceedings, although we willingly admit that the affair in question, which unhappily seems to assume ever more serious proportions, is of a nature to strongly excite the minds of all. But we appeal to the men of intelligence-that is to say, to the great majority of our fellow citizens-and ask them if we can not repose the fullest confidence in the authorities? Should we not be convinced that the public welfare is in better keeping in their hands than in those of a thoughtless ungoverned mob? And in reference to the occurrence of yesterday, we earnestly appeal to the good feeling of all well-meaning persons. Let them remember that the father of the unhappy George Hartwig is one of our most respectable citzens. He would, as he declared, and as we for our part firmly believe, be the last to obstruct the course of justice. Fellow citizens, let us respect this assurance: let us respect the man who gave it. Let us be just, fellow citizens, but not cruel. And before all let us take care that the reputation of good order and of a law-abiding spirit which our good old town has so long enjoyed, be not lost through our fault.'

The well known signal summoning the passengers on board now sounded from the wharf, and at the same moment the girl came in again and told

me I must make haste.

'But you have not eaten a bit!' she exclaimed, and stared at me with surprise and alarm. I suppose that I looked very pale and. agitated: I muttered some reply, laid a thaler on the table, and hurried from the house.

to obstruct the course of justice. He should not
incur the suspicion of having concealed his son in
his house; he should see that this son had still
some regard for his father's good name, and that
he had the courage to face the consequences of
what he had done.

The door was opened, and I hastily entered. Scarcely had the light of the candle which Jette was holding up in her hand, fallen upon my face, when she gave a loud scream, dropped candlestick and all and ran off as hard as she could, while the cook followed her example, at least so far as The exhortations of the Weekly News had not screaming and running went. The cook, who was been in vain: the little town seemed as if life had an elderly female, ought to have had more sense; departed; the energetic Luz and Bolljahn, with but still she only knew me by sight, and for a long the best will in the world, could have found no time had heard nothing but horrors about me, so field for their activity. My steps resounded along I can not blame her. But the conduct of the the empty alleys, which struck me as being singu- pretty Jette admitted of no defence. I had always larly narrow and crooked. Here and there there been very friendly to her partly on her mistress's was light in the windows; but folks went early to account, and partly on her own; and she had bed in X., and the authorities could therefore ex- always freely acknowledged it, coquettishly smiltinguish the street lamps at a very early hour, es- ing whenever I met her, saluting me with her pecially when, as now, the new moon over St. deepest curtsey whenever I entered the house, and Nicholas's church looked sadly down through now-but I had now something else to think of driving clouds upon the empty market-place. than the ingratitude of a housemaid. I passed I stood in the market-place before the house of through the dark hall, ascended the stair I knew Herr Justizrath Heckepfennig. It was one of the so well, and knocked at the door of the Justizstateliest mansions in the town. How often had I rath's study, which adjoined the sitting-room, and passed it when I came out of school at mid-day, to which he had doubtless betaken himself to reand cast a glance of respectful longing at the left-ceive his late visitor. hand corner-window in the second storey where Emilie used to sit behind a vase of gold-fish, and always happened, just as I passed by-a little dim window-mirror gave her faithful notice-to have to look out at something in the market. Now I again looked up at the window, but with very different feelings. There was a light in the room, which was the usual sitting-room of the family. The Justizrath used to smoke his evening pipe there. There was every probability that the visit that he would presently receive would cause it to go out.

Come in!' said the Justizrath, and I entered. There he stood, just as I expected to find him, a tall, broad-shouldered figure, wrapped in his loose flowered dressing-gown, his long pipe in his hand, his low narrow forehead wrinkled into deep folds as he fixed his little stupid eyes with a look of curiosity upon me at my entrance.

'Well, my friend, and what do you bring?' he asked.

'Myself,' I answered in a low but resolute voice, stepping up nearer to him.

My presentiment that he would let his pipe go out was fulfilled by his simply letting it drop upon the floor; and without saying a word he caught up the skirts of his flowered dressing-gown in both hands, and fled into the family-room.

Notwithstanding the lateness of the hour, the boat was crowded with passengers. On the forThe good people of X. did not usually fasten ward deck were standing two saddled horses which their street-doors until they went to bed; but could only belong to the mounted patrol; and I whether it was that the recent disturbances so ensoon discovered their riders, who were the same ergetically and successfully contended with by the There I stood by the broken pipe, and trampled that I had seen talking to the shepherd, as I gath- officers Luz and Bolljahn had rendered greater ered from their conversation with a couple of pea- precautions advisable; or whether the Justizrath out the glowing ashes which had fallen upon the sants. They were complaining bitterly of being in his double capacity of wealthy man and officer little carpet by the writing-table. While engaged recalled, for they were sure, they said, that they of the law, insisted upon a stricter rule in this in this certainly not criminal occupation, I was would have caught the villain, who must be some-matter-in any case his door was fastened, and it where hidden on the island, though six more be- was some time before my repeated ringing was sides themselves, two on horseback and four on answered by a female voice that called through foot, had searched it through in every direction. Now the others would gain the reward, while they were sent for to keep order in the town, which was no affair of theirs; there were Bolljahn and Luz to attend to that duty.

I sat quite near them, and could hear every word they said; and I thought what delight it would give the brave fellows if I were suddenly to stand up and say 'here's the villain.' But I could not afford them that pleasure; what I had resolved to do must be done voluntarily. So I kept quiet, and it never occurred to the wise servants of the law that the young sailor who was listening to them with such apparent interest was the man they were looking for.

The wind was fair and the passage quick; in half an hour the boat reached her wharf. The horses pawed, the patrolmen swore, the passengers crowded out of the boat, and went up the wharf with their baggage. At the upper end of the wharf, just by the gate, stood fat Peter Hinrich, the landlord of the sailors' tavern, and asked me if I would not lodge in his house. I said there was a lodging prepared for me elsewhere.

the keyhole in rather a quavering tone to know
who was there. My reply: 'one who wishes ur-
gently to speak with the Herr Justizrath,' did not
seem by any means entirely to satisfy the portress,
who could be none other than the pretty house-
maid Jette. A whispering followed, from which
I inferred that Jette had brought the cook with
her; then a giggling, and finally the answer that
she would tell her master.

I was patrolling up and down before the house
in my impatience, when a window opened in the
sitting-room above, and the Herr Justizrath in
person, putting out his head a very little way in-
deed, repeated the question of the housemaid and
received the same answer.

startled by a cry for the watch from the adjacent window that opened on the market-place. It was the voice of the Justizrath, but it had a very hoarse and lamentable sound, as if some one had him by the throat. I stepped to the door of the sittingroom and knocked.

'Herr Justizrath!'
No answer.
'Frau Justizrath!'
All silent.

'Fräulein Emilie!'

[blocks in formation]

'Tell your father, Fräulein Emilie, that if he does not at once stop calling the watch, and does What is your business?' asked the cautious not immediately come into his study, I shall go away and not come back.'


'I come from the island,' I replied at a venture.
'Aha!' cried he, and closed the window.

For some days the Justizrath had done nothing but give audience to people who professed to be able to throw some light upon the great mystery. A sailor or fisherman just from the island and who urgently desired to speak with him at ten o'clock So I passed through the ruinous old port-gate, at night, could come with but one object: to make which was never shut, and entered the Water- some important communication which might bring street. When I arrived at the small house, I paused some illumination into the obscurity of this mysfor a moment. All in the house was dark and terious affair. I for my part believed that the silent, and it was dark and silent in the street; but Justizrath had recognised me by my voice, and only two days before there had been commotion that his exclamation meant: 'So! here you are at enough here, and there upon the threshold my last!' I was soon to learn how greatly I was misfather had stood and said that he was not the man taken.

I said this in a resolute but very polite tone, which I thought could hardly fail of its effect. I could hear a whispered discussion within the women seemed to be adjuring the husband and father not to adventure his precious life in so manifest a peril, while the husband and father sought to calm their terrors by heroic phrases, such as: 'But it is my duty,' or: 'It might cost me my place!'

At last, assisted by these weighty considerations, duty triumphred. The door slowly opened, and by the side of the flowered dressing-gown I caught a glimpse of the cap of the Frau Justizrath, and of the curl-papers of Fräulein Emilie, whose golden ringlets I had always supposed a beautiful work

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