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VOL. I.-NO. 23.



Reynard the Fox.

The Reconstructed Cabinet..



393 then determining whether it will be safe, in the been equally impressed upon his assignment of .395 words of Mr. Morton, "to strike the fetters from commanders to the military divisions and depart395 his hands" and "give him a chance to make a ments of the country. The restoration of Sheri396 clean sweep."

The New Leaders of the British House of Lords...396
The Opera Bouffe

The Ninth Peabody Concert-Prume.

The Legitimate Drama.............................................



Earth-Closets: How to Make them and how to
Use them..

Memoirs of Baron Bunsen

HAMMER AND ANVIL. A Novel by Friedrich Spielhagen. Vol. II.-Chapters I, and II...


A London Lyric.......

CONGRESSIONAL SUMMARY.................................................................

.397 .397 .397




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dan to Louisiana has been made the subject of comment everywhere. It was an act of retribuWhatever be the decision of the Senate upon tion which the New York Tribune long since the Committee's substitute for the House bill to threatened would signalise the President's earliest repeal the Tenure-of Office act, it is evident that exercise of Executive power; and thousands at 399 the discussion has already produced something the South, who had hoped for some practical re.399 like dissension among the harmonious majority. alization of the peace which, it was promised, 399 When grave Senators enter into earnest competi- would dawn with the inauguration of the new tion as to who among them should express the Administration, grew sick with disappointment 402 greatest confidence in the President, it is not prob- when the telegram announced a return of the se403 able that those who are charged, because of their vere rule which had formerly oppressed and de404 opposition to repeal, with distrust of his future graded them. But the programme is again conduct, will be slow to repel the allegation with changed. Sheridan will not resume the proconfeeling. Thus, Mr. Howard is reported to have sulate of Louisiana, but is assigned to the miligrown quite indignant in his protest against "the tary division of Missouri. Why this revocation imputations thrown out by Senators, that those of the former orders has been made does not apwho opposed the repeal of the law felt any distrust pear, nor is it likely that any explanation will be of the President." This disclaimer he was care-given, since military orders are usually left to inBooks intended for Review should be sent in ful to emphasise by adding a few rounded periods terpret themselves. We would be glad to find in vertisements must be left at the Office on or before of the usual stereotyped eulogy, which is so fa- it evidence of a different policy toward the South Thursday, otherwise they will be too late for inser-miliar to all who read Radical papers or listen to than the original assignment of commanding officers indicated. It is true that Louisiana, being a mere department, does not afford a command commensurate with the rank of a Lieutenant General; but the Military Division of the South, to which General Halleck has been assigned, and which embraces Louisiana, is of equal dignity with that of the Missouri. We are remitted, therefore, to tested by events. In the meantime, the edict of conjecture, the accuracy of which can only be mains unrevoked. banishment issued against General Hancock re

early in the Week to receive prompt notice. Ad

tion in that Week's paper.

Communications should be addressed to


the harangues of Radical orators. By this he may also have designed to administer to Mr. Fessenden a word of rebuke, since that Senator had just before expressed his great disgust with the Baltimore."continued slobbering" over the victories of General Grant, which attended every discussion in

P. O. Box 1003,

Notes of the Week.

which his name was involved.

The Tenure-of-Office act is one of those ghosts We are glad to note, apropos of this debate, which will not down. Although its repeal is de- that Mr. Fessenden has not forgotten the lessons manded by the voice of the people, uttered through of statesmanship which were taught in the purer a large majority of the House of Representa- and better days when he first entered the Senate. tives, the Senate hesitates, and seeks to compro- His ideas of legislative duty ought to be impressed From the instruction of midshipmen, Admiral mise. The Judiciary Committee clings to its re- upon his colleagues who occupy-but alas! do not Porter has been transferred to the more important port, and insists upon the suspension of the act fill-the places of the great men who have passed and distinguished duty of playing dry nurse to until the next session, instead of its absolute re- away. His remark, that the President is a Gen- the new Secretary of the Navy. He is presumed peal. There is some special purpose lying at the eral no longer, but a President—and that he would to know everything in reference to naval affairs, base of this extraordinary decision of the Com- be more than mortal if he should not commit of which Mr. Borie is ignorant, from which premittee. Mr. Trumbull declared, in the discussion grave blunders-shows that the glitter of gold sumption the most skeptical must infer that the of Tuesday, that the suspension of the act had lace and the tinsel of epaulets have not confused measure of the Admiral's knowledge is limitless. been recommended "in view of the great confi- his ideas of Executive responsibility. It must But such an inference rises to the dignity of condence which the people have in the present Ad- have awakened unaccustomed echoes in the Senate viction, when we analyse the first series of general ministration." Does that "great confidence" go Chamber, when Mr. Fessenden declared that, in orders issued by the Navy Department. They no farther than to trust the President for a few his consideration of matters of legislation, he did bear the impress of a vigorous and practised months? Is it the object of Mr. Trumbull, and not care who was President; that he did not re- mind. Only the experience of many years of those who act with him, to give General Grant gard the office or the incumbent, but looked only arduous service could have suggested them. free license to remove from office, and when he to his own duty as a man and a legislator, to his There have been gross malversations in our navyshall have filled all vacancies with such persons as conscience, and the interests and welfare of his yards. Improper signs, subversive of all disthe Senate may approve, then apply the shackles constituents. Words like these do not often fall, cipline and organization, have been erected. These of the law and prevent him from removing the in these latter days, from the lips of those who are to be taken down, and instead of the preten new appointees? Is there any reason why the sit in the high places of power. They are the tious word "Bureau," the simple designation of suspension should not apply to the whole term of utterances of a broad and conscientious statesman- "Office" or "Store" is to be painted in regulaan Administration in which such "great confi-ship-now almost traditional-something of which tion letters. Nor are surgeons, paymasters or dence" is reposed? The proposition of the Com- has survived in Mr. Fessenden, though dimmed engineers to be permitted to wear the uniform of mittee, we are forced to infer, means a lurking and degraded by the alloy of partisanship. a higher grade than their assimilated rank will distrust of the President. Or, at best, it signifies authorise. Moreover, those staff officers are to that degree of doubt which suggests the propriety The instability which attended General Grant's walk humbly in the wake of their executive of putting him on probation for six months, and original organization of his Cabinet, seems to have brethren-and are not hereafter to attempt a pre

has led them to assume.

intelligent zeal, can any grumbler doubt the wisdom which has given to the Navy Department such a chief as Mr. Borie-and to Mr. Borie such a mentor as Admiral Porter?


cedence which it appears their aspiring ambition his demand, that men shall be sent to the South any Legislature shall be sufficient, without regard With such evidence of "whose very names shall mean vengeance- to the number the Constitution of a State may deep, terrible and most effective vengeance," by prescribe to be necessary to a quorum. The the fact that already one-distinguished for his answer to all this is very plain. The course of severe and relentless exercise of arbitrary author- the Indiana Democrats was not revolutionary. It ity-has been sent back to renew a rule which was simply an act of counter-revolution, fully Phillips and the disciples of his school were swift justified by necessity-a necessity forced upon Indeed, reform in the naval service seems to to approve as approaching the vindictive standard them by the revolutionary and radical action of been commenced in earnest. Secretary Borie, they prescribed. And yet we can not permit our- centralising and usurping Congress. During the under the tutelage of Admiral Porter, has selves to regard this significance as more than discussion of the Suffrage Amendment the fair evidently devoted the entire resources of his in- seeming. The President whom he invokes to in- proposition was made, that it should be submittellect and experience to the remedy of ancient augurate the reign of the bayonet and the halter, ted, not to the existing Legislatures in the wrongs. The days of Benbow and Trunnion have is a soldier to whom must be attributed some- several States, but to those to be next elected. passed away forever, and to them has succeeded thing of a soldier's generosity towards a conquered This would have secured an expression of the an era of radical changes and improvements. enemy; feeling naturally accompanied by that popular judgment upon the amendment. Of Henceforth, "no ship shall carry more than two contempt which all brave men feel for blatant course, a proposition of this character was boats' davits on each quarter." It is true the non-combatants, who fight only with fierce words promptly rejected. The sentiment in most of boats may be hung double, but if this cannot be and, like the vultures of the camp, grow cour- the Northern States had been too plainly indicated done, they must be stored on board; and if that ageous only when the battle is over and the field to leave the fate of this pet measure of Radicalbe impossible, the matter must be brought to the is covered with the prostrate and dying. ism in doubt. The organised majorities in the notice of the Department. We congratulate the present Legislatures might be counted upon withcountry that a long-endured evil is at last to be The Protectionist Secretary of the Treasury out apprehension; but a full discussion of this removed. There have been too many "boats' whom General Grant has substituted for Mr. last effort to farther degrade the sovereignty of davits" on the quarters of our gallant men-of- Stewart, his Free-trade first love, is the same Mr. the States, before the people, could only result It is better that boats should be stored Boutwell who originated the famous bargain and disastrously to Radical purposes. The appeal to aboard; and whatever difficulties commanders of intrigue in 1850, by which he was made Governor the people, which a Republican Congress did not squadrons in far distant seas may encounter, in of Massachusetts and Charles Sumner was sent to dare to risk, the Democratic members of the In adopting this alternative, will soon be solved by the United States Senate. In that year, parties diana Legislature determined should be made, so referring them to Secretary Borie and his ad- in the Massachusetts Legislature were so divided far as their own State is concerned; and this, and mirable preceptor. We rejoice to learn, too, that that the Democrats and Free-soilers combined no more, is the extent of their alleged revolutionthe injurious custom of covering the berth-decks were more than equal to the Whig members. No ary conduct. of ships with shellac, is to be abolished. It has candidate having been chosen by the people, it proved of great detriment to the service, as has became the duty of the Legislature to elect the The precise condition of affairs in Cuba can also that other demoralising habit of painting Governor. Mr. Boutwell had been the Demo- not be learned with certainty. Little faith can spars yellow. In the future, yards will be painted cratic nominee for that office, and he soon decided be reposed in the accounts which are published black, and junior officers will touch their caps to what his "little game" should be in the contest in the interests of the insurgents; and the official superiors, the grand salutation of "laying on" or before the Legislature. He proposed to the Free-bulletins promulgated by the authorities are gen"tossing" oars being reserved for commanders of soilers that if they would unite with the Demo-erally regarded with distrust. Apart from this squadrons, naval stations and vessels. It is to be crats in effecting his election, in return, the Demo- confusion as to the respective positions, strength hoped that the work so nobly begun will be prose-crats would join them in sending Mr. Sumner to and success of the contending parties, there cuted with vigor. Whatever fears may have been the Senate. Such was the origin of the latter's seems to be difficulty in determining what were entertained of Secretary Borie's want of experi- long career in the national councils, and such the the causes which originated the rebellion. The ence may now be allayed. With Admiral Porter capacity for political trade and traffic which after- address of the Revolutionary Junta to the Presi at his right hand he can commit no blunder. The wards resulted in Mr. Boutwell's apostacy to dent of the United States declares the movement thorough radical and important reforms which Abolitionism. It is a little singular, by the way, not to be that "of a few discontents, but the grand that wise and gallant officer has already initiated, that the old Democratic organization has furnished and sublime uprising of a people thirsting for give full promise of a complete naval reorganiza- so much of the composite material out of which liberty, and determined to secure to themselves tion which may well alarm John Bull, and silence the Administration has been constructed. To say and their posterity those unquestioned rightsthe muttered thunder of the London Times upon nothing of the President's antecedents, it is stated liberty of conscience and freedom of the indithe Alabama question." that, in addition to Mr. Boutwell, General Raw-vidual." Previous to the revolution in Spain, the lins and Mr. Cox were Democrats. Mr. Creswell meaning of these words would have been plain Two very distinctly marked classes at the North represents the original Secessionists, and the enough. But the most enthusiastic sympathiser represent different phases of feeling toward the Douglas Democracy may claim some recognition with Cuban independence is forced to doubt South. One is the combatant-composed of those in the fact that a son of their old leader has been whether, under the influence of liberal principles, who signified the strength of their loyalty by appointed a private Secretary to the President, which have been inaugurated in Spain, and will taking up arms and risking life and limb in the We are not aware whether Mr. Borie, in the days inevitably control its future government, every fierce struggles of the war. The other consists of of his ships and merchandise, indulged in the result of even successful revolution would not truculent non-combatants, who, having heretofore superfluous luxury of politics. Mr. Fish, we take have been ultimately accomplished by the Cubans. ventured nothing but words and anathemas, are it, is the sole representative, and an honorable All the benefits of reform would have come to unwilling that the embers of the strife they one, of the old-fashioned silver gray Whigs. them in good time, and they would have proved none the less valuable and permanent, if derived weapons employed to provoke a conflict, all par- We know of no greater absurdity than the out- from the reactionary movements which deposed ticipation in which they were most careful to cry raised against the Democratic members of the Isabella, than if wrought out of the red heat avoid, they continue to use with a malignant pur- Indiana Legislature, because they defeated the of a bloody and useless rebellion. pose to stimulate sectional animosity and arouse ratification of the Constitutional Amendment by

kindled should be permitted to die out. The

bitter and revengeful feeling. Ordinarily, the resigning their seats, thus leaving both branches. Mr. Banks has introduced into the House of dyspeptic and atrabilious ravings of Wendell of that body without a quorum. Their action is Representatives, a joint resolution authorising Phillips-the arch-type of this latter class-have denounced as revolutionary by the Radical press; the President to recognise the independence of been received by the Southern journals with si- and Mr. Morton has invoked the omnipotence of Cuba, whenever in his opinion a republican form lence, or at best, with but a word of contemptuous Congress to declare that, in the ratification of of government shall, in fact, have been estaballusion. But a possible significance is given to Constitutional Amendments, a simple majority of lished. The resolution was referred to the Com


the American statesman whom in character he

most resembles. After that-among living men he will be forgotten; and history will record his name among those who have been distinguished without being either good or great.

mittee on Foreign Affairs, of which Mr. Banks of the other. By the very words which he realized the hopelessness of any ulterior political is chairman, and will undoubtedly be reported employed to express his own apprehension of the aspirations, Mr. Seward has been content to play upon favorably. Mr. Sherman has offered a simi- state of the question, Mr. Seward removed the a subordinate and unimportant part in politics, lar resolution in the Senate, which is likely to whole subject of Slavery and all its attend- which has led to the impression that he has bereceive equally favorable consideration. Coupled ants, beyond the pale or possibility of com- come Conservative, and does not approve or symwith this action, is the semi-authorised statement promise, and indicated the necessity of an ulti-pathize with the extreme ideas and measures of that General Grant sympathises with the objects mate resort to force. There existed, according to his party. A more likely explanation of his of the joint resolution, and rumor declares that him, between the two sections of the country, not silence is the supposition that he knows that he his unofficial sanction has been given to the fitting only a "conflict," but an "irrepressible" one;- has nothing more to gain. It is the cunning of out of one or two expeditions composed of vol- one which it was useless, therefore, to attempt to the old fox who, if he can not hope longer to unteers from both sections, who propose to join avert. If it be said that in this Mr. Seward was fatten upon the spoils of his neighbors' farmthe insurgents. Whatever foundation there may merely prophetic, we can only answer that it was yards, is satisfied, if he can escape the attention be for this rumor, it is certain that the United one of those prophecies which largely contributed of the hunters, the pursuit of the dogs his States naval forces in the West Indies are to be to its own fulfilment. The same consideration de- natural enemies, and the just vengeance of the largely reinforced, with a view, it is announced, prives Mr. Seward of the defence made for some honest folks, whom he has robbed and despoiled. to show the Spanish authorities that the rights of of the illustrious men whose exposure of existing After having been from the first the brains of the American citizens must be regarded. This may social and political abuses in France, in the latter Republican party, the engineer of its great sucbe all very well-but have the commanding officers part of the eighteenth century, and advocacy of cess-after having devoted to its service his talents, of these ships orders to prevent the landing of ex- democratic theories and ideas the tendency of which are unquestionably great, and his labors, peditions from this country upon the Cuban coast? which they very imperfectly comprehended, paved which have been immense-Mr. Seward's reward The end of these movements-the first step of the way for the Revolution which followed, and has been at the end of his career, to see others which is now taken, may be serious complications raised the storm in which they perished them-reap where he has sown. He will be known herewith Spain, if the rebellion be suppressed; or, selves. Such were Turgot and Malesherbes, who, after while he lives, probably as the Sage of Aushould fortune crown the insurgents with success, in the language of the latter, helped on the Revo- burn, a favorite designation for old politicians the annexation of the island. It is difficult to deter-lution "without wishing it, without knowing it." who have worn themselves out in the service of mine which result would cost the least in the end. The plea which ascribes to Mr. Seward merely a party, and for whom neither party nor country prophetic ken of events which subsequently hap- has further use. His conversations with a tranpened, convicts him of deliberately continuing a sient visitor or lion-hunter may occasionally find A day or two after the accession of the new policy of agitation upon the Slavery question, with their way into the public prints. A letter now full knowledge where such agitation would end. and then on public affairs may remind the public President, Mr. Seward retired from the office of Secretary of State, which he had held since the It can not be forgotten that at a later day, when of his existence. He will fill the place made beginning of Mr. Lincoln's administration in the "conflict" was actually impending-after the vacant by the death of the Sage of Kinderhook, 1861. It has been said that this was the longest election of Mr. Lincoln and the secession of some term for which the office has ever been held by of the Southern States, but before hostilities had one individual, but that is a mistake. Mr. Madi- actually commenced, and while moderate and pason, who was Mr. Jefferson's Secretary of State, triotic men of both sections were laboring for and John Quincy Adams, who filled the same peace and seeking to find some means of adjustoffice during the long administration of Mr. Mon- ment-when all eyes were turned upon Mr. SewTHE RECONSTRUCTED CABINET. roe, held it for eight years, the same length of ard, whose influence with his own party at that The labors of our Cabinet-making President time as Mr. Seward. Here, however, the parallel time was paramount, he made a speech in the are, it is to be hoped, for the present ended. Any ends. Mr. Madison and Mr. Adams each stepped Senate on the issues of the day, and said noth- more changes, and he will be known not as Ulysses from the office of Secretary of State into that of ing. If he did not actually hasten the collision the Silent, but as Ulysses the Undecided. It was President. Mr. Seward, who would have liked to which followed, he did nothing to prevent it. He really comical, after the great mystery that Genfollow their example, retires from the State De- simply let matters take their own course. His eral Grant had made of the selection of his Cabipartment to the shades of private life, without subsequent career as Secretary of State during net Ministers, that the affair when disclosed should realizing or hope of realizing the one darling ob- Mr. Lincoln's administration, it is unnecessary to prove to be so badly botched. After exciting public ject of his ambition. To a man like Mr. Seward re, iew in detail. It is fresh in everybody's mem- curiosity to the highest pitch, when the whole this must be a great disappointment-to have ory. At home-he was the Fouchè of that period country was on tip-toe watching to see what missed the end to which his whole public career of our national history-the contriver and engi- should come forth, the budget of insignificance neer of that vast system of espionage which cov- which General Grant sent in to the Senate for He was one of the originators of the Free-Soil ered the land with spies-the Minister, the tinkle confirmation had a really burlesque effect. Of the party, when the opponents of slavery professed of whose little bell sufficed, in any of the loyal names originally sent in, three out of the seven to limit their opposition to its introduction into States, to consign to a dungeon the citizen who have since been replaced by other nominations. the territories. It was through his influence that dared to dissent from or criticise the policy or It is true, it was understood from the first that the old Whig party ceased to be national and be- measures of the Administration. Abroad-that General Schofield was only keeping his place as came sectional, and finally throughout one-half of is, in his intercourse with the representatives of Secretary of War warm for somebody else, but as the Union became merged in the Republican or- foreign governments, and in his instructions and General Rawlins' nomination to that office folganization. He was the author of the "irrepres- dispatches to the representatives of our own-he lowed within a week, and had doubtless been desible conflict,”—of the phrase certainly, and to a realized to perfection Sir Henry Wotton's idea of cided upon long before, no good reason can be great extent, of the fact. For words which, diplomacy when he defined an Ambassador to be given why it should not have been sent in with ordinarily, are no more than the garb of thoughts, "an honest gentleman sent to lie abroad for the the rest. Boutwell for Stewart is a doubtful imsometimes are the mould or matrix in which ideas, good of his country.' provement. If Stewart could have served, he before vague and undefined, floating dimly in the The key to Mr. Seward's political career may would have carried into the department a thorough popular mind, take shape and substance. Thus be found in his desire to be President. His char- knowledge, at least, of the weak points of the it happened with Mr. Seward's memorable phrase, acter may be summed up in a single phrase: he revenue system, and of the New York Customwhich converted the apprehended antagonism of is a political Jesuit, that is, he embodies in him- house in particular. It is doubtful whether views and interests on the Slavery question, between self all the traits and all the arts which are yul Governor Boutwell possesses any special knowNorth and South, into a deadly irreconcileable garly, we do not say justly, attributed to the ledge. As Commissioner of Internal Revenue feud, which could only be terminated by the ab- members of that order, and are supposed to be he flooded the country with attempted explasolute subjugation of the one party to the power implied in the epithet Jesuitical. Since he has nations of the law which explained nothing,

was but a means.

[ocr errors]

and circular letters of instructions which misled everybody who followed them. As one of the Impeachment Managers he cut, perhaps, the sorriest figure presented by anybody on that very sorry occasion. In fine, he is a politician of the stereotyped Massachusetts pattern-empty, conceited and noisy, and with the ideas of a New England manufacturer in regard to questions of tariff and finance.



guished for fairness and moderation. It is to be an accurate knowledge of the French language, hoped that the association will be of benefit to but also of Parisian slang. Mlle. Tostée sang better than in Orphée; her voice was also in better some of his colleagues. condition. She skipped in the second act the air Dis moi donc Vénus. We cannot believe that it was through fear that the sentiment would be problems which the new political era in the Eng Among the various anomalies and interesting found too broad, as in the first act her costume was in solemn defiance of the Lord Chamberlain's lish Parliament presents, not the least interesting letter to the managers of the London theatres. is the position of the House of Peers. The natural M: Decre did not scream so much as in Barbe With respect to the new Secretary of War, his and proper function of the Upper House is of Bleue, and he rendered very well, in the third act, qualifications are matter of little importance, course conservative; not necessarily that of acting the air Vile multitude. We can not award the since the office has been reduced, by General as a hindrance to progress, but rather as a brake, same praise to his acting, as he did not appreciate Grant, to the mere function of an intermediate the onward movement from proceeding with per-second acts. In the second act, Páris is recog which by continued moderate resistance prevents the distinction which exists between the first and channel for the transmission of official papers be-ilous velocity. tween the General of the Army and the President. Under the new arrangement, General Rawlins fills virtually the same position he has occupied for the last six or seven years: he is General Grant's chief of staff. General Sherman is really the head of the War Department as well as of the Army. So with the Navy Department, which has been put out to nurse. Admiral Por ter is practically the Secretary, although the title is enjoyed by the elderly valetudinarian gentleman who helped to buy General Grant a house, but whose health, it is said, forbids his devoting more than one hour each day to official duties.

nised as a Prince, the son of King Priam. In the first act, he hides his birth under a shepherd's disguise, and until the moment when he declares himself, he is required to exhibit in his acting the simplicity and rustic awkwardness of the charac This is a shade of difference that ter he assumes.

But in fact the House of Peers by no means presents that unity of purpose and of views that such a comparison implies. There is an important minority in the Upper House that coincides in political opinions with the majority of the Lower. Thus we have two parties; the one, though outnumbered all good actors have invariably understood and in its own Chamber, yet conscious of overwhelm- expressed. When M. Decre returns to France, we ing supremacy in the great council of the nation; advise him to go and see Dupuis or Berthelier in and the other in exactly the reverse position. The the character of Paris. Leduc, whose articulation leader of the former party is Lord Granville, and is unfortunately indistinct, as Menelaus, and Lathat of the latter, Lord Cairns. griffoul, as Calchas, were very good. The other artists, the choruses, and the orchestra, severally contributed to an ensemble which was highly satis factory.

Each of these has a delicate part to play; and each, by the English papers, is pronounced singularly well qualified for his task. To Lord Cairns it falls to keep his party compact and harmonious, to resist the potent attractions held out to the more wavering or less rigid Conservatives, and to conciliate the clergy, rendered uneasy by the late decision of the Privy Council. He must win such victories as he can, without force and without triumph. He must avoid as far as possible the appearance of hostility, lest he drive the Commons to the determination that their power shall be supreme and unresisted.

Les Bavards and La Chanson de Fortunio were

the selections made for Friday of last week. It is not strange that Offenbach failed to write very good music for two librettos, which have no interest, no connection, no merit whatever. In the Bavards, however, the second act is a little better than the first. The quartetto, sung by Sarmiento, his wife, his niece and Roland, is remarkably well written, and is of the most serious character. The waltz, which follows immediately, is pretty, but To these tasks Lord Cairns brings great adroit- Tostée sang it very carelessly. It requires more ness, a thorough command of temper, a perfect brio. In general, the role of Roland does not suit judgment of his followers and his adversaries, so Tostée's voice. It was written for Mme. Ugalde, as to know how far the former may be safely led, who had deserted the "Théatre Lyrique" for the and the latter securely resisted, and a plausible "Bouffes Parisiens," and was a perfect vocalist. and persuasive oratory, which while it confirms The characters of Cristobal and Torribio are the his friends, almost persuades his opponents that only amusing features of the libretto; Lagriffoul he and they have after all the same interests at and Guidon rendered them in the most comic heart, and that their differences are chiefly in the manner.

mode of looking at them. If it be a losing game
he is playing, he will play it with such skill, tact
and temper, as to make all that can be made,
which is the next thing to winning.

La Chanson de Fortunio, which in the programme was called an Opéra Comique, is merely an Operette, the lowest degree, musically speak. ing, of operatic composition. The only pretty thing in it is the song of Fortunio, but the verses are by Alfred de Musset, and the music, a popular air, merely introduced by Offenbach, one, the recollection of which he could not escape, when he wrote for the Grande Duchesse the Romance Dites lui. Mlle. Irma Marié rendered La Chanson de Fortunio with her usual grace and talent.

The only improvement in the new Cabinet, as revised and amended, is the substitution of Governor Fish of New York for Mr. Elihu B. Washburne in the State Department. That is a very great improvement. The questions which are likely to engage the attention of the new Secretary of State are both delicate and important. Since the failure of the Johnson-Clarendon convention, negotiations with England on the subject of the Alabama claims will have to be opened anew. Those negotiations will probably take place in Washington. After their experience of Mr. Reverdy Johnson, the English people have no desire to treat with any more Envoys so extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries with powers so limited. They will prefer to send over their own agent, who, upon the spot, will be better able to judge of the chances of ratification by the Senate of any arrangement that may be made, and who will be less likely, therefore, to throw away his labor and time. The insurrection in Cuba also promises to create questions between this country and Spain which may require delicate and judicious handling. Already, there are complaints of shipments of arms and munitions from American ports for the use of the insurgents, and rumors of expeditions fitting out for the same purpose. Mr. Washburne's poOn Saturday La Grande Duchesse was given as a sition in the State Department in the face of all matinée, and at night La Périchole and M. Chouthese questions, not unnaturally suggested the Aeury restera chez lui le . . . . As we have already comparison of "a bull in a china shop." It is spoken of the former of these operas, we will fortunate that he has been withdrawn before he merely speak now of the last named. M. Chou has had an opportunity to do any damage. The fleury restera chez lui le .... is one of the best choice was a singular one in the first instance, and operettes in one act, composed by Offenbach. The libretto, full of wit, was written by the Duke de indicates very curious ideas on General Grant's Morny, who hides his own name under that of St. part of the qualifications required for a Minister Remy, his private Secretary. It is the caricature of Foreign Affairs. Governor Fish, the present of a commoner, grown rich, who wants to give an Secretary, is a gentleman perfectly familiar with entertainment gratifying to his vanity, and inthe requirements of the position and with the sub vites persons of quality, whom he does not know, La Belle Hélène was performed on Thursday to hear Rubini, Tamburini and Sontag, and who jects that are likely to engage his attention, and every way qualified to conduct creditably the offi-night of last week before a good audience. It is is disappointed in the most comical manner. The cial intercourse of the Government with foreign is very witty, but very few of the cleverest ex-at the beginning, and the Seguidille she sings one of the best of Offenbach's operas. The libretto music is very good. The Romance by Ernestine powers. His personal character is of the highest, pressions will bear translation into English, and afterwards with Babylas, are very pretty; but a and as a politician he has been uniformly distinto understand them thoroughly requires not only capital piece is the Trio Patati Patata, that Chow

Lord Granville's task is precisely the opposite. Conscious of an irresistible majority behind him, though the leader of a minority, he must be cautious never, or rarely, to let that consciousness appear. He must bear defeat with equanimity, without allusion to the allies who might be called in; and he must keep his followers from the suspicion that they are false to the traditions and the true interests and objects of their order.

Less eloquent than Lord Cairns, Lord Granville has an easy, pleasant, natural flow of speech, all the more convincing that it seems unstudied. His deepest moves, thrown out in easy familiar talk, will seem the most natural things in the world. Yet under this apparent flexibility and concession, he hides, it is said, the clearest decision of purpose, and an iron firmness of will. The match between two such men will be worth looking at.


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