§ 2461. Punishment of woman for concealing birth of issue. A woman, who, having been convicted of endeavoring to conceal the still-birth of an issue of her body, which, if born alive, would be a bastard, or the death of any such issue under the age of two years, subsequently to such conviction endeavors to conceal any such birth or death, is punishable by imprisonment in a state prison not exceeding five years, and not less than two years. Derivation: Penal Code, § 693. Original § 2461 repealed and 1943 renumbered § 2461 by L. 1909, ch. 524. In effect May 27, 1909. ARTICLE 222. WRECKS. SECTION 2480. Keeping wrecked goods a misdemeanor. 2481. Defacing marks upon wrecked property. 2489. Officer unlawfully detaining wrecked property. § 2480. Keeping wrecked goods a misdemeanor. A person, who takes away goods or other property not his own from a stranded vessel, or any goods or other property cast by the sea upon the land or found in a bay or creek, or who know ingly becomes possessed of any such goods or other property, and does not deliver the same, within forty-eight hours thereafter, to the sheriff or one of the coroners or wreck masters of the county where the same was found, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Derivation: Penal Code, § 538. People ex rel. Bidwell v. Pitts (1906), 111 App. Div. 319, 97 N. Y. Supp. 509, 19 Cr. Rep. 573; see also Dayton's Case, 2 City Hall Rec. 167. § 2481. Defacing marks upon wrecked property. A person who defaces or obliterates the marks upon wrecked property, or in any manner disguises the appearance thereof, with intent to prevent the owner from discovering its identity, or who destroys or suppresses any invoice, bill of lading or other document tending to show the ownership thereof, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Derivation: Penal Code, § 372. Baker v. Hoag (1853), 7 N. Y. 555. 8 2482. Officer unlawfully detaining wrecked property. An officer, whose duties pertain in any way to wrecked property, who, without authority of law, detains such property or the proceeds thereof, after the salvage and expenses chargeable thereon have been paid or offered to him, or who is guilty of any fraud, embezzlement or extortion in the discharge of such duties, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Derivation: Penal Code, § 374. ARTICLE 224. REPEAL OF PROVISIONS OF PENAL LAW MUST BE EXPLICIT; LAWS REPEALED; TIME OF TAKING EFFECT. SECTION 2500. Repeal of provisions of penal law must be explicit. 2501. Laws repealed. 2502. Time of taking effect § 2500. Repeal of provisions of penal law must be explicit. No provision of this chapter, or any part thereof, shall be deemed repealed, altered or amended by the passage of any subsequent statute inconsistent therewith, unless such statute shall explicitly refer thereto and directly repeal, alter or amend this chapter accordingly. Derivation: Penal Code, § 728, added L. 1886, ch. 31. Mongeon v. People (1874), 55 N. Y. 618, aff'g 2 T. & C. 128; People v. Maxwell (1894), 83 Hun, 157, 31 N. Y. Supp. 564; American Society v. City of Gloversville, (1894), 78 Hun, 40, 29 N. Y. Supp. 257; People v. Cleary (1895), 13 Misc. 546, 35 N. Y. Supp. 588; People v. Koenig (1896), 9 App. Div. 436, 41 N. Y. Supp. 283; People v. Jensen (1904), 99 App. Div. 355, 90 N. Y. Supp. 1062, 19 Cr. Rep. 5; see also People v. Hatter, 22 N. Y. Supp. 690, Clearwater, J.; District of Columbia v. Hutton, 143 U. S. 127; United States v. Claflin, 97 U. S. 546. & 2501. Laws repealed. All acts and parts of acts which are inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter are repealed, so far as they impose any punishment for crime, except as herein provided. Of the laws enumerated in the schedule hereto annexed, that portion specified in the last column is hereby repealed. Derivation: First par., Penal Code, § 726. People v. Bernardo (1883), 1 N. Y. Cr. 245; Matter of McMahon (1883), 64 How. 285, 1. N. Y. Cr. 58; People v. McTameney (1883), 30 Hun, 505, 13 Abb. N. C. 55, 1 N. Y. Cr. 437; People v. Russell (1885), 3 N. Y. Cr. 475; People ex rel. McDonald v. Keeler (1885), 99 N. Y. 463, 3 N. Y. Cr. 354, rev'g 32 Hun, 563; People v. Jaehne (1886), 103 N. Y. 182, 4 N. Y. Cr. 478, aff'd. 128 U. S. 189, 6. N. Y. Cr. Rep. 237; People v. Rontey (1889), 117 N. Y. 624, aff'g 4 N. Y. Supp. 235, 6 N. Y. Cr. 249; see also Matter of Hallenbeck, 65 How. 401; People v. Hatter, 22 N. Y. Supp. 688; Rockwood v. Oldfield, 2 N. Y. St. 331. § 2502. Time of taking effect. This chapter shall take effect immediately. Derivation: Penal Code, § 727, as amended L. 1882, ch. 102. People v. Beckwith (1888), 108 N. Y. 72, 7 N. Y. Cr. 162 aff'g 45 Hun, 222. (Repealed by L. 1909, Ch. 88, § 2501.) Revised Statutes... Revised Statutes. Revised Statutes....... Part 1, chapter 20, title 2. Sections . All .All ..All .22-53 . All .AD Part 1, chapter 20, title 8, article 1. ... ...69-71 1, 2, 4-10 .All All .All .All .All .All |