application of § 274, where party prosecutes in person or by a corporation 276 defense of criminal prosecutions carried on by their partners, or 278 279 misconduct by 273 none but, to practice in cities of first and second class.. 271, 272, 1876 practicing or appearing as, without being admitted and registered.. 270 use of, name by another. 277 larceny by 1290 opposing prosecution carried on by partner. 278 for prosecution, afterward aiding defense. 273 may defend themselves always.... 279 sending threatening letter to grand jury. 860 abstraction or misappropriation of money, funds or property. 30 agent or officer of, corporation making guaranty or indorsement, etc. banking department, misconduct by officer of.. commissions, bank officers asking or receiving from persons procuring loans or making overdrafts 294 credit, misapplication of 305 deposits, receiving in insolvent bank 295 curing loans or overdrawing account.. Banking-Continued. dies and plates of extinct State bank... directors of moneyed corporations, misconduct by. gratuities, bank officers asking or receiving, from persons pro- SECTION 301 .290, 297 299 290 303 304 299 1864 294 guaranty or indorsement, officer or agent making beyond legal limit. 293 296 overdraft, bank officer asking or receiving commission, etc., from 294 misappropriation of money, funds or property. 305 misconduct by banks and bankers.. 298 by directors of moneyed corporations 297 by officers of banking department.... 300 of officers, directors, trustees, or employees of banking cor. unlawful discount of bills of foreign banks. Banking Department. misconduct by officers of... BILLBOARD. display of lewd and indecent posters, etc. BILLS OF LADING, RECEIPTS AND VOUCHERS. SECTION. bill of lading or receipt issued by warehouseman must be canceled erroneous bills of lading or receipts, issued in good faith, excepted.. 362 1508 selling, hypothecating or pledging property received for transpor- 364 attempts to extort money or property by verbal threats. 857 858 in libel cases 1346 upon arrest of person about to engage in prize fighting. 1715 494 acceptance of bribe by juror or person authorized to hear or de- Bribery and Corruption-Continued. member of common council member of legislature of witnesses SECTION 1327, 1328 379, 2440 canal officer accepting bribe to allow water to be drawn from canal 465 embracery 376 embraceor procuring trial juror to take gain or profit. 377 jurors, definition of.. 370 accepting bribes 374 promising a verdict 373 liability of trial, for taking gift of gratuity. 375 liability of embraceor procuring trial, to take gain or profit.. liability of embraceor procuring, to take gain or profit. acts prohibited, and penalty for violation.... corporations: additional penalty for second offense. exhibiting quotations and penalty for violation. presumption on failure to furnish. 957 952 951 956 953 954 955 390 393 394 391 392 392 395 395 1381 1533 221-223 225 225 220, 400, 401 1277 220 227 405 .1420, 1895 408 ownership necessary to constitute crime of arson. neglect to complete or plank floors of buildings in cities..... Burglar's Tools. possession of punishment not exceeding five years 407 404 407 punishment for separate crime committed in building by burglar.. 406 dramatic composition, producing unpublished, etc., without con- metal placed on leather or other substances, coin or coin 427 metal placed on leather or other substances, sterling or sterling 426 penalty for selling half-wine not labeled 437 producing unpublished, undedicated or copyrighted opera or drama- . provisions when property is purchased on credit by aid of written tickets of People's Institute not transferable. 441 442 433 423 438 443 421 444 |