No. 10. Information for assault, second degree. (Penal Law, § 242, subd. 4.) STATE OF NEW YORK, } City and County of Albany, ss A. B., being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he resides in the in said county; that on the ...... day of ... ...... of 19. at the city of Albany, in said county, one C. D. did with force and arms, in and upon deponent then and there being, feloniously, wilfully, and wrongfully make an assault, and him the said deponent did assault by the use of a certain ... the said being a weapon, instrument or thing likely to produce grievous bodily harm, by (here state all the facts). A. B. Police Justice (or Justice of the Peace). No. 11. Information for assault, second degree, with intent to commit felony. (Penal Law, § 242, subd. 5.) STATE OF NEW YORK, City and County of Albany, } of A. B., being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he resides in the in said county; that on the of 19., at the city of Albany, in said county, one C. D. did with force and arms, in and upon the said deponent then and there being, feloniously, unlawfully, wilfully, and wrongfully, with intent upon him, the said deponent to commit a felony, to wit, Information for assault on an officer, etc., second degree. (Penal Law, § 242, subd. 5.) STATE OF NEW YORK, City and County of Albany, } $8. A. B., being duly sworn, deposes and says: That on the ..... day of 19., at the city of Albany, in said county, one C. D. did with force and arms, in and upon deponent, he being then and there a (or) a peace officer of the police force of the said city of Albany, in and for the said city of Albany, (or) a sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, (or) marshal of said city and county of Albany, feloniously, wrongfully, unlawfully, and wilfully assault while he, the said deponent, so .... (or) marshal aforesaid, was then and there lawfully engaged in the discharge of his duties as such (or) peace officer of said police force of the said city of Albany, (or) a sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, (or) marshal of said city and county of Albany, and him the said deponent (or) peace officer, sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, (or) marshal as aforesaid, did feloniously, unlawfully, wrongfully, and wilfully resist in the discharge of his duties as such (or) peace officer, sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, (or) marshal by (here state manner of assault in full). ... Information for assault in second degree, with intent to ravish woman ten years and over. (Penal Law, § 242, subd. 5.) STATE OF NEW YORK, City and County of Albany, } of A. B., being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he resides in the in said county, that, on the ..... day of 19.., at the city of Albany, in said county, one C. D. did with force and arms, in and upon one E. F., she then and there being a woman of the age of ten years and upwards, in the peace of God and of the said People then and there being, violently, forcibly, and feloniously, did make an assault, and her, the said E. F., then and there violently, forcibly, and against her will, and without her consent, did assault with intent her, the said E. F., feloniously to ravish and carnally know (here state the facts in full). upon this deponent, and him, the said deponent, did then and there beat, wound and ill-treat, without cause or provocation, by [state the facts]. Subscribed and sworn to before me, being duly sworn, says that he resides in ; that the premises known as No. ...... .... day of .... street in said 19.., kept, main as a common, ill city of were, on the tained, conducted and occupied by governed and disorderly house, and common bawdy-house and house of prostitution, and a resort for tipplers, drunkards, common prostitutes and reputed thieves, with other vile, wicked, idle, dissolute and disorderly men and women and reputed thieves, who, or most of whom, are in the practice of drinking, dancing, quarreling, fighting, whoring, rioting, disturbing the peace, cursing and swearing at almost all hours of the day and night, to the great damage and common nuisance of the people of the State of New York, there inhabiting, residing in the neighborhood, and passing thereby; that the grounds of deponent's knowledge are [here state grounds of deponent's knowledge and belief]. and that the said 19., at the .......... of .... feloniously did marry and take as and to the said did then and there have for being so married afterward to wit on the .... day of in the county of one was then and there married, the said being then and there living and in full life. Subscribed and sworn to before me, one C. D., did seriously disturb and endanger the public peace by quarreling, fighting, and making a loud noise, and collecting a crowd in street, in said city of Albany, (or) by (here state the facts). } 88.: being duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides that on the .... day of in the county of was plaintiff and before of said action for and on behalf of the said ... duly and regularly sworn by the said ...... 19.., a certain and that upon appeared as a witness and was then and there as such ..... that the evidence he should give relating to the matter in difference between the said parties should be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth; and that upon the ..... became material to inquire whether upon the said .. ....... of the said action it then and there and that therebeing so sworn as a witness as aforeof said action falsely, wilfully and whereby said, did then and there on the corruptly depose, swear and testify, among other things, that whereas, in truth and in fact, the ...... the said did then and there wilfully and corruptly swear falsely and commit wilful and corrupt perjury. Subscribed and sworn to before me, .... did then and there feloniously, unlawfully and designedly pre tend and represent to the said ... that [here state the facts and circumstances comprising the false representations] and the said .... then and there believing the said false pretenses and representations so made as aforesaid, by the said ... of the value of ... and being deceived thereby, was induced by reason of the false pretences and representations so made as aforesaid to deliver and did then and there deliver to the said ... dollars, of the proper moneys, valuable things, goods, chattels and personal property, and effects of the said ... and the said of the of the proper did then and there receive and obtain the said value of ........ dollars from the said moneys, valuable things, goods, chattels and personal property and effects of the said by means of the false pretenses and representations aforesaid, with intent feloniously to cheat and defraud the said of the said ... of the value of ... to the said dollars; that in fact and in truth the pretenses and representations so made as aforesaid by the said ... was and were in all respects utterly false and untrue; that in fact and truth the said well knew the said pretenses and rep resentations as by him made as aforesaid to the said .... utterly false and untrue at the time of making the same. That the said .... to be .., by means of the false pretenses and representations aforesaid, feloniously, unlawfully, falsely, knowingly and designedly did receive and obtain from the said value of ... of the dollars of the proper moneys, valuable things, goods, chattels and personal property and effects of the said with intent feloniously to cheat and defraud the said of the same. Taken, subscribed and sworn to before me, |