Chapter 358 of the Laws of nineteen hundred and sixteen, in brief provides for an allowance of compensation to convicts based upon their efficient and willing work as well as commutation. Convicts confined in prison May first under definite sentences may continue to earn commutation on the same basis as before, and may also earn compensation in each period of thirty days of the unexpired term not to exceed two and one-half days for each of such periods, and convicts confined under indeterminate sentences may earn not to exceed ten days for every such period in diminution of the minimum terms thereof. As section 2189 of the Penal Law, providing that the maximum limit of indeterminate sentences shall be so fixed as to expire during either of the following months, April, May, June, July, August, September and October, was not amended by Chapter 358, it will only be necessary in imposing sentences to take into consideration the commutation and compensation provisions contained in subdivision 3 of section 230 relating to convicts, whether male or female, received into a state prison under definite sentences after May 1, 1916. Such convicts may earn commutation as follows: Not to exceed one month each for the first three years. Not to exceed two months each for the fourth, fifth and sixth years. Not to exceed three months each for the seventh, eighth and ninth years. Not to exceed five months each for the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth years. Not to exceed six months each for the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth years. Not to exceed seven months each for any subsequent year. Such convicts may also earn in each period of thirty days as compensation, not to exceed ten days. In computing these tables, the commutation which such convicts may receive is subtracted from the definite term imposed by the court and upon the remainder (unexpired term) compensation for each thirty-day period served is computed. In preparing the table, it was assumed that a convict would earn maximum computation and compensation. COMPENSATION TIME TO SERVE Note.- - Compensation may only be earned on minimum terms of an indeterminate sentence. No compensation is allowed on maximum term. In imposing a sentence under section 2189 of the Penal Law under present rulings, the amount of possible compensation which may be earned by a prisoner during his confinement in prison is not to be taken into consideration. Yrs. Mos Days Yrs. Mos. Days SENTENCE COMPENSATION - Continued. COMPENSATION TIME TO SERVE SENTENCE COMPENSATION. COMPENSATION TIME TO SERVE Mos. Days Yrs. Mos. Yrs. Mos. Days Yrs. Mos. Days TIME TO SERVE SENTENCE 777777 4677 222 788 22223 777 11230 |