Imagens das páginas

A.D. 1505.



H. R.

INSTRUCTIONS given by the King's Highness unto his trusty and well-beloved servants, James Braybrooke, Francis Marsin, and John Stile, showing how they shall order themselves when they shall come into the realm of Spain, and to the presence of his cousin the King of Arragon.

1. First, before their departing out of the King's realm, they shall take with them the King's letters directed unto his cousin the King of Arragon, and also a book of articles containing the mutual assistance to be given to the King's Highness by his said cousin against the realm of France, in case that, by reason of any violation or breach of the peace and amity which now is betwixt the King's Highness and the French King, his grace would make war against the said King of France for the recovery of his right and title there hereafter.

Item. At their coming to the King of Arragon's presence, after due recommendation and presentation

of the King's letters, they shall say, that inasmuch as A.D. 1505. the King's Highness understood and knew that for divers causes and matters they had occasion by the Princess's' commandment, whereof they doubt not but he knoweth right well, to resort unto those parties, his Grace commanded them to repair unto his presence not only to present unto him the King's letters, but also to visit him and have knowledge of his prosperous estate and welfare, whereof to hear shall be unto the King's Highness as great joy and comfort as of any prince living, as well for the nighness of blood, affinity, and alliance that is betwixt them, both by reason of the espousals and matrimony lately contracted betwixt the right excellent Prince of Wales, his son and heir, and the right noble Princess Catherine his said cousin's daughter, as also for the ancient amity that hath been betwixt the houses of England and Arragon, the firm peace and amity, mutual love and affection, kind and fast demeanor that his Highness hath founden and daily findeth in his said cousin, assuring him that he shall always find the King's Highness of semblable loving mind and disposition, fast and stedfast demeanour, towards his said cousin at all times hereafter; desiring him therefore to ascertain the King's Highness of his good novelles from time to time, which shall be to the King's Highness singular rejoicing and comfort, like as his Grace shall semblably advertise him of his hereafter.

Item. If any inquisition be made by the said King of Arragon of the good estate and prosperous welfare of the King our sovereign lord, or of the tranquillity and peace of this his realm, they shall say that, our Lord be thanked, his Highness enjoyeth his present health, and is right joyous and merry, his realm in

1 Princes in Cott., which is here the only MS.

A.D. 1505. good peace and tranquillity, and his subjects in due obeisance and wealthy condition established in peace, quiet, and restfulness with all outward Princes.

Item. They shall signify unto the King's Highness' said cousin how that upon an overture first made by his ambassador, Harmon Duke, and now of late by credence committed to Doctor de Puebla, also his ambassador within this realm, and at his pursuit and solicitation, his Highness hath caused a certain book of articles concerning mutual assistance against France to be delivered to Doctor de Puebla, his ambassador, to be sent unto his said cousin. And albeit that the King's Highness hath for undoubted that the said doctor hath sent the said book of articles unto his said cousin long before this time, yet inasmuch as by reason of the long distance betwixt both the realms such danger and casualties might chance and fortune by the way, so that the same might not come to his presence; in avoiding therefore the1 ambiguite and doubt, and for the more suertie and certaintie, the Kinges highnesse hath eftsones sent unto his said cousin by them the tenor of the said boke, desiring and praying hym to cause the same to be seen by his secrete counsaill, and t'advertise his grace of his mynd and pleasure by his writing, whiche they shalbe gladde to conveye unto his highnesse at their retorne out of those parties. The premisses to be translated into the Spaynysshe tong, and uttred by John Stile unto the said King of Aragon in the same tong, and in as discrete manner as he can devise and use. And for th'obteignyng of writings and answers from the said King of Aragon upon his

Thus far the text has been derived from MS. Cott., Vesp. C. vi., this portion of the original document being lost. The spelling of

the Cottonian MS. has not been preserved, it being only a transcript of comparatively modern date.

entent and mynde in the said articles, they shall A.D. 1505. with all effectuell diligence endevor theymself with the said King in suche wise that if by any meanes possible they maye obteigne the said answers they shall bringe the same with theym at their retorne.

Item, in case it shall fortune the Kinges said servants at their being within the said Reames of Spayne to have notice and certain knowlege of the decesse of the Frensche King, then they shall the more instantly porsue and solicite to the Kinges said cousin for the knowlege of his full entent and mynde upon the said articles; shewing that, forasmoche as the said King of Aragon in whom the Kinges highnesse hath alwaies founde grete love, amitie, humanitie and kyndenesse, with constante perseverance in the same, and to whom his highnesse is joyned aswell by nighnesse of blode as also by aliaunce and affinitie, is that prince whom his grace above all other princes most estemeth, entierly loveth and favoureth, his highnesse therfor is not oonly firmely sette and intierly mynded t'observe and kepe suche treaties of peas, confederacions and amities that nowe be contracted concluded and establisshed betwixte his said cousin and hym, but also is gretely desirous to augment and encrease the same, considring that his said cousin is of semblable mynde to the said augmentacion soo that it maye evidently appere to all other christen princes that like as the nighnesse of blode, with affinitie and aliaunce indissolublely hath joyned and knytte theym togeder, so the ferme band of amitie and kyndenesse hath connected their wills, entents and myndes that they repute and take all and sundrie their causes and matiers as oon, aswell for the conservation of their rights and titles whiche they and every of theym nowe have and enjoye, as also for the recoveree of suche as by extorte violence and usurped power be witholden and withdrawen from theym and every of them. And

A.D. 1505. for that entent and purpos, the Kinges highnesse is right desirous to understande his resolute mynde and answer upon the said articles, to th'ende that the same knowen, his grace maye take suche wayes and direccions with that prince that shall nexte pretende title and succession in the said Reame of Fraunce when porsute shalbe made on his behalf unto his grace for confirmacion of the old am[itie] as to the said articles and his answer to be made up[on] the same shalbe thought convenient and agreable. Wherein for the singlier love and entier affecion that his highnesse bereth to his said cousin his grace entendeth noo thing to doo till suche tyme as he maye knowe the resolute mynde and answer of his said cousin; whiche answer they shall desire to have delyvered unto theym as soon as conveniently may be, to th'entent that with all diligence the same maye be by theym conveyed and brought to the Kinges highnesse considring that it is not to be doubted but hasty porsute shalbe made unto the Kinges highnesse on the behalf of the successor of the said Frensche King, not oonly for the confirmacion of the old amitie, but also for innovation and newe intelligence to be made upon the same.

Item that they, as well at their arriving in the parties of Spayne as also in all their waye and jorneying towards the corte of the said King of Aragon, and specially at their comyng to the corte and when they shalbe in companye of any noble or wise personages of that reame, they shall by the moost wise and secrete wayes that they can use, endevor theymself to knowe in what state and condicion the said King of Aragon nowe standeth, and hath stande in sithens the dethe of the Quene, within the reame of Castile; that is to say, what favor and love the subgetts of that reame, specially the nobles, bere unto him.

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