DUNCAN, King of Scotland. MALCOLM, DONALBAIN, S Sons to tb King. MACBETH, Generals of the King's Army. BANQUO, CATHNESS, FLEANCE, Son to Banquo. SIWARD, General of the English Forces. SEYTON, an Officer attending on Macbeth. Dottor. Lady MACBETH. Lady MACDUFF. Gentlewomen attending on Lady Macbeth. Lords, Gentlemen, Officers, Soldiers and Attendants. The Ghoft of Banquo, and feveral other Apparitions SCENE in the end of the fourth act lyes in England, through the reft of the Play in Scotland, and chiefly at Macbeth's Cafile. Suppos'd to be true biftory; taken from Hector Boetius, and ether Scotifh Chroniclers. MAC MACBETH. ACT I. SCENE I. An open Heath. Thunder and Lightning. Enter three Witches. 1 Witch. W HEN fhall we three meet again When the battel's loft and won. 3 Witch. That will be ere fet of fun. I Witch. Where the place? 2 Witch. Upon the heath. 3 Witch. There I go to meet Macbeth. I Witch. I come, I come, Grimalkin 2 Witch. Padocke calls-anon! All. Fair is foul, and foul is fair, Hover through fog and filthy air. [done, [They rife from the ftage, and fly away, SCENE II. The Palace at Foris. Enter King Malcolm, Donalbain, Lenox, with Attendants, meeting a bleeding Captain. King. What bloody man is that? he can report, As feemeth by his plight, of the revolt The newest state. Mal. This is the ferjeant, who Like a right good and hardy foldier fought 'Gainft my captivity. Hail, hail, brave friend! Cap. Doubtful long it ftood; As two spent fwimmers that do cling together, And And choak their art: the mercilefs Macdonel Do fwarm upon him) from the western ifles Who ne'er thook hands nor bid farewel to him, King. Oh valiant coufin! worthy gentleman! King. Difmay'd not this Our captains, brave Macbeth and Banquo ? As fparrows eagles, or the hare the lion. As cannons over-charg'd; with double cracks, I cannot tell But I am faint, my gafhes cry for help King. So well thy words become thee, as thy wounds: They Imack of honour both. Go, get him furgeons. By this is meant the Rainbow the ftrongest and most remarkable reflection of any the fun gives. Enter Enter Roffe and Angus. But who comes here? Mal. The worthy Thane of Roffe. [look, Len. What hafte looks through his eyes? fo fhould he That feems to fpeak things frange! Roffe. God fave the King! King. Whence cam'ft thou, worthy Thane ? Roffe. From Fife, great King, Where the Norweyan banners flout the sky, Norway, himself with numbers terrible, The Thane of Cawdor, 'gan a difmal conflict; King. Great happiness! Roffe. Now Sweno, Norway's King, craves compofition: Nor would we deign him burial of his men, 'Till he difburfed, at Saint Colmkil-ifle, Ten thousand dollars, to our gen'ral use. -King. No more that Thane of Cawdor fhall deceive Our bofom int'reft. Go, pronounce his death, Roffe. I'll fee it done. King. What he hath loft, noble Macheth hath won. [Exe. SCENE III. The Heath. Thunder. Enter the three Witches. 1 Witch. Where haft thou been, fifter? 2 Witch. Killing fwine. 3 Witch. Sifter, where thou? Witch. A failor's wife had cheftnuts in her lap, And mouncht, and mouncht, and mouncht. Give me, Aroint thee, witch, the rump-fed ronyon cries. [quoth I, Her husband's to Aleppo gone, mafter o'th' Tiger: But in a fieve I'll thither fail, And like a rat without a tail, • Colmkil is one of the western lles of Scotland, otherwife call'd I'N |