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Fifth Edition, Revised and Corrected from the Census of 1851, Price 18. GEOGRAPHY for ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS; FIRST COURSE;

Comprising the Physical and Descriptive Geography of the Globe.

The productions of an experienced teacher demand from us more than ordinary attention; and when such a teacher comes before us with the claims to our respect possessed by the head master of the Royal Naval Lower School, Greenwich Hospital, we think we can scarcely exceed the consideration his case deserves. We knew Mr. Hughes to be an able man, and were therefore prepared for the ability his work displays. As a First Course, it is everything that could be desired. The extreme cheapness of the book is its least recommendation. We strongly urge its adoption by schools of both sexes-to the junior classes of which it will be found of the greatest possible benefit.-Educational Times.

It is not easy to give sufficient intensity to the expression of our conviction, that Mr. Hughes has done more for the cause of intellectual education, by his several recently-published school-books, than almost any man living; and no ordinary words of approval and commendation can do justice to our feeling of respect and admiration for his labours. The little work with which he now favours us requires only to be known to win an unprecedented place in elementary schools. It contains the substance of lessons which, in the author's experience, have been found interesting to children; and beginning with simple matters, fitted to engage a young learner's attention, and quite easy of comprehension, it gradually leads him on to subjects that demand more application and maturity of mind.

It contains outlines of both the Physical and Political Geography of the entire globe; and it is intended that, being read with reference to good maps, it should impart a sound general knowledge of the different countries. We have so carefully and minutely examined it, as to be able to speak with the greatest confidence of its condensation of an immense mass of information, its excellent arrangement, its very interesting manner, and its great superiority to other books of its class; and we say this with a distinct recollection of several admirable works, which have assisted to raise instruction in geography above the acquisition by rote of long dreary lists of names and dry details,which it was, very extensively, in common schools, even a few years ago. For completeness, real adaptation, and genuine interest, nothing more can be well desired or reached than is to be found in this little work. And as it contains 200 closely-printed and illustrated pages for a shilling, it is not likely to be surpassed in cheapness.-The Nonconformist.

We have previously had occasion to notice the excellent manner in which Mr. Hughes compresses and simplifies facts for purposes of instruction, and the little work before us is a very useful illustration of the justice of our commendation. It is "essentially practical," and, as the author intended, "a book that may be used with advantage to pupils, and satisfaction to teachers." The object has been to teach geography as intellectually as possible, and thus "by beginning with simple matters that a child can, not merely understand, but feel a lively interest in," to lead him insensibly on to make an effort to comprehend that which, if offered to his attention at the commencement of his studies, would have repelled him



as entirely barren of entertainment. "Simple facts and statements are, therefore, placed in the early part of the work, and subjects requiring greater maturity of thought are reserved until the pupil begins to feel his strength." As this is an eminently rational mode of procedure, there is no difficulty in fully crediting Mr. Hughes's statement that, as head master of the Royal Naval Lower School, Greenwich, he has found it successful.— Blackburn Standard.

Having perused Mr. Hughes's work, we unhesitatingly say that the clear and common-sense style in which it is written renders it a great desideratum, and one which will be alike useful to pupil and teacher.-Port of Ports mouth Guardian.

An enlarged and enlightened mind, with the benefit of practical observation, has enabled Mr. Hughes to understand the requirements of schools, in the shape of books, almost better than any man we are acquainted with. The present work is admirable, and one of the best boons he could bestow on the inmates of our public schools.-Bristol Times.

The style of this little work is well suited to the comprehension of children, leading them insensibly from the acquirement of the simplest facts in geography to a more complete knowledge of the science. The illustrations of the animals and plants of various regions will also afford much amusement to the young learner.-Bath Herald.

The present little work, which comprises a first course of instruction in geography, contains the substance of lessons which, in actual experience, have been found interesting to children, and is a book in every way calculated to convey a sound general knowledge of the different countries of the globe. In most manuals, the accumulation and defective arrangement of facts render the study of geography tiresome, and overload the memory at the expense of a true understanding of the subject. No such fault, however, is to be found here. On the contrary, Mr. Hughes is simple and comprehensive in his arrangement, while his style is clear, easy, and agreeable. It is the most useful school-book which we have seen of its class, and we have no doubt it will become a favourite with the intelligent heads of schools and with school-boys.-The Whitehaven Herald.

Mr. Hughes has rendered another essential service to schoolmasters and pupils, in presenting them with this book. Like all the other works which this clever teacher has already written, these elements are clear and concise. They contain all descriptive explanation and philosophical principles necessary for the true knowledge of geography.-Nautical Standard.

This is a useful elementary school-book, well written, and admirably adapted for junior classes. A peculiarity in this book, which we have not observed in any other, is the geographical distribution of plants, animals, and man, illustrated with appropriate woodcuts.-Stockport Advertiser.

Mr. Hughes is one of the most industrious and successful teachers and authors of this book-age. His productions are characterised by several of the leading features which secure a wide popularity. They are clear in arrangement, concise and pointed in their descriptions, and neat and elegant in their style. The contents of this book give a better idea of the elements of geography than other treatises. Though it contains nearly 200 pages of letter-press, illustrated, it it sold for the trifle of a shilling. It is got up in a very neat and convenient style.-Glasgow Examiner.

Though simple enough for the merest child, it is the most comprehensive sketch of geography, both natural and political, that we have ever seen. Many of us adults, who were forced into dislike of the science by the dry lists of names which old school-books gave us to commit to memory, would find our ideas of the world we live in wonderfully cleared up and set in order by this little treatise. It tells the things most wanted to be



known-the general surface of a country, its temperature, what sort of plants, animals, and men, live upon it, and so much varied information, that every reader will soon find his shilling's worth in it. The prints of animals of the tropical and temperate regions, and of the various races of men, will make it delightful to children.-Coventry Herald.

This little manual, we should say, is likely to become extensively popular, especially with teachers and others intrusted with the education of the young. The author has given us a large quantity of information, arranged to advantage, and imparted with clearness and precision. forms altogether a simple but comprehensive introduction to the science of which it treats, and ought to be in the hands of every teacher.-Durham Advertiser.


This is an admirable little work, intended for elementary schools. It comprises a first course of instruction in geography, and it is therefore purely an educational book; but, at the same time, it is essentially practical, abounding with geographical knowledge of the most useful kind, and as such it deserves an entrance into every school. In every respect this work is worchy of Mr. Hughes's high reputation as a teacher of youth and a scholar, and we doubt not it will soon enjoy a prosperous career.— Cambrian.

Amongst the numerous educational works of the best class published by the eminent firm of Longman and Co., the elementary books of Mr. Hughes are worthy of commendation, for the clear and succinct manner in which he conveys most useful instruction. This geography is really an invaluable little book, admirably adapted for the youthful learner; and it has this distinguishing feature, that physical geography is embraced and treated in a homely style, whilst the condition and character of various countries and climates are illustrated by references to Natural History and Botany. To the interesting subject of the different families of the human race, a chapter is devoted in this cheap and excellent class book.-Dublin Evening Post.

After going over this little volume with considerable care, we can recommend it as a class-book. It contains enough for those for whom it has been written. What is given is of sterling quality, and the arrangement is simple. We shall look forward with pleasure to the continuation of the series.~ Liverpool Courier.

The peculiarity which distinguishes this book from most others of the kind is the exceeding simplicity and clearness with which the elementary principles of geography are explained, and the pleasing and interesting manner in which the young learner is drawn on from page to page. Beautiful and correct illustrations are given where the text requires them, and the matter is well and systematically arranged. Any one accustomed to the instruction of youth will perceive at a glance that this is just the book for elementary tuition.-Doncaster Chronicle.

This is an admirable little work, well adapted for its intended objectto render information easy and clear. It is an essentially practical book, which may be used with advantage to pupils and satisfaction to teachers, The author has had much practical experience in instruction, and he has rendered no inconsiderable benefit by his production of this work. It is illustrated with a number of engravings.-The Plymouth Herald.

This little work is very successfully directed to the purpose of imparting attraction to the study of geography, its distinctive features being the reduction of the usual amount of dry geographical detail, and a corresponding amplification of the lessons on the physical and descriptive branch of that department of knowledge.-Liverpool Mercury.

We have seldom met with a work more fully calculated to effect its pur



pose; plain, concise, and intelligible-sufficiently explanatory to render its lessons attainable by the most moderate capacities-but not so diffuse as to fatigue by protracted detail. The illustrations also are apt and distinct, constituting, not as is too often the case in works of similar pretensions, simple attractions to the juvenile student, but real and valuable aid in his pursuit.-Poole Herald.

This is an excellent little book of its kind, and thoroughly performs all that it professes to do.-Bristol Journal.

This little work is worthy of Mr. Hughes's reputation, and will be found a most useful auxiliary in the tuition of geography, which is here treated not only with intellectual discernment, but in a manner well adapted to excite a lively interest in the mind of the pupil, The error of overloading the memory by a tiresome or defective arrangement of facts, is avoided; and the student is gradually led on to an enjoyment and understanding of the subject. We can recommend with confidence this wellarranged little manual to the attention of our readers.-Chester Courant.

The mode adopted to teach geography by Mr. Hughes is simple, and appears to us highly commendable. The lessons are easy and many of them illustrated, so as to please the eye and thus doubly impress as it were the memory.-Wakefield Journal.

The work before us contains a great deal of information on geography, admirably arranged for the use of elementary schools. We cordially recommend it both to teachers and scholars.-Ipswich Express.

This little work is one of greatly advanced precision and arrangement for elementary lessons, with beautifully engraved diagrams; it is at once a compendious and useful instructor, with portraits of animals and vegetables of the tropical and temperate zones.-Eddowe's Journal.

We look upon this comprehensive little work as an inexpressibly great improvement in the old style of books devoted to the tuition of children in the important science of geography. It is clear, concise, and so easily arranged that the minds of youth cannot avoid speedily attaining the knowledge it has been designed to convey.-Nottinghamshire Guardian.

Good and brief school-books have always been, next to properly-qualified teachers, a desideratum in elementary schools. Mr. Hughes has already done much to supply the want in respect of geographical tuition, and this little work is another most valuable addition to his contributions toward a genuine elementary library. It more nearly answers to the requirements of such a book than any we have seen, and it is very low-priced.--The Welshman.

This is a cheap little work designed for elementary schools. It is one of the cheapest and most comprehensive introductions to geography that we have ever seen.-Sherborne Journal.

The able Head Master of Greenwich Hospital Naval School, having found his own method of teaching geography eminently successful, has given to the world a little manual, embodying its principles in a most comprehensive and well-arranged manner, It will, we doubt not, prove extremely satisfactory to both pupils and teachers, for instead of a dry accumulation of facts and hard names, the subject is treated intellectually, by which we mean that it commences in a way, and with matters suited to a child's intellect, such that, to use the words of the preface, he can "not merely understand, but feel a lively interest in--and from which he is insensibly led on to comprehend what would, if offered earlier, have repelled him as intolerably dry." The first chapters treat of the general features and phy sical geography of the whole world, the distribution of plants, animals, and man, with his religions and occupations. Then follow lessons on the several quarters of the globe, each separate division commencing with its

peculiar physical geography, &c. &c. The whole is interspersed with sensible and judicious remarks, poetry, &c., all combining to render it as interesting as it is instructive.-Leicester Journal.

We commend this little work from an experienced pen to the notice of all interested in youthful education. In price it is a marvel of cheapness, and worthy of purchase by adults, merely to freshen their geographical memories.-Derbyshire Advertiser.


On perusing the work, we were surprised to meet with so much fresh information imparted with the utmost plainness yet precision of language, and with so many illustrations as to make the study of geography quite a recreation for boys. In the first chapter of preparatory lessons, we have simple statements as to the terms, figures, diagrams, and maps used in geography, as to the form and motions of the earth, as to meridians, parallels, and the manner of finding latitude and longitude, &c. Wood engravings are introduced, making the whole plain to the capacity of any child. account is also given of the natural divisions of the earth, of its component parts, of the distribution of plants, animals, and human beings, of the races of men, with engravings, and with the religions and occupations of mankind. We have, besides, descriptions of different countries, including their physical peculiarities, climate, productions, population, character of the inhabitants, agriculture, manufactures, trade, commerce, institutions, principal towns, &c. Much information is given respecting parts of the world, particularly Australia and Polynesia, scarcely noticed in old school-books, but which have become of great importance in this country. Altogether this treatise is infinitely superior to the dry geographies at present in use, full of lists of hard names, forgotten as soon as learnt. It might be adopted with advantage in any; and it has the merit, moreover, of being a very cheap little book.-Norfolk Chronicle.

We have no doubt that boys will learn more, and thoroughly too, from this book, in the preparatory lessons, in one hour per day for one week, than in any other during a month.-Hampshire Advertiser.

This is a very excellent compendium for the use of schools, and is recommended by its simplicity of arrangement, as well as by its moderate price.-Woolmer's Gazette.

This will be found a practical and excellent book for youth. It is written in plain and simple language, rendered still more comprehensive by numerous wood engravings; and merits, what we believe it will obtain, a very general and extensive circulation.-Hereford Journal.

A well-arranged manual, calculated to inspire the pupils with an interest in the study of geography. The earlier portions, which treat of mathematical and physical geography generally, are illustrated by several woodcuts. A great deal of valuable matter is compressed within this small volume, which will be found extremely useful both in the private and the public school-room.--John Bull.

This little work, intended as an introduction to geographical studies, may be recommended to the notice of teachers as a very excellent manual of instruction,the information contained being very considerable in amount, and imparted in a manner happily adapted to the comprehension of juvenile pupils. It contains a number of engravings.-British Mercury. This, as a first course of instruction in geography, is one of the most useful manuals we have ever seen. It is arranged in so clear and concise a manner as to be in every way attractive to the mind of youth, and will do much to remove the difficulty hitherto experienced in teaching geography intellectually, which, as the author says in his preface," there is reason to believe lies not so much in the subject as in the mode of treating it." The book is illustrated with beautiful engraved diagrams, portraits of the five

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